





EditCutActivity  编辑剪切的Activity.EditBrightActivity.


package com.mt.mtxx.image;

import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.AssetManager;
import android.graphics.Bitmap;
import android.graphics.Bitmap.Config;
import android.graphics.BitmapFactory;
import android.graphics.BitmapFactory.Options;
import android.graphics.Canvas;
import android.graphics.ColorMatrix;
import android.graphics.ColorMatrixColorFilter;
import android.graphics.Matrix;
import android.graphics.Paint;
import android.graphics.Rect;
import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable;
import android.media.ExifInterface;
import com.mt.mtxx.mtxx.MTDebug;
import com.mt.mtxx.mtxx.MyData;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;

public class ImageProcess
  private static float[] DELTA_INDEX = { 0.0F, 0.01F, 0.02F, 0.04F, 0.05F, 0.06F, 0.07F, 0.08F, 0.1F, 0.11F, 0.12F, 0.14F, 0.15F, 0.16F, 0.17F, 0.18F, 0.2F, 0.21F, 0.22F, 0.24F, 0.25F, 0.27F, 0.28F, 0.3F, 0.32F, 0.34F, 0.36F, 0.38F, 0.4F, 0.42F, 0.44F, 0.46F, 0.48F, 0.5F, 0.53F, 0.56F, 0.59F, 0.62F, 0.65F, 0.68F, 0.71F, 0.74F, 0.77F, 0.8F, 0.83F, 0.86F, 0.89F, 0.92F, 0.95F, 0.98F, 1.0F, 1.06F, 1.12F, 1.18F, 1.24F, 1.3F, 1.36F, 1.42F, 1.48F, 1.54F, 1.6F, 1.66F, 1.72F, 1.78F, 1.84F, 1.9F, 1.96F, 2.0F, 2.12F, 2.25F, 2.37F, 2.5F, 2.62F, 2.75F, 2.87F, 3.0F, 3.2F, 3.4F, 3.6F, 3.8F, 4.0F, 4.3F, 4.7F, 4.9F, 5.0F, 5.5F, 6.0F, 6.5F, 6.8F, 7.0F, 7.3F, 7.5F, 7.8F, 8.0F, 8.4F, 8.7F, 9.0F, 9.4F, 9.6F, 9.8F, 10.0F };
  private static JNI jni = new JNI();

  public static Bitmap AutoWhiteBalance(Bitmap paramBitmap)//自动白平衡 好一点的相机都有这样的功能 设置一个白平衡  先找准这个白色的 然后其他的颜色才能跟着一起准 当你从一个环境进到另外一个环境  比如说白色光灯环境  绿色光灯环境 可能这个白色都得重新调一调 这就是自动白平衡
    Bitmap localBitmap = null;
      long l1 = System.currentTimeMillis();//获得了当前的时间.
      int i = paramBitmap.getWidth();//获取Bitmap的宽度
      int j = paramBitmap.getHeight();//获取Bitmap的高度
      byte[] arrayOfByte = bitmap2ByteARGB(paramBitmap);//拿到了一个byte类型的数组
      jni.AutoWhiteBalance(arrayOfByte, i, j);
      localBitmap = bytesARGB2Bimap(arrayOfByte, i, j);
      long l2 = System.currentTimeMillis() - l1;
      MTDebug.Print("AutoWhiteBalance time=" + l2);
      return localBitmap;
    catch (Exception localException)
    return localBitmap;

  public static Bitmap BackWeak(int[] paramArrayOfInt1, int[] paramArrayOfInt2, int paramInt1, int paramInt2, int paramInt3, int paramInt4, byte[] paramArrayOfByte, int paramInt5, int paramInt6)
      MTDebug.Print("BackWeak width=" + paramInt1 + " height=" + paramInt2 + " total=" + paramInt1 * paramInt2 + " nOutsideRound=" + paramInt6);
      if (paramArrayOfInt1.length < paramInt1 * paramInt2)
        MTDebug.PrintError("[BackWeak] DstImage.length=" + paramArrayOfInt1.length);
        return null;
      if (paramArrayOfInt2.length < paramInt1 * paramInt2)
        StringBuilder localStringBuilder = new StringBuilder("[BackWeak] SrcImage.length=");
        return null;
      int i = 1 + paramInt6 * 2;
      if (paramArrayOfByte.length < i * i)
        MTDebug.PrintError("[BackWeak] alphaRect.length=" + paramArrayOfByte.length);
        return null;
        MTDebug.Print("[Error][BackWeak] BackWeak");
        return null;
        jni.BackWeakOne(paramArrayOfInt1, paramArrayOfInt2, paramInt1, paramInt2, paramInt3, paramInt4, paramArrayOfByte, paramInt5, paramInt6);
        Bitmap localBitmap2 = intARGB2Bimap(paramArrayOfInt1, paramInt1, paramInt2);
        localBitmap1 = localBitmap2;
        return localBitmap1;
    catch (Exception localException)
      while (true)
        Bitmap localBitmap1 = null;
        if ((paramArrayOfInt1 == null) || (paramArrayOfInt2 == null))
        if (paramArrayOfByte != null)

  public static Bitmap BackWeak2(byte[] paramArrayOfByte1, int paramInt1, int paramInt2, int paramInt3, int paramInt4, byte[] paramArrayOfByte2, int paramInt5, int paramInt6)
      if (paramArrayOfByte1.length < paramInt1 * paramInt2)
        MTDebug.Print("[Error][BackWeakLine] SrcImage.length=" + paramArrayOfByte1.length);
        return null;
      int i = 1 + paramInt6 * 2;
      if (paramArrayOfByte2.length < i * i)
        MTDebug.Print("[Error][BackWeakLine] alphaRect.length=" + paramArrayOfByte2.length + " nOutsideRound=" + paramInt6);
        return null;
      jni.BackWeak2(paramArrayOfByte1, paramInt1, paramInt2, paramInt3, paramInt4, paramArrayOfByte2, paramInt5, paramInt6);
      Bitmap localBitmap2 = bytesARGB2Bimap(paramArrayOfByte1, paramInt1, paramInt2);
      localBitmap1 = localBitmap2;
      return localBitmap1;
    catch (Exception localException)
      while (true)
        Bitmap localBitmap1 = null;

  public static Bitmap BackWeakLine(int[] paramArrayOfInt1, int[] paramArrayOfInt2, int paramInt1, int paramInt2, int[] paramArrayOfInt3, int[] paramArrayOfInt4, float paramFloat, int paramInt3, int paramInt4)
      if (paramArrayOfInt1.length < paramInt1 * paramInt2)
        MTDebug.PrintError("[Error][BackWeakLine] DstImage.length=" + paramArrayOfInt1.length);
        return null;
      if (paramArrayOfInt2.length < paramInt1 * paramInt2)
        MTDebug.PrintError("[Error][BackWeakLine] SrcImage.length=" + paramArrayOfInt2.length);
        return null;
      if (paramArrayOfInt3.length != 8)
        MTDebug.PrintError("[Error][BackWeakLine] x.length=" + paramArrayOfInt3.length);
        return null;
      if (paramArrayOfInt4.length != 8)
        MTDebug.PrintError("[Error][BackWeakLine] y.length=" + paramArrayOfInt4.length);
        return null;
        MTDebug.PrintError("[Error] BackWeakLine");
        return null;
        jni.BackWeakLine(paramArrayOfInt1, paramArrayOfInt2, paramInt1, paramInt2, paramArrayOfInt3, paramArrayOfInt4, paramFloat, paramInt3, paramInt4);
        Bitmap localBitmap2 = intARGB2Bimap(paramArrayOfInt1, paramInt1, paramInt2);
        localBitmap1 = localBitmap2;
        return localBitmap1;
    catch (Exception localException)
      while (true)
        Bitmap localBitmap1 = null;
        if ((paramArrayOfInt1 == null) || (paramArrayOfInt2 == null) || (paramArrayOfInt3 == null))
        if (paramArrayOfInt4 != null)

  public static Bitmap Bmp565ToBmp888(Bitmap paramBitmap, boolean paramBoolean)
      if (paramBitmap.getConfig() == Bitmap.Config.RGB_565)
        Bitmap localBitmap2 = paramBitmap.copy(Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888, true);
        localBitmap1 = localBitmap2;
        return localBitmap1;
      return paramBitmap;
    catch (Exception localException)
      while (true)
        MTDebug.Print("FittingWindow " + localException.toString());
        Bitmap localBitmap1 = null;

  public static Bitmap Clone(Bitmap paramBitmap)
      Bitmap localBitmap = paramBitmap.copy(MyData.mConfig, true);
      return localBitmap;
    catch (Exception localException)
    return null;

  public static Bitmap FaceBeauty(Bitmap paramBitmap, int paramInt, boolean paramBoolean)
      int i = paramBitmap.getWidth();
      int j = paramBitmap.getHeight();
      int[] arrayOfInt = bitmap2IntARGB(paramBitmap);
      if (paramBoolean)
      jni.FaceBeauty(arrayOfInt, i, j, paramInt);
      Bitmap localBitmap = intARGB2Bimap(arrayOfInt, i, j);
      return localBitmap;
    catch (Exception localException)
    return null;

  public static void FaceBeautyRelease()
    catch (Exception localException)

  public static Bitmap FittingWindow(Bitmap paramBitmap, int paramInt1, int paramInt2, boolean paramBoolean)
    Object localObject = null;
    while (true)
      int m;
      int k;
        int i = paramBitmap.getWidth();
        int j = paramBitmap.getHeight();
        if (i * paramInt2 <= j * paramInt1)
        m = paramInt1;
        k = j * paramInt1 / i;
        float f1 = m / i;
        MTDebug.Print("scale=" + f1);
        float f2 = (int)(f1 * 1000.0F) / 1000.0F;
        Matrix localMatrix = new Matrix();
        localMatrix.preScale(f2, f2);
        MTDebug.Print("srcW=" + i + " srcH=" + j + " scale=" + f2 + " w=" + paramInt1 + " h=" + paramInt2);
        if (paramBitmap == null)
          MTDebug.Print("2aMTXX src == null");
          if (i != m)
            break label318;
          localObject = null;
          if (j != k)
            break label318;
          localObject = paramBitmap.copy(paramBitmap.getConfig(), true);
          MTDebug.Print("FittingWindow copy");
          if (!paramBoolean)
          return localObject;
          k = paramInt2;
          m = i * paramInt2 / j;
          f1 = k / j;
          MTDebug.Print("scale=" + f1);
      catch (Exception localException)
        MTDebug.Print("FittingWindow " + localException.toString());
        return localObject;
      if (!paramBitmap.isRecycled())
      MTDebug.Print("3aMTXX src.isRecycled()");
      label318: Bitmap localBitmap = createScaledBitmap(paramBitmap, m, k, paramBitmap.getConfig());
      localObject = localBitmap;
    return (Bitmap)localObject;

  public static Bitmap FittingWindow888(Bitmap paramBitmap, int paramInt1, int paramInt2, boolean paramBoolean)
    Object localObject = null;
    while (true)
      int i;
      int j;
        i = paramBitmap.getWidth();
        j = paramBitmap.getHeight();
        if (i * paramInt2 <= j * paramInt1)
        (j * paramInt1 / i);
        float f1 = paramInt1 / i;
        MTDebug.Print("scale=" + f1);
        float f2 = (int)(f1 * 1000.0F) / 1000.0F;
        Matrix localMatrix = new Matrix();
        localMatrix.preScale(f2, f2);
        MTDebug.Print("srcW=" + i + " srcH=" + j + " scale=" + f2 + " w=" + paramInt1 + " h=" + paramInt2);
        if (paramBitmap == null)
          MTDebug.Print("2aMTXX src == null");
          boolean bool = f2 < 1.0F;
          localObject = null;
          if (bool)
            break label304;
          localObject = paramBitmap.copy(Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888, true);
          MTDebug.Print("FittingWindow copy");
          if (!paramBoolean)
          return localObject;
          (i * paramInt2 / j);
          f1 = paramInt2 / j;
          MTDebug.Print("scale=" + f1);
      catch (Exception localException)
        MTDebug.Print("FittingWindow " + localException.toString());
        return localObject;
      if (!paramBitmap.isRecycled())
      MTDebug.Print("3aMTXX src.isRecycled()");
      label304: Bitmap localBitmap = createScaledBitmap(paramBitmap, i, j, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
      localObject = localBitmap;
    return (Bitmap)localObject;

  public static Bitmap FittingWindowSave(Bitmap paramBitmap, int paramInt1, int paramInt2, boolean paramBoolean)
    Object localObject = null;
      MTDebug.Print("FittingWindowSave w=" + paramInt1 + " h=" + paramInt2 + " srcW=" + paramBitmap.getWidth() + " srcH=" + paramBitmap.getHeight());
      int i = paramBitmap.getWidth();
      localObject = null;
      if ((i <= paramInt1) && (paramBitmap.getHeight() <= paramInt2))
        return paramBitmap;
      int j = paramBitmap.getWidth();
      int k = paramBitmap.getHeight();
      int n;
      int m;
      if (j * paramInt2 > k * paramInt1)
        n = paramInt1;
        m = k * paramInt1 / j;
        (n / j);
        if (j != n)
          break label232;
        localObject = null;
        if (k != m)
          break label232;
        localObject = paramBitmap.copy(MyData.mConfig, true);
        MTDebug.Print("FittingWindowSave copy");
      while (true)
        if (paramBoolean)
        MTDebug.Print("w=" + ((Bitmap)localObject).getWidth() + " h=" + ((Bitmap)localObject).getHeight());
        break label263;
        m = paramInt2;
        n = j * paramInt2 / k;
        (m / k);
        label232: Bitmap localBitmap = createScaledBitmap(paramBitmap, n, m, paramBitmap.getConfig());
        localObject = localBitmap;
    catch (Exception localException)
    label263: return (Bitmap)localObject;

  // ERROR //
  public static Bitmap FrameColorful(Bitmap paramBitmap, String paramString, int paramInt, Context paramContext, boolean paramBoolean)
    // Byte code:
    //   0: invokestatic 128    java/lang/System:currentTimeMillis    ()J
    //   3: lstore 8
    //   5: aload_0
    //   6: invokevirtual 134    android/graphics/Bitmap:getWidth    ()I
    //   9: istore 10
    //   11: aload_0
    //   12: invokevirtual 137    android/graphics/Bitmap:getHeight    ()I
    //   15: istore 11
    //   17: aload_0
    //   18: invokestatic 262    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:bitmap2IntARGB    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;)[I
    //   21: astore 12
    //   23: iload 4
    //   25: ifeq +7 -> 32
    //   28: aload_0
    //   29: invokevirtual 265    android/graphics/Bitmap:recycle    ()V
    //   32: aload_1
    //   33: aload_3
    //   34: invokevirtual 331    android/content/Context:getAssets    ()Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;
    //   37: invokestatic 335    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:LoadAssertsPic    (Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   40: astore 13
    //   42: iload 10
    //   44: iload 11
    //   46: if_icmple +168 -> 214
    //   49: iload_2
    //   50: iconst_1
    //   51: iand
    //   52: iconst_1
    //   53: if_icmpne +161 -> 214
    //   56: aload 13
    //   58: iconst_1
    //   59: invokestatic 338    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:rotate90    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;Z)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   62: iload 10
    //   64: iload 11
    //   66: iconst_1
    //   67: invokestatic 341    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:resize    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;IIZ)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   70: astore 15
    //   72: aload 15
    //   74: invokestatic 262    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:bitmap2IntARGB    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;)[I
    //   77: astore 16
    //   79: new 150    java/lang/StringBuilder
    //   82: dup
    //   83: ldc_w 343
    //   86: invokespecial 155    java/lang/StringBuilder:<init>    (Ljava/lang/String;)V
    //   89: aload 12
    //   91: arraylength
    //   92: invokevirtual 178    java/lang/StringBuilder:append    (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
    //   95: ldc_w 345
    //   98: invokevirtual 183    java/lang/StringBuilder:append    (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
    //   101: aload 16
    //   103: arraylength
    //   104: invokevirtual 178    java/lang/StringBuilder:append    (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
    //   107: ldc_w 297
    //   110: invokevirtual 183    java/lang/StringBuilder:append    (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
    //   113: iload 10
    //   115: invokevirtual 178    java/lang/StringBuilder:append    (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
    //   118: ldc 180
    //   120: invokevirtual 183    java/lang/StringBuilder:append    (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
    //   123: iload 11
    //   125: invokevirtual 178    java/lang/StringBuilder:append    (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
    //   128: ldc_w 347
    //   131: invokevirtual 183    java/lang/StringBuilder:append    (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
    //   134: iload_2
    //   135: invokevirtual 178    java/lang/StringBuilder:append    (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
    //   138: invokevirtual 163    java/lang/StringBuilder:toString    ()Ljava/lang/String;
    //   141: invokestatic 168    com/mt/mtxx/mtxx/MTDebug:Print    (Ljava/lang/String;)V
    //   144: aload 15
    //   146: invokevirtual 265    android/graphics/Bitmap:recycle    ()V
    //   149: getstatic 117    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:jni    Lcom/mt/mtxx/image/JNI;
    //   152: aload 12
    //   154: aload 16
    //   156: iload 10
    //   158: iload 11
    //   160: iload_2
    //   161: invokevirtual 351    com/mt/mtxx/image/JNI:FrameXCBK    ([I[IIII)V
    //   164: invokestatic 354    java/lang/System:gc    ()V
    //   167: aload 12
    //   169: iload 10
    //   171: iload 11
    //   173: invokestatic 206    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:intARGB2Bimap    ([III)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   176: astore 17
    //   178: aload 17
    //   180: astore 7
    //   182: invokestatic 128    java/lang/System:currentTimeMillis    ()J
    //   185: lload 8
    //   187: lsub
    //   188: lstore 18
    //   190: new 150    java/lang/StringBuilder
    //   193: dup
    //   194: ldc_w 356
    //   197: invokespecial 155    java/lang/StringBuilder:<init>    (Ljava/lang/String;)V
    //   200: lload 18
    //   202: invokevirtual 159    java/lang/StringBuilder:append    (J)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
    //   205: invokevirtual 163    java/lang/StringBuilder:toString    ()Ljava/lang/String;
    //   208: invokestatic 168    com/mt/mtxx/mtxx/MTDebug:Print    (Ljava/lang/String;)V
    //   211: aload 7
    //   213: areturn
    //   214: aload 13
    //   216: iload 10
    //   218: iload 11
    //   220: iconst_1
    //   221: invokestatic 341    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:resize    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;IIZ)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   224: astore 14
    //   226: aload 14
    //   228: astore 15
    //   230: goto -158 -> 72
    //   233: astore 5
    //   235: aload 5
    //   237: astore 6
    //   239: aconst_null
    //   240: astore 7
    //   242: aload 6
    //   244: invokevirtual 171    java/lang/Exception:printStackTrace    ()V
    //   247: aload 7
    //   249: areturn
    //   250: astore 6
    //   252: goto -10 -> 242
    // Exception table:
    //   from    to    target    type
    //   0    23    233    java/lang/Exception
    //   28    32    233    java/lang/Exception
    //   32    42    233    java/lang/Exception
    //   56    72    233    java/lang/Exception
    //   72    178    233    java/lang/Exception
    //   214    226    233    java/lang/Exception
    //   182    211    250    java/lang/Exception

