[SQL] /* Navicat MySQL Data Transfer Source Server : root Source Server Version : 50717 Source Host : localhost:3306 Source Database : ffms Target Server Type : MYSQL Target Server Version : 50717 File Encoding : 65001 Date: 2018-03-08 22:29:12 */ SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; 受影响的行: 0 时间: 0.000ms [SQL] -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for t_database -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `t_database`; 受影响的行: 0 时间: 0.008ms [SQL] CREATE TABLE `t_database` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `userid` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `filename` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `time` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `location` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `dataid` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=44 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; 受影响的行: 0 时间: 0.470ms [SQL] -- ---------------------------- -- Records of t_database -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `t_database` VALUES ('43', '1', '20170705171442.sql', '2017-07-05 17:14:42', 'E:\\SQLDB122\\20170705171442.sql', '1'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.039ms [SQL] -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for t_datadic -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `t_datadic`; 受影响的行: 0 时间: 0.001ms [SQL] CREATE TABLE `t_datadic` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `datadicname` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `datadicvalue` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=21 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; 受影响的行: 0 时间: 0.228ms [SQL] -- ---------------------------- -- Records of t_datadic -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `t_datadic` VALUES ('1', '数据库管理', '备份'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.028ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_datadic` VALUES ('2', '数据库管理', '恢复'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.047ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_datadic` VALUES ('3', '数据库管理', '初始化'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.052ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_datadic` VALUES ('4', '数据库管理', '数据整理'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.030ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_datadic` VALUES ('6', '支出类型', '税收'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.026ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_datadic` VALUES ('7', '支出类型', '衣食住行'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.026ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_datadic` VALUES ('8', '支出类型', '医疗'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.024ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_datadic` VALUES ('9', '支出类型', '债券'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.034ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_datadic` VALUES ('10', '收入类型', '工资'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.021ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_datadic` VALUES ('11', '收入类型', '股票'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.024ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_datadic` VALUES ('12', '收入类型', '分红'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.023ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_datadic` VALUES ('13', '收入类型', '奖金'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.026ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_datadic` VALUES ('14', '证券流水账类型', '买入'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.021ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_datadic` VALUES ('15', '证券流水账类型', '卖出'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.034ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_datadic` VALUES ('16', '证券类型', '证据证券'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.028ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_datadic` VALUES ('17', '证券类型', '凭证证券'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.021ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_datadic` VALUES ('18', '证券类型', '有价证券'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.025ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_datadic` VALUES ('19', '支出类型', '股票'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.020ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_datadic` VALUES ('20', '支出类型', '其他'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.036ms [SQL] -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for t_income -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `t_income`; 受影响的行: 0 时间: 0.002ms [SQL] CREATE TABLE `t_income` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `userid` int(11) NOT NULL, `incomer` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `source` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `money` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `dataid` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `content` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `incometime` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `createtime` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `updatetime` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=40 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; 受影响的行: 0 时间: 0.236ms [SQL] -- ---------------------------- -- Records of t_income -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `t_income` VALUES ('1', '1', 'admin', '1', '5000', '10', '无', '2017-07-03 10:25:03', '2017-07-03 10:25:06', '2017-07-04 21:15:08'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.029ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_income` VALUES ('3', '1', 'admin', '2', '6000', '10', '无', '2017-07-04 10:25:03', '2017-07-03 10:29:20', '2017-07-04 21:15:20'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.025ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_income` VALUES ('4', '1', 'admin', '2', '5000', '10', '无', '2017-07-05 10:25:03', '2017-07-03 10:48:23', '2017-07-04 21:15:35'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.026ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_income` VALUES ('6', '2', 'Tom', '1', '10000', '11', '', '2017-07-03 10:25:03', '2017-07-03 15:24:33', '2017-07-04 21:16:07'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.023ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_income` VALUES ('8', '2', 'Tom', '1', '4000', '10', '', '2017-07-04 10:25:03', '2017-07-03 15:39:45', '2017-07-04 21:16:29'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.045ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_income` VALUES ('32', '2', 'Tom', '1', '3000', '10', '', '2017-07-05 10:25:03', '2017-07-04 13:54:07', '2017-07-04 21:17:39'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.030ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_income` VALUES ('33', '2', 'Tom', '3', '1222', '13', '', '2017-07-06 10:25:03', '2017-07-04 13:54:29', '2017-07-04 21:16:58'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.024ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_income` VALUES ('34', '7', '普通用户', '3', '1000', '11', '', '2017-07-03 10:25:03', '2017-07-04 22:18:59', null); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.036ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_income` VALUES ('35', '7', '普通用户', '2', '2200', '12', null, '2017-07-04 10:25:03', '2017-07-04 22:20:01', null); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.023ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_income` VALUES ('36', '7', '普通用户', '2', '3500', '13', '', '2017-07-05 10:25:03', '2017-07-04 22:20:34', '2017-07-04 22:21:00'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.047ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_income` VALUES ('37', '7', '普通用户', '2', '7000', '12', '', '2017-07-06 10:25:03', '2017-07-04 22:20:53', null); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.031ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_income` VALUES ('38', '1', 'admin', 'wu', '30000', '11', '', '2017-07-10 19:30:53', '2017-07-10 19:30:56', null); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.022ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_income` VALUES ('39', '2', 'tom', '3', '20000', '11', '', '2018-02-22 16:37:51', '2018-02-08 16:37:57', '2018-02-08 16:48:49'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.040ms [SQL] -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for t_pay -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `t_pay`; 受影响的行: 0 时间: 0.000ms [SQL] CREATE TABLE `t_pay` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `userid` int(11) NOT NULL, `payer` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `tword` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `money` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `dataid` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `content` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `paytime` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `createtime` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `updatetime` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=7 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; 受影响的行: 0 时间: 0.260ms [SQL] -- ---------------------------- -- Records of t_pay -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `t_pay` VALUES ('1', '1', 'admin', '吃饭', '50000', '6', '1', '2017-07-04 11:10:41', '2017-07-03 11:10:45', '2017-07-08 15:25:49'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.050ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_pay` VALUES ('2', '1', '1', '1', '222', '7', '2222', '2017-07-04 11:26:57', '2017-07-03 11:27:06', '2017-07-04 08:42:41'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.026ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_pay` VALUES ('3', '1', '123', '1', '123', '6', '123', '2017-07-06 11:28:19', '2017-07-03 11:28:27', null); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.032ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_pay` VALUES ('4', '1', '11', '3', '11', '6', '1', '2017-07-03 15:07:46', '2017-07-03 15:07:49', null); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.057ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_pay` VALUES ('5', '11', 'jinbang', '投资新易贷', '3330', '9', '反反复复', '2018-01-28 00:02:25', '2018-01-28 00:02:32', null); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.053ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_pay` VALUES ('6', '2', 'tom', '购买神州高铁债券', '10000', '9', '购买国债', '2018-02-07 16:44:03', '2018-02-08 16:44:13', null); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.027ms [SQL] -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for t_role -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `t_role`; 受影响的行: 0 时间: 0.001ms [SQL] CREATE TABLE `t_role` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '角色表', `rolename` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=3 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; 受影响的行: 0 时间: 0.245ms [SQL] -- ---------------------------- -- Records of t_role -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `t_role` VALUES ('1', '超级管理员'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.026ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_role` VALUES ('2', '心理老师'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.024ms [SQL] -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for t_security -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `t_security`; 受影响的行: 0 时间: 0.000ms [SQL] CREATE TABLE `t_security` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `userid` int(11) NOT NULL, `securityname` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `securitypassward` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `company` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `dataid` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `starttime` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `endtime` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `createtime` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `updatetime` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=3 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; 受影响的行: 0 时间: 0.267ms [SQL] -- ---------------------------- -- Records of t_security -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `t_security` VALUES ('1', '2', '12323', '231232189', '赵鹏', '17', '2017-07-03 11:14:58', '2017-07-05 11:14:55', '2017-07-05 11:15:02', '2017-07-05 11:15:23'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.056ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_security` VALUES ('2', '1', '789', '788', '4561', '16', '2017-07-05 13:52:30', '2017-07-05 13:52:27', '2017-07-05 13:52:47', null); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.024ms [SQL] -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for