SQL 查询的 15 个 Pandas 函数
Import data from SQL to Python
# Let's start with connecting SQL with Python and Importing the SQL data as DataFrame import pyodbc import pandas as pd import numpy as np connection_string = ("Driver={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};" "Server=Your_Server_Name;" "Database=My_Database_Name;" "UID=Your_User_ID;" "PWD=Your_Password;") connection = pyodbc.connect(connection_string) # Using the same query as above to get the output in dataframe # We are importing top 10 rows and all the columns of State_Population Table population = pd.read_sql('SELECT TOP(10) * FROM State_Population', connection) # OR # write the query and assign it to variable query = 'SELECT * FROM STATE_AREAS WHERE [area (sq. mi)] > 100000' # use the variable name in place of query string area = pd.read_sql(query, connection)
Once we have the data in the form of DataFrame, now we can see how to manipulate them using Pandas in Python. In this article, we are going to see how we can replicate the SQL constructs in Python. There is no one “Best” way, but many good paths. You chose the one you wish for.
Basic SQL Queries
We are going to deconstruct the most basic of the SQL queries and see how the same result can be achieved in Python. The queries which we will discuss in this article are
- SELECT column_name(s)
- FROM table_name
- WHERE condition
- GROUP BY column_name(s)
- HAVING condition
- ORDER BY column_name(s)
The methodology we are going to adopt is like this: We will write a SQL query, and then list some possible ways in which the same result can be achieved in Python. We have three tables in the database which we are going to use, and we have imported two of them as DataFrames in Python already. We will use one of these Data Frames (population) to understand these concepts.
The table State_Population is already imported and the DataFrame is named as population.
In [2]:
state/region | ages | year | population | |
0 | AL | under18 | 2012 | 1117489.0 |
1 | AL | total | 2012 | 4817528.0 |
2 | AL | under18 | 2010 | 1130966.0 |
3 | AL | total | 2010 | 4785570.0 |
4 | AL | under18 | 2011 | 1125763.0 |
Let us see how to replicate the SQL function in Python and get the same or similar results.
Note: The main headings are the broad SQL query names. And inside those headings, the actual SQL query being used to replicate are written in BOLD and note format. Below them, all the Python ways to replicate them are mentioned as numbered methods, one after the other.
state/region | ages | year | population | |
0 | AL | under18 | 2012 | 1117489.0 |
1 | AL | total | 2012 | 4817528.0 |
2 | AL | under18 | 2010 | 1130966.0 |
3 | AL | total | 2010 | 4785570.0 |
4 | AL | under18 | 2011 | 1125763.0 |
… | … | … | … | … |
2539 | USA | total | 2010 | 309326295.0 |
2540 | USA | under18 | 2011 | 73902222.0 |
2541 | USA | total | 2011 | 311582564.0 |
2542 | USA | under18 | 2012 | 73708179.0 |
2543 | USA | total | 2012 | 313873685.0 |
2544 rows × 4 columns
# By calling the dataframe.column
SELECT population, year FROM State_Population;
This query will fetch two columns(population and year) and all the rows from the state_population table. In Python, it can be achieved in the following ways.
3. Call the DataFrame with column names (Selecting)
Notice the names of the columns as a list, inside the indexing brackets [].
population[['population', 'year']]
df.loc([row names], [column names])
. 如果只传递“ :”而不是名称列表,则表示考虑所有。所以df.loc(: , [column names])
意味着获取给定列名的所有行population.loc[:,['population', 'year']]
The DataFrame above is the output from all the above codes. Different methods, same output.
SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name
WHERE condition
SELECT * FROM State_Population WHERE year = 2010;
This query will fetch all the columns and only those rows from the state_population table where the year column has a value equal to 2010. In Python, it can be achieved in the following ways.
5. Use Python’s Slicing method
population[population.year == 2010]
population.query('year == 2010')
8.使用pandas lambda函数
请注意,使用了 apply 方法,将 lambda 函数应用于列的每个元素。然后将其结果送入索引括号内以对原始 DataFrame 进行切片。
population[population.apply(lambda x: x["year"] == 2010, axis=1)]
state/region | ages | year | population | |
2 | AL | under18 | 2010 | 1130966.0 |
3 | AL | total | 2010 | 4785570.0 |
90 | AK | under18 | 2010 | 187902.0 |
91 | AK | total | 2010 | 713868.0 |
100 | AZ | under18 | 2010 | 1628563.0 |
… | … | … | … | … |
2405 | WY | total | 2010 | 564222.0 |
2490 | PR | total | 2010 | 3721208.0 |
2491 | PR | under18 | 2010 | 896945.0 |
2538 | USA | under18 | 2010 | 74119556.0 |
2539 | USA | total | 2010 | 309326295.0 |
106 rows × 4 columns
The DataFrame above is the output from all the above codes. Different methods, same output.