  public static Bitmap GaussIIRBlurBrush(Bitmap paramBitmap, int paramInt1, int paramInt2)
    Bitmap localBitmap = null;
      long l1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
      int i = paramBitmap.getWidth();
      int j = paramBitmap.getHeight();
      int[] arrayOfInt = bitmap2IntARGB(paramBitmap);
      jni.GaussIIRBlurBrush(arrayOfInt, paramInt1, paramInt2, i, j);
      localBitmap = intARGB2Bimap(arrayOfInt, i, j);
      long l2 = System.currentTimeMillis() - l1;
      MTDebug.Print("GaussIIRBlurBrush time=" + l2);
      return localBitmap;
    catch (Exception localException)
    return localBitmap;

  public static int[] GaussIIRBlurBrush2(Bitmap paramBitmap, int paramInt1, int paramInt2)
    int[] arrayOfInt = (int[])null;
      int i = paramBitmap.getWidth();
      int j = paramBitmap.getHeight();
      arrayOfInt = bitmap2IntARGB(paramBitmap);
      jni.GaussIIRBlurBrush(arrayOfInt, paramInt1, paramInt2, i, j);
      return arrayOfInt;
    catch (Exception localException)
    return arrayOfInt;

  public static Bitmap GaussIIRBlurImage(Bitmap paramBitmap, int paramInt1, int paramInt2)
      int i = paramBitmap.getWidth();
      int j = paramBitmap.getHeight();
      byte[] arrayOfByte = bitmap2ByteARGB(paramBitmap);
      jni.GaussIIRBlurImage(arrayOfByte, paramInt1, paramInt2, i, j);
      Bitmap localBitmap = bytesARGB2Bimap(arrayOfByte, i, j);
      return localBitmap;
    catch (Exception localException)
    return null;

  public static Bitmap Grayscale(Bitmap paramBitmap)
      int i = paramBitmap.getWidth();
      int j = paramBitmap.getHeight();
      byte[] arrayOfByte = bitmap2ByteARGB(paramBitmap);
      jni.Grayscale(arrayOfByte, i, j);
      Bitmap localBitmap = bytesARGB2Bimap(arrayOfByte, i, j);
      return localBitmap;
    catch (Exception localException)
    return null;

  public static Bitmap LoadAssertsPic(String paramString, AssetManager paramAssetManager)
    Bitmap localBitmap = null;
      long l1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
      MTDebug.Print("LoadAssertsPic path=" + paramString);
      InputStream localInputStream = paramAssetManager.open(paramString);
      BitmapFactory.Options localOptions = new BitmapFactory.Options();
      localOptions.inDither = false;
      localOptions.inPreferredConfig = MyData.mConfig;
      localBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(localInputStream, null, localOptions);
      long l2 = System.currentTimeMillis() - l1;
      MTDebug.Print("LoadAssertsPic time=" + l2);
      return localBitmap;
    catch (IOException localIOException)
    return localBitmap;

  public static Bitmap MoveBmpToMiddle(Bitmap paramBitmap, int paramInt1, int paramInt2, boolean paramBoolean)
    Bitmap localBitmap = null;
      localBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(paramInt1, paramInt2, paramBitmap.getConfig());
      Canvas localCanvas = new Canvas(localBitmap);
      int i = (paramInt1 - paramBitmap.getWidth()) / 2;
      int j = (paramInt2 - paramBitmap.getHeight()) / 2;
      Paint localPaint = new Paint();
      localCanvas.drawBitmap(paramBitmap, i, j, localPaint);
      if (paramBoolean)
      return localBitmap;
    catch (Exception localException)
    return localBitmap;

  public static Bitmap OpenPic(String paramString)
    BitmapFactory.Options localOptions = new BitmapFactory.Options();
    localOptions.inDither = false;
    return BitmapFactory.decodeFile(paramString, localOptions);

  public static Bitmap OpenPic(String paramString, int paramInt1, int paramInt2)
    BitmapFactory.Options localOptions = new BitmapFactory.Options();
    localOptions.outWidth = paramInt1;
    localOptions.outHeight = paramInt2;
    return BitmapFactory.decodeFile(paramString, localOptions);

  // ERROR //
  public static Bitmap PreviewBigPic(String paramString, Bitmap.Config paramConfig)
    // Byte code:
    //   0: new 449    java/io/File
    //   3: dup
    //   4: aload_0
    //   5: invokespecial 450    java/io/File:<init>    (Ljava/lang/String;)V
    //   8: astore_2
    //   9: ldc_w 452
    //   12: invokestatic 456    com/mt/mtxx/mtxx/MTDebug:memeryUsed    (Ljava/lang/String;)D
    //   15: pop2
    //   16: new 386    android/graphics/BitmapFactory$Options
    //   19: dup
    //   20: invokespecial 387    android/graphics/BitmapFactory$Options:<init>    ()V
    //   23: astore 6
    //   25: aload 6
    //   27: iconst_1
    //   28: putfield 459    android/graphics/BitmapFactory$Options:inJustDecodeBounds    Z
    //   31: new 461    java/io/FileInputStream
    //   34: dup
    //   35: aload_2
    //   36: invokespecial 464    java/io/FileInputStream:<init>    (Ljava/io/File;)V
    //   39: astore 7
    //   41: aload 7
    //   43: aconst_null
    //   44: aload 6
    //   46: invokestatic 400    android/graphics/BitmapFactory:decodeStream    (Ljava/io/InputStream;Landroid/graphics/Rect;Landroid/graphics/BitmapFactory$Options;)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   49: pop
    //   50: aload 7
    //   52: invokevirtual 465    java/io/FileInputStream:close    ()V
    //   55: aload 6
    //   57: getfield 440    android/graphics/BitmapFactory$Options:outWidth    I
    //   60: istore 10
    //   62: aload 6
    //   64: getfield 443    android/graphics/BitmapFactory$Options:outHeight    I
    //   67: istore 11
    //   69: new 150    java/lang/StringBuilder
    //   72: dup
    //   73: ldc_w 467
    //   76: invokespecial 155    java/lang/StringBuilder:<init>    (Ljava/lang/String;)V
    //   79: iload 10
    //   81: invokevirtual 178    java/lang/StringBuilder:append    (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
    //   84: ldc_w 469
    //   87: invokevirtual 183    java/lang/StringBuilder:append    (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
    //   90: iload 11
    //   92: invokevirtual 178    java/lang/StringBuilder:append    (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
    //   95: invokevirtual 163    java/lang/StringBuilder:toString    ()Ljava/lang/String;
    //   98: invokestatic 168    com/mt/mtxx/mtxx/MTDebug:Print    (Ljava/lang/String;)V
    //   101: iconst_1
    //   102: istore 12
    //   104: iload 10
    //   106: sipush 1200
    //   109: if_icmpge +234 -> 343
    //   112: iload 11
    //   114: sipush 1200
    //   117: if_icmpge +226 -> 343
    //   120: new 150    java/lang/StringBuilder
    //   123: dup
    //   124: ldc_w 471
    //   127: invokespecial 155    java/lang/StringBuilder:<init>    (Ljava/lang/String;)V
    //   130: iload 12
    //   132: invokevirtual 178    java/lang/StringBuilder:append    (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
    //   135: ldc_w 473
    //   138: invokevirtual 183    java/lang/StringBuilder:append    (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
    //   141: iload 10
    //   143: invokevirtual 178    java/lang/StringBuilder:append    (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
    //   146: ldc_w 469
    //   149: invokevirtual 183    java/lang/StringBuilder:append    (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
    //   152: iload 11
    //   154: invokevirtual 178    java/lang/StringBuilder:append    (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
    //   157: invokevirtual 163    java/lang/StringBuilder:toString    ()Ljava/lang/String;
    //   160: invokestatic 168    com/mt/mtxx/mtxx/MTDebug:Print    (Ljava/lang/String;)V
    //   163: ldc_w 475
    //   166: invokestatic 456    com/mt/mtxx/mtxx/MTDebug:memeryUsed    (Ljava/lang/String;)D
    //   169: pop2
    //   170: iload 12
    //   172: iconst_1
    //   173: if_icmple +201 -> 374
    //   176: new 386    android/graphics/BitmapFactory$Options
    //   179: dup
    //   180: invokespecial 387    android/graphics/BitmapFactory$Options:<init>    ()V
    //   183: astore 15
    //   185: aload 15
    //   187: iload 12
    //   189: putfield 478    android/graphics/BitmapFactory$Options:inSampleSize    I
    //   192: aload 15
    //   194: iconst_0
    //   195: putfield 459    android/graphics/BitmapFactory$Options:inJustDecodeBounds    Z
    //   198: aload 15
    //   200: iconst_0
    //   201: putfield 391    android/graphics/BitmapFactory$Options:inDither    Z
    //   204: aload 15
    //   206: aload_1
    //   207: putfield 394    android/graphics/BitmapFactory$Options:inPreferredConfig    Landroid/graphics/Bitmap$Config;
    //   210: new 150    java/lang/StringBuilder
    //   213: dup
    //   214: ldc_w 480
    //   217: invokespecial 155    java/lang/StringBuilder:<init>    (Ljava/lang/String;)V
    //   220: iload 12
    //   222: invokevirtual 178    java/lang/StringBuilder:append    (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
    //   225: ldc_w 473
    //   228: invokevirtual 183    java/lang/StringBuilder:append    (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
    //   231: iload 10
    //   233: invokevirtual 178    java/lang/StringBuilder:append    (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
    //   236: ldc_w 469
    //   239: invokevirtual 183    java/lang/StringBuilder:append    (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
    //   242: iload 11
    //   244: invokevirtual 178    java/lang/StringBuilder:append    (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
    //   247: invokevirtual 163    java/lang/StringBuilder:toString    ()Ljava/lang/String;
    //   250: invokestatic 168    com/mt/mtxx/mtxx/MTDebug:Print    (Ljava/lang/String;)V
    //   253: new 461    java/io/FileInputStream
    //   256: dup
    //   257: aload_2
    //   258: invokespecial 464    java/io/FileInputStream:<init>    (Ljava/io/File;)V
    //   261: astore 16
    //   263: aload 16
    //   265: aconst_null
    //   266: aload 15
    //   268: invokestatic 400    android/graphics/BitmapFactory:decodeStream    (Ljava/io/InputStream;Landroid/graphics/Rect;Landroid/graphics/BitmapFactory$Options;)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   271: astore 17
    //   273: new 150    java/lang/StringBuilder
    //   276: dup
    //   277: ldc_w 482
    //   280: invokespecial 155    java/lang/StringBuilder:<init>    (Ljava/lang/String;)V
    //   283: aload 17
    //   285: invokevirtual 134    android/graphics/Bitmap:getWidth    ()I
    //   288: invokevirtual 178    java/lang/StringBuilder:append    (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
    //   291: ldc_w 299
    //   294: invokevirtual 183    java/lang/StringBuilder:append    (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
    //   297: aload 17
    //   299: invokevirtual 137    android/graphics/Bitmap:getHeight    ()I
    //   302: invokevirtual 178    java/lang/StringBuilder:append    (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
    //   305: invokevirtual 163    java/lang/StringBuilder:toString    ()Ljava/lang/String;
    //   308: invokestatic 168    com/mt/mtxx/mtxx/MTDebug:Print    (Ljava/lang/String;)V
    //   311: ldc_w 484
    //   314: invokestatic 456    com/mt/mtxx/mtxx/MTDebug:memeryUsed    (Ljava/lang/String;)D
    //   317: pop2
    //   318: aload 16
    //   320: invokevirtual 465    java/io/FileInputStream:close    ()V
    //   323: aload 17
    //   325: areturn
    //   326: astore 9
    //   328: aload 9
    //   330: invokevirtual 408    java/io/IOException:printStackTrace    ()V
    //   333: goto -278 -> 55
    //   336: astore_3
    //   337: aload_3
    //   338: invokevirtual 485    java/io/FileNotFoundException:printStackTrace    ()V
    //   341: aconst_null
    //   342: areturn
    //   343: iload 10
    //   345: iconst_2
    //   346: idiv
    //   347: istore 10
    //   349: iload 11
    //   351: iconst_2
    //   352: idiv
    //   353: istore 11
    //   355: iload 12
    //   357: iconst_2
    //   358: imul
    //   359: istore 12
    //   361: goto -257 -> 104
    //   364: astore 20
    //   366: aload 20
    //   368: invokevirtual 408    java/io/IOException:printStackTrace    ()V
    //   371: aload 17
    //   373: areturn
    //   374: new 150    java/lang/StringBuilder
    //   377: dup
    //   378: ldc_w 487
    //   381: invokespecial 155    java/lang/StringBuilder:<init>    (Ljava/lang/String;)V
    //   384: iload 12
    //   386: invokevirtual 178    java/lang/StringBuilder:append    (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
    //   389: invokevirtual 163    java/lang/StringBuilder:toString    ()Ljava/lang/String;
    //   392: invokestatic 168    com/mt/mtxx/mtxx/MTDebug:Print    (Ljava/lang/String;)V
    //   395: new 386    android/graphics/BitmapFactory$Options
    //   398: dup
    //   399: invokespecial 387    android/graphics/BitmapFactory$Options:<init>    ()V
    //   402: astore 21
    //   404: aload 21
    //   406: iconst_0
    //   407: putfield 391    android/graphics/BitmapFactory$Options:inDither    Z
    //   410: aload 21
    //   412: aload_1
    //   413: putfield 394    android/graphics/BitmapFactory$Options:inPreferredConfig    Landroid/graphics/Bitmap$Config;
    //   416: aload_0
    //   417: aload 21
    //   419: invokestatic 435    android/graphics/BitmapFactory:decodeFile    (Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/graphics/BitmapFactory$Options;)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   422: astore 22
    //   424: aload 22
    //   426: areturn
    // Exception table:
    //   from    to    target    type
    //   50    55    326    java/io/IOException
    //   9    50    336    java/io/FileNotFoundException
    //   50    55    336    java/io/FileNotFoundException
    //   55    101    336    java/io/FileNotFoundException
    //   120    170    336    java/io/FileNotFoundException
    //   176    318    336    java/io/FileNotFoundException
    //   318    323    336    java/io/FileNotFoundException
    //   328    333    336    java/io/FileNotFoundException
    //   343    355    336    java/io/FileNotFoundException
    //   366    371    336    java/io/FileNotFoundException
    //   374    424    336    java/io/FileNotFoundException
    //   318    323    364    java/io/IOException

