kuangbin专题七 线段树【从入门到熟练】【13题】
【POJ 2528 Mayor's posters】
#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<cmath> #include<queue> #include<string> #include<stack> #include<map> #include<iomanip> #include<algorithm> #include<vector> #define INF 2e9 #define MAXN 20010 #define maxnode 100000 #define ll long long #define lowbit(x) (x&(-x)) int dx[4]={0,0,1,-1}; int dy[4]={1,-1,0,0}; using namespace std; int l[MAXN],r[MAXN],a[MAXN]; map<int,int> mp; struct node{ int l,r; bool covered; int d;//有没有被cover,有多少部分被cover不重要,只关心这个区间有没有被【完全】cover node *ls,*rs; }pool[MAXN*4]; int top; node* buildT(int l,int r){ node* p = pool + (++top); p->l=l; p->r=r; p->covered=false; p->d=0; if( l==r ) return p; p->ls = buildT(l,(l+r)/2); p->rs = buildT( (l+r)/2+1,r ); return p; } void update(node* p,int l,int r){//覆盖上这个区间 if( p->l==l && p->r==r ){ p->d=1; return; } int mid=(p->l+p->r)/2; if( mid>=r ) update(p->ls,l,r); else if( l>mid ) update(p->rs,l,r); else{ update(p->ls,l,mid); update(p->rs,mid+1,r); } p->d = p->d | ( p->ls->d&p->rs->d); } bool query(node* p,int l,int r){//询问这个区间有没有被完全覆盖 if( p->l==l && p->r==r ) return p->d; if( p->d ) return true;//p->d为1的话,省去了pushdown == 况且p->d为0的话也不能pushdown int mid=(p->l+p->r)/2; if( mid>=r ) return query(p->ls,l,r); else if( l>mid ) return query(p->rs,l,r); return query(p->ls,l,mid)&query(p->rs,mid+1,r); } int main(){ //ios::sync_with_stdio(false); int t; scanf("%d",&t); while(t--){ int n; scanf("%d",&n); int cnt=0,id=0; for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){ scanf("%d%d",&l[i],&r[i]); a[++id]=l[i]; a[++id]=r[i]; } sort(a+1,a+1+id); int num=unique(a+1,a+1+id)-(a+1); for(int i=1;i<=num;i++) mp[ a[i] ] = i; top=0; node* root = buildT(1,num); for(int i=n;i>=1;i--){ if( !query(root,mp[ l[i] ],mp[ r[i] ]) ) cnt++; update(root,mp[ l[i] ],mp[ r[i] ]); } printf("%d\n",cnt); } return 0; }
【HDU 2698 Just a Hook】
对于线段树我想的是每个node对应一个区间 [l,r] ,并且会用d存一个这个区间里所记录的值,那这涉及到一个问题是对于终止结点该怎么修改,修改后要怎么反馈到上层结点(即push up)。
#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<cmath> #include<queue> #include<string> #include<stack> #include<map> #include<iomanip> #include<algorithm> #include<vector> #define INF 2e9 #define MAXN 200010 #define maxnode 100000 #define ll long long #define lowbit(x) (x&(-x)) int dx[4]={0,0,1,-1}; int dy[4]={1,-1,0,0}; using namespace std; struct node{ int l,r; int d,tag; node *ls,*rs; }pool[4*MAXN]; int top; node* buildT(int l,int r){ node* p = pool + (++top); p->l=l; p->r=r; p->tag=0;//以下的都是tag类型的hook if( l==r ){ p->d=1; return p; } int mid = (l+r)/2; p->ls = buildT(l,mid); p->rs = buildT(mid+1,r); p->d = p->ls->d+p->rs->d; return p; } int getData(node* p){ if(p->tag==0) return p->d; return (p->r-p->l+1)*p->tag; } void pushdown(node* p){ if(p->tag==0) return; p->ls->tag = p->tag; p->rs->tag = p->tag; p->d = getData(p); p->tag=0; } void update(node* p,int l,int r,int type){ if( p->l==l && p->r==r ){ p->tag=type; return; } pushdown(p);//顺序重要 int mid=(p->r+p->l)/2; if( r<=mid ) update(p->ls,l,r,type); else if( l>mid ) update(p->rs,l,r,type); else{ update(p->ls,l,mid,type); update(p->rs,mid+1,r,type); } p->d = getData(p->ls)+getData(p->rs); } int query(node* p,int l,int r){ if( p->l==l && p->r==r ) return getData(p); pushdown(p); int mid = (p->l+p->r)/2; if( r<=mid ) return query(p->ls,l,r); else if( l>mid ) return query(p->rs,l,r); return query(p->ls,l,mid)+query(p->rs,mid+1,r); } int main(){ //ios::sync_with_stdio(false); int t; scanf("%d",&t); for(int i=1;i<=t;i++){ int n,q; scanf("%d%d",&n,&q); top=0; node* root = buildT(1,n); for(int j=1;j<=q;j++){ int x,y,z; scanf("%d%d%d",&x,&y,&z); update(root,x,y,z); } printf("Case %d: The total value of the hook is %d.\n",i,query(root,1,n)); } return 0; }
【ZOJ 1610 Count the Colors】
这题算是我很喜欢的一道线段树题了, 没有被虐就没有热爱。感觉这题好是好在在线段树里加入了【暴力】,就很棒
需要敏锐地捕捉到对于每个data set只会有一次询问,那么O(n)的复杂度处理询问是可以接受的喂!
