Number of Containers(数学) 分类: 数学 2015-07-07 23:42 1人阅读 评论(0) 收藏
Number of Containers
For two integers m and k, k is said to be a container of m if k is divisible by m. Given 2 positive integers n and m (m < n), the function f(n, m) is defined to be the number of containers of m which are also no greater than n. For example, f(5, 1)=4, f(8, 2)=3, f(7, 3)=1, f(5, 4)=0...
Let us define another function F(n) by the following equation:

Nowgiven a positive integer n, you are supposed to calculate the value ofF(n).
There are multiple test cases. The first line of input contains an integerT(T<=200) indicating the number of test cases. Then Ttest cases follow.
Each test case contains a positive integer n (0 < n <=2000000000) in a single line.
For each test case, output the result F(n) in a single line.
Sample Input
2 1 4
Sample Output
0 4
eg:f(5, 1)=4,即5/1=5,5-1=4;
f(8, 2)=3,即8/2=4,4-1=3;
f(7, 3)=1,即7/3=2,2-1=1;
f(5, 4)=0,即5/4=1,1-1=0;
画图 可以用 横坐标表示i 从该点画一条垂直的线 这条线上的所有整数点的个数就是 n/i
那么n/1+n/2+n/3+……n/(n-2)+n/(n-1)+n/n 可以表示为i*(n/i)=n这条线
画一条x=y的线与x*y=n相交 可以知道 面积关于x=y对称
我们求n/1+n/2+n/3+…… 只求到k=sqrt(n)处(1个梯形) 之后乘以2 (得到2个梯形的面积 其中有一个正方形的区域是重复的) 减去重复的区域k*k个 即可
#include<stdio.h> #include<math.h> int main() { int T; long long n,sum,i,j,k; scanf("%d",&T); while(T--) { scanf("%lld",&n); k=(long long)sqrt(n+1); sum=0; for(i=1;i<=k;i++) sum+=n/i; sum=sum*2-k*k-n; printf("%lld\n",sum); } return 0; }