  public static Bitmap Resample(Bitmap paramBitmap, float paramFloat)
      int i = paramBitmap.getWidth();
      int j = paramBitmap.getHeight();
      int k = (int)(paramFloat * i);
      int m = (int)(paramFloat * j);
      byte[] arrayOfByte1 = bitmap2ByteARGB(paramBitmap);
      byte[] arrayOfByte2 = new byte[4 * (k * m)];
      jni.Resample(arrayOfByte2, k, m, 0, arrayOfByte1, i, j);
      Bitmap localBitmap = bytesARGB2Bimap(arrayOfByte2, k, m);
      return localBitmap;
    catch (Exception localException)
    return null;

  public static byte[] SetBackWeakRadius(byte[] paramArrayOfByte, int paramInt1, int paramInt2)
    int i = 1 + paramInt2 * 2;
      if (paramArrayOfByte.length < i * i)
        MTDebug.PrintError("[Error][SetBackWeakRadius] alphaRect.length=" + paramArrayOfByte.length + "nOutsideRound=" + paramInt2);
        return null;
      jni.SetBackWeakRadius(paramArrayOfByte, paramInt1, paramInt2);
      return paramArrayOfByte;
    catch (Exception localException)
      while (true)

  public static Bitmap Sharp(Bitmap paramBitmap, float paramFloat1, float paramFloat2, boolean paramBoolean)
      int i = paramBitmap.getWidth();
      int j = paramBitmap.getHeight();
      int[] arrayOfInt = bitmap2IntARGB(paramBitmap);
      if (paramBoolean)
      jni.Sharp(arrayOfInt, i, j, paramFloat1, paramFloat2);
      Bitmap localBitmap = intARGB2Bimap(arrayOfInt, i, j);
      return localBitmap;
    catch (Exception localException)
    return null;

  public static Bitmap SharpPreview(Bitmap paramBitmap, float paramFloat1, float paramFloat2)
    Bitmap localBitmap = null;
      long l1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
      int i = paramBitmap.getWidth();
      int j = paramBitmap.getHeight();
      int[] arrayOfInt = bitmap2IntARGB(paramBitmap);
      jni.SharpPreview(arrayOfInt, i, j, paramFloat1, paramFloat2);
      localBitmap = intARGB2Bimap(arrayOfInt, i, j);
      long l2 = System.currentTimeMillis() - l1;
      MTDebug.Print("SharpPreview time=" + l2);
      return localBitmap;
    catch (Exception localException)
    return localBitmap;

  public static void SharpPreviewRelease()
    catch (Exception localException)

  public static Bitmap SkinWhite(Bitmap paramBitmap, int paramInt, boolean paramBoolean)
      int i = paramBitmap.getWidth();
      int j = paramBitmap.getHeight();
      int[] arrayOfInt = bitmap2IntARGB(paramBitmap);
      if (paramBoolean)
      jni.SkinWhite(arrayOfInt, i, j, paramInt);
      Bitmap localBitmap = intARGB2Bimap(arrayOfInt, i, j);
      return localBitmap;
    catch (Exception localException)
    return null;

  public static Bitmap StyleBaoColor(Bitmap paramBitmap, Context paramContext, boolean paramBoolean)
    Bitmap localBitmap = null;
      long l1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
      int i = paramBitmap.getWidth();
      int j = paramBitmap.getHeight();
      int[] arrayOfInt = bitmap2IntARGB(paramBitmap);
      localBitmap = null;
      if (paramBoolean)
      jni.StyleBaoColor(arrayOfInt, i, j);
      localBitmap = intARGB2Bimap(arrayOfInt, i, j);
      long l2 = System.currentTimeMillis() - l1;
      MTDebug.Print("StyleBaoColor time=" + l2);
      return localBitmap;
    catch (Exception localException)
    return localBitmap;

  public static Bitmap StyleBrightRed(Bitmap paramBitmap, Context paramContext, boolean paramBoolean)
    Bitmap localBitmap1 = null;
      long l1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
      int i = paramBitmap.getWidth();
      int j = paramBitmap.getHeight();
      int[] arrayOfInt1 = bitmap2IntARGB(paramBitmap);
      localBitmap1 = null;
      if (paramBoolean)
      Bitmap localBitmap2 = LoadAssertsPic("style/mtxx_lianghong_001.jpg", paramContext.getAssets());
      Bitmap localBitmap3 = resize(localBitmap2, i, j, false);
      int[] arrayOfInt2 = bitmap2IntARGB(localBitmap3);
      jni.StyleLomoBrightRed(arrayOfInt1, arrayOfInt2, i, j);
      localBitmap1 = intARGB2Bimap(arrayOfInt1, i, j);
      long l2 = System.currentTimeMillis() - l1;
      MTDebug.Print("StyleBrightRed time=" + l2);
      return localBitmap1;
    catch (Exception localException)
    return localBitmap1;

  public static Bitmap StyleCinnamon(Bitmap paramBitmap, boolean paramBoolean)
    Bitmap localBitmap = null;
      long l1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
      int i = paramBitmap.getWidth();
      int j = paramBitmap.getHeight();
      int[] arrayOfInt = bitmap2IntARGB(paramBitmap);
      localBitmap = null;
      if (paramBoolean)
      jni.StyleCinnamon(arrayOfInt, i, j);
      localBitmap = intARGB2Bimap(arrayOfInt, i, j);
      long l2 = System.currentTimeMillis() - l1;
      MTDebug.Print("StyleCinnamon time=" + l2);
      return localBitmap;
    catch (Exception localException)
    return localBitmap;

  public static Bitmap StyleClassic(Bitmap paramBitmap, float paramFloat, boolean paramBoolean)
    Bitmap localBitmap = null;
      long l1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
      int i = paramBitmap.getWidth();
      int j = paramBitmap.getHeight();
      int[] arrayOfInt = bitmap2IntARGB(paramBitmap);
      localBitmap = null;
      if (paramBoolean)
      MTDebug.Print("ta d0=" + arrayOfInt[0] + " d1=" + arrayOfInt[1]);
      jni.StyleClassic(arrayOfInt, i, j, paramFloat);
      localBitmap = intARGB2Bimap(arrayOfInt, i, j);
      long l2 = System.currentTimeMillis() - l1;
      MTDebug.Print("StyleClassic time=" + l2);
      return localBitmap;
    catch (Exception localException)
    return localBitmap;

  public static Bitmap StyleClassicStudio(Bitmap paramBitmap, boolean paramBoolean)
    Bitmap localBitmap = null;
      long l1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
      int i = paramBitmap.getWidth();
      int j = paramBitmap.getHeight();
      int[] arrayOfInt = bitmap2IntARGB(paramBitmap);
      localBitmap = null;
      if (paramBoolean)
      jni.StyleClassicStudio(arrayOfInt, i, j);
      localBitmap = intARGB2Bimap(arrayOfInt, i, j);
      long l2 = System.currentTimeMillis() - l1;
      MTDebug.Print("StyleClassicStudio time=" + l2);
      return localBitmap;
    catch (Exception localException)
    return localBitmap;

  // ERROR //
  public static Bitmap StyleE(Bitmap paramBitmap, Context paramContext, boolean paramBoolean)
    // Byte code:
    //   0: invokestatic 128    java/lang/System:currentTimeMillis    ()J
    //   3: lstore 6
    //   5: aload_0
    //   6: invokevirtual 134    android/graphics/Bitmap:getWidth    ()I
    //   9: istore 8
    //   11: aload_0
    //   12: invokevirtual 137    android/graphics/Bitmap:getHeight    ()I
    //   15: istore 9
    //   17: ldc_w 557
    //   20: aload_1
    //   21: invokevirtual 331    android/content/Context:getAssets    ()Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;
    //   24: invokestatic 335    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:LoadAssertsPic    (Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   27: astore 10
    //   29: iload 8
    //   31: iload 9
    //   33: if_icmple +177 -> 210
    //   36: aload 10
    //   38: iconst_1
    //   39: invokestatic 338    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:rotate90    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;Z)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   42: iload 8
    //   44: iload 9
    //   46: iconst_1
    //   47: invokestatic 341    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:resize    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;IIZ)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   50: astore 11
    //   52: aload_0
    //   53: invokestatic 262    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:bitmap2IntARGB    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;)[I
    //   56: astore 12
    //   58: iload_2
    //   59: ifeq +7 -> 66
    //   62: aload_0
    //   63: invokevirtual 265    android/graphics/Bitmap:recycle    ()V
    //   66: aload 11
    //   68: invokestatic 262    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:bitmap2IntARGB    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;)[I
    //   71: astore 13
    //   73: aload 11
    //   75: invokevirtual 265    android/graphics/Bitmap:recycle    ()V
    //   78: getstatic 117    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:jni    Lcom/mt/mtxx/image/JNI;
    //   81: aload 12
    //   83: aload 13
    //   85: iload 8
    //   87: iload 9
    //   89: invokevirtual 560    com/mt/mtxx/image/JNI:StyleEP1    ([I[III)V
    //   92: aconst_null
    //   93: checkcast 367    [I
    //   96: pop
    //   97: ldc_w 562
    //   100: aload_1
    //   101: invokevirtual 331    android/content/Context:getAssets    ()Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;
    //   104: invokestatic 335    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:LoadAssertsPic    (Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   107: astore 15
    //   109: iload 8
    //   111: iload 9
    //   113: if_icmple +112 -> 225
    //   116: aload 15
    //   118: iconst_1
    //   119: invokestatic 338    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:rotate90    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;Z)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   122: iload 8
    //   124: iload 9
    //   126: iconst_1
    //   127: invokestatic 341    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:resize    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;IIZ)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   130: astore 16
    //   132: aload 16
    //   134: invokestatic 262    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:bitmap2IntARGB    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;)[I
    //   137: astore 17
    //   139: aload 16
    //   141: invokevirtual 265    android/graphics/Bitmap:recycle    ()V
    //   144: getstatic 117    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:jni    Lcom/mt/mtxx/image/JNI;
    //   147: aload 12
    //   149: aload 17
    //   151: iload 8
    //   153: iload 9
    //   155: invokevirtual 565    com/mt/mtxx/image/JNI:StyleEP2    ([I[III)V
    //   158: aconst_null
    //   159: checkcast 367    [I
    //   162: pop
    //   163: aload 12
    //   165: iload 8
    //   167: iload 9
    //   169: invokestatic 206    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:intARGB2Bimap    ([III)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   172: astore 19
    //   174: aload 19
    //   176: astore 5
    //   178: invokestatic 128    java/lang/System:currentTimeMillis    ()J
    //   181: lload 6
    //   183: lsub
    //   184: lstore 20
    //   186: new 150    java/lang/StringBuilder
    //   189: dup
    //   190: ldc_w 567
    //   193: invokespecial 155    java/lang/StringBuilder:<init>    (Ljava/lang/String;)V
    //   196: lload 20
    //   198: invokevirtual 159    java/lang/StringBuilder:append    (J)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
    //   201: invokevirtual 163    java/lang/StringBuilder:toString    ()Ljava/lang/String;
    //   204: invokestatic 168    com/mt/mtxx/mtxx/MTDebug:Print    (Ljava/lang/String;)V
    //   207: aload 5
    //   209: areturn
    //   210: aload 10
    //   212: iload 8
    //   214: iload 9
    //   216: iconst_1
    //   217: invokestatic 341    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:resize    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;IIZ)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   220: astore 11
    //   222: goto -170 -> 52
    //   225: aload 15
    //   227: iload 8
    //   229: iload 9
    //   231: iconst_1
    //   232: invokestatic 341    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:resize    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;IIZ)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   235: astore 22
    //   237: aload 22
    //   239: astore 16
    //   241: goto -109 -> 132
    //   244: astore_3
    //   245: aload_3
    //   246: astore 4
    //   248: aconst_null
    //   249: astore 5
    //   251: aload 4
    //   253: invokevirtual 171    java/lang/Exception:printStackTrace    ()V
    //   256: aload 5
    //   258: areturn
    //   259: astore 4
    //   261: goto -10 -> 251
    // Exception table:
    //   from    to    target    type
    //   0    29    244    java/lang/Exception
    //   36    52    244    java/lang/Exception
    //   52    58    244    java/lang/Exception
    //   62    66    244    java/lang/Exception
    //   66    109    244    java/lang/Exception
    //   116    132    244    java/lang/Exception
    //   132    174    244    java/lang/Exception
    //   210    222    244    java/lang/Exception
    //   225    237    244    java/lang/Exception
    //   178    207    259    java/lang/Exception

  public static Bitmap StyleElegant(Bitmap paramBitmap, boolean paramBoolean)
    Bitmap localBitmap = null;
      long l1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
      int i = paramBitmap.getWidth();
      int j = paramBitmap.getHeight();
      int[] arrayOfInt = bitmap2IntARGB(paramBitmap);
      localBitmap = null;
      if (paramBoolean)
      jni.StyleElegant(arrayOfInt, i, j);
      localBitmap = intARGB2Bimap(arrayOfInt, i, j);
      long l2 = System.currentTimeMillis() - l1;
      MTDebug.Print("StyleElegant time=" + l2);
      return localBitmap;
    catch (Exception localException)
    return localBitmap;

  public static Bitmap StyleElegantNew(Bitmap paramBitmap, boolean paramBoolean)
    Bitmap localBitmap = null;
      long l1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
      int i = paramBitmap.getWidth();
      int j = paramBitmap.getHeight();
      int[] arrayOfInt = bitmap2IntARGB(paramBitmap);
      localBitmap = null;
      if (paramBoolean)
      jni.StyleElegantNew(arrayOfInt, i, j);
      localBitmap = intARGB2Bimap(arrayOfInt, i, j);
      long l2 = System.currentTimeMillis() - l1;
      MTDebug.Print("StyleElegantNew time=" + l2);
      return localBitmap;
    catch (Exception localException)
    return localBitmap;

