金蝶K3 SQL报表系列-委外核销检查表



create procedure [dbo].[sp_ICStockBill_Check]


set nocount on

declare @currYear int

declare @currPeriod int

declare @begindate datetime

declare @enddate datetime


--select * from t_systemprofile where Fkey='CurrentPeriod' and Fcategory='GL'

--select @currYear=Fvalue from t_systemprofile where Fkey='CurrentYear' and Fcategory='IC'

--select @currPeriod=Fvalue from t_systemprofile where Fkey='CurrentPeriod' and Fcategory='IC'


SELECT @currPeriod=FValue FROM t_Systemprofile WHERE FKey='CurrentPeriod' And FCategory='IC'

SELECT @currYear=FValue FROM t_Systemprofile WHERE FKey='CurrentYear' And FCategory='IC'


EXECUTE GetPeriodStartEnd 0, @currPeriod, @begindate OUTPUT, @enddate OUTPUT


create table #StockBill


FInterid int,

FEntryid int,

FOrderInterid int,

ForderEntryid int,

FQty decimal(21,10)



create table #icstockbillEntry


FStockInterid int,

FStockEntryid int,

FOrderInterid int,

FOrderEntryid int,

FItemid int,

FStarandQty decimal(21,10),

FScrap decimal(21,10),

FQtyMust decimal(21,10),

FQty decimal(21,10)




insert into #StockBill




from ICStockBillEntry u1

inner join ICStockBill t1 on u1.FInterID=t1.FInterID

where t1.FTranType=5 and ISNULL(FCheckerid,0)<>0


and t1.Fdate>=@begindate and t1.Fdate<=@enddate --


insert into #icstockbillEntry




from #StockBill u1

inner join PPBOM t1 on u1.FOrderInterid=t1.FICMOInterID and u1.ForderEntryid=t1.FOrderEntryID

inner join PPBOMEntry t2 on t2.FInterID=t1.FInterID


insert into #icstockbillEntry




from ICClientVer u1

left join #icstockbillEntry t1 on u1.FDInterID=t1.FStockInterid and u1.FDEntryID=t1.FStockEntryid

inner join ICStockBillEntry t2 on t2.FInterID=u1.FSInterID and t2.FEntryID=u1.FSEntryID and t2.FItemID=t1.FItemid

where t1.FStockInterid is null

group by u1.FDInterID,u1.FDEntryID,t2.FOrderInterID,t2.FOrderEntryID,t2.FItemID


update u1

set u1.FQty=t1.Fqty

from #icstockbillEntry u1

inner join



k1.FDInterID,k1.FDEntryID,k3.Fitemid,SUM(k1.Fqty) as FQty


ICClientVer k1

inner join ICStockBillEntry k3 on k3.FInterID=k1.FSInterID and k3.FEntryID=k1.FSEntryID

group by k1.FDInterID,k1.FDEntryID,k3.Fitemid

)t1 on t1.FDInterID=u1.FStockInterid and t1.FDEntryID=u1.FStockEntryid and u1.FItemid=t1.FItemID



t4.FBillNo 委外入库单号,

v1.FEntryid 入库单行号,

t4.FDate 入库日期,

t3.FBillNo 委外订单号,

t2.FEntryID 订单行号,

t5.FNumber 产品代码,

t5.FName 产品名称,

t5.FModel 产品规格,

t2.FQty 订单数量,

t2.FStockQty 订单入库数量,

t1.FQty 入库数量,

t6.FNumber 材料代码,

t6.FName 材料名称,

t6.FModel 材料规格,

u1.FStarandQty 标准用量,

u1.FScrap [损耗(%)],

u1.FQtyMust 应核销数量,

isnull(u1.FQty,0) 实际核销数量,

u1.FQtyMust-isnull(u1.FQty,0) 差异数量


#StockBill v1

left join #icstockbillEntry u1 on u1.FStockInterid=v1.FInterid and u1.FStockEntryid=v1.FEntryid

left join ICStockBillEntry t1 on v1.FInterid=t1.FInterID and v1.FEntryid=t1.FEntryID

left join ICStockBill t4 on t4.FInterID=t1.FInterID

left join ICSubContractEntry t2 on t2.FInterID=u1.FOrderInterid and t2.FEntryID=u1.FOrderEntryid

left join ICSubContract t3 on t3.FInterID=t2.FInterID

left join t_ICItem t5 on t5.FItemID=t1.FItemID

left join t_ICItem t6 on t6.FItemID=u1.FItemid

order by u1.FStockInterid,u1.FStockEntryid

drop table #icstockbillEntry

drop table #StockBill


exec sp_icstockbill_check


posted @ 2023-05-16 11:52  小米online  阅读(118)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报