- 进行研究的不同方式:
a) 创建一个研究领域(例如,拓扑绝缘体等)
b) 创建一个主题(例如,无线通信中的 MIMO 等)
c) 关注热门话题(例如,Al 等)
d) 反对主流研究趋势
- 什么是博士研究的好话题
如果期刊论文从其会议版本得到了实质性的增强,则在期刊上发表。但是,这应该以非常谨慎的方式完成,避免自我剽窃,不建议这样做。 -
为了使论文的技术内容更强大,选择适时的主题 可能会有所帮助,但并非总是如此。除非您几乎同时开始相同的研究,否则没有必要关注他人的作品。
- Transaction papers (TCOM, TWC, TVT, JSAC, etc. );
- Transaction correspondences (TCOM, TWC, TVT, etc. );
- Letters(ComLetters, SignLetters, WCLetter, etc. );
- Magazine papers(WCom Mag, ComMag, Network, etc. );
- A special case: IEEE Communications Survey and Tutorials.
- In-depth research papers;
- Tutorial papers:
- Review/survey papers (a good way to write highly cited papers, even before you start
to collect your own research data on a topic); - Comments to editors or erreta
- 消除论文中的语法和拼写错误
- 句子应该读起来流畅
- 避免使用长句,如果一个想法太复杂,请尝试用几个简短的句子解释它
- 使用准确的词表达想法
- 建立你的词汇库(有两个词汇库:被动和主动。前者只能用于你的听力/阅读,后者可以用于你的写作,以及你的听力/阅读)。
- 写作是所有四种技能中最难的语言技能:听力、口语、读写。这是一个终身学习的过程,没有捷径可走。
- 创造良好的语言学习环境 是有帮助的,但并不总是必须的,更重要的是需要你的坚持。
- 听英语广播和电视节目
- 阅读有助于提高写作水平
很多人不太关注论文的呈现质量 甚至有人认为,一篇论文仅凭技术内容就能在评审过程中幸存下来。
停止使用 Microsoft Word 来编辑论文。相反,必须使用 LaTex。这也有助于长期存档研究工作。
不幸的是,论文审查过程是主观的,因为人类总是倾向于主观。因此,一篇成功发表的论文 很大程度上取决于你对如何通过审核过程的了解,这是主观的。
简介 是审稿人/编辑之前可能会阅读的另一个重要部分
Research,Publications and Innovations
Hsiao-Hwa Chen, FIEEE
Department of Engineering Science National Cheng Kung University
hshwchen@ieee. org
Technical Contributions
- Different ways for doing research:
a) Create a research area(e.g, topological insulator, etc. )
b) Create a topic (e.g, MIMO in wireless communications, etc. )
c) Follow popular topics (e.g, Al, etc, how close do you follow?)
d)Oppose to the main research trend (Good scientists are always stubborn?)
Different ways lead to different technical contributions
- Debate on citations(What is good research?)
Is citation the only way to judge the value of a research work?(a story about NOMA; Some people ask their friends to cite their papers citation ring problem, etc.)
- What is a good topic for PhD research
Always think something BIG (a sorry about an MIT PhD student)!
Modification/enhancement based on other works is not enough
Advisors MUST be directly involved in the entire process of students research activities. This is extremely important to ensure that research results are under scrutinized. There were many serious plagiarism cases, in which the advisors were not aware of what's going on in students'research. Some advisors never check their students' papers before submissions.
Advisors have their obligation to guide students step-by-step in their research process. Professors should not act only as a funding-seeker or-manager.
Where do you start your research? A comprehensive survey in the literature is a good start of your research.
Do not use keyword search to find the related works. Instead, you should screen all related journals issue-by-issue, from the latest to several years before.
With all related papers, first you need to read them all roughly,based on which you find the ones for your careful reading.
A comprehensive survey helps you to know the state-of-the-art research, avoiding wasting your time to do your works already done by someone else.
Technical content is the most important element in scholarly papers, and it MUST be strong.
The idea(s) MUST be original and innovative, which should NOT appear in the archival literatures(such as journals, conferences, websites, etc. )
Sometimes, a prior publication in a conference does not necessarily prohibit its later
publication in a journal if the journal paper has been substantially enhanced from its conference version. However, this should be done in an extremely careful way Basically, I do NOT suggest to do so due to possible self-plagiarism. -
To make the technical content of your papers stronger, choosing a timely topic may help, but it may not always. It is not necessary to follow other's works unless you start the same research almost at the same time.
In-depth analysis with simulation verification is always a good combination for writing a good paper. Analytical derivations only may be considered impractical, and ONLY simulations will be considered as a"black-box" study.