  // ERROR //
  public static Bitmap StyleF(Bitmap paramBitmap, Context paramContext, boolean paramBoolean)
    // Byte code:
    //   0: invokestatic 128    java/lang/System:currentTimeMillis    ()J
    //   3: lstore 6
    //   5: aload_0
    //   6: invokevirtual 134    android/graphics/Bitmap:getWidth    ()I
    //   9: istore 8
    //   11: aload_0
    //   12: invokevirtual 137    android/graphics/Bitmap:getHeight    ()I
    //   15: istore 9
    //   17: ldc_w 580
    //   20: aload_1
    //   21: invokevirtual 331    android/content/Context:getAssets    ()Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;
    //   24: invokestatic 335    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:LoadAssertsPic    (Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   27: astore 10
    //   29: new 150    java/lang/StringBuilder
    //   32: dup
    //   33: ldc_w 582
    //   36: invokespecial 155    java/lang/StringBuilder:<init>    (Ljava/lang/String;)V
    //   39: aload_0
    //   40: invokevirtual 134    android/graphics/Bitmap:getWidth    ()I
    //   43: invokevirtual 178    java/lang/StringBuilder:append    (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
    //   46: ldc_w 584
    //   49: invokevirtual 183    java/lang/StringBuilder:append    (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
    //   52: aload_0
    //   53: invokevirtual 137    android/graphics/Bitmap:getHeight    ()I
    //   56: invokevirtual 178    java/lang/StringBuilder:append    (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
    //   59: invokevirtual 163    java/lang/StringBuilder:toString    ()Ljava/lang/String;
    //   62: invokestatic 168    com/mt/mtxx/mtxx/MTDebug:Print    (Ljava/lang/String;)V
    //   65: iload 8
    //   67: iload 9
    //   69: if_icmple +253 -> 322
    //   72: aload 10
    //   74: iconst_1
    //   75: invokestatic 338    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:rotate90    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;Z)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   78: iload 8
    //   80: iload 9
    //   82: iconst_1
    //   83: invokestatic 341    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:resize    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;IIZ)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   86: astore 11
    //   88: new 150    java/lang/StringBuilder
    //   91: dup
    //   92: ldc_w 586
    //   95: invokespecial 155    java/lang/StringBuilder:<init>    (Ljava/lang/String;)V
    //   98: aload 11
    //   100: invokevirtual 134    android/graphics/Bitmap:getWidth    ()I
    //   103: invokevirtual 178    java/lang/StringBuilder:append    (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
    //   106: ldc_w 299
    //   109: invokevirtual 183    java/lang/StringBuilder:append    (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
    //   112: aload 11
    //   114: invokevirtual 137    android/graphics/Bitmap:getHeight    ()I
    //   117: invokevirtual 178    java/lang/StringBuilder:append    (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
    //   120: invokevirtual 163    java/lang/StringBuilder:toString    ()Ljava/lang/String;
    //   123: invokestatic 168    com/mt/mtxx/mtxx/MTDebug:Print    (Ljava/lang/String;)V
    //   126: aload_0
    //   127: invokestatic 262    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:bitmap2IntARGB    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;)[I
    //   130: astore 12
    //   132: iload_2
    //   133: ifeq +7 -> 140
    //   136: aload_0
    //   137: invokevirtual 265    android/graphics/Bitmap:recycle    ()V
    //   140: aload 11
    //   142: invokestatic 262    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:bitmap2IntARGB    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;)[I
    //   145: astore 13
    //   147: aload 11
    //   149: invokevirtual 265    android/graphics/Bitmap:recycle    ()V
    //   152: getstatic 117    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:jni    Lcom/mt/mtxx/image/JNI;
    //   155: aload 12
    //   157: aload 13
    //   159: iload 8
    //   161: iload 9
    //   163: invokevirtual 589    com/mt/mtxx/image/JNI:StyleFP1    ([I[III)V
    //   166: aconst_null
    //   167: checkcast 367    [I
    //   170: pop
    //   171: ldc_w 562
    //   174: aload_1
    //   175: invokevirtual 331    android/content/Context:getAssets    ()Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;
    //   178: invokestatic 335    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:LoadAssertsPic    (Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   181: astore 15
    //   183: iload 8
    //   185: iload 9
    //   187: if_icmple +150 -> 337
    //   190: aload 15
    //   192: iconst_1
    //   193: invokestatic 338    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:rotate90    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;Z)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   196: iload 8
    //   198: iload 9
    //   200: iconst_1
    //   201: invokestatic 341    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:resize    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;IIZ)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   204: astore 16
    //   206: new 150    java/lang/StringBuilder
    //   209: dup
    //   210: ldc_w 591
    //   213: invokespecial 155    java/lang/StringBuilder:<init>    (Ljava/lang/String;)V
    //   216: aload 16
    //   218: invokevirtual 134    android/graphics/Bitmap:getWidth    ()I
    //   221: invokevirtual 178    java/lang/StringBuilder:append    (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
    //   224: ldc_w 299
    //   227: invokevirtual 183    java/lang/StringBuilder:append    (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
    //   230: aload 16
    //   232: invokevirtual 137    android/graphics/Bitmap:getHeight    ()I
    //   235: invokevirtual 178    java/lang/StringBuilder:append    (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
    //   238: invokevirtual 163    java/lang/StringBuilder:toString    ()Ljava/lang/String;
    //   241: invokestatic 168    com/mt/mtxx/mtxx/MTDebug:Print    (Ljava/lang/String;)V
    //   244: aload 16
    //   246: invokestatic 262    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:bitmap2IntARGB    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;)[I
    //   249: astore 17
    //   251: aload 16
    //   253: invokevirtual 265    android/graphics/Bitmap:recycle    ()V
    //   256: getstatic 117    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:jni    Lcom/mt/mtxx/image/JNI;
    //   259: aload 12
    //   261: aload 17
    //   263: iload 8
    //   265: iload 9
    //   267: invokevirtual 594    com/mt/mtxx/image/JNI:StyleFP2    ([I[III)V
    //   270: aconst_null
    //   271: checkcast 367    [I
    //   274: pop
    //   275: aload 12
    //   277: iload 8
    //   279: iload 9
    //   281: invokestatic 206    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:intARGB2Bimap    ([III)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   284: astore 19
    //   286: aload 19
    //   288: astore 5
    //   290: invokestatic 128    java/lang/System:currentTimeMillis    ()J
    //   293: lload 6
    //   295: lsub
    //   296: lstore 20
    //   298: new 150    java/lang/StringBuilder
    //   301: dup
    //   302: ldc_w 596
    //   305: invokespecial 155    java/lang/StringBuilder:<init>    (Ljava/lang/String;)V
    //   308: lload 20
    //   310: invokevirtual 159    java/lang/StringBuilder:append    (J)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
    //   313: invokevirtual 163    java/lang/StringBuilder:toString    ()Ljava/lang/String;
    //   316: invokestatic 168    com/mt/mtxx/mtxx/MTDebug:Print    (Ljava/lang/String;)V
    //   319: aload 5
    //   321: areturn
    //   322: aload 10
    //   324: iload 8
    //   326: iload 9
    //   328: iconst_1
    //   329: invokestatic 341    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:resize    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;IIZ)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   332: astore 11
    //   334: goto -246 -> 88
    //   337: aload 15
    //   339: iload 8
    //   341: iload 9
    //   343: iconst_1
    //   344: invokestatic 341    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:resize    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;IIZ)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   347: astore 22
    //   349: aload 22
    //   351: astore 16
    //   353: goto -147 -> 206
    //   356: astore_3
    //   357: aload_3
    //   358: astore 4
    //   360: aconst_null
    //   361: astore 5
    //   363: aload 4
    //   365: invokevirtual 171    java/lang/Exception:printStackTrace    ()V
    //   368: aload 5
    //   370: areturn
    //   371: astore 4
    //   373: goto -10 -> 363
    // Exception table:
    //   from    to    target    type
    //   0    65    356    java/lang/Exception
    //   72    88    356    java/lang/Exception
    //   88    132    356    java/lang/Exception
    //   136    140    356    java/lang/Exception
    //   140    183    356    java/lang/Exception
    //   190    206    356    java/lang/Exception
    //   206    286    356    java/lang/Exception
    //   322    334    356    java/lang/Exception
    //   337    349    356    java/lang/Exception
    //   290    319    371    java/lang/Exception

  public static Bitmap StyleFilm(Bitmap paramBitmap, boolean paramBoolean)
    Bitmap localBitmap = null;
      long l1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
      int i = paramBitmap.getWidth();
      int j = paramBitmap.getHeight();
      int[] arrayOfInt = bitmap2IntARGB(paramBitmap);
      localBitmap = null;
      if (paramBoolean)
      jni.StyleFilm(arrayOfInt, i, j);
      localBitmap = intARGB2Bimap(arrayOfInt, i, j);
      long l2 = System.currentTimeMillis() - l1;
      MTDebug.Print("StyleFilm time=" + l2);
      return localBitmap;
    catch (Exception localException)
    return localBitmap;

  // ERROR //
  public static Bitmap StyleG(Bitmap paramBitmap, Context paramContext, boolean paramBoolean)
    // Byte code:
    //   0: new 150    java/lang/StringBuilder
    //   3: dup
    //   4: ldc_w 604
    //   7: invokespecial 155    java/lang/StringBuilder:<init>    (Ljava/lang/String;)V
    //   10: aload_0
    //   11: invokevirtual 134    android/graphics/Bitmap:getWidth    ()I
    //   14: invokevirtual 178    java/lang/StringBuilder:append    (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
    //   17: ldc_w 299
    //   20: invokevirtual 183    java/lang/StringBuilder:append    (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
    //   23: aload_0
    //   24: invokevirtual 137    android/graphics/Bitmap:getHeight    ()I
    //   27: invokevirtual 178    java/lang/StringBuilder:append    (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
    //   30: invokevirtual 163    java/lang/StringBuilder:toString    ()Ljava/lang/String;
    //   33: invokestatic 168    com/mt/mtxx/mtxx/MTDebug:Print    (Ljava/lang/String;)V
    //   36: invokestatic 128    java/lang/System:currentTimeMillis    ()J
    //   39: lstore 6
    //   41: aload_0
    //   42: invokevirtual 134    android/graphics/Bitmap:getWidth    ()I
    //   45: istore 8
    //   47: aload_0
    //   48: invokevirtual 137    android/graphics/Bitmap:getHeight    ()I
    //   51: istore 9
    //   53: ldc_w 606
    //   56: aload_1
    //   57: invokevirtual 331    android/content/Context:getAssets    ()Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;
    //   60: invokestatic 335    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:LoadAssertsPic    (Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   63: astore 10
    //   65: iload 8
    //   67: iload 9
    //   69: if_icmple +205 -> 274
    //   72: aload 10
    //   74: iconst_1
    //   75: invokestatic 338    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:rotate90    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;Z)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   78: iload 8
    //   80: iload 9
    //   82: iconst_1
    //   83: invokestatic 341    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:resize    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;IIZ)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   86: astore 11
    //   88: aload 11
    //   90: invokestatic 262    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:bitmap2IntARGB    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;)[I
    //   93: astore 12
    //   95: aload 11
    //   97: invokevirtual 265    android/graphics/Bitmap:recycle    ()V
    //   100: aload_0
    //   101: invokestatic 262    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:bitmap2IntARGB    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;)[I
    //   104: astore 13
    //   106: iload_2
    //   107: ifeq +7 -> 114
    //   110: aload_0
    //   111: invokevirtual 265    android/graphics/Bitmap:recycle    ()V
    //   114: ldc_w 608
    //   117: aload_1
    //   118: invokestatic 614    com/mt/mtxx/mtxx/MyPro:getBytesFromAssets    (Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/Context;)[B
    //   121: astore 14
    //   123: getstatic 117    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:jni    Lcom/mt/mtxx/image/JNI;
    //   126: aload 13
    //   128: aload 12
    //   130: iload 8
    //   132: iload 9
    //   134: aload 14
    //   136: aload 14
    //   138: arraylength
    //   139: invokevirtual 618    com/mt/mtxx/image/JNI:StyleGP1    ([I[III[BI)V
    //   142: aconst_null
    //   143: checkcast 367    [I
    //   146: pop
    //   147: ldc_w 620
    //   150: aload_1
    //   151: invokevirtual 331    android/content/Context:getAssets    ()Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;
    //   154: invokestatic 335    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:LoadAssertsPic    (Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   157: astore 16
    //   159: iload 8
    //   161: iload 9
    //   163: if_icmple +126 -> 289
    //   166: aload 16
    //   168: iconst_1
    //   169: invokestatic 338    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:rotate90    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;Z)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   172: iload 8
    //   174: iload 9
    //   176: iconst_1
    //   177: invokestatic 341    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:resize    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;IIZ)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   180: astore 17
    //   182: aload 17
    //   184: invokestatic 262    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:bitmap2IntARGB    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;)[I
    //   187: astore 18
    //   189: aload 17
    //   191: invokevirtual 265    android/graphics/Bitmap:recycle    ()V
    //   194: getstatic 117    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:jni    Lcom/mt/mtxx/image/JNI;
    //   197: aload 13
    //   199: aload 18
    //   201: iload 8
    //   203: iload 9
    //   205: aload 14
    //   207: aload 14
    //   209: arraylength
    //   210: invokevirtual 623    com/mt/mtxx/image/JNI:StyleGP2    ([I[III[BI)V
    //   213: aconst_null
    //   214: checkcast 367    [I
    //   217: pop
    //   218: aload 13
    //   220: iload 8
    //   222: iload 9
    //   224: invokestatic 206    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:intARGB2Bimap    ([III)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   227: astore 20
    //   229: aload 20
    //   231: astore 5
    //   233: aconst_null
    //   234: checkcast 367    [I
    //   237: pop
    //   238: invokestatic 128    java/lang/System:currentTimeMillis    ()J
    //   241: lload 6
    //   243: lsub
    //   244: lstore 22
    //   246: new 150    java/lang/StringBuilder
    //   249: dup
    //   250: ldc_w 625
    //   253: invokespecial 155    java/lang/StringBuilder:<init>    (Ljava/lang/String;)V
    //   256: astore 24
    //   258: aload 24
    //   260: lload 22
    //   262: invokevirtual 159    java/lang/StringBuilder:append    (J)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
    //   265: invokevirtual 163    java/lang/StringBuilder:toString    ()Ljava/lang/String;
    //   268: invokestatic 168    com/mt/mtxx/mtxx/MTDebug:Print    (Ljava/lang/String;)V
    //   271: aload 5
    //   273: areturn
    //   274: aload 10
    //   276: iload 8
    //   278: iload 9
    //   280: iconst_1
    //   281: invokestatic 341    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:resize    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;IIZ)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   284: astore 11
    //   286: goto -198 -> 88
    //   289: aload 16
    //   291: iload 8
    //   293: iload 9
    //   295: iconst_1
    //   296: invokestatic 341    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:resize    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;IIZ)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   299: astore 25
    //   301: aload 25
    //   303: astore 17
    //   305: goto -123 -> 182
    //   308: astore_3
    //   309: aload_3
    //   310: astore 4
    //   312: aconst_null
    //   313: astore 5
    //   315: aload 4
    //   317: invokevirtual 171    java/lang/Exception:printStackTrace    ()V
    //   320: aload 5
    //   322: areturn
    //   323: astore 4
    //   325: goto -10 -> 315
    // Exception table:
    //   from    to    target    type
    //   0    65    308    java/lang/Exception
    //   72    88    308    java/lang/Exception
    //   88    106    308    java/lang/Exception
    //   110    114    308    java/lang/Exception
    //   114    159    308    java/lang/Exception
    //   166    182    308    java/lang/Exception
    //   182    229    308    java/lang/Exception
    //   274    286    308    java/lang/Exception
    //   289    301    308    java/lang/Exception
    //   233    271    323    java/lang/Exception

  public static Bitmap StyleImpression(Bitmap paramBitmap, Context paramContext, boolean paramBoolean)
    Bitmap localBitmap = null;
      long l1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
      int i = paramBitmap.getWidth();
      int j = paramBitmap.getHeight();
      int[] arrayOfInt = bitmap2IntARGB(paramBitmap);
      localBitmap = null;
      if (paramBoolean)
      jni.StyleImpression(arrayOfInt, i, j);
      localBitmap = intARGB2Bimap(arrayOfInt, i, j);
      long l2 = System.currentTimeMillis() - l1;
      MTDebug.Print("StyleImpression time=" + l2);
      return localBitmap;
    catch (Exception localException)
    return localBitmap;

  public static Bitmap StyleJapanese(Bitmap paramBitmap, boolean paramBoolean)
    Bitmap localBitmap = null;
      long l1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
      int i = paramBitmap.getWidth();
      int j = paramBitmap.getHeight();
      int[] arrayOfInt = bitmap2IntARGB(paramBitmap);
      localBitmap = null;
      if (paramBoolean)
      jni.StyleJapanese(arrayOfInt, i, j);
      localBitmap = intARGB2Bimap(arrayOfInt, i, j);
      long l2 = System.currentTimeMillis() - l1;
      MTDebug.Print("StyleJapanese time=" + l2);
      return localBitmap;
    catch (Exception localException)
    return localBitmap;

  // ERROR //
  public static Bitmap StyleLomo(Bitmap paramBitmap, Context paramContext, boolean paramBoolean)
    // Byte code:
    //   0: invokestatic 128    java/lang/System:currentTimeMillis    ()J
    //   3: lstore 6
    //   5: aload_0
    //   6: invokevirtual 134    android/graphics/Bitmap:getWidth    ()I
    //   9: istore 8
    //   11: aload_0
    //   12: invokevirtual 137    android/graphics/Bitmap:getHeight    ()I
    //   15: istore 9
    //   17: aload_0
    //   18: invokestatic 262    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:bitmap2IntARGB    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;)[I
    //   21: astore 10
    //   23: iload_2
    //   24: ifeq +7 -> 31
    //   27: aload_0
    //   28: invokevirtual 265    android/graphics/Bitmap:recycle    ()V
    //   31: ldc_w 638
    //   34: aload_1
    //   35: invokevirtual 331    android/content/Context:getAssets    ()Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;
    //   38: invokestatic 335    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:LoadAssertsPic    (Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   41: astore 11
    //   43: aload 11
    //   45: iload 8
    //   47: iload 9
    //   49: iconst_0
    //   50: invokestatic 341    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:resize    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;IIZ)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   53: astore 12
    //   55: aload 11
    //   57: invokevirtual 265    android/graphics/Bitmap:recycle    ()V
    //   60: aload 12
    //   62: invokestatic 262    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:bitmap2IntARGB    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;)[I
    //   65: astore 13
    //   67: aload 12
    //   69: invokevirtual 265    android/graphics/Bitmap:recycle    ()V
    //   72: getstatic 117    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:jni    Lcom/mt/mtxx/image/JNI;
    //   75: aload 10
    //   77: iload 8
    //   79: iload 9
    //   81: aload 13
    //   83: invokevirtual 642    com/mt/mtxx/image/JNI:LOMO1    ([III[I)V
    //   86: aconst_null
    //   87: checkcast 367    [I
    //   90: pop
    //   91: ldc_w 644
    //   94: aload_1
    //   95: invokevirtual 331    android/content/Context:getAssets    ()Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;
    //   98: invokestatic 335    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:LoadAssertsPic    (Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   101: astore 15
    //   103: aload 15
    //   105: iload 8
    //   107: iload 9
    //   109: iconst_0
    //   110: invokestatic 341    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:resize    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;IIZ)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   113: astore 16
    //   115: aload 15
    //   117: invokevirtual 265    android/graphics/Bitmap:recycle    ()V
    //   120: aload 16
    //   122: invokestatic 262    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:bitmap2IntARGB    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;)[I
    //   125: astore 17
    //   127: aload 16
    //   129: invokevirtual 265    android/graphics/Bitmap:recycle    ()V
    //   132: getstatic 117    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:jni    Lcom/mt/mtxx/image/JNI;
    //   135: aload 10
    //   137: iload 8
    //   139: iload 9
    //   141: aload 17
    //   143: invokevirtual 647    com/mt/mtxx/image/JNI:LOMO2    ([III[I)V
    //   146: aconst_null
    //   147: checkcast 367    [I
    //   150: pop
    //   151: aload 10
    //   153: iload 8
    //   155: iload 9
    //   157: invokestatic 206    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:intARGB2Bimap    ([III)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   160: astore 19
    //   162: aload 19
    //   164: astore 5
    //   166: invokestatic 128    java/lang/System:currentTimeMillis    ()J
    //   169: lload 6
    //   171: lsub
    //   172: lstore 20
    //   174: new 150    java/lang/StringBuilder
    //   177: dup
    //   178: ldc_w 649
    //   181: invokespecial 155    java/lang/StringBuilder:<init>    (Ljava/lang/String;)V
    //   184: lload 20
    //   186: invokevirtual 159    java/lang/StringBuilder:append    (J)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
    //   189: invokevirtual 163    java/lang/StringBuilder:toString    ()Ljava/lang/String;
    //   192: invokestatic 168    com/mt/mtxx/mtxx/MTDebug:Print    (Ljava/lang/String;)V
    //   195: aload 5
    //   197: areturn
    //   198: astore_3
    //   199: aload_3
    //   200: astore 4
    //   202: aconst_null
    //   203: astore 5
    //   205: aload 4
    //   207: invokevirtual 171    java/lang/Exception:printStackTrace    ()V
    //   210: aload 5
    //   212: areturn
    //   213: astore 4
    //   215: goto -10 -> 205
    // Exception table:
    //   from    to    target    type
    //   0    23    198    java/lang/Exception
    //   27    31    198    java/lang/Exception
    //   31    162    198    java/lang/Exception
    //   166    195    213    java/lang/Exception

