<strong><span style="font-size:18px;">#ifndef _GTREE_H_ #define _GTREE_H_ typedef void GTree; typedef void GTreeData; typedef void (GTree_Printf)(GTreeData*); GTree* GTree_Create(); void GTree_Destroy(GTree* tree); void GTree_Clear(GTree* tree); int GTree_Insert(GTree* tree, GTreeData* data, int pPos); GTreeData* GTree_Delete(GTree* tree, int pos); GTreeData* GTree_Get(GTree* tree, int pos); GTreeData* GTree_Root(GTree* tree); int GTree_Height(GTree* tree); int GTree_Count(GTree* tree); int GTree_Degree(GTree* tree); void GTree_Display(GTree* tree, GTree_Printf* pFunc, int gap, char div); #endif </span></strong>
<strong><span style="font-size:18px;">#include <stdio.h> #include <malloc.h> #include "GTree.h" #include "LinkList.h" typedef struct _tag_GTreeNode GTreeNode; struct _tag_GTreeNode { GTreeData* data; GTreeNode* parent; LinkList* child; }; typedef struct _tag_TLNode TLNode; struct _tag_TLNode { LinkListNode header; GTreeNode* node; }; static void recursive_display(GTreeNode* node, GTree_Printf* pFunc, int format, int gap, char div) { //数据 int i = 0; if( (node != NULL) && (pFunc != NULL) ) { for(i=0; i<format; i++) { printf("%c", div); } //符号 pFunc(node->data); printf("\n"); for(i=0; i<LinkList_Length(node->child); i++) { TLNode* trNode = (TLNode*)LinkList_Get(node->child, i); recursive_display(trNode->node, pFunc, format + gap, gap, div); } } } static void recursive_delete(LinkList* list, GTreeNode* node) { if( (list != NULL) && (node != NULL) ) { GTreeNode* parent = node->parent; int index = -1; int i = 0; for(i=0; i<LinkList_Length(list); i++) { TLNode* trNode = (TLNode*)LinkList_Get(list, i); if( trNode->node == node ) { LinkList_Delete(list, i); free(trNode); index = i; break; } } if( index >= 0 )//从父结点删除 { if( parent != NULL ) { for(i=0; i<LinkList_Length(parent->child); i++) { TLNode* trNode = (TLNode*)LinkList_Get(parent->child, i); if( trNode->node == node ) { LinkList_Delete(parent->child, i); free(trNode); break; } } } while( LinkList_Length(node->child) > 0 )//将孩子们也删掉 { TLNode* trNode = (TLNode*)LinkList_Get(node->child, 0); recursive_delete(list, trNode->node); } LinkList_Destroy(node->child); free(node); } } } static int recursive_height(GTreeNode* node) { int ret = 0; if( node != NULL ) { int subHeight = 0; int i = 0; for(i=0; i<LinkList_Length(node->child); i++) { TLNode* trNode = (TLNode*)LinkList_Get(node->child, i); subHeight = recursive_height(trNode->node); if( ret < subHeight ) { ret = subHeight; } } ret = ret + 1; } //加上根结点 return ret; } static int recursive_degree(GTreeNode* node) { int ret = -1; if( node != NULL ) { int subDegree = 0; int i = 0; ret = LinkList_Length(node->child); for(i=0; i<LinkList_Length(node->child); i++) { TLNode* trNode = (TLNode*)LinkList_Get(node->child, i); subDegree = recursive_degree(trNode->node); if( ret < subDegree ) { ret = subDegree; } } } return ret; } GTree* GTree_Create() { return LinkList_Create(); } void GTree_Destroy(GTree* tree) { GTree_Clear(tree); LinkList_Destroy(tree); } void GTree_Clear(GTree* tree) { GTree_Delete(tree, 0); } int GTree_Insert(GTree* tree, GTreeData* data, int pPos) { LinkList* list = (LinkList*)tree; int ret = (list != NULL) && (data != NULL) && (pPos < LinkList_Length(list)); if( ret ) { TLNode* trNode = (TLNode*)malloc(sizeof(TLNode)); TLNode* cldNode = (TLNode*)malloc(sizeof(TLNode)); TLNode* pNode = (TLNode*)LinkList_Get(list, pPos); GTreeNode* cNode = (GTreeNode*)malloc(sizeof(GTreeNode)); ret = (trNode != NULL) && (cldNode != NULL) && (cNode != NULL); if( ret ) { cNode->data = data; cNode->parent = NULL; cNode->child = LinkList_Create(); trNode->node = cNode; cldNode->node = cNode; LinkList_Insert(list, (LinkListNode*)trNode, LinkList_Length(list)); if( pNode != NULL ) { cNode->parent = pNode->node; LinkList_Insert(pNode->node->child, (LinkListNode*)cldNode, LinkList_Length(pNode->node->child)); } } else { free(trNode); free(cldNode); free(cNode); } } return ret; } GTreeData* GTree_Delete(GTree* tree, int pos) { TLNode* trNode = (TLNode*)LinkList_Get(tree, pos); GTreeData* ret = NULL; if( trNode != NULL ) { ret = trNode->node->data; recursive_delete(tree, trNode->node); } return ret; } GTreeData* GTree_Get(GTree* tree, int pos) { TLNode* trNode = (TLNode*)LinkList_Get(tree, pos); GTreeData* ret = NULL; if( trNode != NULL ) { ret = trNode->node->data; } return ret; } GTreeData* GTree_Root(GTree* tree) { return GTree_Get(tree, 0); } int GTree_Height(GTree* tree) { TLNode* trNode = (TLNode*)LinkList_Get(tree, 0); int ret = 0; if( trNode != NULL ) { ret = recursive_height(trNode->node); } return ret; } int GTree_Count(GTree* tree) { return LinkList_Length(tree); } int GTree_Degree(GTree* tree) { TLNode* trNode = (TLNode*)LinkList_Get(tree, 0); int ret = -1; if( trNode != NULL ) { ret = recursive_degree(trNode->node); } return ret; } void GTree_Display(GTree* tree, GTree_Printf* pFunc, int gap, char div) { TLNode* trNode = (TLNode*)LinkList_Get(tree, 0); if( (trNode != NULL) && (pFunc != NULL) ) { recursive_display(trNode->node, pFunc, 0, gap, div); } } </span></strong>
<strong><span style="font-size:18px;">#include <stdio.h> #include "GTree.h" /* run this program using the console pauser or add your own getch, system("pause") or input loop */ void printf_data(GTreeData* data) { printf("%c", (int)data); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { GTree* tree = GTree_Create(); int i = 0; GTree_Insert(tree, (GTreeData*)'A', -1); GTree_Insert(tree, (GTreeData*)'B', 0); GTree_Insert(tree, (GTreeData*)'C', 0); GTree_Insert(tree, (GTreeData*)'D', 0); GTree_Insert(tree, (GTreeData*)'E', 1); GTree_Insert(tree, (GTreeData*)'F', 1); GTree_Insert(tree, (GTreeData*)'H', 3); GTree_Insert(tree, (GTreeData*)'I', 3); GTree_Insert(tree, (GTreeData*)'J', 3); printf("Tree Height: %d\n", GTree_Height(tree)); printf("Tree Degree: %d\n", GTree_Degree(tree)); printf("Full Tree:\n"); GTree_Display(tree, printf_data, 2, ' '); printf("Get Tree Data:\n"); for(i=0; i<GTree_Count(tree); i++) { printf_data(GTree_Get(tree, i)); printf("\n"); } printf("Get Root Data:\n"); printf_data(GTree_Root(tree)); printf("\n"); GTree_Delete(tree, 3); printf("After Deleting D:\n"); GTree_Display(tree, printf_data, 2, '-'); GTree_Clear(tree); printf("After Clearing Tree:\n"); GTree_Display(tree, printf_data, 2, '.'); GTree_Destroy(tree); return 0; }</span></strong>
<strong><span style="font-size:18px;">#ifndef _BTREE_H_ #define _BTREE_H_ #define BT_LEFT 0 #define BT_RIGHT 1 typedef void BTree; typedef unsigned long long BTPos; typedef struct _tag_BTreeNode BTreeNode; struct _tag_BTreeNode { BTreeNode* left; BTreeNode* right; }; typedef void (BTree_Printf)(BTreeNode*); BTree* BTree_Create(); void BTree_Destroy(BTree* tree); void BTree_Clear(BTree* tree); int BTree_Insert(BTree* tree, BTreeNode* node, BTPos pos, int count, int flag); BTreeNode* BTree_Delete(BTree* tree, BTPos pos, int count); BTreeNode* BTree_Get(BTree* tree, BTPos pos, int count); BTreeNode* BTree_Root(BTree* tree); int BTree_Height(BTree* tree); int BTree_Count(BTree* tree); int BTree_Degree(BTree* tree); void BTree_Display(BTree* tree, BTree_Printf* pFunc, int gap, char div); #endif </span></strong>
