HarmonyOS 集成 Flutter 问题记录

1、DevEco-Studio 升级到 DevEco-Studio NEXT Developer Beta2 5.0.3 版本之后报错:

> hvigor ERROR: Schema validate failed.
   Detail: Please check the following fields.
  instancePath: 'modules[2].srcPath',
  keyword: 'pattern',
  params: { pattern: '^(\\./|\\.\\./)[\\s\\S]+$' },
  message: 'must match pattern "^(\\./|\\.\\./)[\\s\\S]+$"',
  location: '/Users/XXX/huifu/merohos-flutter-demo/.ohos/build-profile.json5:55:112'


  1. 去掉 srcPath 路径校验:


type": "string", "pattern": "^(./|..//)[\s\S]+$" 改为 "type": "string"

   2. 此时可能还是继续报错:

/Applications/DevEco-Studio.app/Contents/tools/node/bin/node /Applications/DevEco-Studio.app/Contents/tools/hvigor/bin/hvigorw.js --sync -p product=default --analyze=normal --parallel --incremental --daemon
> hvigor hvigor client: Starting hvigor daemon.
> hvigor Hvigor Daemon started in 180 ms
> hvigor ERROR: Cannot find belonging project path for module at /
> hvigor ERROR: BUILD FAILED in 476 ms 

Process finished with exit code 255



  1). 找到这个文件:/Applications/DevEco-Studio.app/Contents/tools/hvigor/hvigor-ohos-plugin/src/model/module/core-module-model-impl.js
  2). 格式化这个文件
  3). 修改方法 findBelongProjectPath(e)修改

// ...
findBelongProjectPath(e) {
if (e === path_1.default.dirname(e)) {
// throw Error(`Cannot find belonging project path for module at ${e}`);
return this.parentProject.getProjectDir();
// ...


posted @ 2024-07-31 13:19  ZachRobin  阅读(284)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报