  // ERROR //
  public static Bitmap StyleLomoA(Bitmap paramBitmap, Context paramContext, boolean paramBoolean)
    // Byte code:
    //   0: invokestatic 128    java/lang/System:currentTimeMillis    ()J
    //   3: lstore 6
    //   5: aload_0
    //   6: invokevirtual 134    android/graphics/Bitmap:getWidth    ()I
    //   9: istore 8
    //   11: aload_0
    //   12: invokevirtual 137    android/graphics/Bitmap:getHeight    ()I
    //   15: istore 9
    //   17: aload_0
    //   18: invokestatic 262    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:bitmap2IntARGB    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;)[I
    //   21: astore 10
    //   23: iload_2
    //   24: ifeq +7 -> 31
    //   27: aload_0
    //   28: invokevirtual 265    android/graphics/Bitmap:recycle    ()V
    //   31: ldc_w 652
    //   34: aload_1
    //   35: invokevirtual 331    android/content/Context:getAssets    ()Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;
    //   38: invokestatic 335    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:LoadAssertsPic    (Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   41: astore 11
    //   43: iload 8
    //   45: iload 9
    //   47: if_icmple +186 -> 233
    //   50: aload 11
    //   52: iconst_1
    //   53: invokestatic 338    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:rotate90    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;Z)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   56: iload 8
    //   58: iload 9
    //   60: iconst_1
    //   61: invokestatic 341    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:resize    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;IIZ)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   64: astore 12
    //   66: aload 12
    //   68: invokestatic 262    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:bitmap2IntARGB    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;)[I
    //   71: astore 13
    //   73: aload 12
    //   75: invokevirtual 265    android/graphics/Bitmap:recycle    ()V
    //   78: ldc_w 654
    //   81: aload_1
    //   82: invokestatic 614    com/mt/mtxx/mtxx/MyPro:getBytesFromAssets    (Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/Context;)[B
    //   85: astore 14
    //   87: getstatic 117    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:jni    Lcom/mt/mtxx/image/JNI;
    //   90: aload 10
    //   92: aload 13
    //   94: iload 8
    //   96: iload 9
    //   98: aload 14
    //   100: aload 14
    //   102: arraylength
    //   103: invokevirtual 657    com/mt/mtxx/image/JNI:StyleLomoAP1    ([I[III[BI)V
    //   106: aconst_null
    //   107: checkcast 367    [I
    //   110: pop
    //   111: ldc_w 562
    //   114: aload_1
    //   115: invokevirtual 331    android/content/Context:getAssets    ()Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;
    //   118: invokestatic 335    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:LoadAssertsPic    (Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   121: astore 16
    //   123: iload 8
    //   125: iload 9
    //   127: if_icmple +121 -> 248
    //   130: aload 16
    //   132: iconst_1
    //   133: invokestatic 338    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:rotate90    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;Z)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   136: iload 8
    //   138: iload 9
    //   140: iconst_1
    //   141: invokestatic 341    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:resize    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;IIZ)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   144: astore 17
    //   146: aload 17
    //   148: invokestatic 262    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:bitmap2IntARGB    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;)[I
    //   151: astore 18
    //   153: aload 17
    //   155: invokevirtual 265    android/graphics/Bitmap:recycle    ()V
    //   158: getstatic 117    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:jni    Lcom/mt/mtxx/image/JNI;
    //   161: aload 10
    //   163: aload 18
    //   165: iload 8
    //   167: iload 9
    //   169: aload 14
    //   171: aload 14
    //   173: arraylength
    //   174: invokevirtual 660    com/mt/mtxx/image/JNI:StyleLomoAP2    ([I[III[BI)V
    //   177: aconst_null
    //   178: checkcast 367    [I
    //   181: pop
    //   182: aload 10
    //   184: iload 8
    //   186: iload 9
    //   188: invokestatic 206    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:intARGB2Bimap    ([III)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   191: astore 20
    //   193: aload 20
    //   195: astore 5
    //   197: invokestatic 128    java/lang/System:currentTimeMillis    ()J
    //   200: lload 6
    //   202: lsub
    //   203: lstore 21
    //   205: new 150    java/lang/StringBuilder
    //   208: dup
    //   209: ldc_w 662
    //   212: invokespecial 155    java/lang/StringBuilder:<init>    (Ljava/lang/String;)V
    //   215: astore 23
    //   217: aload 23
    //   219: lload 21
    //   221: invokevirtual 159    java/lang/StringBuilder:append    (J)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
    //   224: invokevirtual 163    java/lang/StringBuilder:toString    ()Ljava/lang/String;
    //   227: invokestatic 168    com/mt/mtxx/mtxx/MTDebug:Print    (Ljava/lang/String;)V
    //   230: aload 5
    //   232: areturn
    //   233: aload 11
    //   235: iload 8
    //   237: iload 9
    //   239: iconst_1
    //   240: invokestatic 341    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:resize    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;IIZ)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   243: astore 12
    //   245: goto -179 -> 66
    //   248: aload 16
    //   250: iload 8
    //   252: iload 9
    //   254: iconst_1
    //   255: invokestatic 341    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:resize    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;IIZ)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   258: astore 24
    //   260: aload 24
    //   262: astore 17
    //   264: goto -118 -> 146
    //   267: astore_3
    //   268: aload_3
    //   269: astore 4
    //   271: aconst_null
    //   272: astore 5
    //   274: aload 4
    //   276: invokevirtual 171    java/lang/Exception:printStackTrace    ()V
    //   279: aload 5
    //   281: areturn
    //   282: astore 4
    //   284: goto -10 -> 274
    // Exception table:
    //   from    to    target    type
    //   0    23    267    java/lang/Exception
    //   27    31    267    java/lang/Exception
    //   31    43    267    java/lang/Exception
    //   50    66    267    java/lang/Exception
    //   66    123    267    java/lang/Exception
    //   130    146    267    java/lang/Exception
    //   146    193    267    java/lang/Exception
    //   233    245    267    java/lang/Exception
    //   248    260    267    java/lang/Exception
    //   197    230    282    java/lang/Exception

  public static Bitmap StyleLomoB(Bitmap paramBitmap, boolean paramBoolean)
    Bitmap localBitmap = null;
      long l1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
      MTDebug.Print("StyleLomoB 0");
      int i = paramBitmap.getWidth();
      int j = paramBitmap.getHeight();
      int[] arrayOfInt = bitmap2IntARGB(paramBitmap);
      MTDebug.Print("StyleLomoB 1");
      localBitmap = null;
      if (paramBoolean)
      MTDebug.Print("StyleLomoB 2");
      jni.StyleLomoB(arrayOfInt, i, j);
      MTDebug.Print("StyleLomoB 3");
      localBitmap = intARGB2Bimap(arrayOfInt, i, j);
      long l2 = System.currentTimeMillis() - l1;
      MTDebug.Print("StyleLomoB time=" + l2);
      return localBitmap;
    catch (Exception localException)
      MTDebug.Print("StyleLomoB Error!" + localException.toString());
    return localBitmap;

  public static Bitmap StyleLomoC(Bitmap paramBitmap, boolean paramBoolean)
    Bitmap localBitmap = null;
      long l1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
      int i = paramBitmap.getWidth();
      int j = paramBitmap.getHeight();
      int[] arrayOfInt = bitmap2IntARGB(paramBitmap);
      localBitmap = null;
      if (paramBoolean)
      jni.StyleLomoC(arrayOfInt, i, j);
      localBitmap = intARGB2Bimap(arrayOfInt, i, j);
      long l2 = System.currentTimeMillis() - l1;
      MTDebug.Print("StyleLomoC time=" + l2);
      return localBitmap;
    catch (Exception localException)
    return localBitmap;

  public static Bitmap StyleLomoChristmas(Bitmap paramBitmap, Context paramContext, boolean paramBoolean)
    Bitmap localBitmap1 = null;
      long l1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
      int i = paramBitmap.getWidth();
      int j = paramBitmap.getHeight();
      int[] arrayOfInt1 = bitmap2IntARGB(paramBitmap);
      localBitmap1 = null;
      if (paramBoolean)
      Bitmap localBitmap2 = LoadAssertsPic("style/mtxx_festival_1b.jpg", paramContext.getAssets());
      Bitmap localBitmap3 = resize(localBitmap2, i, j, false);
      int[] arrayOfInt2 = bitmap2IntARGB(localBitmap3);
      jni.StyleLomoChristmas(arrayOfInt1, arrayOfInt2, i, j);
      localBitmap1 = intARGB2Bimap(arrayOfInt1, i, j);
      long l2 = System.currentTimeMillis() - l1;
      MTDebug.Print("StyleLomoChristmas time=" + l2);
      return localBitmap1;
    catch (Exception localException)
    return localBitmap1;

  public static Bitmap StyleLomoHDR(Bitmap paramBitmap, boolean paramBoolean)
    Bitmap localBitmap = null;
      long l1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
      int i = paramBitmap.getWidth();
      int j = paramBitmap.getHeight();
      int[] arrayOfInt = bitmap2IntARGB(paramBitmap);
      localBitmap = null;
      if (paramBoolean)
      jni.StyleLomoHDR(arrayOfInt, i, j);
      localBitmap = intARGB2Bimap(arrayOfInt, i, j);
      long l2 = System.currentTimeMillis() - l1;
      MTDebug.Print("StyleLomoHDR time=" + l2);
      return localBitmap;
    catch (Exception localException)
    return localBitmap;

  // ERROR //
  public static Bitmap StyleMilk(Bitmap paramBitmap, Context paramContext, boolean paramBoolean)
    // Byte code:
    //   0: invokestatic 128    java/lang/System:currentTimeMillis    ()J
    //   3: lstore 6
    //   5: aload_0
    //   6: invokevirtual 134    android/graphics/Bitmap:getWidth    ()I
    //   9: istore 8
    //   11: aload_0
    //   12: invokevirtual 137    android/graphics/Bitmap:getHeight    ()I
    //   15: istore 9
    //   17: aload_0
    //   18: invokestatic 262    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:bitmap2IntARGB    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;)[I
    //   21: astore 10
    //   23: iload_2
    //   24: ifeq +9 -> 33
    //   27: aload_0
    //   28: invokevirtual 265    android/graphics/Bitmap:recycle    ()V
    //   31: aconst_null
    //   32: astore_0
    //   33: ldc_w 697
    //   36: aload_1
    //   37: invokevirtual 331    android/content/Context:getAssets    ()Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;
    //   40: invokestatic 335    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:LoadAssertsPic    (Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   43: astore 11
    //   45: aload 11
    //   47: iload 8
    //   49: iload 9
    //   51: iconst_0
    //   52: invokestatic 341    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:resize    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;IIZ)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   55: astore 12
    //   57: aload 11
    //   59: invokevirtual 265    android/graphics/Bitmap:recycle    ()V
    //   62: aload 12
    //   64: invokestatic 262    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:bitmap2IntARGB    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;)[I
    //   67: astore 13
    //   69: aload 12
    //   71: invokevirtual 265    android/graphics/Bitmap:recycle    ()V
    //   74: getstatic 117    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:jni    Lcom/mt/mtxx/image/JNI;
    //   77: aload 10
    //   79: aload 13
    //   81: iload 8
    //   83: iload 9
    //   85: invokevirtual 700    com/mt/mtxx/image/JNI:StyleMilk1    ([I[III)V
    //   88: aconst_null
    //   89: checkcast 367    [I
    //   92: pop
    //   93: invokestatic 354    java/lang/System:gc    ()V
    //   96: ldc_w 702
    //   99: aload_1
    //   100: invokevirtual 331    android/content/Context:getAssets    ()Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;
    //   103: invokestatic 335    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:LoadAssertsPic    (Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   106: astore 15
    //   108: aload 15
    //   110: iload 8
    //   112: iload 9
    //   114: iconst_0
    //   115: invokestatic 341    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:resize    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;IIZ)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   118: astore 16
    //   120: aload 15
    //   122: invokevirtual 265    android/graphics/Bitmap:recycle    ()V
    //   125: aload 16
    //   127: invokestatic 262    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:bitmap2IntARGB    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;)[I
    //   130: astore 17
    //   132: aload 16
    //   134: invokevirtual 265    android/graphics/Bitmap:recycle    ()V
    //   137: getstatic 117    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:jni    Lcom/mt/mtxx/image/JNI;
    //   140: aload 10
    //   142: aload 17
    //   144: iload 8
    //   146: iload 9
    //   148: invokevirtual 705    com/mt/mtxx/image/JNI:StyleMilk2    ([I[III)V
    //   151: aconst_null
    //   152: checkcast 367    [I
    //   155: pop
    //   156: aload_0
    //   157: invokestatic 262    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:bitmap2IntARGB    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;)[I
    //   160: astore 19
    //   162: getstatic 117    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:jni    Lcom/mt/mtxx/image/JNI;
    //   165: aload 10
    //   167: aload 19
    //   169: iload 8
    //   171: iload 9
    //   173: invokevirtual 708    com/mt/mtxx/image/JNI:StyleMilk3    ([I[III)V
    //   176: aconst_null
    //   177: checkcast 367    [I
    //   180: pop
    //   181: ldc_w 710
    //   184: aload_1
    //   185: invokevirtual 331    android/content/Context:getAssets    ()Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;
    //   188: invokestatic 335    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:LoadAssertsPic    (Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   191: astore 21
    //   193: aload 21
    //   195: iload 8
    //   197: iload 9
    //   199: iconst_0
    //   200: invokestatic 341    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:resize    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;IIZ)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   203: astore 22
    //   205: aload 21
    //   207: invokevirtual 265    android/graphics/Bitmap:recycle    ()V
    //   210: aload 22
    //   212: invokestatic 262    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:bitmap2IntARGB    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;)[I
    //   215: astore 23
    //   217: aload 22
    //   219: invokevirtual 265    android/graphics/Bitmap:recycle    ()V
    //   222: getstatic 117    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:jni    Lcom/mt/mtxx/image/JNI;
    //   225: aload 10
    //   227: aload 23
    //   229: iload 8
    //   231: iload 9
    //   233: invokevirtual 713    com/mt/mtxx/image/JNI:StyleMilk4    ([I[III)V
    //   236: aconst_null
    //   237: checkcast 367    [I
    //   240: pop
    //   241: aload 10
    //   243: iload 8
    //   245: iload 9
    //   247: invokestatic 206    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:intARGB2Bimap    ([III)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   250: astore 25
    //   252: aload 25
    //   254: astore 5
    //   256: invokestatic 128    java/lang/System:currentTimeMillis    ()J
    //   259: lload 6
    //   261: lsub
    //   262: lstore 26
    //   264: new 150    java/lang/StringBuilder
    //   267: dup
    //   268: ldc_w 356
    //   271: invokespecial 155    java/lang/StringBuilder:<init>    (Ljava/lang/String;)V
    //   274: lload 26
    //   276: invokevirtual 159    java/lang/StringBuilder:append    (J)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
    //   279: invokevirtual 163    java/lang/StringBuilder:toString    ()Ljava/lang/String;
    //   282: invokestatic 168    com/mt/mtxx/mtxx/MTDebug:Print    (Ljava/lang/String;)V
    //   285: aload 5
    //   287: areturn
    //   288: astore_3
    //   289: aload_3
    //   290: astore 4
    //   292: aconst_null
    //   293: astore 5
    //   295: aload 4
    //   297: invokevirtual 171    java/lang/Exception:printStackTrace    ()V
    //   300: aload 5
    //   302: areturn
    //   303: astore 4
    //   305: goto -10 -> 295
    // Exception table:
    //   from    to    target    type
    //   0    23    288    java/lang/Exception
    //   27    31    288    java/lang/Exception
    //   33    252    288    java/lang/Exception
    //   256    285    303    java/lang/Exception

  public static Bitmap StyleOldPhoto(Bitmap paramBitmap, Context paramContext, boolean paramBoolean)
    Bitmap localBitmap1 = null;
      long l1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
      int i = paramBitmap.getWidth();
      int j = paramBitmap.getHeight();
      Bitmap localBitmap2 = LoadAssertsPic("style/mtxx_lzp_b.jpg", paramContext.getAssets());
      Bitmap localBitmap3 = resize(localBitmap2, i, j, false);
      int[] arrayOfInt1 = bitmap2IntARGB(paramBitmap);
      localBitmap1 = null;
      if (paramBoolean)
      int[] arrayOfInt2 = bitmap2IntARGB(localBitmap3);
      jni.StyleOldPhoto(arrayOfInt1, arrayOfInt2, i, j);
      localBitmap1 = intARGB2Bimap(arrayOfInt1, i, j);
      long l2 = System.currentTimeMillis() - l1;
      MTDebug.Print("StyleOldPhoto time=" + l2);
      return localBitmap1;
    catch (Exception localException)
    return localBitmap1;

