是ZooKeeper Client更高的抽象API
1. 当ZooKeeper客户端内部出现异常, 将自动进行重连或重试, 该过程对外几乎完全透明
2. 监控节点数据变化事件NodeDataChanged,需要时调用updateServerList()方法
3. Curator recipes自动移除监控
更清晰的API: 简化了ZooKeeper原生的方法, 事件等, 提供流式fluent的接口
提供Recipes实现 : 选举,共享锁, 路径cache, 分布式队列,分布式优先队列等
CuratorFrameworkFactory类提供了两个方法, 一个工厂方法newClient, 一个构建方法build. 使用工厂方法newClient可以创建一个默认的实例, 而build构建方法可以对实例进行定制. 当CuratorFramework实例构建完成, 紧接着调用start()方法, 在应用结束的时候, 需要调用close()方法. CuratorFramework是线程安全的. 在一个应用中可以共享同一个zk集群的CuratorFramework.
CuratorFramework API采用了连贯风格的接口(Fluent Interface). 所有的操作一律返回构建器, 当所有元素加在一起之后, 整个方法看起来就像一个完整的句子. 比如下面的操作:
client.create().forPath("/head") client.delete().inBackground().forPath("/head") client.create().withMode(CreateMode.EPHEMERAL_SEQUENTIAL).forPath("/head/child") client.getData().watched().inBackground().forPath("/test")
create(): 发起一个create操作. 可以组合其他方法 (比如mode 或background) 最后以forPath()方法结尾
delete(): 发起一个删除操作. 可以组合其他方法(version 或background) 最后以forPath()方法结尾
checkExists(): 发起一个检查ZNode 是否存在的操作. 可以组合其他方法(watch 或background) 最后以forPath()方法结尾
getData(): 发起一个获取ZNode数据的操作. 可以组合其他方法(watch, background 或get stat) 最后以forPath()方法结尾
setData(): 发起一个设置ZNode数据的操作. 可以组合其他方法(version 或background) 最后以forPath()方法结尾
getChildren(): 发起一个获取ZNode子节点的操作. 可以组合其他方法(watch, background 或get stat) 最后以forPath()方法结尾
inTransaction(): 发起一个ZooKeeper事务. 可以组合create, setData, check, 和/或delete 为一个操作, 然后commit() 提交
通过ClientListener实现。 通过CuratorFramework实例里的addListener()注册listener. listener实现以下方法:
- eventReceived() 当一个后台操作完成或者指定的watch被触发时该方法被调用
CuratorEvent(在以前版本为ClientEvent)是对各种操作触发相关事件对象(POJO)的一个完整封装, 而事件对象的内容跟事件类型相关, 事件类型可通过getType()获得。下面是对应关系:
因为一个zk集群会被多个应用共享, 为了避免各个应用的zk patch冲突, Curator Framework内部会给每一个Curator Framework实例分配一个namespace(可选). 这样你在create ZNode的时候都会自动加上这个namespace作为这个node path的root. 使用代码如下:
CuratorFramework client = CuratorFrameworkFactory.builder().namespace("MyApp") ... build(); … client.create().forPath("/test", data); // 实际上节点路径为: "/MyApp/test"
Curator还提供了临时的CuratorFramework: CuratorTempFramework,意思是在一个容易失败的网络如WAN中,向zooKeeper的单一请求。 一定时间不活动后连接会被关闭,只提供了有限的api. 临时 CuratorFramework基于Camille Fournier的一篇文章:
创建builder时不是调用build()而是调用buildTemp()。 3分钟不活动连接就被关闭,也可以指定不活动的时间。 它只提供了下面几个方法:
/** * Stop the client */ public void close(); /** * Start a transaction builder * * @return builder object * @throws Exception errors */ public CuratorTransaction inTransaction() throws Exception; /** * Start a get data builder * * @return builder object * @throws Exception errors */ public TempGetDataBuilder getData() throws Exception;
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package framework; import org.apache.curator.RetryPolicy; import org.apache.curator.framework.CuratorFramework; import org.apache.curator.framework.CuratorFrameworkFactory; import org.apache.curator.retry.ExponentialBackoffRetry; public class CreateClientExamples { public static CuratorFramework createSimple(String connectionString) { // these are reasonable arguments for the ExponentialBackoffRetry. The first // retry will wait 1 second - the second will wait up to 2 seconds - the // third will wait up to 4 seconds. ExponentialBackoffRetry retryPolicy = new ExponentialBackoffRetry(1000, 3); // The simplest way to get a CuratorFramework instance. This will use default values. // The only required arguments are the connection string and the retry policy return CuratorFrameworkFactory.newClient(connectionString, retryPolicy); } public static CuratorFramework createWithOptions(String connectionString, RetryPolicy retryPolicy, int connectionTimeoutMs, int sessionTimeoutMs) { // using the CuratorFrameworkFactory.builder() gives fine grained control // over creation options. See the CuratorFrameworkFactory.Builder javadoc // details return CuratorFrameworkFactory.builder() .connectString(connectionString) .retryPolicy(retryPolicy) .connectionTimeoutMs(connectionTimeoutMs) .sessionTimeoutMs(sessionTimeoutMs) // etc. etc. .build(); } }
