300. Longest Increasing Subsequence

Given an unsorted array of integers, find the length of longest increasing subsequence.

Input: [10,9,2,5,3,7,101,18]
Output: 4 
Explanation: The longest increasing subsequence is [2,3,7,101], therefore the length is 4. 






 1 class Solution {
 2 public:
 3     int lengthOfLIS(vector<int>& nums) {
 4         vector<int> lis;
 5         for (int num: nums) {
 6             auto it = lower_bound(lis.begin(), lis.end(), num);
 7             if (it == lis.end())
 8                 lis.push_back(num);
 9             else
10                 *it = num;
11         }
12         return lis.size();
13     }
14 };


posted @ 2018-07-14 21:04  Zzz...y  阅读(130)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报