  // ERROR //
  public static Bitmap StyleOldPhoto2(Bitmap paramBitmap, Context paramContext, boolean paramBoolean)
    // Byte code:
    //   0: ldc_w 722
    //   3: invokestatic 456    com/mt/mtxx/mtxx/MTDebug:memeryUsed    (Ljava/lang/String;)D
    //   6: pop2
    //   7: invokestatic 128    java/lang/System:currentTimeMillis    ()J
    //   10: lstore 8
    //   12: aload_0
    //   13: invokevirtual 134    android/graphics/Bitmap:getWidth    ()I
    //   16: istore 10
    //   18: aload_0
    //   19: invokevirtual 137    android/graphics/Bitmap:getHeight    ()I
    //   22: istore 11
    //   24: ldc_w 724
    //   27: aload_1
    //   28: invokevirtual 331    android/content/Context:getAssets    ()Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;
    //   31: invokestatic 335    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:LoadAssertsPic    (Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   34: astore 12
    //   36: iload 10
    //   38: iload 11
    //   40: if_icmple +284 -> 324
    //   43: aload 12
    //   45: iconst_1
    //   46: invokestatic 338    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:rotate90    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;Z)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   49: astore 13
    //   51: ldc_w 726
    //   54: invokestatic 456    com/mt/mtxx/mtxx/MTDebug:memeryUsed    (Ljava/lang/String;)D
    //   57: pop2
    //   58: aload 13
    //   60: iload 10
    //   62: iload 11
    //   64: iconst_1
    //   65: invokestatic 341    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:resize    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;IIZ)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   68: astore 16
    //   70: ldc_w 728
    //   73: invokestatic 456    com/mt/mtxx/mtxx/MTDebug:memeryUsed    (Ljava/lang/String;)D
    //   76: pop2
    //   77: invokestatic 354    java/lang/System:gc    ()V
    //   80: ldc_w 730
    //   83: invokestatic 456    com/mt/mtxx/mtxx/MTDebug:memeryUsed    (Ljava/lang/String;)D
    //   86: pop2
    //   87: aload 16
    //   89: invokestatic 262    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:bitmap2IntARGB    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;)[I
    //   92: astore 21
    //   94: aload 16
    //   96: invokevirtual 265    android/graphics/Bitmap:recycle    ()V
    //   99: aload_0
    //   100: invokestatic 262    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:bitmap2IntARGB    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;)[I
    //   103: astore 22
    //   105: iload_2
    //   106: ifeq +7 -> 113
    //   109: aload_0
    //   110: invokevirtual 265    android/graphics/Bitmap:recycle    ()V
    //   113: invokestatic 354    java/lang/System:gc    ()V
    //   116: ldc_w 728
    //   119: invokestatic 456    com/mt/mtxx/mtxx/MTDebug:memeryUsed    (Ljava/lang/String;)D
    //   122: pop2
    //   123: ldc_w 732
    //   126: aload_1
    //   127: invokestatic 614    com/mt/mtxx/mtxx/MyPro:getBytesFromAssets    (Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/Context;)[B
    //   130: astore 25
    //   132: getstatic 117    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:jni    Lcom/mt/mtxx/image/JNI;
    //   135: aload 22
    //   137: aload 21
    //   139: iload 10
    //   141: iload 11
    //   143: aload 25
    //   145: aload 25
    //   147: arraylength
    //   148: invokevirtual 735    com/mt/mtxx/image/JNI:StyleOldPhotoP1    ([I[III[BI)V
    //   151: ldc_w 737
    //   154: invokestatic 456    com/mt/mtxx/mtxx/MTDebug:memeryUsed    (Ljava/lang/String;)D
    //   157: pop2
    //   158: aconst_null
    //   159: checkcast 367    [I
    //   162: pop
    //   163: invokestatic 354    java/lang/System:gc    ()V
    //   166: ldc_w 739
    //   169: aload_1
    //   170: invokevirtual 331    android/content/Context:getAssets    ()Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;
    //   173: invokestatic 335    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:LoadAssertsPic    (Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   176: astore 29
    //   178: iload 10
    //   180: iload 11
    //   182: if_icmple +179 -> 361
    //   185: aload 29
    //   187: iconst_1
    //   188: invokestatic 338    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:rotate90    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;Z)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   191: iload 10
    //   193: iload 11
    //   195: iconst_1
    //   196: invokestatic 341    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:resize    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;IIZ)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   199: astore 30
    //   201: ldc_w 741
    //   204: invokestatic 456    com/mt/mtxx/mtxx/MTDebug:memeryUsed    (Ljava/lang/String;)D
    //   207: pop2
    //   208: aload 30
    //   210: invokestatic 262    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:bitmap2IntARGB    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;)[I
    //   213: astore 33
    //   215: aload 30
    //   217: invokevirtual 265    android/graphics/Bitmap:recycle    ()V
    //   220: getstatic 117    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:jni    Lcom/mt/mtxx/image/JNI;
    //   223: aload 22
    //   225: aload 33
    //   227: iload 10
    //   229: iload 11
    //   231: aload 25
    //   233: aload 25
    //   235: arraylength
    //   236: invokevirtual 744    com/mt/mtxx/image/JNI:StyleOldPhotoP2    ([I[III[BI)V
    //   239: ldc_w 746
    //   242: invokestatic 456    com/mt/mtxx/mtxx/MTDebug:memeryUsed    (Ljava/lang/String;)D
    //   245: pop2
    //   246: aconst_null
    //   247: checkcast 367    [I
    //   250: pop
    //   251: invokestatic 354    java/lang/System:gc    ()V
    //   254: ldc_w 748
    //   257: invokestatic 456    com/mt/mtxx/mtxx/MTDebug:memeryUsed    (Ljava/lang/String;)D
    //   260: pop2
    //   261: aconst_null
    //   262: checkcast 750    [B
    //   265: pop
    //   266: ldc_w 752
    //   269: invokestatic 456    com/mt/mtxx/mtxx/MTDebug:memeryUsed    (Ljava/lang/String;)D
    //   272: pop2
    //   273: aload 22
    //   275: iload 10
    //   277: iload 11
    //   279: invokestatic 206    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:intARGB2Bimap    ([III)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   282: astore 42
    //   284: aload 42
    //   286: astore 5
    //   288: invokestatic 128    java/lang/System:currentTimeMillis    ()J
    //   291: lload 8
    //   293: lsub
    //   294: lstore 43
    //   296: new 150    java/lang/StringBuilder
    //   299: dup
    //   300: ldc_w 754
    //   303: invokespecial 155    java/lang/StringBuilder:<init>    (Ljava/lang/String;)V
    //   306: astore 45
    //   308: aload 45
    //   310: lload 43
    //   312: invokevirtual 159    java/lang/StringBuilder:append    (J)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
    //   315: invokevirtual 163    java/lang/StringBuilder:toString    ()Ljava/lang/String;
    //   318: invokestatic 168    com/mt/mtxx/mtxx/MTDebug:Print    (Ljava/lang/String;)V
    //   321: aload 5
    //   323: areturn
    //   324: aload 12
    //   326: iload 10
    //   328: iload 11
    //   330: iconst_1
    //   331: invokestatic 341    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:resize    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;IIZ)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   334: astore 16
    //   336: ldc_w 756
    //   339: invokestatic 456    com/mt/mtxx/mtxx/MTDebug:memeryUsed    (Ljava/lang/String;)D
    //   342: pop2
    //   343: goto -273 -> 70
    //   346: astore_3
    //   347: aload_3
    //   348: astore 4
    //   350: aconst_null
    //   351: astore 5
    //   353: aload 4
    //   355: invokevirtual 171    java/lang/Exception:printStackTrace    ()V
    //   358: aload 5
    //   360: areturn
    //   361: aload 29
    //   363: iload 10
    //   365: iload 11
    //   367: iconst_1
    //   368: invokestatic 341    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:resize    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;IIZ)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   371: astore 46
    //   373: aload 46
    //   375: astore 30
    //   377: goto -176 -> 201
    //   380: astore 4
    //   382: goto -29 -> 353
    // Exception table:
    //   from    to    target    type
    //   0    36    346    java/lang/Exception
    //   43    70    346    java/lang/Exception
    //   70    105    346    java/lang/Exception
    //   109    113    346    java/lang/Exception
    //   113    178    346    java/lang/Exception
    //   185    201    346    java/lang/Exception
    //   201    284    346    java/lang/Exception
    //   324    343    346    java/lang/Exception
    //   361    373    346    java/lang/Exception
    //   288    321    380    java/lang/Exception

  public static Bitmap StyleRetro(Bitmap paramBitmap, boolean paramBoolean)
    Bitmap localBitmap = null;
      long l1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
      int i = paramBitmap.getWidth();
      int j = paramBitmap.getHeight();
      int[] arrayOfInt = bitmap2IntARGB(paramBitmap);
      localBitmap = null;
      if (paramBoolean)
      jni.StyleRetro(arrayOfInt, i, j);
      localBitmap = intARGB2Bimap(arrayOfInt, i, j);
      long l2 = System.currentTimeMillis() - l1;
      MTDebug.Print("StyleRetro time=" + l2);
      return localBitmap;
    catch (Exception localException)
    return localBitmap;

  public static Bitmap White(Bitmap paramBitmap, int paramInt1, int paramInt2, int paramInt3, double paramDouble)
      int i = paramBitmap.getWidth();
      int j = paramBitmap.getHeight();
      int[] arrayOfInt = bitmap2IntARGB(paramBitmap);
      jni.SSkinbeautify(arrayOfInt, i, j, paramInt1, paramInt2, paramInt3, paramDouble);
      Bitmap localBitmap = intARGB2Bimap(arrayOfInt, i, j);
      return localBitmap;
    catch (Exception localException)
    return null;

  public static int add(int paramInt, byte paramByte)
    return jni.add(paramInt, paramByte);

  public static byte[] bitmap2Byte(Bitmap paramBitmap)
    byte[] arrayOfByte = (byte[])null;
    while (true)
      int i;
      int n;
        i = paramBitmap.getWidth();
        int j = paramBitmap.getHeight();
        int[] arrayOfInt = new int[i * j];
        arrayOfByte = new byte[3 * (i * j)];
        paramBitmap.getPixels(arrayOfInt, 0, i, 0, 0, i, j);
        int k = 0;
        int m = 0;
        n = 0;
        if (n >= j)
          return arrayOfByte;
          arrayOfByte[m] = (byte)(0xFF & arrayOfInt[k]);
          arrayOfByte[(m + 1)] = (byte)(0xFF & arrayOfInt[k] >> 8);
          arrayOfByte[(m + 2)] = (byte)(0xFF & arrayOfInt[k] >> 16);
          m += 3;
      catch (Exception localException)
        return arrayOfByte;
      int i1 = 0;
      if (i1 < i)

  public static byte[] bitmap2ByteARGB(Bitmap paramBitmap)
    byte[] arrayOfByte = (byte[])null;
    while (true)
      int i;
      int n;
        i = paramBitmap.getWidth();
        int j = paramBitmap.getHeight();
        arrayOfByte = new byte[4 * (i * j)];
        int[] arrayOfInt = new int[i * j];
        paramBitmap.getPixels(arrayOfInt, 0, i, 0, 0, i, j);
        int k = 0;
        int m = 0;
        n = 0;
        if (n >= j)
          return arrayOfByte;
          int i2 = arrayOfInt[k];
          arrayOfByte[m] = (byte)(i2 & 0xFF);
          arrayOfByte[(m + 1)] = (byte)(0xFF & i2 >> 8);
          arrayOfByte[(m + 2)] = (byte)(0xFF & i2 >> 16);
          arrayOfByte[(m + 3)] = (byte)(0xFF & i2 >> 24);
          m += 4;
      catch (Exception localException)
        return arrayOfByte;
      int i1 = 0;
      if (i1 < i)

  public static int[] bitmap2IntARGB(Bitmap paramBitmap)
    int[] arrayOfInt = (int[])null;
      int i = paramBitmap.getWidth();
      int j = paramBitmap.getHeight();
      arrayOfInt = new int[i * j];
      paramBitmap.getPixels(arrayOfInt, 0, i, 0, 0, i, j);
      return arrayOfInt;
    catch (Exception localException)
    return arrayOfInt;

  public static Bitmap bright(Bitmap paramBitmap, float paramFloat, boolean paramBoolean)
    Bitmap localBitmap = null;
      localBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(paramBitmap.getWidth(), paramBitmap.getHeight(), paramBitmap.getConfig());
      Canvas localCanvas = new Canvas(localBitmap);
      if (paramFloat < 0.0F)
        paramFloat = 1.0F;
      Paint localPaint = new Paint();
      ColorMatrix localColorMatrix = new ColorMatrix();
      localColorMatrix.set(new float[] { paramFloat, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, paramFloat, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, paramFloat, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F });
      localPaint.setColorFilter(new ColorMatrixColorFilter(localColorMatrix));
      localCanvas.drawBitmap(paramBitmap, 0.0F, 0.0F, localPaint);
      if (paramBoolean)
      return localBitmap;
    catch (Exception localException)
    return localBitmap;

  public static Bitmap bytes2Bimap(byte[] paramArrayOfByte, int paramInt1, int paramInt2)
    while (true)
      int i;
        if (paramArrayOfByte.length == 3 * (paramInt1 * paramInt2))
        MTDebug.PrintError("bytes2Bimap data.length=" + paramArrayOfByte.length + " w*h*4=" + 3 * (paramInt1 * paramInt2));
        return null;
        if (paramArrayOfByte.length <= 0)
        Bitmap localBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(paramInt1, paramInt2, MyData.mConfig);
        if (localBitmap == null)
          return null;
        int[] arrayOfInt = new int[paramInt1 * paramInt2];
        i = 0;
        int j = 0;
        int k = 0;
        if (i >= paramInt2)
          localBitmap.setPixels(arrayOfInt, 0, paramInt1, 0, 0, paramInt1, paramInt2);
          return localBitmap;
          arrayOfInt[k] = ((0xFF & paramArrayOfByte[j]) + ((0xFF & paramArrayOfByte[(j + 1)]) << 8) + ((0xFF & paramArrayOfByte[(j + 2)]) << 16));
          j += 3;
          break label172;
          return null;
      catch (Exception localException)
        return null;
      int m = 0;
      label172: if (m < paramInt1)