而且注意到这里有个好处是由于dfs那么叶子节点的访问顺序一定是[1,1] , [2,2] , [3,3] , ... , [n,n],借此可以算出整个颜色段
#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<cmath> #include<queue> #include<string> #include<stack> #include<map> #include<iomanip> #include<algorithm> #include<vector> #define INF 2e9 #define MAXN 200010 #define maxnode 100000 #define ll long long #define lowbit(x) (x&(-x)) int dx[4]={0,0,1,-1}; int dy[4]={1,-1,0,0}; using namespace std; struct node{ int l,r; int tag; node *ls,*rs; }pool[4*MAXN]; int ans[MAXN]; int top; node* buildT(int l,int r){ node* p = pool + (++top); p->l=l; p->r=r; p->tag=-1; if( l==r ) return p; int mid = (l+r)>>1; p->ls = buildT( l,mid ); p->rs = buildT( mid+1,r ); return p; } void pushdown(node* p){ if( p->tag==-1 ) return; p->ls->tag=p->tag; p->rs->tag=p->tag; p->tag=-1; } void update(node* p,int l,int r,int dx){ if( p->l==l && p->r==r ){ p->tag = dx; return; } int mid = (p->l+p->r)>>1; pushdown(p); if( r<=mid ) update(p->ls,l,r,dx); else if( l>mid ) update(p->rs,l,r,dx); else{ update(p->ls,l,mid,dx); update(p->rs,mid+1,r,dx); } } int last; void query(node* p,int l,int r){ if( l==r ){ if( p->tag!=-1 && p->tag!=last ) ans[ p->tag ]++; last=p->tag; return; } pushdown(p); int mid = (p->l+p->r)>>1; if( r<mid ) query(p->ls,l,r); else if( l>mid ) query(p->rs,l,r); else{ query(p->ls,l,mid); query(p->rs,mid+1,r); } } int main(){ //ios::sync_with_stdio(false); int n; while( scanf("%d",&n)!=EOF ){ top=0; node* root = buildT(1,8000); for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){ int x1,x2,c; scanf("%d%d%d",&x1,&x2,&c); update(root,x1+1,x2,c); } memset(ans,0,sizeof(ans)); last=-1; query(root,1,8000); for(int i=0;i<=8000;i++){ if( ans[i] ) printf("%d %d\n",i,ans[i]); } printf("\n"); } return 0; }
【HDU 4027 Can you answer these queries?】
主要还是不知道要怎么更新一个区间,因为这个区间里的数都square root一下让区间和减小多少是不好说的。对于这种题就是要多想想,想到一个性质然后就能做了。关键点在于一个数square root最多7下就变成1了,而1以后就不影响了。所以更新的时候判断下当前区间是否都是1,如果都是1直接return(都是1的话就是区间和等于区间长度);不然的话不管它是不是终止结点(直到叶子结点为止)都继续更新下去。也就是说前几次都是O(n)代价更新,那为什么不会超时呢?因为当更新次数足够多以后,再更新的时候就会发现当前区间都是1,那么就自动变成logn更新了!O(n)线性更新的总代价应该是7*n级别的,完全可以过。
#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<cmath> #include<queue> #include<string> #include<stack> #include<map> #include<iomanip> #include<algorithm> #include<vector> #define INF 2e9 #define MAXN 200010 #define maxnode 100000 #define ll long long #define lowbit(x) (x&(-x)) using namespace std; ll a[MAXN]; struct node{ int l,r; ll d,tag;//endurance & if all is 1 node *ls,*rs; }pool[4*MAXN]; int top; node* buildT(int l,int r){ node* p = pool + (++top); p->l = l; p->r = r; p->tag = 0; if( l==r ){ p->d = a[l]; if( a[l]==1 ) p->tag=1; return p; } int mid = (l+r)>>1; p->ls = buildT(l,mid); p->rs = buildT(mid+1,r); p->d = p->ls->d + p->rs->d; p->tag = (p->ls->tag&&p->rs->tag); return p; } void update(node* p,int l,int r){ if( p->l==l && p->r==r && p->tag ){//all is one return; } if(p->l==p->r){//leaves p->d = long( sqrt(p->d) ); if( p->d==1 ) p->tag=1; return; } int mid = (p->l+p->r)>>1; if( r<=mid ) update(p->ls,l,r); else if( l>mid ) update(p->rs,l,r); else{ update(p->ls,l,mid); update(p->rs,mid+1,r); } p->d = p->ls->d + p->rs->d; p->tag = p->ls->tag && p->rs->tag; return; } ll query(node* p,int l,int r){ if( p->l==l && p->r==r ) return p->d; int mid = (p->l+p->r)>>1; if( r<=mid ) return query(p->ls,l,r); else if( l>mid ) return query(p->rs,l,r); return query(p->ls,l,mid)+query(p->rs,mid+1,r); } int main(){ //ios::sync_with_stdio(false); int n,tc=0; while( scanf("%d",&n)!=EOF ){ printf("Case #%d:\n",++tc); for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) scanf("%lld",a+i); int m; scanf("%d",&m); top=0; node* root = buildT(1,n); for(int i=1;i<=m;i++){ int t,x,y; scanf("%d%d%d",&t,&x,&y); if( x>y ) swap(x,y); if( t==0 ) update(root,x,y); else printf("%lld\n",query(root,x,y)); } printf("\n"); } return 0; }
【HDU 1540 Tunnel Warfare】
#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<cmath> #include<queue> #include<string> #include<stack> #include<fstream> #include<map> #include<iomanip> #include<algorithm> #include<vector> #define INF 2e9 #define MAXN 50010 #define maxnode 100000 #define ll long long #define lowbit(x) (x&(-x)) int dx[4]={0,0,1,-1}; int dy[4]={1,-1,0,0}; using namespace std; struct node{ int l,r; int tag;//对于叶子结点是d值,对于其他结点就是tag node *ls,*rs; }pool[2*MAXN]; int top,n,m; node* buildT(int l,int r){ node* p = pool + (++top); p->l=l; p->r=r; if( l==r ){ p->tag=n; return p; } int mid = (l+r)>>1; p->ls = buildT(l,mid); p->rs = buildT(mid+1,r); p->tag=0; return p; } void update(node* p,int l,int r,int dx){ //cout<<p->l<<" "<<p->r<<" "<<l<<" "<<r<<" "<<dx<<endl; if(l>r) return; if( p->l==l && p->r==r ){ p->tag+=dx; return; } int mid = (p->l+p->r)>>1; if( r<=mid ) update(p->ls,l,r,dx); else if( l>mid ) update(p->rs,l,r,dx); else{ update(p->ls,l,mid,dx); update(p->rs,mid+1,r,dx); } } void pushdown(node* p){ p->ls->tag+=p->tag; p->rs->tag+=p->tag; p->tag=0; } int query(node* p,int l){ if( p->l==l && p->r==l ) return p->tag; pushdown(p); int mid=(p->l+p->r)>>1; if( l<=mid ) return query(p->ls,l); return query(p->rs,l); } int del[MAXN]; int main(){ //freopen("1.in","r",stdin); //freopen("1.out","w",stdout); //ios::sync_with_stdio(false); while( scanf("%d%d",&n,&m)!