what's this?
The Proxy object is used to define custom behavior for fundamental operations (e.g. property lookup, assignment, enumeration, function invocation, etc).
It's means that you can define the fundamental behavior to control the object that you currently use.Such as read a property of the object, you can define a get trap method of the handler that is the second parmater of the proxy 's constructor ,or set a property you can use set trap method.And so on.
Just like it's name, proxy is a middle-ware between your operation and actual object recived the opreation.
let modal = new Proxy( { data:{}, bindList:{}, /* * @param {DomElement} entry dom节点 * @param {String} prop 要绑定的属性 * @param {String} data 该属性对应的数据名称 bind:function(entry,prop,data){ let self = this; if( !this.bindList[data] ) this.bindList[data] = []; this.bindList[data].push(function(){ entry[prop] = self['data'][data] }) } },{ get:function( obj, prop,reviver){ if( prop == 'data' || prop == 'bindList' || prop == 'bind' ) return obj[prop] return obj['data'][prop] ? obj['data'][prop] : undefined; }, set:function( obj, data, value){ let index = 0; obj['data'][data] = value; while( obj['bindList'][data][index] ){ obj['bindList'][data][index](); index++; } } })
之所以开篇写不知道怎么形容是因为我总觉得这玩意能搞大事情,但是另一方面,你在使用它的时候要完成某种操作很可能要使用与原来截然不同的方式去完成,所以到底是编程利器还是其他的东西 ,只能拭目以待了。还有以前使用avalone时avalone的define方法返回来的东西也是个proxy所以影响深刻,当然了此proxy非彼proxy只是名字相似罢了。