t_shares -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `t_shares`; 受影响的行: 0 时间: 0.000ms [SQL] CREATE TABLE `t_shares` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `userid` int(11) NOT NULL, `securityid` int(11) NOT NULL, `sharesname` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `holder` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `createtime` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `updatetime` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=7 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; 受影响的行: 0 时间: 0.264ms [SQL] -- ---------------------------- -- Records of t_shares -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `t_shares` VALUES ('1', '1', '1', '赵鹏', 'admin', '2017-07-05 11:16:43', '2017-07-05 15:57:04'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.038ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_shares` VALUES ('3', '1', '1', '我哦我我哦', 'Tom', '2017-07-05 15:15:33', null); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.023ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_shares` VALUES ('4', '11', '1', '腾讯股', 'jinbang', '2018-01-24 16:31:58', null); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.029ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_shares` VALUES ('5', '2', '1', '平安银行', 'tom', '2018-02-08 16:32:19', null); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.078ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_shares` VALUES ('6', '2', '1', '平安银行', 'tom', '2018-02-08 16:32:19', null); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.029ms [SQL] -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for t_trade -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `t_trade`; 受影响的行: 0 时间: 0.000ms [SQL] CREATE TABLE `t_trade` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `userid` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `sharesid` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `price` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `number` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `money` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `dataid` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `content` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `time` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `createtime` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `updatetime` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=4 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; 受影响的行: 0 时间: 0.224ms [SQL] -- ---------------------------- -- Records of t_trade -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `t_trade` VALUES ('1', null, null, '69999', '12', '839988', '14', '激活附', '2017-07-04 15:22:21', '2017-07-05 15:22:36', null); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.037ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_trade` VALUES ('2', '1', '1', '69999', '2', '139998', '15', '地方', '2017-07-07 15:34:14', '2017-07-05 15:34:24', '2017-07-05 19:43:49'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.030ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_trade` VALUES ('3', '2', '4', '22', '100', '2200', '14', '今天买入腾讯b股', '2018-02-08 16:31:02', '2018-02-08 16:31:19', null); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.028ms [SQL] -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for t_user -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `t_user`; 受影响的行: 0 时间: 0.000ms [SQL] CREATE TABLE `t_user` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '用户表(里面的用户包括超级管理员和心理老师)', `username` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `password` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `truename` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `email` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `phone` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `address` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `sex` tinyint(2) DEFAULT NULL, `age` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `appellation` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `salary` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `card` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `isvalid` tinyint(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', `createtime` datetime NOT NULL, `updatetime` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=14 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; 受影响的行: 0 时间: 0.242ms [SQL] -- ---------------------------- -- Records of t_user -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `t_user` VALUES ('1', 'admin', 'MTIz', '管理员', '424107420@qq.com', '18713598785', '秦皇岛市海港区燕山大学', '1', '22', '父亲', '5000', '123456', '1', '2017-06-30 11:36:21', '2018-01-24 17:38:59'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.077ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_user` VALUES ('2', 'tom', 'MTIz', 'tom', '424107420@qq.com', '22222', '秦皇岛市海港区燕大小区', '2', '35', '母亲', '9000', '623578956', '1', '2017-07-01 15:04:19', '2018-01-24 18:05:17'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.027ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_user` VALUES ('3', '12455', 'MTIz', null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, '0', '2017-07-06 15:13:09', null); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.066ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_user` VALUES ('4', '12222', 'MTIzNDU2Nzg=', '2222', '424107420@qq.com', '222', '秦皇岛市海港区', '2', '22', '父亲', '5000111', '123456', '0', '2017-07-01 15:24:14', '2017-07-03 10:09:40'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.042ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_user` VALUES ('5', '122', 'MTIz', '1', '1@qq.com', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '0', '2017-07-03 15:10:15', null); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.046ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_user` VALUES ('6', '1', 'MQ==', '1', '1@qq.com', '1', '1', '1', '11', '1', '11', '1', '0', '2017-07-03 15:10:34', null); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.021ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_user` VALUES ('7', '普通用户', 'MTIz', '王大爷', '18713598785@163.com', '123456789', '未知', '1', '60', '外祖父', '6000', '622234578', '1', '2017-07-03 22:24:20', '2017-07-03 22:30:44'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.108ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_user` VALUES ('8', '田建璐', 