=EOF ){ //区间修改,单点询问 //不需要维护区间值 map<int,int> mp; stack<int> s; memset(del,0,sizeof(del)); top=0; node* root = buildT(1,n); for(int i=1;i<=m;i++){ char a[2]; scanf("%s",a); if( a[0]=='D' ){ int x; scanf("%d",&x); if( del[x] ) { s.push(x); continue; } s.push(x); mp[x]=1; del[x]=1; map<int,int>::iterator it,it1,it2; it=mp.find(x); it2=(++it); it--; if( it!=mp.begin() ) { it1=(--it); it++; } if( it2!=mp.end() && it!=mp.begin() ){//左右两边都有其他被摧毁的village update(root,x+1,it2->first-1,-(x-it1->first));//先考虑右边的,减少的量是x到it1+1间城市的数量 update(root,it1->first+1,x-1,-(it2->first-x)); } else if( it2!=mp.end() && it==mp.begin() ){//右边有被摧毁的village,左边没有 update(root,x+1,it2->first-1,-x); update(root,1,x-1,-(it2->first-x)); } else if( it!=mp.begin() && it2==mp.end() ){//左边有被摧毁的village,右边没有 update(root,x+1,n,-(x-it1->first)); update(root,it1->first+1,x-1,-(n-x+1)); } else{ update(root,x+1,n,-x); update(root,1,x-1,-(n-x+1)); } } else if( a[0]=='Q' ){ int x; scanf("%d",&x); if( del[x] ) printf("0\n"); else printf("%d\n",query(root,x)); } else{ //数值直接取反 while( !s.empty() && del[ s.top() ]==0 ) s.pop(); if( s.empty() ) continue; int x=s.top(); s.pop(); del[x]=0; map<int,int>::iterator it,it1,it2; it=mp.find(x); it2=(++it); it--; if( it!=mp.begin() ) { it1=(--it); it++; } if( it2!=mp.end() && it!=mp.begin() ){//左右两边都有其他被摧毁的village update(root,x+1,it2->first-1,x-it1->first);//先考虑右边的,减少的量是x到it1+1间城市的数量 update(root,it1->first+1,x-1,it2->first-x); } else if( it2!=mp.end() && it==mp.begin() ){//右边有被摧毁的village,左边没有 update(root,x+1,it2->first-1,x); update(root,1,x-1,it2->first-x); } else if( it!=mp.begin() && it2==mp.end() ){//左边有被摧毁的village,右边没有 update(root,x+1,n,x-it1->first); update(root,it1->first+1,x-1,n-x+1); } else{ update(root,x+1,n,x); update(root,1,x-1,n-x+1); } mp.erase(x); } } } return 0; }
【HDU 3974 Assign the task】
#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<cmath> #include<queue> #include<string> #include<stack> #include<fstream> #include<map> #include<iomanip> #include<algorithm> #include<vector> #define INF 2e9 #define MAXN 50010 #define maxnode 100000 #define ll long long #define lowbit(x) (x&(-x)) int dx[4]={0,0,1,-1}; int dy[4]={1,-1,0,0}; using namespace std; struct node{ int l,r; int tag; node *ls,*rs; }pool[4*MAXN]; int vis[MAXN],cnt,Prev[MAXN],post[MAXN],top; vector<int> edge[MAXN]; void dfs(int u){ Prev[u] = ++cnt; for(int i=0;i<edge[u].size();i++) dfs( edge[u][i] ); post[u] = ++cnt; } node* buildT(int l,int r){ node* p = pool + (++top); p->l=l; p->r=r; p->tag=-1;//一开始都没有干活 if( l==r ) return p; int mid=(l+r)>>1; p->ls = buildT(l,mid); p->rs = buildT(mid+1,r); return p; } void pushdown(node* p){ if(p->tag==-1) return; p->ls->tag = p->rs->tag = p->tag; p->tag=-1; } void update(node* p,int l,int r,int dx){//这个区间里的人去干dx这个活 if( p->l==l && p->r==r ){ p->tag=dx; return; } pushdown(p); int mid = (p->l+p->r)>>1; if( r<=mid ) update(p->ls,l,r,dx); else if( l>mid ) update(p->rs,l,r,dx); else{ update(p->ls,l,mid,dx); update(p->rs,mid+1,r,dx); } } int query(node* p,int l){ if( p->l==l && p->r==l ) return p->tag; pushdown(p); int mid = (p->l+p->r)>>1; if( l<=mid ) return query(p->ls,l); return query(p->rs,l); } int main(){ //freopen("1.in","r",stdin); //freopen("1.out","w",stdout); //ios::sync_with_stdio(false); int t,tc=0; scanf("%d",&t); while( t-- ){ for(int i=1;i<=50000;i++) edge[i].clear(); memset(vis,0,sizeof(vis)); cnt = top = 0; printf("Case #%d:\n",++tc); int n; scanf("%d",&n); for(int i=1;i<n;i++){ int u,v; scanf("%d%d",&u,&v); vis[u]=1;//u不是root edge[v].push_back(u); } int rt; for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){ if( !vis[i] ) rt=i;//找到boss } dfs(rt); node* root = buildT(Prev[rt],post[rt]); int m; scanf("%d",&m); for(int i=1;i<=m;i++){ char a[2]; scanf("%s",a); if( a[0]=='C' ){ int x; scanf("%d",&x); printf("%d\n",query(root,Prev[x])); } else{ int x,y; scanf("%d%d",&x,&y); update(root,Prev[x],post[x],y); } } } return 0; }
【HDU 4578 Transformation】
因此想到记录区间的和为 data = (d*tag2)+tag1*len【即先乘再加,但其本质是人为的定义了一种修改,使得其免去了先加再乘还是先乘再加的问题】如果区间加dx,那就tag1+=dx;如果区间乘dx,那就tag1*=dx, tag2*=dx。拿笔推一推就能想通了。这样的话pushdown的时候该怎么做呢?当然还是先乘再加,(可以理解为不要把tag1和tag2看成两个操作,因为tag1指的是考虑tag2的乘对区间带来的影响后加的数值)所以这只是一种区间操作,这种区间操作是先乘tag1,再加tag2。那么这里还有第三种操作即区间变常数,这样的话我们要再修改一下之前定义的操作。那么我们考虑是先变常数,再乘加;还是先乘加再变常数。当然选择先变常数,修改的时候再记得把tag1=0,tag2=1;后变常数的话没法做,因为不管tag1,tag2怎么维护,最后都变成常数了。
(x1+c)^2+(x2+c)^2+(x3+c)^2 ... (xn+c)^2 与 x1^2+x2^2+x3^2+...+xn^2之间有什么关系,简单推一下得到
d2' = d2 + len*c^2 + 2*c*d1 (d1是区间和,d2是原本的平方和,d2'是修改后的平方和)
其实思考一下可以想到还是立刻更新d值更好,不然的话在pushup的时候要不断做getData,会带来很大的常数;与此相对的,如果立刻更新的话直接做p->d = p->ls->d + p->rs->d就好了。