  public static Bitmap bytesARGB2Bimap(byte[] paramArrayOfByte, int paramInt1, int paramInt2)
    while (true)
      int i;
        if (paramArrayOfByte.length <= 0)
        if (paramArrayOfByte.length == 4 * (paramInt1 * paramInt2))
        MTDebug.PrintError("bytesARGB2Bimap data.length=" + paramArrayOfByte.length + " w*h*4=" + 4 * (paramInt1 * paramInt2));
        return null;
        Bitmap localBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(paramInt1, paramInt2, MyData.mConfig);
        if (localBitmap == null)
          return null;
        int[] arrayOfInt = new int[paramInt1 * paramInt2];
        i = 0;
        int j = 0;
        int k = 0;
        if (i >= paramInt2)
          localBitmap.setPixels(arrayOfInt, 0, paramInt1, 0, 0, paramInt1, paramInt2);
          return localBitmap;
          arrayOfInt[j] = ((0xFF & paramArrayOfByte[k]) + ((0xFF & paramArrayOfByte[(k + 1)]) << 8) + ((0xFF & paramArrayOfByte[(k + 2)]) << 16) + ((0xFF & paramArrayOfByte[(k + 3)]) << 24));
          k += 4;
          break label191;
          return null;
      catch (Exception localException)
        return null;
      int m = 0;
      label191: if (m < paramInt1)

  public static boolean changeARGB(byte[] paramArrayOfByte, int paramInt1, int paramInt2, int paramInt3, int paramInt4)
    int i = 0;
      while (i < paramArrayOfByte.length)
        if (paramInt1 >= 0)
          paramArrayOfByte[(i + 3)] = (byte)paramInt1;
        if (paramInt2 >= 0)
          paramArrayOfByte[(i + 2)] = (byte)paramInt2;
        if (paramInt3 >= 0)
          paramArrayOfByte[(i + 1)] = (byte)paramInt3;
        if (paramInt4 >= 0)
          paramArrayOfByte[(i + 0)] = (byte)paramInt4;
        i += 4;
    catch (Exception localException)
    return true;

  public static boolean changeIntARGB(int[] paramArrayOfInt, int paramInt1, int paramInt2, int paramInt3, int paramInt4)
    int i = 0;
      while (i < paramArrayOfInt.length)
        if ((paramInt1 >= 0) && (paramInt1 < 256))
          paramArrayOfInt[i] = ((0xFFFFFF & paramArrayOfInt[i]) + (paramInt1 << 24));
        if ((paramInt2 >= 0) && (paramInt2 < 256))
          paramArrayOfInt[i] = ((0xFF00FFFF & paramArrayOfInt[i]) + (paramInt2 << 16));
        if ((paramInt3 >= 0) && (paramInt3 < 256))
          paramArrayOfInt[i] = ((0xFFFF00FF & paramArrayOfInt[i]) + (paramInt3 << 8));
        if ((paramInt4 >= 0) && (paramInt4 < 256))
          paramArrayOfInt[i] = (paramInt4 + (0xFFFFFF00 & paramArrayOfInt[i]));
    catch (Exception localException)
    return true;

  public static Bitmap colorRGB(Bitmap paramBitmap, int paramInt, float paramFloat)
    Bitmap localBitmap = null;
    while (true)
      ColorMatrix localColorMatrix;
        localBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(paramBitmap.getWidth(), paramBitmap.getHeight(), paramBitmap.getConfig());
        Canvas localCanvas = new Canvas(localBitmap);
        Paint localPaint = new Paint();
        localColorMatrix = new ColorMatrix();
        if (paramInt != 0)
        localColorMatrix.setScale(paramFloat, 1.0F, 1.0F, 255.0F);
        localPaint.setColorFilter(new ColorMatrixColorFilter(localColorMatrix));
        localCanvas.drawBitmap(paramBitmap, 0.0F, 0.0F, localPaint);
        return localBitmap;
        if (paramInt == 0)
          localColorMatrix.setScale(1.0F, paramFloat, 1.0F, 255.0F);
      catch (Exception localException)
        return localBitmap;
      if (paramInt != 0)
      localColorMatrix.setScale(1.0F, 1.0F, paramFloat, 255.0F);

  public static Bitmap combineBitmap(Bitmap paramBitmap1, int paramInt1, int paramInt2, int paramInt3, int paramInt4, Bitmap paramBitmap2, boolean paramBoolean)
    Bitmap localBitmap = null;
      localBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(paramBitmap1.getWidth(), paramBitmap1.getHeight(), paramBitmap1.getConfig());
      if (paramBoolean)
        paramBitmap1 = null;
      Canvas localCanvas = new Canvas(localBitmap);
      Paint localPaint = new Paint();
      localCanvas.drawBitmap(paramBitmap1, 0.0F, 0.0F, localPaint);
      localCanvas.drawBitmap(paramBitmap2, new Rect(0, 0, paramBitmap2.getWidth(), paramBitmap2.getHeight()), new Rect(paramInt1, paramInt2, paramInt1 + paramInt3, paramInt2 + paramInt4), localPaint);
      return localBitmap;
    catch (Exception localException)
    return localBitmap;

  public static Bitmap combineBitmap(Bitmap paramBitmap1, int paramInt1, int paramInt2, Bitmap paramBitmap2)
    Bitmap localBitmap = null;
      localBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(paramBitmap1.getWidth(), paramBitmap1.getHeight(), paramBitmap1.getConfig());
      Canvas localCanvas = new Canvas(localBitmap);
      Paint localPaint = new Paint();
      localCanvas.drawBitmap(paramBitmap1, paramInt1, paramInt2, localPaint);
      localCanvas.drawBitmap(paramBitmap2, paramInt1, paramInt2, localPaint);
      return localBitmap;
    catch (Exception localException)
    return localBitmap;

  // ERROR //
  public static Bitmap contrast(Bitmap paramBitmap, int paramInt, boolean paramBoolean)
    // Byte code:
    //   0: aload_0
    //   1: invokevirtual 134    android/graphics/Bitmap:getWidth    ()I
    //   4: aload_0
    //   5: invokevirtual 137    android/graphics/Bitmap:getHeight    ()I
    //   8: aload_0
    //   9: invokevirtual 234    android/graphics/Bitmap:getConfig    ()Landroid/graphics/Bitmap$Config;
    //   12: invokestatic 413    android/graphics/Bitmap:createBitmap    (IILandroid/graphics/Bitmap$Config;)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   15: astore 6
    //   17: new 415    android/graphics/Canvas
    //   20: dup
    //   21: aload 6
    //   23: invokespecial 418    android/graphics/Canvas:<init>    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;)V
    //   26: astore 7
    //   28: new 420    android/graphics/Paint
    //   31: dup
    //   32: invokespecial 421    android/graphics/Paint:<init>    ()V
    //   35: astore 8
    //   37: new 779    android/graphics/ColorMatrix
    //   40: dup
    //   41: invokespecial 780    android/graphics/ColorMatrix:<init>    ()V
    //   44: astore 9
    //   46: iconst_2
    //   47: iload_1
    //   48: iconst_3
    //   49: imul
    //   50: iconst_5
    //   51: idiv
    //   52: bipush 30
    //   54: isub
    //   55: imul
    //   56: istore 11
    //   58: iload 11
    //   60: ifge +268 -> 328
    //   63: ldc_w 836
    //   66: ldc_w 836
    //   69: fconst_1
    //   70: iload 11
    //   72: i2f
    //   73: fmul
    //   74: ldc_w 837
    //   77: fdiv
    //   78: fmul
    //   79: fadd
    //   80: fstore 12
    //   82: fload 12
    //   84: ldc_w 836
    //   87: fdiv
    //   88: fstore 13
    //   90: bipush 25
    //   92: newarray float
    //   94: astore 14
    //   96: aload 14
    //   98: iconst_0
    //   99: fload 13
    //   101: fastore
    //   102: aload 14
    //   104: iconst_1
    //   105: fconst_0
    //   106: fastore
    //   107: aload 14
    //   109: iconst_2
    //   110: fconst_0
    //   111: fastore
    //   112: aload 14
    //   114: iconst_3
    //   115: fconst_0
    //   116: fastore
    //   117: aload 14
    //   119: iconst_4
    //   120: ldc 43
    //   122: ldc_w 836
    //   125: fload 12
    //   127: fsub
    //   128: fmul
    //   129: fastore
    //   130: aload 14
    //   132: iconst_5
    //   133: fconst_0
    //   134: fastore
    //   135: aload 14
    //   137: bipush 6
    //   139: fload 13
    //   141: fastore
    //   142: aload 14
    //   144: bipush 7
    //   146: fconst_0
    //   147: fastore
    //   148: aload 14
    //   150: bipush 8
    //   152: fconst_0
    //   153: fastore
    //   154: aload 14
    //   156: bipush 9
    //   158: ldc 43
    //   160: ldc_w 836
    //   163: fload 12
    //   165: fsub
    //   166: fmul
    //   167: fastore
    //   168: aload 14
    //   170: bipush 10
    //   172: fconst_0
    //   173: fastore
    //   174: aload 14
    //   176: bipush 11
    //   178: fconst_0
    //   179: fastore
    //   180: aload 14
    //   182: bipush 12
    //   184: fload 13
    //   186: fastore
    //   187: aload 14
    //   189: bipush 13
    //   191: fconst_0
    //   192: fastore
    //   193: aload 14
    //   195: bipush 14
    //   197: ldc 43
    //   199: ldc_w 836
    //   202: fload 12
    //   204: fsub
    //   205: fmul
    //   206: fastore
    //   207: aload 14
    //   209: bipush 15
    //   211: fconst_0
    //   212: fastore
    //   213: aload 14
    //   215: bipush 16
    //   217: fconst_0
    //   218: fastore
    //   219: aload 14
    //   221: bipush 17
    //   223: fconst_0
    //   224: fastore
    //   225: aload 14
    //   227: bipush 18
    //   229: fconst_1
    //   230: fastore
    //   231: aload 14
    //   233: bipush 19
    //   235: fconst_0
    //   236: fastore
    //   237: aload 14
    //   239: bipush 20
    //   241: fconst_0
    //   242: fastore
    //   243: aload 14
    //   245: bipush 21
    //   247: fconst_0
    //   248: fastore
    //   249: aload 14
    //   251: bipush 22
    //   253: fconst_0
    //   254: fastore
    //   255: aload 14
    //   257: bipush 23
    //   259: fconst_0
    //   260: fastore
    //   261: aload 14
    //   263: bipush 24
    //   265: fconst_1
    //   266: fastore
    //   267: aload 9
    //   269: aload 14
    //   271: invokevirtual 784    android/graphics/ColorMatrix:set    ([F)V
    //   274: aload 8
    //   276: new 786    android/graphics/ColorMatrixColorFilter
    //   279: dup
    //   280: aload 9
    //   282: invokespecial 789    android/graphics/ColorMatrixColorFilter:<init>    (Landroid/graphics/ColorMatrix;)V
    //   285: invokevirtual 793    android/graphics/Paint:setColorFilter    (Landroid/graphics/ColorFilter;)Landroid/graphics/ColorFilter;
    //   288: pop
    //   289: aload 8
    //   291: iconst_1
    //   292: invokevirtual 425    android/graphics/Paint:setAntiAlias    (Z)V
    //   295: aload 8
    //   297: iconst_0
    //   298: invokevirtual 796    android/graphics/Paint:setDither    (Z)V
    //   301: aload 8
    //   303: iconst_1
    //   304: invokevirtual 799    android/graphics/Paint:setFilterBitmap    (Z)V
    //   307: aload 7
    //   309: aload_0
    //   310: fconst_0
    //   311: fconst_0
    //   312: aload 8
    //   314: invokevirtual 429    android/graphics/Canvas:drawBitmap    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;FFLandroid/graphics/Paint;)V
    //   317: iload_2
    //   318: ifeq +103 -> 421
    //   321: aload_0
    //   322: invokevirtual 265    android/graphics/Bitmap:recycle    ()V
    //   325: aload 6
    //   327: areturn
    //   328: iload 11
    //   330: iconst_1
    //   331: irem
    //   332: i2f
    //   333: fstore 16
    //   335: fload 16
    //   337: fconst_0
    //   338: fcmpl
    //   339: ifne +14 -> 353
    //   342: getstatic 110    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:DELTA_INDEX    [F
    //   345: iload 11
    //   347: faload
    //   348: fstore 17
    //   350: goto +74 -> 424
    //   353: getstatic 110    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:DELTA_INDEX    [F
    //   356: iload 11
    //   358: iconst_0
    //   359: ishl
    //   360: faload
    //   361: fconst_1
    //   362: fload 16
    //   364: fsub
    //   365: fmul
    //   366: fstore 18
    //   368: getstatic 110    com/mt/mtxx/image/ImageProcess:DELTA_INDEX    [F
    //   371: iconst_1
    //   372: iload 11
    //   374: iconst_0
    //   375: ishl
    //   376: iadd
    //   377: faload
    //   378: fstore 19
    //   380: fload 18
    //   382: fload 16
    //   384: fload 19
    //   386: fmul
    //   387: fadd
    //   388: fstore 17
    //   390: goto +34 -> 424
    //   393: astore_3
    //   394: aconst_null
    //   395: astore 4
    //   397: aload_3
    //   398: astore 5
    //   400: aload 5
    //   402: invokevirtual 171    java/lang/Exception:printStackTrace    ()V
    //   405: aload 4
    //   407: areturn
    //   408: astore 10
    //   410: aload 10
    //   412: astore 5
    //   414: aload 6
    //   416: astore 4
    //   418: goto -18 -> 400
    //   421: aload 6
    //   423: areturn
    //   424: ldc_w 836
    //   427: fload 17
    //   429: ldc_w 836
    //   432: fmul
    //   433: fadd
    //   434: fstore 12
    //   436: goto -354 -> 82
    // Exception table:
    //   from    to    target    type
    //   0    17    393    java/lang/Exception
    //   17    58    408    java/lang/Exception
    //   63    82    408    java/lang/Exception
    //   82    317    408    java/lang/Exception
    //   321    325    408    java/lang/Exception
    //   342    350    408    java/lang/Exception
    //   353    380    408    java/lang/Exception

  public static Bitmap createScaledBitmap(Bitmap paramBitmap, int paramInt1, int paramInt2, Bitmap.Config paramConfig)
    Bitmap localBitmap = null;
      Paint localPaint = new Paint();
      localBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(paramInt1, paramInt2, paramConfig);
      new Canvas(localBitmap).drawBitmap(paramBitmap, new Rect(0, 0, paramBitmap.getWidth(), paramBitmap.getHeight()), new Rect(0, 0, paramInt1, paramInt2), localPaint);
      return localBitmap;
    catch (Exception localException)
    return localBitmap;

  public static Bitmap cut(Bitmap paramBitmap, int paramInt1, int paramInt2, int paramInt3, int paramInt4, boolean paramBoolean)
    Bitmap localBitmap = null;
    if (paramInt3 <= paramInt1)
      paramInt3 = paramInt1 + 1;
    if (paramInt4 < paramInt2)
      paramInt4 = paramInt2 + 1;
    int i = paramInt3 - paramInt1;
    int j = paramInt4 - paramInt2;
      localBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(i, j, paramBitmap.getConfig());
      Canvas localCanvas = new Canvas(localBitmap);
      Paint localPaint = new Paint();
      localCanvas.drawBitmap(paramBitmap, new Rect(paramInt1, paramInt2, paramInt3, paramInt4), new Rect(0, 0, paramInt3 - paramInt1, paramInt4 - paramInt2), localPaint);
      if (paramBoolean)
      return localBitmap;
    catch (Exception localException)
    return localBitmap;

  public static Bitmap cutAndResizeRotate(Bitmap paramBitmap, int paramInt1, int paramInt2, int paramInt3, int paramInt4, int paramInt5, int paramInt6, boolean paramBoolean1, boolean paramBoolean2)
      MTDebug.Print("cutAndResizeRotate DstW=" + paramInt1 + " DstH=" + paramInt2);
      MTDebug.Print("left=" + paramInt3 + " top=" + paramInt4 + " right" + paramInt5 + " bottom=" + paramInt6);
      MTDebug.Print("cutAndResizeRotate bmpw=" + paramBitmap.getWidth() + " bmph=" + paramBitmap.getHeight());
      f = paramInt1 / (paramInt5 - paramInt3);
      if (f == 1.0F)
        localBitmap1 = Bitmap.createBitmap(paramInt1, paramInt2, paramBitmap.getConfig());
    catch (Exception localException1)
        float f;
        Canvas localCanvas1 = new Canvas(localBitmap1);
        Paint localPaint1 = new Paint();
        localCanvas1.drawBitmap(paramBitmap, new Rect(paramInt3, paramInt4, paramInt5, paramInt6), new Rect(0, 0, paramInt1, paramInt2), localPaint1);
        if (paramBoolean1)
          localObject2 = localBitmap1;
          while (true)
            Bitmap localBitmap2;
            Bitmap.Config localConfig;
              return localObject2;
              if (f == 1.0F)
              MTDebug.Print("cutAndResizeRotate bmp.getWidth() * bmp.getHeight() <= 900 * 900");
              localBitmap2 = Bitmap.createBitmap(paramInt5 - paramInt3, paramInt6 - paramInt4, paramBitmap.getConfig());
              Canvas localCanvas2 = new Canvas(localBitmap2);
              Paint localPaint2 = new Paint();
              localCanvas2.drawBitmap(paramBitmap, -paramInt3, -paramInt4, localPaint2);
              localConfig = paramBitmap.getConfig();
              if (!paramBoolean1)
              if (!paramBoolean2)
                break label411;
              if (f == 1.0F)
                localObject2 = localBitmap2;
                MTDebug.Print("FittingWindow copy");
            catch (Exception localException2)
              return localObject2;
            Bitmap localBitmap3 = createScaledBitmap(localBitmap2, paramInt1, paramInt2, localConfig);
            localObject2 = localBitmap3;
            label411: localObject2 = localBitmap2;
            localException1 = localException1;
            localObject1 = localException1;
            localObject2 = null;
      catch (Exception localException3)
        while (true)
          Bitmap localBitmap1;
          Object localObject1 = localException3;
          Object localObject2 = localBitmap1;
          localObject2 = null;
          localObject2 = localBitmap1;