# By using Pythons indexing and slicing population[(population.year.isin([2010, 2012])) & (population.ages == "under18")][['state/region', 'population', 'year']]
state/region | population | year | |
0 | AL | 1117489.0 | 2012 |
2 | AL | 1130966.0 | 2010 |
90 | AK | 187902.0 | 2010 |
94 | AK | 188162.0 | 2012 |
96 | AZ | 1617149.0 | 2012 |
… | … | … | … |
2404 | WY | 135351.0 | 2010 |
2491 | PR | 896945.0 | 2010 |
2494 | PR | 841740.0 | 2012 |
2538 | USA | 74119556.0 | 2010 |
2542 | USA | 73708179.0 | 2012 |
106 rows × 3 columns
population.query('(year==2010 | year==2012) & ages == "under18"')[['state/region', 'population', 'year']]
state/region | population | year | |
0 | AL | 1117489.0 | 2012 |
2 | AL | 1130966.0 | 2010 |
90 | AK | 187902.0 | 2010 |
94 | AK | 188162.0 | 2012 |
96 | AZ | 1617149.0 | 2012 |
… | … | … | … |
2404 | WY | 135351.0 | 2010 |
2491 | PR | 896945.0 | 2010 |
2494 | PR | 841740.0 | 2012 |
2538 | USA | 74119556.0 | 2010 |
2542 | USA | 73708179.0 | 2012 |
106 rows × 3 columns
population.query('(year==2010 | year==2012) & ages == "under18"')[['state/region', 'population', 'year']]
state/region | population | year | |
0 | AL | 1117489.0 | 2012 |
2 | AL | 1130966.0 | 2010 |
90 | AK | 187902.0 | 2010 |
94 | AK | 188162.0 | 2012 |
96 | AZ | 1617149.0 | 2012 |
… | … | … | … |
2404 | WY | 135351.0 | 2010 |
2491 | PR | 896945.0 | 2010 |
2494 | PR | 841740.0 | 2012 |
2538 | USA | 74119556.0 | 2010 |
2542 | USA | 73708179.0 | 2012 |
106 rows × 3 columns
population[population.apply(lambda x: (x["year"] in [2010, 2012]) & (x["ages"] == "under18"), axis=1)]
state/region | ages | year | population | |
0 | AL | under18 | 2012 | 1117489.0 |
2 | AL | under18 | 2010 | 1130966.0 |
90 | AK | under18 | 2010 | 187902.0 |
94 | AK | under18 | 2012 | 188162.0 |
96 | AZ | under18 | 2012 | 1617149.0 |
… | … | … | … | … |
2404 | WY | under18 | 2010 | 135351.0 |
2491 | PR | under18 | 2010 | 896945.0 |
2494 | PR | under18 | 2012 | 841740.0 |
2538 | USA | under18 | 2010 | 74119556.0 |
2542 | USA | under18 | 2012 | 73708179.0 |
106 rows × 4 columns
The DataFrame above is the output from all the above codes. Different methods, same output.
SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name
WHERE condition
GROUP BY column_name(s)
HAVING condition
SELECT * FROM State_Population WHERE ages = total GROUP BY state/region HAVING AVG(population) > 10000000;
SQL 和 Pandas 的 Group By 功能从表面上看是一样的,但 Pandas groupby 的能力和效率要高得多,尤其是对于更复杂的操作。为了在python中从SQL中实现上述操作,让我们近距离看看pandas groupby函数。
# grouped by state/region population.groupby(by = 'state/region')
<pandas.core.groupby.generic.DataFrameGroupBy object at 0x0000016982CD0408>
# grouped by state/region and year population.groupby(by = ['state/region', 'year'])
<pandas.core.groupby.generic.DataFrameGroupBy object at 0x0000016982D7A908>
输出是一个 groupby 对象。输出显示分组已经完成,并且 groupby 函数完成了它的工作。但是由于我们没有被告知按哪个函数聚合,因此输出不是 DataFrame 的形式。所以让我们现在就这样做。
population.groupby(by = ['state/region', 'year']).count()
ages | population | ||
state/region | year | ||
AK | 1990 | 2 | 2 |
1991 | 2 | 2 | |
1992 | 2 | 2 | |
1993 | 2 | 2 | |
1994 | 2 | 2 | |
… | … | … | … |
WY | 2009 | 2 | 2 |
2010 | 2 | 2 | |
2011 | 2 | 2 | |
2012 | 2 | 2 | |
2013 | 2 | 2 |
1272 rows × 2 columns
我们可以将这个 groupby 对象分配给一个变量,然后使用该变量进行进一步的操作。
grouped = population.groupby(by = ['state/region', 'year'])
现在让我们复制 SQL 查询。要添加 HAVING 函数,我们需要使用 groupby 然后过滤条件。上述SQL代码的python实现如下。
13. groupby and aggregate in Pandas
df = pd.DataFrame(population.loc[population.ages == 'total', :].groupby(by = 'state/region').aggregate('population').mean()) df.loc[df.population > 10000000, :]
population | |
state/region | |
CA | 3.433414e+07 |
FL | 1.649654e+07 |
IL | 1.237080e+07 |
NY | 1.892581e+07 |
OH | 1.134238e+07 |
PA | 1.236960e+07 |
TX | 2.160626e+07 |
USA | 2.849979e+08 |
SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name
WHERE condition
GROUP BY column_name(s)
HAVING condition
ORDER BY column_name(s)
SELECT * FROM State_Population WHERE ages = total GROUP BY state/region HAVING AVG(population) > 10000000 ORDER BY population;
The order by in SQL is used to sort the table in the given order. In the above SQL code, the table needs to be ordered in ascending order (default). This task can be accomplished by using the pandas sort_values() method.
14. Order by using sort_values() in Python
df = pd.DataFrame(population.loc[population.ages == 'total', :].groupby(by = 'state/region').aggregate('population').mean()) df.loc[df .population > 10000000, :].sort_values(by = 'population')
population | |
state/region | |
OH | 1.134238e+07 |
PA | 1.236960e+07 |
IL | 1.237080e+07 |
FL | 1.649654e+07 |
NY | 1.892581e+07 |
TX | 2.160626e+07 |
CA | 3.433414e+07 |
USA | 2.849979e+08 |
默认情况下按升序进行排序。要改变这一点,应使用升序 = False
df.loc[df.population > 10000000, :].sort_values(by = 'population', ascending = False)
population | |
state/region | |
USA | 2.849979e+08 |
CA | 3.433414e+07 |
TX | 2.160626e+07 |
NY | 1.892581e+07 |
FL | 1.649654e+07 |
IL | 1.237080e+07 |
PA | 1.236960e+07 |
OH | 1.134238e+07 |
# Grouping by and the grouped table grouped = population.groupby(by = ['state/region', 'year']).mean() grouped
population | ||
state/region | year | |
AK | 1990 | 365396.0 |
1991 | 376186.5 | |
1992 | 386807.0 | |
1993 | 393312.0 | |
1994 | 395373.5 | |
… | … | … |
WY | 2009 | 347405.5 |
2010 | 349786.5 | |
2011 | 351368.0 | |
2012 | 356576.0 | |
2013 | 360168.5 |
1272 rows × 1 columns
# Sorting the Grouped table in # Ascending order of Year and (Increasing Year) # Descending order of population (decreasing population) grouped.sort_values(by = ['year', 'population'], ascending=[True, False])
population | ||
state/region | year | |
USA | 1990 | 156920663.0 |
CA | 1990 | 18970008.0 |
NY | 1990 | 11151213.5 |
TX | 1990 | 10981487.5 |
FL | 1990 | 8011057.0 |
… | … | … |
AK | 2013 | 461632.0 |
ND | 2013 | 443040.5 |
DC | 2013 | 378961.5 |
VT | 2013 | 374665.5 |
WY | 2013 | 360168.5 |
1272 rows × 1 columns
6 结论:
您一定想知道组织如何管理其庞大的数据库。他们肯定不会将其保存在 Excel 或其他电子表格格式中。现实生活中的业务数据库维护在关系数据库系统中,该系统最常使用 SQL 创建和访问。因此,了解 SQL 是任何数据科学家的必备工具。但 SQL 不仅仅是一个数据挑选工具,功能更强大。它能够完成许多数据整理和数据操作任务。但 Python 也是如此。
现在没有一种语言足以完成所有的任务,具有操作效率。因此,对 SQL 和 Python 的深入理解将帮助您选择使用哪一个来完成哪个任务。
如果您只想对数据进行选择、筛选和基本操作,则可以在 SQL 中高效地完成。但是如果需要复杂的分组操作和更多的数据操作,Python 中的 Pandas 将是一个更合适的选择。
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