Pay attention in using MATH to support your analysis. Note that most highly-cited depth analysis, not just prototyping design, hardware, development, or computer simulations. However, a lot of math does not always help if there is a lack of NEW ideas.
Be careful with self-plagiarism, e. g, verbatim copy of the contents from your own paper to another paper. Self-plagiarism is a problem many people do not know this is also an offense in scholarly publications. A joumal paper based on a previously published conference paper may be considered as self-plagiarism by IEEE. Strongly suggest that you choose either a conference or a journal to publish ONE paper, but not the both.
Try to avoid using the same plots, figures, tables, and illustrations from your earlier published papers. If you really need the same illustrations, you need to redraw them before using them in another paper. Nevertheless, it is not encouraged to do so. If you need to use some graphs from your papers published with IEEE before, you need to ask for its permission to re-use them.
Do not submit the same paper to several journals/conferences at the same time. However, it is allowed to submit a rejected paper to another journal, subject to a revision based on review comments.
Advisor's direct involvement in students' research activities is the most effective
way to avoid possible students' misconducts(including plagiarism).
Styles of Research Papers
Classifications of publications according to article types:
- Transaction papers (TCOM, TWC, TVT, JSAC, etc. );
- Transaction correspondences (TCOM, TWC, TVT, etc. );
- Letters(ComLetters, SignLetters, WCLetter, etc. );
- Magazine papers(WCom Mag, ComMag, Network, etc. );
- A special case: IEEE Communications Survey and Tutorials.
Based on coverage
- In-depth research papers;
- Tutorial papers:
- Review/survey papers (a good way to write highly cited papers, even before you start
to collect your own research data on a topic); - Comments to editors or erreta
Each journal has its own guidelines for submissions, which may change from time to time. Therefore, before writing your papers, check publication's home page to know
Its guidelines for authors(including submission style, requirement in submission of copyright form, etc. ), and follow the guideline as closely as possible. Some publications require single-column, and the others require double-column submissions.
Writing Skills
- A good writing skill is extremely important in writing a quality paper. A well-written paper has a much better chance to appeal reviewers, who are most likely subjective.
- Eliminate any possible grammatical and spelling errors in your papers.
- Sentences should read smoothly without pumping phrases.
- Avoid using long sentences. If an idea is too complex to phrase it, try to
use several short sentences to explain it on an item-by-item basis. - Always treat equations as parts of sentences. Equations should end with a quotation mark.
- Express your ideas using exactly the right words (ONLY one word may suit for a particular place in a sentence).
- Building up your active vocabulary(there are two vocabulary bases: passive and active. The former can only be used in your listening/reading, and the latter can be used in your writing, as well as your listening/reading).
- Writing is the most difficult language skill of all four skills: listening, speaking,
reading, and writing. It is a life-long learning process. There is NO short-cut. - To create a good language-learning environment is helpful, but not always a must. You still can learn how to write good English papers when you are living in a non-English speaking country. It needs your persistence.
- Listen to English radio and TV programs, on the road in a car, with a MP3 player, etc.
- Reading helps to improve your writing. Studies on language-learning have shown that the acquisition of reading skill helps to improve writing skill (the universities in Taiwan use the original English textbooks. They do not use Chinese textbooks. It helps to improve students' English writing skill through reading).
- Living in a non-English speaking country, such as China, can also learn how to
write good papers.
- Many people pay little attention to the presentation quality of papers Someone even believes that a paper will survive review process based only on technical contents (i.e, having nothing to do with the presentation quality).
- A well written paper MUST have a presentation quality with a professional touch. Understand what is a good presentation quality by taking a look at submissions from many world-class universities.
- Stop using Microsoft Word to edit your papers. Instead, you MUST use LaTex. This also helps you to archive your research works for a long time You will not be able to open a paper written in Microsoft Word after severa years, due to endless Microsoft software updates.
- Quality presentation with a professional touch of your manuscript will always help: visual impact of a paper plays an important role to survive its review process.
- Title should be informative and yet concise. For instance, omit definite article
(i.e,the")in a title, except in some VERY special cases. - In the introduction of a paper, you have to make a comprehensive review for the works reported in the literature. Usually, a thorough review will give the reviewers an impression that the authors are fully aware of the state-of-the-art research on the topic.
- Give credit to the previous works when you review the literature. NEVER tend to down-grade the importance of others' works to emphasize the importance of your own work, as the authors of the references in your papers may likely review your paper. Basically, you need to acknowledge others' contributions. Do not leave an impressions to the reviewers that all others' works were not important, and only your work makes a great contribution.