'MTIzNDU2', null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, '0', '2017-07-03 22:27:15', null); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.027ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_user` VALUES ('9', 'lu', 'MTIz', null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, '1', '2017-07-07 10:02:39', null); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.032ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_user` VALUES ('10', '我是谁', 'MTIzNDU2', null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, '1', '2017-07-08 15:36:04', null); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.051ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_user` VALUES ('11', 'jinbang', 'MTIz', '小东', '453465325@qq.com', '13570488568', '广东茂名', '1', null, '阿东', '100000', '95563555635211558', '1', '2018-01-24 16:30:53', '2018-01-25 09:36:44'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.031ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_user` VALUES ('12', '123456', 'MTIzNDU2Nzg5', null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, '1', '2018-03-07 14:19:25', null); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.025ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_user` VALUES ('13', '11112222', 'MTExMTIyMjI=', null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, '1', '2018-03-07 14:19:54', null); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.040ms [SQL] -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for t_user_role -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `t_user_role`; 受影响的行: 0 时间: 0.001ms [SQL] CREATE TABLE `t_user_role` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `userid` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `roleid` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=16 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; 受影响的行: 0 时间: 0.227ms [SQL] -- ---------------------------- -- Records of t_user_role -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `t_user_role` VALUES ('1', '1', '1'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.028ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_user_role` VALUES ('4', '2', '2'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.031ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_user_role` VALUES ('5', '3', '2'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.029ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_user_role` VALUES ('6', '4', '2'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.053ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_user_role` VALUES ('7', '5', '1'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.072ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_user_role` VALUES ('8', '6', '1'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.021ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_user_role` VALUES ('9', '7', '2'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.024ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_user_role` VALUES ('10', '8', '2'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.057ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_user_role` VALUES ('11', '9', '2'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.020ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_user_role` VALUES ('12', '10', '2'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.028ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_user_role` VALUES ('13', '11', '2'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.031ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_user_role` VALUES ('14', '12', '2'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.027ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `t_user_role` VALUES ('15', '13', '2'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.021ms [SQL] -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for xl_ads -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `xl_ads`; 受影响的行: 0 时间: 0.001ms [SQL] CREATE TABLE `xl_ads` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '顶层广告表', `goodId` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '对应的商品id', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=gbk; 受影响的行: 0 时间: 0.510ms [SQL] -- ---------------------------- -- Records of xl_ads -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for xl_answer -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `xl_answer`; 受影响的行: 0 时间: 0.001ms [SQL] CREATE TABLE `xl_answer` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `answer_num` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '第几个答案', `answer_content` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '答案内容', `questionId` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `next_quesionId` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '下一题Id', `answer_score` int(10) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '答案的分值', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=gbk; 受影响的行: 0 时间: 0.352ms [SQL] -- ---------------------------- -- Records of xl_answer -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for xl_comment -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `xl_comment`; 受影响的行: 0 时间: 0.000ms [SQL] CREATE TABLE `xl_comment` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '会员评论表', `vipId` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'vipid', `goodId` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '题目id', `good_understandability` varchar(5) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '题目易懂性', `good_accuracy` varchar(5) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '准确性', `good_practical` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '实用性', `content` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL, `comment_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `anonymous` int(2) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '(0:匿名评论;1:不匿名)默认是0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=4 DEFAULT CHARSET=gb2312; 受影响的行: 0 时间: 0.232ms [SQL] -- ---------------------------- -- Records of xl_comment -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `xl_comment` VALUES ('2', '2', '9', '', '', null, 'asdasfsdsf', '2017-01-09 10:01:16', '0'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.023ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `xl_comment` VALUES ('3', '2', '9', '', '', null, 'qqqqqq', '2017-01-09 10:01:46', '0'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.020ms [SQL] -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for