#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<cmath> #include<queue> #include<string> #include<stack> #include<fstream> #include<map> #include<iomanip> #include<algorithm> #include<vector> #define INF 2e9 #define MAXN 100100 #define maxnode 100000 #define ll long long #define lowbit(x) (x&(-x)) int mod = 10007; int dx[4]={0,0,1,-1}; int dy[4]={1,-1,0,0}; using namespace std; struct node{ int l,r; ll tag1,tag2,tag3;//tag1是加,tag2是乘, tag3是区间变 ll d1,d2,d3; node *ls,*rs; }pool[4*MAXN]; int top; node* buildT(int l,int r){ node* p = pool +(++top); p->l=l; p->r=r; p->tag1=0; p->tag2=1; p->tag3=0; p->d1 = p->d2 = p->d3 = 0; if( l==r ) return p; int mid = (l+r)>>1; p->ls = buildT(l,mid); p->rs = buildT(mid+1,r); return p; } void pushdown(node *p){ //因为更新tag3的时候,会将其他tag都消除,所以如果tag3有值而且其他tag也有值,那么说明是先更新的tag3 if( p->tag3 ){//tag3 先变 p->ls->tag3 = p->rs->tag3 = p->tag3; p->ls->tag1 = p->rs->tag1 = 0; p->ls->tag2 = p->rs->tag2 = 1; p->ls->d1 = (p->ls->r-p->ls->l+1)*p->tag3%mod; p->ls->d2 = p->ls->d1*p->tag3%mod; p->ls->d3 = p->ls->d2*p->tag3%mod; p->rs->d1 = (p->rs->r-p->rs->l+1)*p->tag3%mod; p->rs->d2 = p->rs->d1*p->tag3%mod; p->rs->d3 = p->rs->d2*p->tag3%mod; } if( p->tag2!=1 ){//tag2 再乘 p->ls->tag1*=p->tag2; p->rs->tag1*=p->tag2; p->ls->tag2*=p->tag2; p->rs->tag2*=p->tag2; p->ls->tag1%=mod; p->rs->tag1%=mod; p->ls->tag2%=mod; p->rs->tag2%=mod; p->ls->d1*=p->tag2; p->ls->d1%=mod; p->ls->d2*=p->tag2*p->tag2%mod; p->ls->d2%=mod; p->ls->d3*=p->tag2*p->tag2%mod*p->tag2%mod; p->ls->d3%=mod; p->rs->d1*=p->tag2; p->rs->d1%=mod; p->rs->d2*=p->tag2*p->tag2%mod; p->rs->d2%=mod; p->rs->d3*=p->tag2*p->tag2%mod*p->tag2%mod; p->rs->d3%=mod; } if( p->tag1 ){//tag1 再加 p->ls->tag1+=p->tag1; p->rs->tag1+=p->tag1; p->ls->tag1%=mod; p->rs->tag1%=mod; p->ls->d3+=((p->ls->r-p->ls->l+1)*p->tag1%mod*p->tag1%mod*p->tag1%mod+3*p->tag1*p->ls->d2%mod+3*p->tag1*p->tag1%mod*p->ls->d1%mod)%mod; p->ls->d3%=mod; p->ls->d2+=((p->ls->r-p->ls->l+1)*p->tag1%mod*p->tag1%mod+2*p->tag1*p->ls->d1%mod)%mod; p->ls->d2%=mod;//这里用到的d1是更新前的,所以先更新d2 p->ls->d1+=(p->ls->r-p->ls->l+1)*p->tag1; p->ls->d1%=mod; p->rs->d3+=((p->rs->r-p->rs->l+1)*p->tag1%mod*p->tag1%mod*p->tag1%mod+3*p->tag1*p->rs->d2%mod+3*p->tag1*p->tag1%mod*p->rs->d1%mod)%mod; p->rs->d3%=mod; p->rs->d2+=((p->rs->r-p->rs->l+1)*p->tag1%mod*p->tag1%mod+2*p->tag1*p->rs->d1%mod)%mod; p->rs->d2%=mod;//这里用到的d1是更新前的,所以先更新d2 p->rs->d1+=(p->rs->r-p->rs->l+1)*p->tag1; p->rs->d1%=mod; } p->tag1=0; p->tag2=1; p->tag3=0; } void update1(node* p,int l,int r,ll dx){//这个区间加dx if( p->l==l && p->r==r ){ p->tag1+=dx; p->tag1%=mod; p->d3+=((p->r-p->l+1)*dx%mod*dx%mod*dx%mod+3*dx*p->d2%mod+3*dx*dx%mod*p->d1%mod)%mod; p->d3%=mod; p->d2+=((p->r-p->l+1)*dx%mod*dx%mod+2*dx*p->d1%mod)%mod; p->d2%=mod;//这里用到的d1是更新前的,所以先更新d2 p->d1+=(p->r-p->l+1)*dx; p->d1%=mod; return; } pushdown(p);//如果tag上有标记的话,说明这个区间有被修改过,因此要先进行上次修改再进行这次修改 int mid = (p->l+p->r)>>1; if( r<=mid ) update1(p->ls,l,r,dx); else if(l>mid) update1(p->rs,l,r,dx); else{ update1(p->ls,l,mid,dx); update1(p->rs,mid+1,r,dx); } //做到这的一定都pushdown了,两个tag一定都是初始值 p->d1 = (p->ls->d1+p->rs->d1)%mod; p->d2 = (p->ls->d2+p->rs->d2)%mod; p->d3 = (p->ls->d3+p->rs->d3)%mod; } void update2(node *p,int l,int r,ll dx){//这个区间乘dx if(p->l==l && p->r==r){ p->tag1*=dx; p->tag1%=mod; p->tag2*=dx; p->tag2%=mod; p->d1*=dx; p->d1%=mod; p->d2*=dx*dx%mod; p->d2%=mod; p->d3*=dx*dx%mod*dx%mod; p->d3%=mod; return; } pushdown(p); int mid = (p->l+p->r)>>1; if( r<=mid ) update2(p->ls,l,r,dx); else if( l>mid ) update2(p->rs,l,r,dx); else{ update2(p->ls,l,mid,dx); update2(p->rs,mid+1,r,dx); } p->d1 = (p->ls->d1+p->rs->d1)%mod; p->d2 = (p->ls->d2+p->rs->d2)%mod; p->d3 = (p->ls->d3+p->rs->d3)%mod; } void update3(node *p,int l,int r,ll dx){//这个区间都变成dx if( p->l==l && p->r==r ){ p->tag1=0; p->tag2=1; p->tag3=dx; p->d1 = (p->r-p->l+1)*dx%mod; p->d2 = p->d1*dx%mod; p->d3 = p->d2*dx%mod; return; } int mid = (p->l+p->r)>>1; pushdown(p); if( r<=mid ) update3(p->ls,l,r,dx); else if( l>mid ) update3(p->rs,l,r,dx); else{ update3(p->ls,l,mid,dx); update3(p->rs,mid+1,r,dx); } p->d1 = (p->ls->d1+p->rs->d1)%mod; p->d2 = (p->ls->d2+p->rs->d2)%mod; p->d3 = (p->ls->d3+p->rs->d3)%mod; } int query(node* p,int l,int r,int type){ if( p->l==l && p->r==r ){ if( type==1 ) return p->d1; else if(type==2) return p->d2; return p->d3; } int mid = (p->l+p->r)>>1; pushdown(p); if( r<=mid ) return query(p->ls,l,r,type); else if(l>mid) return query(p->rs,l,r,type); return (query(p->ls,l,mid,type)+query(p->rs,mid+1,r,type))%mod; } //常数优化,在打上tag的时候就得更新d值,不然的话每次都要getdata很慢 int main(){ //freopen("1.in","r",stdin); //freopen("1.out","w",stdout); //ios::sync_with_stdio(false); int n,m; while( scanf("%d%d",&n,&m)!=EOF ){ if( n==0 && m==0 ) break; top=0; node* root = buildT(1,n); for(int i=1;i<=m;i++){ int op,x,y,c; scanf("%d%d%d%d",&op,&x,&y,&c); if( op==1 ) update1(root,x,y,c); else if( op==2 ) update2(root,x,y,c); else if( op==3 ) update3(root,x,y,c); else printf("%d\n",query(root,x,y,c)); } } return 0; }
【HDU 4614 Vases and Flowers】