<strong><span style="font-size:18px;"></pre><p></p><p>BTree.c</p><pre name="code" class="objc">#include <stdio.h> #include <malloc.h> #include "BTree.h" typedef struct _tag_BTree TBTree; struct _tag_BTree { int count; BTreeNode* root; }; static void recursive_display(BTreeNode* node, BTree_Printf* pFunc, int format, int gap, char div) // O(n) { int i = 0; if( (node != NULL) && (pFunc != NULL) ) { for(i=0; i<format; i++) { printf("%c", div); } pFunc(node); printf("\n"); if( (node->left != NULL) || (node->right != NULL) ) { recursive_display(node->left, pFunc, format + gap, gap, div); recursive_display(node->right, pFunc, format + gap, gap, div); }//利用递归来实现空的地方预留位置 } else { for(i=0; i<format; i++) { printf("%c", div); } printf("\n"); } } static int recursive_count(BTreeNode* root) // O(n) { int ret = 0; if( root != NULL ) { ret = recursive_count(root->left) + 1 + recursive_count(root->right); } return ret; } static int recursive_height(BTreeNode* root) // O(n) { int ret = 0; if( root != NULL ) { int lh = recursive_height(root->left); int rh = recursive_height(root->right); ret = ((lh > rh) ? lh : rh) + 1; } return ret; } static int recursive_degree(BTreeNode* root) // O(n) { int ret = 0; if( root != NULL ) { if( root->left != NULL ) { ret++; } if( root->right != NULL ) { ret++; } if( ret == 1 ) { int ld = recursive_degree(root->left); int rd = recursive_degree(root->right); if( ret < ld ) { ret = ld; } if( ret < rd ) { ret = rd; } } } return ret; } BTree* BTree_Create() // O(1) { TBTree* ret = (TBTree*)malloc(sizeof(TBTree)); if( ret != NULL ) { ret->count = 0; ret->root = NULL; } return ret; } void BTree_Destroy(BTree* tree) // O(1) { free(tree); } void BTree_Clear(BTree* tree) // O(1) { TBTree* btree = (TBTree*)tree; if( btree != NULL ) { btree->count = 0; btree->root = NULL; } } int BTree_Insert(BTree* tree, BTreeNode* node, BTPos pos, int count, int flag) // O(n) { TBTree* btree = (TBTree*)tree; int ret = (btree != NULL) && (node != NULL) && ((flag == BT_LEFT) || (flag == BT_RIGHT)); int bit = 0; if( ret ) { BTreeNode* parent = NULL; BTreeNode* current = btree->root; node->left = NULL; node->right = NULL; while( (count > 0) && (current != NULL) ) { bit = pos & 1; pos = pos >> 1; parent = current; if( bit == BT_LEFT ) { current = current->left; } else if( bit == BT_RIGHT ) { current = current->right; } count--; } if( flag == BT_LEFT ) { node->left = current; } else if( flag == BT_RIGHT ) { node->right = current; } if( parent != NULL ) { if( bit == BT_LEFT ) { parent->left = node; } else if( bit == BT_RIGHT ) { parent->right = node; } } else { btree->root = node; } btree->count++; } return ret; } BTreeNode* BTree_Delete(BTree* tree, BTPos pos, int count) // O(n) { TBTree* btree = (TBTree*)tree; BTreeNode* ret = NULL; int bit = 0; if( btree != NULL ) { BTreeNode* parent = NULL; BTreeNode* current = btree->root; while( (count > 0) && (current != NULL) ) { bit = pos & 1; pos = pos >> 1; parent = current; if( bit == BT_LEFT ) { current = current->left; } else if( bit == BT_RIGHT ) { current = current->right; } count--; } if( parent != NULL ) { if( bit == BT_LEFT ) { parent->left = NULL; } else if( bit == BT_RIGHT ) { parent->right = NULL; } } else { btree->root = NULL; } ret = current; btree->count = btree->count - recursive_count(ret); } return ret; } BTreeNode* BTree_Get(BTree* tree, BTPos pos, int