xl_evaluation -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `xl_evaluation`; 受影响的行: 0 时间: 0.000ms [SQL] CREATE TABLE `xl_evaluation` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `goodId` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `goodname` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '评测报告描述', `report_describe` blob, `min_score` int(3) DEFAULT NULL, `max_score` int(20) DEFAULT NULL, `level` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '程度(测试分数高低程度)', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=gbk; 受影响的行: 0 时间: 0.287ms [SQL] -- ---------------------------- -- Records of xl_evaluation -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for xl_evaluation_detail -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `xl_evaluation_detail`; 受影响的行: 0 时间: 0.000ms [SQL] CREATE TABLE `xl_evaluation_detail` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '评估测试明细表', `eid` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '评估测试表id', `eval_num` int(30) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '序号', `eval_type` char(2) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '评估测试内容类型(1:文字;2:图片)', `eval_content` blob, `eval_url` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=gbk; 受影响的行: 0 时间: 0.255ms [SQL] -- ---------------------------- -- Records of xl_evaluation_detail -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for xl_evaluation_record -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `xl_evaluation_record`; 受影响的行: 0 时间: 0.001ms [SQL] CREATE TABLE `xl_evaluation_record` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '用户测试之后返回的评估记录', `goodId` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '商品id', `vipId` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'vipid', `eid` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '评测报告表id', `vipname` char(20) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '测试者', `start_time` datetime(6) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '开始测试时间', `score` tinyint(10) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '评测分数(满分100)', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=gbk; 受影响的行: 0 时间: 0.902ms [SQL] -- ---------------------------- -- Records of xl_evaluation_record -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for xl_good -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `xl_good`; 受影响的行: 0 时间: 0.000ms [SQL] CREATE TABLE `xl_good` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '商品表(心理测试题表)', `tittle` char(25) CHARACTER SET gbk DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '标题', `subtittle` char(25) CHARACTER SET gbk DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '副标题', `typeId` int(20) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '类型id', `type_name` varchar(10) CHARACTER SET gbk DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '类型名称', `price` double(25,1) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '价格', ` original_price` double(25,1) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '原价', `picture_name` char(40) CHARACTER SET gbk DEFAULT NULL, `answer_time` int(10) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '回答的多少时间以内', `description` char(60) CHARACTER SET gbk DEFAULT NULL, `pay_success_number` int(100) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '支付成功的数量', `flag` varchar(2) CHARACTER SET gbk DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '题目是否有效', `create_user` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建者id', `create_username` varchar(20) CHARACTER SET gbk DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建人名字', `create_time` datetime(6) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建时间', `update_user` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '修改人id', `update_username` varchar(20) CHARACTER SET gbk DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '修改人姓名', `update_time` datetime(6) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '修改时间', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=11 DEFAULT CHARSET=gb2312; 受影响的行: 0 时间: 0.203ms [SQL] -- ---------------------------- -- Records of xl_good -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `xl_good` VALUES ('9', '中国哲学史', null, '5', null, '100.0', null, '1482416332286.jpg', null, '一部描述中国上下五千年的哲学史', null, null, '8', null, null, null, null, null); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.043ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `xl_good` VALUES ('10', '国际企业财务管理', null, '6', null, '55555.0', null, '1482416369937.jpg', null, '吃的', null, null, '8', null, null, null, null, null); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.025ms [SQL] -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for xl_good_version -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `xl_good_version`; 受影响的行: 0 时间: 0.000ms [SQL] CREATE TABLE `xl_good_version` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `goodId` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '产品id', `version_name` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '版本名称', `version_code` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '版本代码', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=gbk; 受影响的行: 0 时间: 0.288ms [SQL] -- ---------------------------- -- Records of xl_good_version -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for xl_order -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `xl_order`; 受影响的行: 0 时间: 0.000ms [SQL] CREATE TABLE `xl_order` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '订单表(当支付返回成功标志的时候就会产生订单)', `order_no` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '订单编号(都是数字)', `time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '订单生成时间(支付成功才生成订单)', `flag` varchar(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '是否支付', `money` double(20,1) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '金额', `vipId` int(20) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '会员id', `goodId` int(20) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '题目id', `commentId` int(20) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '评价id', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=25 DEFAULT CHARSET=gb2312; 受影响的行: 0 时间: 0.223ms [SQL] -- ---------------------------- -- Records of xl_order -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `xl_order` VALUES ('23', null, '2017-01-08 19:58:44', '1', '422.0', '2', null, null); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.023ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `xl_order` VALUES ('24', null, '2017-01-08 20:41:18', '1', '213.0', '4', null, null); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.022ms [SQL] -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for xl_order_send -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `xl_order_send`; 受影响的行: 0 时间: 0.000ms [SQL] CREATE TABLE `xl_order_send` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `order_no` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '订单编号', `time` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `money` double(20,1) DEFAULT NULL, `goodId` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `order_num` int(20) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '数量', `from_user` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `to_user` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=gbk; 受影响的行: 0 时间: 0.296ms [SQL] -- ---------------------------- -- Records of xl_order_send -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for xl_question -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `xl_question`; 受影响的行: 0 时间: 0.000ms [SQL] CREATE TABLE `xl_question` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `goodId` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `question_num` int(33) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '第几题', `question_content` blob COMMENT '题目内容', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=gbk; 受影响的行: 0 时间: 0.486ms [SQL] -- ---------------------------- -- Records of xl_question -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for xl_type -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `xl_type`; 受影响的行: 0 时间: 0.001ms [SQL] CREATE TABLE `xl_type` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '题目类型表(类型有很多种)', `name` char(22) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '类型名称', `flag` int(11) DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '1:表示有效 2:表示无效', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=16 DEFAULT CHARSET=gb2312; 受影响的行: 0 时间: 0.240ms [SQL] -- ---------------------------- -- Records of xl_type -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `xl_type` VALUES ('5', ' 哲学类', '1'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.022ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `xl_type` VALUES ('6', '财经管理', '1'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.023ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `xl_type` VALUES ('7', '计算机技术', '1'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.038ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `xl_type` VALUES ('9', ' 美术雕塑', '1'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.027ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `xl_type` VALUES ('10', '中国文学', '1'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.052ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `xl_type` VALUES ('11', '外国文学', '1'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.025ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `xl_type` VALUES ('12', '历史地理', '0'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.060ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `xl_type` VALUES ('13', '自然科学', '1'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.024ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `xl_type` VALUES ('14', '', '0'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.046ms [SQL] INSERT INTO `xl_type` VALUES ('15', '金融类', '1'); 受影响的行: 1 时间: 0.028ms [SQL] -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for xl_vip -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `xl_vip`; 受影响的行: 0 时间: 0.000ms [SQL] CREATE TABLE `xl_vip` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `openId` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '用户标示', `vip_flag` varchar(2) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '是否vip(1:就是vip)', `subscribeTime` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `unsubscribeTime` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `nickName` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '昵称', `unionid` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '只有在用户将公众号绑定到微信开放平台帐号后,才会出现该字段', `privilege` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '用户特权信息,json 数组,如微信沃卡用户为(chinaunicom)', `headimgurl` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '图像', `country` varchar(10) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '国家', `city` varchar(10) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '城市', `province` varchar(10) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL, `sex` int(1) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '用户的性别,值为1时是男性,值为2时是女性,值为0时是未知', `updateTime` datetime NOT NULL COMMENT '更新时间', `remark` text CHARACTER SET utf8 COMMENT '备注', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=gbk; 受影响的行: 0 时间: 0.294ms [SQL] -- ---------------------------- -- Records of xl_vip -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for xl_voucher -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `xl_voucher`; 受影响的行: 0 时间: 0.000ms [SQL] CREATE TABLE `xl_voucher` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '抵用券表', `name` char(30) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '抵用券名称', `price` double(10,2) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '抵用券价格', `flag` char(2) DEFAULT '2' COMMENT '抵用券是否有效(1:有效 2:无效)系统应该设定只有一条抵用券记录是有效的,其他都无效', `type` char(2) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '优惠券有两种(1:不指定某题的2:指定某题的)', `validate` datetime(6) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '有效期', `vo_num` int(50) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '数量', `goodId` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '如果type为2,则指定的goodId', `stipulate_price` double(10,2) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '到达多少钱才能使用', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=gbk; 受影响的行: 0 时间: 0.233ms [SQL] -- ---------------------------- -- Records of xl_voucher -- ---------------------------- 受影响的行: 0 时间: 0.000ms
通过Git从远程服务器上获得到自己的项目,但是通过TortoiseGit做push时提示Disconnected: No supported authentication methods available (server sent: publickey)错误,但是在GitBash中没有错误,怀疑是TortoiseGit的配置问题,通过查找资料发现需要设置下 TortoiseGit的SSH配置,配置方式如下:
1. 右键更新的Git项目,选择TortoiseGit -- Settings 在弹出的对话框中点击NetWork在右侧的区域配置SSH Client项为Git安装目录下bin/ssh.exe文件,注意是Git的安装目录下的。
git.exe clone --progress -v "git@github.com:zhenyimo/ffms.git" "I:\数据库\数据库5\ffms"
Cloning into 'I:\数据库\数据库5\ffms'...