#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<cmath> #include<queue> #include<string> #include<stack> #include<fstream> #include<map> #include<iomanip> #include<algorithm> #include<vector> #define INF 2e9 #define MAXN 50100 #define maxnode 100000 #define ll long long #define lowbit(x) (x&(-x)) int mod = 10007; int dx[4]={0,0,1,-1}; int dy[4]={1,-1,0,0}; using namespace std; struct node{ int l,r; int sum,left,right,tag; node *ls,*rs; }pool[3*MAXN]; int top; node* buildT(int l,int r){ node* p = pool + (++top); p->l = l; p->r=r; p->sum=r-l+1; p->left=l; p->right=r; p->tag=-1;//0代表插满花, 1代表下面的花都扔掉 if( l==r ) return p; int mid = (l+r)>>1; p->ls = buildT(l,mid); p->rs = buildT(mid+1,r); return p; } void pushdown(node* p){ if(p->tag==1){ p->ls->tag = p->rs->tag = 1; p->ls->left = p->ls->l; p->ls->right=p->ls->r; p->rs->left = p->rs->l; p->rs->right=p->rs->r; p->ls->sum = p->ls->r-p->ls->l+1; p->rs->sum = p->rs->r-p->rs->l+1; } else if( p->tag==0 ){ p->ls->tag = p->rs->tag = 0; p->ls->left = INF; p->ls->right=-INF; p->rs->left = INF; p->rs->right=-INF; p->ls->sum = 0; p->rs->sum = 0; } p->tag=-1; } void update(node* p,int l,int r,int type){ if( p->l==l && p->r==r ){//到了终止结点 p->tag=type; if( type==1 ){ p->left=l; p->right=r; p->sum=r-l+1; } else{ p->left=INF; p->right=-INF; p->sum=0; } //cout<<"??? "<<l<<" "<<r<<" "<<p->sum<<endl; return; } pushdown(p); int mid = (p->l+p->r)>>1; if( r<=mid ) update(p->ls,l,r,type); else if( l>mid ) update(p->rs,l,r,type); else{ update(p->ls,l,mid,type); update(p->rs,mid+1,r,type); } //pushup p->sum = p->ls->sum + p->rs->sum; p->left = min(p->ls->left,p->rs->left); p->right = max(p->ls->right,p->rs->right); return; } int query(node* p,int l,int r){ //cout<<p->l<<" "<<p->r<<" "<<p->tag<<" "<<p->sum<<" "<<p->left<<" "<<p->right<<" "<<l<<" "<<r<<endl; if( p->l==l && p->r==r ){ // cout<<"!!! "<<l<<" "<<r<<" "<<p->sum<<endl; return p->sum; } pushdown(p); int mid = (p->l+p->r)>>1; if( r<=mid ) return query(p->ls,l,r); else if( l>mid ) return query(p->rs,l,r); return query(p->ls,l,mid)+query(p->rs,mid+1,r); } int query1(node* p,int l,int r){//询问这个区间第一个没有花的花瓶位置 if( p->l==l && p->r==r ) return p->left; pushdown(p); int mid = (p->l+p->r)>>1; if( r<=mid ) return query1(p->ls,l,r); else if( l>mid ) return query1(p->rs,l,r); return min( query1(p->ls,l,mid) , query1(p->rs,mid+1,r) ); } int query2(node* p,int l,int r){//询问这个区间最后一个没有花的花瓶位置 if( p->l==l && p->r==r ) return p->right; pushdown(p); int mid = (p->l+p->r)>>1; if( r<=mid ) return query2(p->ls,l,r); else if( l>mid ) return query2(p->rs,l,r); return max( query2(p->ls,l,mid) , query2(p->rs,mid+1,r) ); } int n,m; node* root; int bisearch(int A,int F){//找到从A更新到哪 //cout<<query(root,A,n)<<" "<<A<<" "<<n<<endl; if( query(root,A,n)==0 ) return 0; if( query(root,A,n)<F ) return n; int start=A,end=n,mid; while( end>start ){ mid = (start+end)/2; //cout<<"!!! "<<start<<" "<<mid<<" "<<end<<" "<<query(root,A,mid)<<endl; if( query(root,A,mid)>=F ) end=mid; else start=mid+1; //cout<<<<endl; } return end; } int main(){ //freopen("1.in","r",stdin); //freopen("1.out","w",stdout); //ios::sync_with_stdio(false); int t; scanf("%d",&t); while(t--){ scanf("%d%d",&n,&m); top=0; root = buildT(1,n); for(int i=1;i<=m;i++){ int op,a,b; scanf("%d%d%d",&op,&a,&b); if( op==1 ){ a++; int y = bisearch(a,b); if( y==0 ) printf("Can not put any one.\n"); else{ //cout<<a<<" "<<y<<" "<<query1(root,a,y)<<" "<<query2(root,a,y)<<endl; printf("%d %d\n",query1(root,a,y)-1,query2(root,a,y)-1); update(root,a,y,0); // cout<<a<<" "<<y<<endl; } } else if( op==2 ){ a++; b++; printf("%d\n",b-a+1-query(root,a,b)); update(root,a,b,1); // cout<<a<<" "<<b<<endl; } // cout<<"query(root,1,10): "<<" "<<query(root,1,10)<<endl; } printf("\n"); } return 0; }
【HDU 4553 约会安排】
其次还有一个点是要能找到【最靠左的连续num个空区间位置】,即用线段树实现 “首次适应算法” ,那就是询问的时候看这连续num个空区间是不是在左子树,左子树一点加右子树一点,还是右子树。那就做完了
#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<cmath> #include<queue> #include<string> #include<stack> #include<fstream> #include<map> #include<iomanip> #include<algorithm> #include<vector> #define INF 2e9 #define maxnode 100000 #define ll long long #define lowbit(x) (x&(-x)) const int mod = 10007; const int MAXN = 1e5 + 10; int dx[4]={0,0,1,-1}; int dy[4]={1,-1,0,0}; using namespace std; //要回答出一个区间的最大连续空区间 //这个最大连续空间可能出现在哪,左,中,右 == 这样就能一次询问找到连续空区间的起点了 //操作有两种优先级不同的覆盖 struct node{ int l,r; int l1,r1,lian1;//优先级为1的覆盖的左边连续,右边连续,最大连续 int l2,r2,lian2; int tag;//0为清空,1为优先级为1的覆盖,2为优先级为2的覆盖 node *ls,*rs; }pool[2*MAXN]; int top; node* buildT(int l,int r){ node* p = pool + (++top); p->l=l; p->r=r; p->tag=-1; if( l==r ){ p->l1 = p->r1 = p->lian1 = 1; p->l2 = p->r2 = p->lian2 = 1; return p; } int mid = (l+r)>>1; p->ls = buildT(l,mid); p->rs = buildT(mid+1,r); p->l1 = p->ls->l1; if( p->ls->l1==p->ls->r-p->ls->l+1 ) p->l1+=p->rs->l1; p->r1 = p->rs->r1; if( p->rs->r1==p->rs->r-p->rs->l+1 ) p->r1+=p->ls->r1; p->lian1 = max( max( p->ls->lian1,p->rs->lian1 ), p->ls->r1+p->rs->l1); p->l2 = p->ls->l2; if( p->ls->l2==p->ls->r-p->ls->l+1 ) p->l2+=p->rs->l2; p->r2 = p->rs->r2; if( p->rs->r2==p->rs->r-p->rs->l+1 ) p->r2+=p->ls->r2; p->lian2 = max( max( p->ls->lian2,p->rs->lian2 ), p->ls->r2+p->rs->l2); return p; } void pushdown(node* p){ if( p->tag==-1 ) return; p->ls->tag = p->rs->tag = p->tag; if( p->tag==0 ){ p->ls->l1 = p->ls->r1 = p->ls->lian1 = p->ls->r-p->ls->l+1; p->rs->l1 = p->rs->r1 = p->rs->lian1 = p->rs->r-p->rs->l+1; p->ls->l2 = p->ls->r2 = p->ls->lian2 = p->ls->r-p->ls->l+1; p->rs->l2 = p->rs->r2 = p->rs->lian2 = p->rs->r-p->rs->l+1; } else if( p->tag==1 ){ p->ls->l1 = p->ls->r1 = p->ls->lian1 = 0; p->rs->l1 = p->rs->r1 = p->rs->lian1 = 0; p->ls->l2 = p->ls->r2 = p->ls->lian2 = p->ls->r-p->ls->l+1; p->rs->l2 = p->rs->r2 = p->rs->lian2 = p->rs->r-p->rs->l+1; } else{ p->ls->l1 = p->ls->r1 = p->ls->lian1 = 0; p->rs->l1 = p->rs->r1 = p->rs->lian1 = 0; p->ls->l2 = p->ls->r2 = p->ls->lian2 = 0; p->rs->l2 = p->rs->r2 = p->rs->lian2 = 0; } p->tag=-1; } void update(node* p,int l,int r,int dx){//将这个区间进行优先级为dx的覆盖 if( p->l==l && p->r==r ){ //if( p->l != p->r ) pushdown(p); p->tag=dx; if( dx==1 ){//屌丝 p->l1 = p->r1 = p->lian1 = 0;//对等级为2的不造成任何影响 p->l2 = p->r2 = p->lian2 = p->r-p->l+1; } else if(dx==2){//女神 p->l1 = p->r1 = p->lian1 = 0;//能对屌丝造成影响 p->l2 = p->r2 = p->lian2 = 0; } else{ p->l1 = p->r1 = p->lian1 = p->r-p->l+1; p->l2 = p->r2 = p->lian2 = p->r-p->l+1; } return; } pushdown(p); int mid = (p->l+p->r)>>1; if( r<=mid ) update(p->ls,l,r,dx); else if( l>mid ) update(p->rs,l,r,dx); else{ update(p->ls,l,mid,dx); update(p->rs,mid+1,r,dx); } p->l1 = p->ls->l1; if( p->ls->l1==p->ls->r-p->ls->l+1 ) p->l1+=p->rs->l1; p->r1 = p->rs->r1; if( p->rs->r1==p->rs->r-p->rs->l+1 ) p->r1+=p->ls->r1; p->lian1 = max( max( p->ls->lian1,p->rs->lian1 ), p->ls->r1+p->rs->l1); p->l2 = p->ls->l2; if( p->ls->l2==p->ls->r-p->ls->l+1 ) p->l2+=p->rs->l2; p->r2 = p->rs->r2; if( p->rs->r2==p->rs->r-p->rs->l+1 ) p->r2+=p->ls->r2; p->lian2 = max( max( p->ls->lian2,p->rs->lian2 ), p->ls->r2+p->rs->l2); return; } int query(node* p,int num,int type){//寻找连续num个优先级为type的空位 //cout<<p->l<<" "<<p->r<<" "<<num<<" "<<type<<" "<<p->lian2<<" "<<p->l1<<" "<<p->l2<<endl; if( p->l==p->r ) return p->l; int mid = (p->l+p->r)>>1; pushdown(p); if( type==1 ){ if( p->ls->lian1>=num ) return query(p->ls,num,type); if( p->ls->r1+p->rs->l1>=num ) return mid-p->ls->r1+1; return query(p->rs,num,type); } else{ if( p->ls->lian2>=num ) return query(p->ls,num,type); if( p->ls->r2+p->rs->l2>=num ) return mid-p->ls->r2+1; return query(p->rs,num,type); } } int main(){ //ios::sync_with_stdio(false); int t,ca=0; scanf("%d",&t); while(t--){ int time,n; scanf("%d%d",&time,&n); top=0; node* root = buildT(1,time); printf("Case %d:\n",++ca); for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){ char s[10]; scanf("%s",s); if( s[0]=='D' ){ int x; scanf("%d",&x); if( pool[1].lian1<x ) printf("fly with yourself\n"); else{ int l = query(root,x,1); update(root,l,l+x-1,1); printf("%d,let's fly\n",l); } } else if( s[0]=='N' ){ int x; scanf("%d",&x); if( pool[1].lian1<x ){ if( pool[1].lian2<x ) printf("wait for me\n"); else{ int l = query(root,x,2); update(root,l,l+x-1,2); printf("%d,don't put my gezi\n",l); } } else{ int l = query(root,x,1); update(root,l,l+x-1,2); printf("%d,don't put my gezi\n",l); } } else{ int x,y; scanf("%d%d",&x,&y); update(root,x,y,0); printf("I am the hope of chinese chengxuyuan!!\n"); } } } return 0; } //freopen("1.in","r",stdin); //freopen("1.out","w",stdout);
【POJ 1177 Picture】
求合并后矩形的周长。对于y轴建线段树,然后扫描纵边,将纵边覆盖在线段树上。每次周长的增量是 |【当前y轴被覆盖的长度】- 【加入这条扫描线前y轴被覆盖的长度】|,很直觉。
#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<cmath> #include<queue> #include<string> #include<stack> #include<fstream> #include<map> #include<iomanip> #include<algorithm> #include<vector> #define INF 2e9 #define maxnode 200000 #define ll long long #define lowbit(x) (x&(-x)) const int mod = 10007; const int MAXN = 1e4 + 10; int dx[4]={0,0,1,-1}; int dy[4]={1,-1,0,0}; using namespace std; struct node{ int l,r; int sum,tag;//sum是被覆盖长度,tag是被完全覆盖的次数 node *ls,*rs; }pool[4*MAXN]; int top; node* buildT(int l,int r){ node* p = pool + (++top); p->l=l; p->r=r; p->sum = p->tag = 0; if( l==r ) return p; int mid = (l+r)>>1; p->ls = buildT(l,mid); p->rs = buildT(mid+1,r); return p; } void update(node* p,int l,int r,int dx){//对l,r这个区间进行更新 //cout<<p->l<<" "<<p->r<<" "<<l<<" "<<r<<" "<<dx<<" "<<p->ls->l<<" "<<p->ls->r<<" "<<p->rs->l<<" "<<p->rs->r<<endl; if( p->l==l && p->r==r ){ p->tag+=dx; if( p->tag ) p->sum=r-l+1; else{ if( l==r ) p->sum=0; else p->sum=p->ls->sum+p->rs->sum; } return; } int mid = (p->l+p->r)>>1; if( r<=mid ) update(p->ls,l,r,dx); else if(l>mid) { //cout<<"!! "<<p->rs->l<<" "<<p->rs->r<<endl; update(p->rs,l,r,dx); } else{ update(p->ls,l,mid,dx); update(p->rs,mid+1,r,dx); } if( p->tag ) p->sum=p->r-p->l+1; else p->sum = p->ls->sum + p->rs->sum; } struct Scanline{ int x,y1,y2,type; Scanline(int x1=0,int y11=0,int y22=0,int t=0): x(x1),y1(y11),y2(y22),type(t) {} bool operator < (const Scanline &p)const{ return x<p.x; } }lines1[3*MAXN],lines2[3*MAXN];//line1是竖直扫描线,line2是水平扫描线 int main(){ //ios::sync_with_stdio(false); int n; while( scanf("%d",&n)!=EOF ){ int x1,y1,x2,y2,ans=0; int id=0; for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){ scanf("%d%d%d%d",&x1,&y1,&x2,&y2); x1+=MAXN; y1+=MAXN; x2+=MAXN; y2+=MAXN; lines1[++id]=Scanline(x1,y1,y2,1); lines2[id]=Scanline(y1,x1,x2,1); lines1[++id]=Scanline(x2,y1,y2,-1); lines2[id]=Scanline(y2,x1,x2,-1); } sort(lines1+1,lines1+1+id); //cout<<lines1[1].x<<" "<<lines1[2].x<<endl; top=0; node* root = buildT(1,2*MAXN); //cout<<"!!!"<<endl; int last=0; for(int i=1;i<=id;i++){//竖直扫描线 int l=lines1[i].y1; int r=lines1[i].y2-1; //cout<<lines1[i].x<<" "<<l<<" "<<r<<" "<<lines1[i].type<<endl; update(root,l,r,lines1[i].type); ans+=abs(root->sum-last); last=root->sum; } //cout<<"!!!"<<endl; sort(lines2+1,lines2+1+id); top=0; root=buildT(1,2*MAXN); last=0; for(int i=1;i<=id;i++){//水平扫描线 int l=lines2[i].y1; int r=lines2[i].y2-1; update(root,l,r,lines2[i].type); ans+=abs(root->sum-last); last=root->sum; } printf("%d\n",ans); } return 0; } //freopen("1.in","r",stdin); //freopen("1.out","w",stdout);
