OS的一个作业, 模拟进程的分配与管理
# initialize the memories and the process list(actually a dict)
total_memory = 110
os_memory = 10
process_memory = total_memory - os_memory
process = {}
sep_line_counter = 0
while 1:
# For the neatness of the output of the program
sep_line_counter += 1
print('----------------------Seperation Line %d--------------------------' % sep_line_counter)
# Input of choice, which is robustic here.
choice = input('Assign memory or recycle memory or quit?\nPlease enter--assgnment: 1, recycle: 2, quit: q\n:')
if not ( choice == 'q' or choice == '1' or choice == '2'):
print('Please enter the right choice.')
if choice == 'q':
# Choose to quit
if int(choice) == 1:
# Choose to add a process
# Get name
cur_proc_name = input('Name of the process?\n:')
if cur_proc_name in process.keys():
# if name of current process has existed in the process list
print('The process you assigned has been created, no sharing of processes\' name.')
# Get size
cur_proc_size = int(input('OK, and what about its size?\n:'))
if sum(process.values()) + int(cur_proc_size) > process_memory:
# With current process entering the process list, the list would overload
print('STOP ASSIGNMENT! Otherwise there\'s overload.')
print( 'The remaining memory: %d KB' % ( process_memory - sum(process.values()) ) )
print('The process list:', process)
# No accidents, current process would be added into the process list
process[cur_proc_name] = cur_proc_size
print( 'The remaining memory: %d KB' % ( process_memory - sum(process.values()) ) )
print('The process list:', process)
if int(choice) == 2:
# Choose to recycle a process
cur_proc_name = input('Name of the process?\n:')
if not cur_proc_name in process.keys():
# If you want to recycle some process that doesn't exist
print('No such process.')
# No accidents, current process would be removed from the process list
del process[cur_proc_name]
print( 'The remaining memory: %d KB' % ( process_memory - sum(process.values() ) ) )
print('The process list:', process)