01 2024 档案
摘要:题目传送门 codeforces 洛谷 题目大意 给你一个由 个正整数组成的数组 。在一次操作中,选取 ,将 加到 的末尾。你的任务是在执行 操作后,最小化最后数组 的最小值。 思路 分
摘要:题目传送门 codeforces 洛谷 题面 Alice and Bob are playing a game. They have an array . The game consists of two steps: First, Alice will r
摘要:题目传送门 codeforces 洛谷 题面 There are cities located on the number line, the \-th city is in the point . The coordinates of the cities are give
摘要:寄,会写题不会讲 题目传送门 codeforces 洛谷 题面 In this problem, you are initially given an empty multiset. You have to process two types of queries: ADD — add
摘要:题目链接 codeforces 洛谷 题面 Winter holidays are coming up. They are going to last for days. During the holidays, Monocarp wants to try all of these acti