package com.colobu.zkrecipe.framework; import java.util.List; import org.apache.curator.framework.CuratorFramework; import org.apache.curator.framework.api.BackgroundCallback; import org.apache.curator.framework.api.CuratorEvent; import org.apache.curator.framework.api.CuratorListener; import org.apache.zookeeper.CreateMode; import org.apache.zookeeper.Watcher; public class CrudExample { public static void main(String[] args) { } public static void create(CuratorFramework client, String path, byte[] payload) throws Exception { // this will create the given ZNode with the given data client.create().forPath(path, payload); } public static void createEphemeral(CuratorFramework client, String path, byte[] payload) throws Exception { // this will create the given EPHEMERAL ZNode with the given data client.create().withMode(CreateMode.EPHEMERAL).forPath(path, payload); } public static String createEphemeralSequential(CuratorFramework client, String path, byte[] payload) throws Exception { // this will create the given EPHEMERAL-SEQUENTIAL ZNode with the given // data using Curator protection. return client.create().withProtection().withMode(CreateMode.EPHEMERAL_SEQUENTIAL).forPath(path, payload); } public static void setData(CuratorFramework client, String path, byte[] payload) throws Exception { // set data for the given node client.setData().forPath(path, payload); } public static void setDataAsync(CuratorFramework client, String path, byte[] payload) throws Exception { // this is one method of getting event/async notifications CuratorListener listener = new CuratorListener() { @Override public void eventReceived(CuratorFramework client, CuratorEvent event) throws Exception { // examine event for details } }; client.getCuratorListenable().addListener(listener); // set data for the given node asynchronously. The completion // notification // is done via the CuratorListener. client.setData().inBackground().forPath(path, payload); } public static void setDataAsyncWithCallback(CuratorFramework client, BackgroundCallback callback, String path, byte[] payload) throws Exception { // this is another method of getting notification of an async completion client.setData().inBackground(callback).forPath(path, payload); } public static void delete(CuratorFramework client, String path) throws Exception { // delete the given node client.delete().forPath(path); } public static void guaranteedDelete(CuratorFramework client, String path) throws Exception { // delete the given node and guarantee that it completes client.delete().guaranteed().forPath(path); } public static List<String> watchedGetChildren(CuratorFramework client, String path) throws Exception { /** * Get children and set a watcher on the node. The watcher notification * will come through the CuratorListener (see setDataAsync() above). */ return client.getChildren().watched().forPath(path); } public static List<String> watchedGetChildren(CuratorFramework client, String path, Watcher watcher) throws Exception { /** * Get children and set the given watcher on the node. */ return client.getChildren().usingWatcher(watcher).forPath(path); } }
package com.colobu.zkrecipe.framework; import java.util.Collection; import org.apache.curator.framework.CuratorFramework; import org.apache.curator.framework.api.transaction.CuratorTransaction; import org.apache.curator.framework.api.transaction.CuratorTransactionFinal; import org.apache.curator.framework.api.transaction.CuratorTransactionResult; public class TransactionExample { public static void main(String[] args) { } public static Collection<CuratorTransactionResult> transaction(CuratorFramework client) throws Exception { // this example shows how to use ZooKeeper's new transactions Collection<CuratorTransactionResult> results = client.inTransaction().create().forPath("/a/path", "some data".getBytes()) .and().setData().forPath("/another/path", "other