



typedef struct two_linklist{
 int num;
 char name[20];
 struct two_linklist *next;
 struct two_linklist *prior;

int n;/*数据个数*/

struct two_linklist * Init_Two_Linklist(void)/*双向链表初始化*/
 struct two_linklist * head;
 if(!(head=(Two_Linklist *)malloc(sizeof(Two_Linklist)))){return 0;}
 return head;

void Add_Two_Linklist(struct two_linklist *head)/*双向链表添加*/
 struct two_linklist *p1,*p2;
 if(!(p1=(Two_Linklist *)malloc(sizeof(Two_Linklist))))exit(0);
 printf("please input your add data:\n");
 printf("num : ");scanf("%d",&p1->num);
 printf("name : ");scanf("%s",&p1->name);

void Del_Two_Linklist(struct two_linklist *head)/*双向链表删除*/
 int num,k;
 struct two_linklist *p2,*p3;
 printf("please input your del data:\n");
 printf("num : ");scanf("%d",&num);

void Print_Two_Linklist(struct two_linklist *head)/*显示数据*/
 int i;
 struct two_linklist *p1;
 printf("Now the two_linklist have %d data:\n",n);
   printf("num [%d] : %d\t",(i+1),p1->num);
   printf("name [%d] : %s\n",(i+1),p1->name);
 else{printf("No data!\n");}

int main(int argc,char **argv)
 printf("please input your data!\n");
 struct two_linklist *head;
 return 0;

posted on 2009-05-08 12:53  ZhangYiy  阅读(289)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报