
import urllib
import io
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import os
import re

def GetessayContent(essayUrl):# the funcition is for get content to save then is IO
    html_content = requests.get(essayUrl).text
    bs = BeautifulSoup(html_content)
    title = bs.find("a", attrs={"id": "cb_post_title_url"}).text
    body = bs.find("div", attrs={"id": "cnblogs_post_body"}).get_text()
    with open (os.path.abspath(""+"essay/"+title+".txt"),"w",errors="ignore") as r:

def GetessayList(SideHrefUrl):# the function is for find essay list to href
    html_content = requests.get(SideHrefUrl).text #html
    bs = BeautifulSoup(html_content)    #bs
    divs = bs.find_all("div", attrs={"class": "entrylistPosttitle"})
    ass = list(map(lambda x:x.find("a")["href"],divs))
    for assurl in ass:
        GetessayContent(assurl) # go function

def GetSideList(): # the funciton is for find side list to href
    blog_url = "https://www.cnblogs.com/zaranet/mvc/blog/sidecolumn.aspx" # responts url
    html_content = requests.get(blog_url).text#this is requests text
    bs = BeautifulSoup(html_content)# new bs
    Side_div_html = bs.find_all("div",attrs={"class":"catListPostCategory"})# html
    html_list = ('').join(str(Side_div_html))
    Side_Pattren = re.compile(r'https:.*?\.(?:html)')  # my pattren
    Side_list = Side_Pattren.findall(html_list)  # find side url
    for MyObj in Side_list: #itertion Side list:



posted @ 2018-09-05 17:32  ZaraNet  阅读(116)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报