Warning: Permanently added 'github.com,' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
git did not exit cleanly (exit code 128) (9500 ms @ 2018/3/12 1:13:47)
4.Generate SSH key
Open Git Bash command line.
Input: ssh-keygen command.
Use the default folder to store key files, and you can choose input a passphrase, or just leave it empty.
As a result, a pair of SSH keys were generated under the user folder, e.g. C:\Users\ZHONGZHENHUA\.ssh. The file 'id_rsa' is a private key file, and the file ' id_rsa.pub' is a public key file.
5.Register the SSH key on Git server
Navigate to http://git.comwave.com.cn/, login as your domain account.
Then, navigate to profile page, then SSH Keys page.
Click 'Add SSH Key' button.
Copy and paste the content of public key file(e.g., C:\Users\ZHONGZHENHUA\.ssh\id_rsa.pub) here, then click 'Add key' to save.
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCyn+cr1VIFceYQEN8Kocx8eDWOROd8cGebUGB6V8rmw5TrWEnW4oZAbnGMmsHDyUGr8MqCg9TaXT5XKh/42A7CpCdr1x2nUO93K2DXZ8LM/gHldW44K9ZW8b4tA1t2WxGFCHwh+eFvkGIXx7F0C9wrqYMCc1CwfQslUmHPWjvWuEQwFpVL6xGP+EV4A8EhaZJWkg7aq46Chkq0ABJh12ljwzaSMurrxAFp4tGZjge53Ji7cXGYhQh+Q+0MqpLL5GV+72aByGd7D9B0nCxXF3X/qjt1PVmiC8TPC/pKSbHhQ5UwB1gzK39qWprprVc775KwkXr56BCkIBPHEU+SIsdN ZHONGZHENHUA@DESKTOP-S07DGSI
6.Change TortoiseGit to use ssh.exe bundled in Git installation
Right click on blank space, choose the TortoiseGit/Settings menu.
Click 'Git' on left tree menu, and choose the 'Global' option, uncheck 'inherit' behind the 'Name' and 'Email' text box, then input your name and email, and click 'Apply' to save.
Click 'Network' on left tree menu, change the SSH client to use ssh.exe bundled in Git installation. Then click 'OK' to save.
7.Clone demo-git project from remote repository
Right click on blank space, choose 'Git Clone...' menu.
Clone project from url: git@github.com:zhenyimo/ffms.git
Choose 'yes' to save the authenticity.
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCyn+cr1VIFceYQEN8Kocx8eDWOROd8cGebUGB6V8rmw5TrWEnW4oZAbnGMmsHDyUGr8MqCg9TaXT5XKh/42A7CpCdr1x2nUO93K2DXZ8LM/gHldW44K9ZW8b4tA1t2WxGFCHwh+eFvkGIXx7F0C9wrqYMCc1CwfQslUmHPWjvWuEQwFpVL6xGP+EV4A8EhaZJWkg7aq46Chkq0ABJh12ljwzaSMurrxAFp4tGZjge53Ji7cXGYhQh+Q+0MqpLL5GV+72aByGd7D9B0nCxXF3X/qjt1PVmiC8TPC/pKSbHhQ5UwB1gzK39qWprprVc775KwkXr56BCkIBPHEU+SIsdN ZHONGZHENHUA@DESKTOP-S07DGSI
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDN5blfHAs/5YWpycDpC+f7J1vS5HZdctbRkah3uYUclYXSZLQHP3hJ44S8dBLNIiLGG4XCOMmhEGPUtrJgATLM3ocLw6VjNQ/F6aJsTW7Da+LG3HLU9p8rm5sCyM4luvdW+Sn3wyEQ2o5myt6aDn8WUWTT9grBvIZ9M+JNZK/C/cBZF3oniIYsWCel98zYUx2f+EFXbK0CzDe2dAArLpGlSozD7hVeouYoZHyCQmqFmbBTWuTJwMuSJHFhw6UTploLFpn6cpEA9YvRHOzWtJWVySF0rsYpEdRbuDuHYo7/+xy2eif44Bi07NiY3tHOLFTwDcWLtFU68yWh26bxtdTt zhongzh@ZHONGZHENHUA-PC