count) // O(n) { TBTree* btree = (TBTree*)tree; BTreeNode* ret = NULL; int bit = 0; if( btree != NULL ) { BTreeNode* current = btree->root; while( (count > 0) && (current != NULL) ) { bit = pos & 1; pos = pos >> 1; if( bit == BT_LEFT ) { current = current->left; } else if( bit == BT_RIGHT ) { current = current->right; } count--; } ret = current; } return ret; } BTreeNode* BTree_Root(BTree* tree) // O(1) { TBTree* btree = (TBTree*)tree; BTreeNode* ret = NULL; if( btree != NULL ) { ret = btree->root; } return ret; } int BTree_Height(BTree* tree) // O(n) { TBTree* btree = (TBTree*)tree; int ret = 0; if( btree != NULL ) { ret = recursive_height(btree->root); } return ret; } int BTree_Count(BTree* tree) // O(1) { TBTree* btree = (TBTree*)tree; int ret = 0; if( btree != NULL ) { ret = btree->count; } return ret; } int BTree_Degree(BTree* tree) // O(n) { TBTree* btree = (TBTree*)tree; int ret = 0; if( btree != NULL ) { ret = recursive_degree(btree->root); } return ret; } void BTree_Display(BTree* tree, BTree_Printf* pFunc, int gap, char div) // O(n) { TBTree* btree = (TBTree*)tree; if( btree != NULL ) { recursive_display(btree->root, pFunc, 0, gap, div); } }</span></strong>
<strong><span style="font-size:18px;">#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "BTree.h" /* run this program using the console pauser or add your own getch, system("pause") or input loop */ struct Node { BTreeNode header; char v; }; void printf_data(BTreeNode* node) { if( node != NULL ) { printf("%c", ((struct Node*)node)->v); } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { BTree* tree = BTree_Create(); struct Node n1 = {{NULL, NULL}, 'A'}; struct Node n2 = {{NULL, NULL}, 'B'}; struct Node n3 = {{NULL, NULL}, 'C'}; struct Node n4 = {{NULL, NULL}, 'D'}; struct Node n5 = {{NULL, NULL}, 'E'}; struct Node n6 = {{NULL, NULL}, 'F'}; BTree_Insert(tree, (BTreeNode*)&n1, 0, 0, 0); BTree_Insert(tree, (BTreeNode*)&n2, 0x00, 1, 0); BTree_Insert(tree, (BTreeNode*)&n3, 0x01, 1, 0); BTree_Insert(tree, (BTreeNode*)&n4, 0x00, 2, 0); BTree_Insert(tree, (BTreeNode*)&n5, 0x02, 2, 0); BTree_Insert(tree, (BTreeNode*)&n6, 0x02, 3, 0); printf("Height: %d\n", BTree_Height(tree)); printf("Degree: %d\n", BTree_Degree(tree)); printf("Count: %d\n", BTree_Count(tree)); printf("Position At (0x02, 2): %c\n", ((struct Node*)BTree_Get(tree, 0x02, 2))->v); printf("Full Tree: \n"); BTree_Display(tree, printf_data, 4, '-'); BTree_Delete(tree, 0x00, 1); printf("After Delete B: \n"); printf("Height: %d\n", BTree_Height(tree)); printf("Degree: %d\n", BTree_Degree(tree)); printf("Count: %d\n", BTree_Count(tree)); printf("Full Tree: \n"); BTree_Display(tree, printf_data, 4, '-'); BTree_Clear(tree); printf("After Clear: \n"); printf("Height: %d\n", BTree_Height(tree)); printf("Degree: %d\n", BTree_Degree(tree)); printf("Count: %d\n", BTree_Count(tree)); BTree_Display(tree, printf_data, 4, '-'); BTree_Destroy(tree); return 0; }</span></strong>
<strong><span style="font-size:18px;">void pre_order_traversal(BTreeNode* root) { if( root != NULL ) { printf("%c, ", ((struct Node*)root)->v); pre_order_traversal(root->left); pre_order_traversal(root->right); } } void middle_order_traversal(BTreeNode* root) { if( root != NULL ) { middle_order_traversal(root->left); printf("%c, ", ((struct Node*)root)->v); middle_order_traversal(root->right); } } void post_order_traversal(BTreeNode* root) { if( root != NULL ) { post_order_traversal(root->left); post_order_traversal(root->right); printf("%c, ", ((struct Node*)root)->v); } } void level_order_traversal(BTreeNode* root) { //利用队列完成层次 遍历 if( root != NULL ) { LinkQueue* queue = LinkQueue_Create(); if( queue != NULL ) { LinkQueue_Append(queue, root); while( LinkQueue_Length(queue) > 0 ) { struct Node* node = (struct Node*)LinkQueue_Retrieve(queue); printf("%c, ", node->v); LinkQueue_Append(queue, node->header.left); LinkQueue_Append(queue, node->header.right); } } LinkQueue_Destroy(queue); } } </span></strong>
