def _load_graph_kernel_dataset(dataset):
def _load_from_txt_file(filename, names=None, dtype=None, index_increment=None):
df = pd.read_csv(
# We optional increment the index by 1 because indexing, e.g. node IDs, for this dataset starts
# at 1 whereas the Pandas DataFrame implicit index starts at 0 potentially causing confusion selecting
# rows later on.
if index_increment:
df.index = df.index + index_increment
return df
# edge information:
df_graph = _load_from_txt_file(filename="A", names=["source", "target"])
if dataset._edge_labels_as_weights:
# there's some edge labels, that can be used as edge weights
df_edge_labels = _load_from_txt_file(
filename="edge_labels", names=["weight"], dtype=int
df_graph = pd.concat([df_graph, df_edge_labels], axis=1)
# node information:
df_graph_ids = _load_from_txt_file(
filename="graph_indicator", names=["graph_id"], index_increment=1
df_node_labels = _load_from_txt_file(
filename="node_labels", dtype="category", index_increment=1
# One-hot encode the node labels because these are used as node features in graph classification
# tasks.
df_node_features = pd.get_dummies(df_node_labels)
if dataset._node_attributes:
# there's some actual node attributes
df_node_attributes = _load_from_txt_file(
filename="node_attributes", dtype=np.float32, index_increment=1
df_node_features = pd.concat([df_node_features, df_node_attributes], axis=1)
# graph information:
df_graph_labels = _load_from_txt_file(
filename="graph_labels", dtype="category", names=["label"], index_increment=1
# split the data into each of the graphs, based on the nodes in each one
def graph_for_nodes(nodes):
# each graph is disconnected, so the source is enough to identify the graph for an edge
edges = df_graph[df_graph["source"].isin(nodes.index)]
return StellarGraph(nodes, edges)
groups = df_node_features.groupby(df_graph_ids["graph_id"])
graphs = [graph_for_nodes(nodes) for _, nodes in groups]
return graphs, df_graph_labels["label"]