poj 2777 Count Color
C A B C:区间AB内涂上颜色C。
P A B:查询区间AB内颜色种类数。
A B可以A>B
type pnode=^tnode; tnode=record lc,rc:pnode; c:longint; end; var t:pnode; i,j,k:longint; x,y,x1,y1:longint; n,m,nm:longint; ans:longint; f:array[-2..10000] of int64; s:char; procedure neww(var t:pnode); begin if t=nil then begin new(t); t^.c:=1; t^.lc:=nil; t^.rc:=nil; end; end; procedure insert(var t:pnode; l,r,x,y,ce:longint); var i,j,k:longint; mid:longint; begin with t^ do begin if c<>ce then begin mid:=(l+r) div 2; if (l=x) and (r=y) then begin c:=ce; exit; end; if c<>-1 then begin neww(lc); neww(rc); lc^.c:=t^.c; rc^.c:=t^.c; t^.c:=-1; end; if (l<=x) and (mid>=y) then begin neww(lc); insert(lc,l,mid,x,y,ce); exit; end; if (mid<x) and (r>=y) then begin neww(rc); insert(rc,mid+1,r,x,y,ce); exit; end; neww(lc); neww(rc); insert(lc,l,mid,x,mid,ce); insert(rc,mid+1,r,mid+1,y,ce); end; end; end; procedure find(t:pnode;l,r,x,y:longint); var mid:longint; begin neww(t); with t^ do begin mid:=(l+r) div 2; if c<>-1 then begin f[c]:=1; exit; end; if (l<=x) and (mid>=y) and (l<>r) then begin find(lc,l,mid,x,y); exit; end; if (mid<x) and (r>=y) and (l<>r) then begin find(rc,mid+1,r,x,y); exit; end; if l<>r then begin find(lc,l,mid,x,mid); find(rc,mid+1,r,mid+1,y); end; end; end; begin while not eof do begin readln(m,nm,n); fillchar(t,sizeof(t),0); fillchar(f,sizeof(f),0); neww(t); for i:=1 to n do begin read(s,x,y); if s='P' then begin fillchar(f,sizeof(f),0); if x>y then begin x1:=x; x:=y; y:=x1; end; x1:=0; y1:=0; ans:=0; find(t,1,m,x,y); for x1:=1 to 30 do if f[x1]<>0 then inc(ans); writeln(ans); readln; end else begin readln(j); if x>y then begin x1:=x; x:=y; y:=x1; end; insert(t,1,m,x,y,j); end; end; end; end.