<strong><span style="font-size:18px;">//方法 1 void thread_via_left(BTreeNode* root, BTreeNode** pp) { //参数传递,传递局部变量,用二级指针 if( (root != NULL) && (pp != NULL) ) { if( *pp != NULL ) { (*pp)->left = root; *pp = NULL; } if( root->left == NULL ) { *pp = root; } thread_via_left(root->left, pp); thread_via_left(root->right, pp); } } //方法 2 利用线性表 void thread_via_list(BTreeNode* root, SeqList* list) { if( (root != NULL) && (list != NULL) ) { SeqList_Insert(list, (SeqListNode*)root, SeqList_Length(list)); thread_via_list(root->left, list); thread_via_list(root->right, list); } }</span></strong>
<strong><span style="font-size:18px;">1.二叉树定义 typedef struct BTreeNodeElement_t_ { void *data; } BTreeNodeElement_t; typedef struct BTreeNode_t_ { BTreeNodeElement_t *m_pElemt; struct BTreeNode_t_ *m_pLeft; struct BTreeNode_t_ *m_pRight; } BTreeNode_t;</span></strong>
<strong><span style="font-size:18px;">2.比较两个二叉树结构和数据是否同时相同,即两个一模一样的树 与上面的不同之处在于:在比较结构是否相同之后,需要比较当前节点的数据是否一致。 算法是一致的,只需要添加一行代码即可。 (1)递归方式: bool BTreeCompare( BTreeNode_t *pRoot1, BTreeNode_t *pRoot2) { //如果都为空树,则相同 if( pRoot1 == NULL && pRoot2 == NULL ) return true; //如果一个为空,一个不为空,则不相同 if( ( pRoot1 != NULL && pRoot2 == NULL ) || ( pRoot1 == NULL && pRoot2 != NULL ) ) return false; //比较当前节点中的数据 if( pRoot1->m_pElemt != pRoot2->m_pElemt) return false; //如果都不为空,则 需要比较左右子树后,再根据比较结果断定 bool leftCmp = BTreeCompare( pRoot1->m_pLeft, pRoot2->m_pLeft); bool rightCmp = BTreeCompare( pRoot1->m_pRight, pRoot2->m_pRight); return ( leftCmp && rightCmp ); } (2)非递归方式 bool BTreeCompare(BTreeNode_t *pRoot1, BTreeNode_t *pRoot2) { if( pRoot1 == NULL && pRoot2 == NULL ) return false; queue <BTreeNode_t *> que1; queue <BTreeNode_t *> que2; que1.push(pRoot1); que2.push(pRoot2); int curLevelNodeTotal1 = 0; int curLevelNodeTotal2 = 0; bool flag = true; //作为比较不一致时跳出标识 while( ( !que1.empty()) && ( !que2.empty())) //当两个队列均不为空时,才进行比较 { curLevelNodeTotal1 = que1.size(); //获取树1的当前层节点总数 curLevelNodeTotal2 = que2.size(); //获取树2的当前层节点总数 if( curLevelNodeTotal1 != curLevelNodeTotal2){ flag = false;//当前层节点总数都不一致,不需要比较了,直接跳出 break; } int cnt1 = 0;//遍历本层节点时的计数器 int cnt2 = 0; while( cnt1 < curLevelNodeTotal1 && cnt2 < curLevelNodeTotal2){ ++cnt1; ++cnt2; pRoot1 = que1.front(); que1.pop(); pRoot2 = que2.front(); que2.pop(); //比较当前节点中数据是否一致 if( pRoot1->m_pElemt != pRoot2->m_pElemt ){ flag = false; break; } //判断pRoot1和pRoot2左右节点结构是否相同 if( ( pRoot1->m_pLeft != NULL && pRoot2->m_pLeft == NULL ) || ( pRoot1->m_pLeft == NULL && pRoot2->m_pLeft != NULL ) || ( pRoot1->m_pRight != NULL && pRoot2->m_pRight == NULL ) || ( pRoot1->m_pRight == NULL && pRoot2->m_pRight != NULL ) ){ flag = false; break; } //将左右节点入队 if( pRoot1->m_pLeft != NULL ) que1.push( pRoot1->m_pLeft); if( pRoot1->m_pRight != NULL ) que1.push( pRoot1->m_pRight); if( pRoot2->m_pLeft != NULL ) que2.push( pRoot2->m_pLeft); if( pRoot2->m_pRight != NULL ) que2.push( pRoot2->m_pRight); } if( flag == false ) break; } //如果比较标志为false,则不相同 if( flag == false ){ while( !que1.empty() ) que1.pop(); while( !que2.empty()) que2.pop(); return false; } return true; }</span></strong>