- All results shown in a paper should be discussed carefully. Never just show curves in plots without any discussions. The discussions should be very detail if something unusual appears, such as a cross-over point of two or more curves. In such a case, you have to explain why this happens, and what is its impact on the system performance.
- Do not put too many curves in one graph. The legend should ALWAYS appear inside(not outside)a graph. Do not use colors only to distinguish different curves, as many publishers print black-and white only papers(if you request for color printing, the cost and page charge is high). Use a combination of colors, markers, and line patterns to plot curves.
- A rejected paper is not necessarily a bad paper, and an accepted paper is not always a great paper. So, never give up when your paper is rejected.
- Sometimes, it happens that a very solid work can be rejected because of
incompetent reviewers. This is bad, but it indeed happens. - Most published papers only show some incremental enhancement based on
the previous works, and only very very few papers give truly technological
breakthroughs (e. g, a paper published by Alamouti has its citations over ten
thousands). - Unfortunately, paper review process is subjective, because human being
always tend to be subjective. Therefore, a successfully published paper has
VERY much to do with your knowledge on how to survive the review process,
which is subjective. - Try to use a style file of a publication whenever possible. A style file usually gives you
all necessary setups for an article. - Pay attention to equation editing.
- The first page of a paper is very important, and spend some more time in adjusting the title, sub-title, authors' information, etc. They MUST appear flawless.
- Abstract is very important, which is the very first part a reviewer will read. Make sure
all phrases should read as smooth as possible, without any awkward phrases. - The introduction is another important part that a reviewer/editor may read before
they move to the other parts of a paper. - The conclusion of a paper should also be written carefully. Many reviewers will also
read it before they make a final decision. They normally want to look for the contributions you have made in your paper.
Write a paper using simple language, to make others to follow your text easily. Avoid using long sentences; make every figure/table self explanatory: do not write too long
papers(one paper is focused only on one major issue, instead of too many issues
IMPORTANT: Always remember anything you write is for others, not for you!
Cares in Revisions
- VERY seldom a paper can be accepted as it is. Therefore, revision is an important step toward the publication of a paper.
- It is of critical importance to make a careful revision before your paper can be accepted.
- Answer all questions or comments from the reviewers, even some of reviewers questions seem to be unreasonably harsh or even"arrogant.
- Reply to those comments as detail as possible for all reviewers. Make sure to use nice words when you write a revision summary.
- Do not show your impatience in your reply to reviewers comments.
- Express your appreciation to the reviewers using the words: such as"Thank
you so much for your time and effort to handle the review for our paper - Satisfy the requests made by reviewers. For instance, a reviewer may ask you to add a few more references to your paper (although it is considered mproper). Then, if at all possible, please do as reviewer requested by adding those references in your paper.
- Spend some time in preparing a good-looking revision summary report. If there are too many equations in the report, use LaTeX instead of Microsoft Word.
Research Collaborations
- Collaboration is important in research Collaboration can facilitate research exchange amongst peers working in similar areas.
- Collaboration should be done among people who must know each other very well and thus can be trusted.
- Each party of a collaborating team MUST make its own contributions to a joint paper and it is not good to put others names on a paper if they did not contribute to the paper.
Professional Networking
- Networking in professional communities is important.
- IEEE uses non-blind review system in most of its publications (ComSoc uses double-blind reviews in IEEE Communication Letters), and thus the authors information is known to the reviewers. Is it good or not?
- A professional community seems to have a lot of people working in the same areas. However, the world is VERY small.
- Attend MAJOR international conferences to know people and establish your own network. Attend conferences on a regular basis, and do not jump from one conference to another. Persistence will be paid off. Do not forget to attend technical committee meetings in maior conferences.
- Treat everyone in the community nicely. Being humble will NOT harm your reputation. Please help people whenever possible.
- Be involved in various major professional (IEEE) activities, such as conference organization, special issue guest editing, associate editorial works. Participating those activities helps you to enhance your visibility in the community. The higher visibility you have, the more carefully the reviewers will review your papers.
- When you agree to do service works, such as conference organization, SI editing, Journal EB membership, etc, make sure do a good job. NEVER just get your name there but do NOT do anything. It is important to let other people know you are a reliable and decent member in the community.
- Never retaliate or revenge if someone treated you badly. It is indeed not easy, but it is important!
- Remember: helping others(even for those junior) also helps you. Arrogance never helps your life, and being humble never goes wrong.
- Strike a good balance: To do more professional services versus to make more enemies/friends through the services, which is a double-edge sward!
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