data".getBytes()) .and().delete().forPath("/yet/another/path") .and().commit(); // IMPORTANT! The transaction is not submitted until commit() is called for (CuratorTransactionResult result : results) { System.out.println(result.getForPath() + " - " + result.getType()); } return results; } /* * These next four methods show how to use Curator's transaction APIs in a * more traditional - one-at-a-time - manner */ public static CuratorTransaction startTransaction(CuratorFramework client) { // start the transaction builder return client.inTransaction(); } public static CuratorTransactionFinal addCreateToTransaction(CuratorTransaction transaction) throws Exception { // add a create operation return transaction.create().forPath("/a/path", "some data".getBytes()).and(); } public static CuratorTransactionFinal addDeleteToTransaction(CuratorTransaction transaction) throws Exception { // add a delete operation return transaction.delete().forPath("/another/path").and(); } public static void commitTransaction(CuratorTransactionFinal transaction) throws Exception { // commit the transaction transaction.commit(); } }
1) 新建 maven项目,添加依赖,添加curator-recipes即可
<dependency > <groupId >org.apache.curator </ groupId> <artifactId > curator-recipes</ artifactId > <version >2.6.0 </ version> </dependency >
2) 采用CuratorFrameworkFactory.newClient() 或者 build() 方式 创建CuratorFramework实例,如下所示:
RetryPolicy retryPolicy = new ExponentialBackoffRetry(1000, 3); CuratorFramework client; // client= CuratorFrameworkFactory.newClient(CONNECTSTRING, retryPolicy); client=CuratorFrameworkFactory. builder(). connectString( CONNECTSTRING ) .connectionTimeoutMs(30000) .sessionTimeoutMs(30000) .canBeReadOnly( false ).retryPolicy(retryPolicy) .namespace( NAMESPACE ) .defaultData( null ) .build();
3) client.start() 启动,结束时调用client.close() 关闭
4) 通过fluent方式进行相关操作,如下增删改查:
client.create().forPath( PATH, "hello world" .getBytes()); byte [] bs=client.getData().forPath( PATH); System. out.println( "新建的节点,data为: " + new String(bs)); client.setData().forPath( PATH ,"hello china".getBytes()); // 由于是在background模式下获取的data,此时的 bs可能为null byte [] bs2=client.getData().watched().inBackground().forPath( PATH); System. out.println( "新修改的节点,data为: " + new String(bs2!=null ? bs2 : new byte[0])); client.delete().forPath( PATH );
package curator; import org.apache.curator.RetryPolicy; import org.apache.curator.framework.CuratorFramework; import org.apache.curator.framework.CuratorFrameworkFactory; import org.apache.curator.retry.ExponentialBackoffRetry; import org.apache.curator.utils.CloseableUtils; import; public class CuratorClientExample { public static String CONNECTSTRING= ""; public static String PATH= "/crud"; public static String NAMESPACE= "fortest"; public static void main(String[] args) { RetryPolicy retryPolicy = new ExponentialBackoffRetry(1000, 3); CuratorFramework client; // client= CuratorFrameworkFactory.newClient(CONNECTSTRING, retryPolicy); client=CuratorFrameworkFactory. builder(). connectString( CONNECTSTRING ) .connectionTimeoutMs(30000) .sessionTimeoutMs(30000) .canBeReadOnly( false ).retryPolicy(retryPolicy) .namespace( NAMESPACE ) .defaultData( null ) .build(); client.start(); try { client.create().forPath( PATH ,"hello world".getBytes()); byte [] bs=client.getData().forPath( PATH); System. out .println("新建的节点,data为: " + new String(bs)); client.setData().forPath( PATH ,"hello china".getBytes()); // 由于是在background模式下获取的data,此时的 bs可能为null byte [] bs2=client.getData().watched().inBackground().forPath( PATH); System. out .println("新修改的节点,data为: " + new String(bs2!=null ? bs2 : new byte[0])); client.delete().forPath( PATH ); Stat stat=client.checkExists().forPath( PATH ); // Stat 就是对zonde所有属性的一个映射, stat=null表示节点不存在! System. out .println(stat); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } finally { CloseableUtils. closeQuietly(client); } } }
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