【HDU 1255 覆盖面积】
那如果tag=1的话,p->sum2 = p->ls->sum1 + p->rs->sum1就行了,因为sum1和sum2代表的含义是【不考虑祖先结点被覆盖(因为不pushdown),只考虑我及我后代被覆盖的情况下】被覆盖至少一次/两次的长度。这么想的话就很好理解了。
#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<cmath> #include<queue> #include<string> #include<stack> #include<fstream> #include<map> #include<iomanip> #include<algorithm> #include<vector> #define INF 2e9 #define maxnode 200000 #define ll long long #define lowbit(x) (x&(-x)) const int mod = 10007; const int MAXN = 1e4 + 10; int dx[4]={0,0,1,-1}; int dy[4]={1,-1,0,0}; using namespace std; struct Scanline{ double x; double y1,y2; int flag; Scanline(double x1=0,double y11=0,double y22=0,int f1=0): x(x1),y1(y11),y2(y22),flag(f1) {} bool operator < (const Scanline &p)const{ return x<p.x; } }lines[4*MAXN]; double heng[4*MAXN]; map<int,double> m1; map<double,int> m2; struct node{ int l,r; double sum2,sum1;//sum2被重复覆盖两次及以上的面积,被重复覆盖一次及以上的面积 int tag;//tag被重复覆盖几次,sum被两次完全覆盖的数量 node *ls,*rs; }pool[4*MAXN]; int top; node* buildT(int l,int r){ node* p = pool + (++top); p->l=l; p->r=r; p->sum2=0; p->tag=0; p->sum1=0; if( l==r ) return p; int mid = (l+r)>>1; p->ls = buildT(l,mid); p->rs = buildT(mid+1,r); return p; } void update(node* p,int l,int r,int dx){ //cout<<"!!! "<<p->l<<" "<<p->r<<" "<<l<<" "<<r<<" "<<dx<<endl; if( p->l==l && p->r==r ){ p->tag+=dx; if( p->tag>=2 ) { p->sum2 = m1[r+1]-m1[l]; p->sum1 = p->sum2; } else if( l==r ){ p->sum2=0; if( p->tag ) p->sum1=m1[r+1]-m1[l]; else p->sum1=0; } else{ if( p->tag==1 ){ // cout<<"bingo"<<endl; p->sum2 = p->ls->sum1+p->rs->sum1; //cout<<m1[r+1]<<" "<<m1[l]<<endl; p->sum1 = m1[r+1]-m1[l]; } else{ p->sum2 = p->ls->sum2+p->rs->sum2; p->sum1 = p->ls->sum1+p->rs->sum1; } } // cout<<"zhongzhi"<<" "<<p->l<<" "<<p->r<<" "<<p->sum1<<" "<<p->sum2<<endl; return; } int mid = (p->l+p->r)>>1; if( r<=mid ) update(p->ls,l,r,dx); else if( l>mid ) update(p->rs,l,r,dx); else{ update(p->ls,l,mid,dx); update(p->rs,mid+1,r,dx); } if( p->tag>=2 ) { //cout<<"??"<<endl; //cout<<r<<" "<<l<<" "<<m1[r+1]<<" "<<m1[l]<<endl; p->sum2 = p->sum1 = m1[p->r+1]-m1[p->l]; } else if( p->tag==1 ){ p->sum2 = p->ls->sum1+p->rs->sum1; p->sum1 = m1[p->r+1]-m1[p->l]; } else{ p->sum2 = p->ls->sum2+p->rs->sum2; p->sum1 = p->ls->sum1+p->rs->sum1; } // cout<<"boom "<<p->l<<" "<<p->r<<" "<<p->sum2<<endl; } int main(){ //ios::sync_with_stdio(false); int t; scanf("%d",&t); while(t--){ m1.clear(); m2.clear(); int n,id=0; scanf("%d",&n); for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){ double x1,y1,x2,y2; scanf("%lf%lf%lf%lf",&x1,&y1,&x2,&y2); lines[++id]=Scanline(x1,y1,y2,1); heng[id]=y1; lines[++id]=Scanline(x2,y1,y2,-1); heng[id]=y2; } sort(heng+1,heng+1+id);//还要把所有横边离散化 int num = unique(heng+1,heng+1+id)-(heng+1); for(int i=1;i<=num;i++){ m1[i] = heng[i]; m2[ heng[i] ] = i; //cout<<heng[i]<<" "<<i<<endl; } //cout<<".. "<<m2[1]<<endl; top=0; node* root = buildT(1,num);//对y轴建线段树 double ans=0; sort(lines+1,lines+1+id); for(int i=1;i<=id-1;i++){ //面积是目前双次以上覆盖线段长度 * 到下一个线段的距离 //cout<<lines[i].x<<" "<<lines[i].y1<<" "<<lines[i].y2<<" "<<m2[ lines[i].y1 ]<<" "<<m2[ lines[i].y2 ]<<endl; update(root,m2[ lines[i].y1 ],m2[ lines[i].y2 ]-1,lines[i].flag); // cout<<root->sum2<<" "<<lines[i+1].x-lines[i].x<<endl; ans+=root->sum2*( lines[i+1].x-lines[i].x ); // cout<<"!!! "<<ans<<endl; } printf("%.2lf\n",ans); //cout<<fixed<<setprecision(3)<<ans; } return 0; } //freopen("1.in","r",stdin); //freopen("1.out","w",stdout);
【HDU 1542 Atlantis】
#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<cmath> #include<queue> #include<string> #include<stack> #include<fstream> #include<map> #include<iomanip> #include<algorithm> #include<vector> #define INF 2e9 #define maxnode 200000 #define ll long long #define lowbit(x) (x&(-x)) const int mod = 10007; const int MAXN = 1e4 + 10; int dx[4]={0,0,1,-1}; int dy[4]={1,-1,0,0}; using namespace std; struct Scanline{ double x; double y1,y2; int flag; Scanline(double x1=0,double y11=0,double y22=0,int f1=0): x(x1),y1(y11),y2(y22),flag(f1) {} bool operator < (const Scanline &p)const{ return x<p.x; } }lines[4*MAXN]; double heng[4*MAXN]; map<int,double> m1; map<double,int> m2; struct node{ int l,r; double sum; int tag;//tag被重复覆盖几次,sum被两次完全覆盖的数量 node *ls,*rs; }pool[4*MAXN]; int top; node* buildT(int l,int r){ node* p = pool + (++top); p->l=l; p->r=r; p->tag=0; p->sum=0; if( l==r ) return p; int mid = (l+r)>>1; p->ls = buildT(l,mid); p->rs = buildT(mid+1,r); return p; } void update(node* p,int l,int r,int dx){ //cout<<"!!! "<<p->l<<" "<<p->r<<" "<<l<<" "<<r<<endl; if( p->l==l && p->r==r ){ p->tag+=dx; if( p->tag>=1 ) p->sum = m1[r+1]-m1[l]; else if( l==r ) p->sum=0; else p->sum = p->ls->sum+p->rs->sum; // cout<<"zhongzhi"<<" "<<l<<" "<<p->sum<<endl; return; } int mid = (p->l+p->r)>>1; if( r<=mid ) update(p->ls,l,r,dx); else if( l>mid ) update(p->rs,l,r,dx); else{ update(p->ls,l,mid,dx); update(p->rs,mid+1,r,dx); } if( p->tag ) { p->sum = m1[p->r+1]-m1[p->l]; } else p->sum = p->ls->sum+p->rs->sum; // cout<<"pushup "<<p->l<<" "<<p->r<<" "<<p->sum<<endl; } int main(){ //ios::sync_with_stdio(false); int ca=0; while(1){ m1.clear(); m2.clear(); int n,id=0; scanf("%d",&n); if( n==0 ) break; for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){ double x1,y1,x2,y2; scanf("%lf%lf%lf%lf",&x1,&y1,&x2,&y2); lines[++id]=Scanline(x1,y1,y2,1); heng[id]=y1; lines[++id]=Scanline(x2,y1,y2,-1); heng[id]=y2; } sort(heng+1,heng+1+id);//还要把所有横边离散化 int num = unique(heng+1,heng+1+id)-(heng+1); for(int i=1;i<=num;i++){ m1[i] = heng[i]; m2[ heng[i] ] = i; } top=0; node* root = buildT(1,num);//对y轴建线段树 double ans=0; sort(lines+1,lines+1+id); for(int i=1;i<=id-1;i++){ //面积是目前双次以上覆盖线段长度 * 到下一个线段的距离 // cout<<lines[i].x<<" "<<lines[i].y1<<" "<<lines[i].y2<<" "<<lines[i].flag<<endl; update(root,m2[ lines[i].y1 ],m2[ lines[i].y2 ]-1,lines[i].flag); ans+=root->sum*( lines[i+1].x-lines[i].x ); // cout<<root->sum<<" "<<lines[i+1].x-lines[i].x<<endl; } printf("Test case #%d\n",++ca); printf("Total explored area: %.2lf\n",ans); printf("\n"); } return 0; } //freopen("1.in","r",stdin); //freopen("1.out","w",stdout);
【HDU 3642 Get The Treasury】
#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<cmath> #include<queue> #include<string> #include<stack> #include<fstream> #include<map> #include<iomanip> #include<algorithm> #include<vector> #define INF 2e9 #define maxnode 200000 #define ll long long #define lowbit(x) (x&(-x)) const int mod = 10007; const int MAXN = 1e3 + 10; int dx[4]={0,0,1,-1}; int dy[4]={1,-1,0,0}; using namespace std; struct node{ int l,r; int sum1,sum2,sum3,tag; node *ls,*rs; }pool[4*MAXN]; struct Scanline{ int x; int y1,y2; int flag; Scanline(int x1=0,int y11=0,int y22=0,int f1=0): x(x1),y1(y11),y2(y22),flag(f1) {} bool operator < (const Scanline &p)const{ return x<p.x; } }lines[4*MAXN]; struct point{ int x,y,z; point(int x1,int y1,int z1): x(x1),y(y1),z(z1) {} }; struct cube{ point a,b; cube(point a1=point(0,0,0),point b1=point(0,0,0)): a(a1),b(b1) {} }cubes[4*MAXN]; //覆盖三次及以上的最小体积 map<int,int> m1,m2; int heng[4*MAXN],top; node* buildT(int l,int r){ node* p = pool + (++top); p->l=l; p->r=r; p->sum1 = p->sum2 = p->sum3 = p->tag=0; if( l==r ) return p; int mid = (l+r)>>1; p->ls = buildT(l,mid); p->rs = buildT(mid+1,r); return p; } void update(node* p,int l,int r,int dx){ //cout<<p->l<<" "<<p->r<<" "<<l<<" "<<r<<" "<<dx<<endl; if( p->l==l && p->r==r ){ p->tag+=dx; if( p->tag>=3 ){ p->sum3 = p->sum2 = p->sum1 = m1[r+1]-m1[l]; } else if( l==r ){ p->sum3=0; if( p->tag==2 ) p->sum2 = p->sum1 = m1[r+1]-m1[l]; else if( p->tag==1 ) p->sum2=0,p->sum1=m1[r+1]-m1[l]; else p->sum2 = p->sum1 = 0; } else if( p->tag==2 ){ p->sum3 = p->ls->sum1 + p->rs->sum1; p->sum2 = p->sum1 = m1[r+1]-m1[l]; } else if( p->tag==1 ){ p->sum3 = p->ls->sum2+p->rs->sum2; p->sum2 = p->ls->sum1+p->rs->sum1; p->sum1 = m1[r+1]-m1[l]; } else{ p->sum3 = p->ls->sum3+p->rs->sum3; p->sum2 = p->ls->sum2+p->rs->sum2; p->sum1 = p->ls->sum1+p->rs->sum1; } return; } int mid = (p->l+p->r)>>1; if( r<=mid ) update(p->ls,l,r,dx); else if( l>mid ) update(p->rs,l,r,dx); else{ update(p->ls,l,mid,dx); update(p->rs,mid+1,r,dx); } if( p->tag>=3 ) p->sum3 = p->sum2 = p->sum1 = m1[p->r+1]-m1[p->l]; else if( p->tag==2 ){ p->sum3 = p->ls->sum1 + p->rs->sum1; p->sum2 = p->sum1 = m1[p->r+1]-m1[p->l]; } else if( p->tag==1 ){ p->sum3 = p->ls->sum2+p->rs->sum2; p->sum2 = p->ls->sum1+p->rs->sum1; p->sum1 = m1[p->r+1]-m1[p->l]; } else{ p->sum3 = p->ls->sum3+p->rs->sum3; p->sum2 = p->ls->sum2+p->rs->sum2; p->sum1 = p->ls->sum1+p->rs->sum1; } } int main(){ //ios::sync_with_stdio(false); int t,ca=0; scanf("%d",&t); while(t--){ m1.clear(); m2.clear(); int n; scanf("%d",&n); int num=0; for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){ int x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2; scanf("%d%d%d%d%d%d",&x1,&y1,&z1,&x2,&y2,&z2); heng[++num] = y1; heng[++num] = y2; cubes[i] = cube( point(x1,y1,z1),point(x2,y2,z2) ); } sort(heng+1,heng+1+num); num = unique(heng+1,heng+1+num)-(heng+1); for(int i=1;i<=num;i++){//对于y点要离散化 m1[i] = heng[i]; m2[ heng[i] ] = i; } long long ans=0; for(int z=-500;z<=500;z++){//枚举z轴,这样就转化成了矩形求交 int id=0; for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){//遍历已有的全部cube if( cubes[i].a.z<=z && cubes[i].b.z>z ){ lines[++id] = Scanline(cubes[i].a.x,cubes[i].a.y,cubes[i].b.y,1); lines[++id] = Scanline(cubes[i].b.x,cubes[i].a.y,cubes[i].b.y,-1); } } sort(lines+1,lines+1+id); top=0; node* root = buildT(1,num); for(int i=1;i<=id-1;i++){ update(root,m2[ lines[i].y1 ],m2[lines[i].y2]-1,lines[i].flag); ans+=(long long)root->sum3*( lines[i+1].x-lines[i].x ); } } printf("Case %d: %lld\n",++ca,ans); } return 0; } //freopen("1.in","r",stdin); //freopen("1.out","w",stdout);
【推荐】凌霞软件回馈社区,博客园 & 1Panel & Halo 联合会员上线
【推荐】轻量又高性能的 SSH 工具 IShell:AI 加持,快人一步