备用交换机 割点
const maxe=50000; maxv=1000; type rec=record x,y,w,next:longint; flag:boolean; end; var n,m:longint; a:array[1..maxe] of rec; ls:array[1..maxv] of longint; ans:array[1..maxe] of longint; low,dfn:array[1..maxv] of longint; tot,num,ans1:longint; i,j,k:longint; root:longint; procedure dfs(r:longint); var i,j,k:longint; begin tot:=tot+1; low[r]:=tot; dfn[r]:=tot; i:=ls[r]; while i<>0 do with a[i] do begin if not flag then begin flag:=true; a[w].flag:=true; if dfn[y]=0 then begin if r=root then num:=num+1; dfs(y); if low[r]>low[y] then low[r]:=low[y]; if low[y]>=dfn[r] then ans[r]:=1; end else if low[r]>dfn[y] then low[r]:=dfn[y]; end; i:=next; end; end; procedure add(x,y:longint); begin m:=m+1; a[m].x:=x; a[m].y:=y; a[m].w:=m+1; a[m].next:=ls[x]; ls[x]:=m; m:=m+1; a[m].x:=y; a[m].y:=x; a[m].w:=m-1; a[m].next:=ls[y]; ls[y]:=m; end; begin assign(input,'gd.in'); assign(output,'gd.out'); reset(input); rewrite(output); readln(n); m:=0; num:=0; while not eof do begin readln(j,k); add(j,k); end; root:=1; dfs(1); if num>=2 then ans[root]:=1 else ans[root]:=0; ans1:=0; for i:=1 to n do if ans[i]=1 then ans1:=ans1+1; writeln(ans1); for i:=1 to n do if ans[i]=1 then writeln(i); close(input); close(output); end.