SqlServer 将纯数字的时间转换为DateTime


public static string time(DateTime dt)
            return dt.Year.ToString() + ((Convert.ToInt32(dt.Month) < 10) ? "0" + dt.Month.ToString() : dt.Month.ToString()) + ((Convert.ToInt32(dt.Day) < 10) ? "0" + dt.Day.ToString() : dt.Day.ToString()) + ((Convert.ToInt32(dt.Hour) < 10) ? "0" + dt.Hour.ToString() : dt.Hour.ToString()) + ((Convert.ToInt32(dt.Minute) < 10) ? "0" + dt.Minute.ToString() : dt.Minute.ToString()) + ((Convert.ToInt32(dt.Second) < 10) ? "0" + dt.Second.ToString() : dt.Second.ToString());


所以在sqlserver中查询的时候我们要进行转化,因为在mssql中进行转换需要是有标准的 例如/ : 等符号。那么我们就进行截取吧。

CONVERT(datetime, left(q.YL01,4)+'-'+SUBSTRING(q.YL01,5,2)+'-'


SELECT distinct TOP 1 z.*,
        MAX(CASE WHEN S.Col_name_en = 'dwtt_crack_act' THEN S.Actual ELSE null END) as [断裂数量实绩值],
    MAX(CASE WHEN S.Col_name_en = 'dwtt_dft_act' THEN S.Actual ELSE null END) as [挠度实绩值],q.YL01 FROM
(SELECT Z.Entrustment,z.Test_item_code,Z.sample_no
            FROM HB_M0LMZL Z
            WHERE TEST_ITEM_Code = 'QF' 
            GROUP BY Z.Entrustment,Z.Test_item_code,Z.Sample_no
            HAVING MAX(CASE WHEN z.col_name_en = 'cast_no' THEN z.Actual ELSE null END) = ''
) as Z LEFT JOIN HB_M0LMQ1 Q ON Q.Sample_lot_no = Z.Entrustment AND Q.Test_item_code 
    = Z.Test_item_code AND Z.Sample_no = Q.Sample_no LEFT JOIN HB_LMM0SJ S ON S.Test_item_code 
        = Z.Test_item_code AND S.Sample_no = Z.Sample_no AND S.Entrustment = Z.Entrustment
         WHERE CONVERT(datetime, left(q.YL01,4)+'-'+SUBSTRING(q.YL01,5,2)+'-'
            GROUP BY Z.Entrustment,Z.Test_item_code,Z.Sample_no,q.YL01
            ORDER BY Q.YL01


posted @ 2019-04-23 14:06  ZaraNet  阅读(7418)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报