  public static Bitmap drawableToBitmap(Drawable paramDrawable)
    Bitmap localBitmap = null;
      int i = paramDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
      int j = paramDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight();
      int k = paramDrawable.getOpacity();
      localBitmap = null;
      if (k != -1);
      for (Bitmap.Config localConfig = Bitmap.Config.RGB_565; ; localConfig = Bitmap.Config.RGB_565)
        localBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(i, j, localConfig);
        Canvas localCanvas = new Canvas(localBitmap);
        paramDrawable.setBounds(0, 0, paramDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth(), paramDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight());
        return localBitmap;
    catch (Exception localException)
    return localBitmap;

  public static String getJpgOritation(String paramString)
      String str = new ExifInterface(paramString).getAttribute("Orientation");
      return str;
    catch (IOException localIOException)
    return "";

  public static Bitmap gray(Bitmap paramBitmap)
    Bitmap localBitmap = null;
      localBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(paramBitmap.getWidth(), paramBitmap.getHeight(), paramBitmap.getConfig());
      Canvas localCanvas = new Canvas(localBitmap);
      Paint localPaint = new Paint();
      ColorMatrix localColorMatrix = new ColorMatrix();
      localPaint.setColorFilter(new ColorMatrixColorFilter(localColorMatrix));
      localCanvas.drawBitmap(paramBitmap, 0.0F, 0.0F, localPaint);
      return localBitmap;
    catch (Exception localException)
    return localBitmap;

  public static Bitmap hue(Bitmap paramBitmap, float paramFloat, boolean paramBoolean)
    Bitmap localBitmap1 = null;
      localBitmap1 = Bitmap.createBitmap(paramBitmap.getWidth(), paramBitmap.getHeight(), paramBitmap.getConfig());
      Canvas localCanvas = new Canvas(localBitmap1);
      Paint localPaint = new Paint();
      ColorMatrix localColorMatrix = new ColorMatrix();
      int i = (int)(3.141592653589793D * (Math.min(180.0F, Math.max(-180.0F, paramFloat)) / 180.0F));
      float f1 = (float)Math.cos(i);
      float f2 = (float)Math.sin(i);
      float[] arrayOfFloat = new float[20];
      arrayOfFloat[0] = (0.213F + f1 * (1.0F - 0.213F) + f2 * -0.213F);
      arrayOfFloat[1] = (0.715F + f1 * -0.715F + f2 * -0.715F);
      arrayOfFloat[2] = (0.072F + f1 * -0.072F + f2 * (1.0F - 0.072F));
      arrayOfFloat[3] = 0.0F;
      arrayOfFloat[4] = 0.0F;
      arrayOfFloat[5] = (0.213F + f1 * -0.213F + 0.143F * f2);
      arrayOfFloat[6] = (0.715F + f1 * (1.0F - 0.715F) + 0.14F * f2);
      arrayOfFloat[7] = (0.072F + f1 * -0.072F + -0.283F * f2);
      arrayOfFloat[8] = 0.0F;
      arrayOfFloat[9] = 0.0F;
      arrayOfFloat[10] = (0.213F + f1 * -0.213F + f2 * -(1.0F - 0.213F));
      arrayOfFloat[11] = (0.715F + f1 * -0.715F + 0.715F * f2);
      arrayOfFloat[12] = (0.072F + f1 * (1.0F - 0.072F) + 0.072F * f2);
      arrayOfFloat[13] = 0.0F;
      arrayOfFloat[14] = 0.0F;
      arrayOfFloat[15] = 0.0F;
      arrayOfFloat[16] = 0.0F;
      arrayOfFloat[17] = 0.0F;
      arrayOfFloat[18] = 1.0F;
      arrayOfFloat[19] = 0.0F;
      localPaint.setColorFilter(new ColorMatrixColorFilter(localColorMatrix));
      localCanvas.drawBitmap(paramBitmap, 0.0F, 0.0F, localPaint);
      if (paramBoolean)
        return localBitmap1;
    catch (Exception localException)
      Bitmap localBitmap2 = localBitmap1;
      return localBitmap2;
    return localBitmap1;

  public static Bitmap intARGB2Bimap(int[] paramArrayOfInt, int paramInt1, int paramInt2)
      if (paramArrayOfInt.length != paramInt1 * paramInt2)
        MTDebug.PrintError("bytesARGB2Bimap data.length=" + paramArrayOfInt.length + " w*h=" + paramInt1 * paramInt2);
        return null;
      if (paramArrayOfInt.length > 0)
        Bitmap localBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(paramInt1, paramInt2, MyData.mConfig);
        if (localBitmap == null)
          return null;
        localBitmap.setPixels(paramArrayOfInt, 0, paramInt1, 0, 0, paramInt1, paramInt2);
        return localBitmap;
    catch (Exception localException)
    return null;

  public static Bitmap mirror(Bitmap paramBitmap, int paramInt, boolean paramBoolean)
    Bitmap localBitmap = null;
      MTDebug.Print("mirror kind=" + paramInt);
      localMatrix = new Matrix();
      switch (paramInt)
      case 1:
        localMatrix.preScale(-1.0F, 1.0F);
      case 2:
        while (paramBitmap.getConfig() == Bitmap.Config.RGB_565)
          MTDebug.Print("mirror bmpSrc.getConfig() == Config.RGB_565");
          localBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(paramBitmap, 0, 0, paramBitmap.getWidth(), paramBitmap.getHeight(), localMatrix, true);
          if (localBitmap.getConfig() != Bitmap.Config.RGB_565)
            break label232;
          MTDebug.Print("mirror mirrorPic.getConfig() == Config.RGB_565");
          MTDebug.Print("mirrorPic w=" + localBitmap.getWidth() + " h=" + localBitmap.getHeight());
          if (!paramBoolean)
            break label253;
          break label253;
          localMatrix.preScale(1.0F, -1.0F);
      case 3:
    catch (Exception localException)
      while (true)
        Matrix localMatrix;
        break label253;
        localMatrix.preScale(-1.0F, 1.0F);
        localMatrix.postScale(1.0F, -1.0F);
        if (paramBitmap.getConfig() != Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888)
        MTDebug.Print("mirror bmpSrc.getConfig() == Config.ARGB_8888");
        label232: if (localBitmap.getConfig() != Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888)
        MTDebug.Print("mirror mirrorPic.getConfig() == Config.ARGB_8888");
      return null;
    label253: return localBitmap;

  public static Bitmap resize(Bitmap paramBitmap, int paramInt1, int paramInt2, boolean paramBoolean)
    Object localObject = null;
      int i = paramBitmap.getWidth();
      localObject = null;
      if (paramInt1 == i)
        int j = paramBitmap.getHeight();
        localObject = null;
        if (paramInt2 == j)
          localObject = paramBitmap.copy(MyData.mConfig, true);
          MTDebug.Print("FittingWindow copy");
      while (paramBoolean)
        return localObject;
        Bitmap localBitmap = createScaledBitmap(paramBitmap, paramInt1, paramInt2, paramBitmap.getConfig());
        localObject = localBitmap;
    catch (Exception localException)
    return (Bitmap)localObject;

  public static Bitmap rotate(Bitmap paramBitmap, float paramFloat, boolean paramBoolean)
    Bitmap localBitmap = null;
    if ((paramFloat == 0.0F) || (paramFloat == 360.0F));
      localBitmap = paramBitmap.copy(paramBitmap.getConfig(), true);
      MTDebug.Print("FittingWindow copy");
      while (paramBoolean)
        return localBitmap;
        Matrix localMatrix = new Matrix();
        localBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(paramBitmap, 0, 0, paramBitmap.getWidth(), paramBitmap.getHeight(), localMatrix, true);
        MTDebug.printConfig(paramBitmap, "rotate src");
        MTDebug.printConfig(localBitmap, "rotate bmpDst");
    catch (Exception localException)
    return localBitmap;

  public static Bitmap rotate90(Bitmap paramBitmap, boolean paramBoolean)
    Bitmap localBitmap = null;
      localBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(paramBitmap.getHeight(), paramBitmap.getWidth(), paramBitmap.getConfig());
      Canvas localCanvas = new Canvas(localBitmap);
      Paint localPaint = new Paint();
      Matrix localMatrix = new Matrix();
      int i = paramBitmap.getWidth();
      int j = paramBitmap.getHeight();
      localMatrix.preRotate(90.0F, i / 2, j / 2);
      localMatrix.postTranslate((j - i) / 2, -(j - i) / 2);
      localCanvas.drawBitmap(paramBitmap, localMatrix, localPaint);
      if (paramBoolean)
      return localBitmap;
    catch (Exception localException)
    return localBitmap;

  public static Bitmap rotateAndResize(Bitmap paramBitmap, float paramFloat1, float paramFloat2)
    Bitmap localBitmap1 = null;
      Matrix localMatrix = new Matrix();
      localMatrix.preScale(paramFloat2, paramFloat2);
      if ((paramFloat2 == 1.0F) && ((paramFloat1 == 0.0F) || (paramFloat1 == 360.0F)))
        localBitmap1 = paramBitmap.copy(MyData.mConfig, true);
        MTDebug.Print("FittingWindow copy");
        return localBitmap1;
      Bitmap localBitmap2 = Bitmap.createBitmap(paramBitmap, 0, 0, paramBitmap.getWidth(), paramBitmap.getHeight(), localMatrix, true);
      return localBitmap2;
    catch (Exception localException)
    return localBitmap1;

  public static Bitmap rotateDirect(Bitmap paramBitmap, float paramFloat, int paramInt1, int paramInt2, boolean paramBoolean)
    Bitmap localBitmap1 = null;
      MTDebug.Print("rotateResize direct=" + paramFloat);
      if ((paramFloat == 0.0F) || (paramFloat == 360.0F))
        localBitmap1 = paramBitmap.copy(paramBitmap.getConfig(), true);
        MTDebug.Print("FittingWindow copy");
        if (paramBoolean)
          return localBitmap1;
        Matrix localMatrix = new Matrix();
        boolean bool = paramFloat < 0.0F;
        localBitmap1 = null;
        if (bool)
          MTDebug.Print("direct=" + paramFloat);
          int i = paramBitmap.getWidth();
          int j = paramBitmap.getHeight();
          Bitmap localBitmap2 = Bitmap.createBitmap(paramBitmap, 0, 0, i, j, localMatrix, true);
          localBitmap1 = null;
          if (paramBoolean)
            paramBitmap = null;
          localBitmap1 = FittingWindow(localBitmap2, paramInt1, paramInt2, true);
        MTDebug.printConfig(paramBitmap, "rotate src");
        MTDebug.printConfig(localBitmap1, "rotate bmpDst");
        return localBitmap1;
    catch (Exception localException)
    return localBitmap1;

  public static Bitmap rotateRect(Bitmap paramBitmap, float paramFloat1, float paramFloat2, boolean paramBoolean1, boolean paramBoolean2, boolean paramBoolean3)
    Bitmap localBitmap = null;
      int i = paramBitmap.getWidth();
      int j = paramBitmap.getHeight();
      int k = i / 2;
      int m = j / 2;
      float f1 = paramFloat1;
      if (f1 < 0.0F)
        (f1 + 360.0F);
      float f2 = (float)Math.atan(1.0F * j / i);
      localBitmap = rotate(paramBitmap, paramFloat1, false);
      if (paramBoolean2)
      Rect localRect = new Rect();
      int n = (i - localBitmap.getWidth()) / 2;
      int i1 = (j - localBitmap.getHeight()) / 2;
      MTDebug.Print("angle=" + paramFloat1);
      if (paramFloat1 < 0.0F)
        paramFloat1 *= -1.0F;
        break label415;
        int i3;
        int i4;
        int i5;
        if (i < j)
          int i2 = (int)(1.0F * i / 2.0F / Math.cos(f2 - 3.141592653589793D * paramFloat1 / 180.0D));
          i3 = (int)(i2 * Math.cos(f2));
          i4 = (int)(i2 * Math.sin(f2));
          localRect.set(k - i3, m - i4, i3 + k, i4 + m);
          if (!paramBoolean1)
            break label394;
          i5 = j;
        for (int i6 = i; ; i6 = j)
          localBitmap = cutAndResizeRotate(localBitmap, i5, i6, localRect.left - n, localRect.top - i1, localRect.right - n, localRect.bottom - i1, true, paramBoolean3);
          if ((paramFloat2 == 0.0F) || (paramFloat2 == 360.0F))
            break label454;
          return rotate(localBitmap, paramFloat2, true);
          int i7 = (int)(1.0F * j / 2.0F / Math.cos(f2 + 3.141592653589793D * paramFloat1 / 180.0D - 1.570796326794897D));
          i3 = (int)(i7 * Math.cos(f2));
          double d1 = i7;
          double d2 = Math.sin(f2);
          i4 = (int)(d1 * d2);
          label394: i5 = i;
    catch (Exception localException)
      return localBitmap;
    while (true)
      label415: if (paramFloat1 <= 360.0F)
        if (paramFloat1 > 180.0F)
          paramFloat1 = 360.0F - paramFloat1;
        if (paramFloat1 <= 90.0F)
        paramFloat1 = 180.0F - paramFloat1;
        label454: return localBitmap;
      paramFloat1 -= 360.0F;

  public static Bitmap rotateResize(Bitmap paramBitmap, float paramFloat1, float paramFloat2, int paramInt1, int paramInt2, boolean paramBoolean)
      MTDebug.Print("rotateResize direct=" + paramFloat1 + " degress=" + paramFloat2);
      if ((paramFloat2 == 0.0F) || (paramFloat2 == 360.0F))
        Bitmap localBitmap1 = paramBitmap.copy(paramBitmap.getConfig(), true);
        localObject2 = localBitmap1;
      while (true)
        Matrix localMatrix;
        Bitmap localBitmap3;
          MTDebug.Print("FittingWindow copy");
          if (!paramBoolean)
          return localObject2;
          localMatrix = new Matrix();
          if (paramFloat1 == 0.0F)
            break label276;
          MTDebug.Print("direct=" + paramFloat1);
          int i = paramBitmap.getWidth();
          int j = paramBitmap.getHeight();
          Bitmap localBitmap2 = Bitmap.createBitmap(paramBitmap, 0, 0, i, j, localMatrix, true);
          if (!paramBoolean)
          paramBitmap = null;
          localBitmap3 = FittingWindow(localBitmap2, paramInt1, paramInt2, true);
          if (paramFloat2 == 0.0F)
            break label269;
          StringBuilder localStringBuilder = new StringBuilder("degress=");
          Bitmap localBitmap4 = Bitmap.createBitmap(localBitmap3, 0, 0, localBitmap3.getWidth(), localBitmap3.getHeight(), localMatrix, true);
          localObject2 = localBitmap4;
          MTDebug.printConfig(paramBitmap, "rotate src");
          MTDebug.printConfig((Bitmap)localObject2, "rotate bmpDst");
          return localObject2;
        catch (Exception localException2)
        return localObject2;
        label269: localObject2 = localBitmap3;
        label276: localMatrix.reset();
        int k = paramBitmap.getWidth();
        int m = paramBitmap.getHeight();
        Bitmap localBitmap5 = Bitmap.createBitmap(paramBitmap, 0, 0, k, m, localMatrix, true);
        localObject2 = localBitmap5;
        if (!paramBoolean)
        paramBitmap = null;
    catch (Exception localException1)
      while (true)
        Object localObject1 = localException1;
        Object localObject2 = null;

  public static Bitmap saturation(Bitmap paramBitmap, float paramFloat, boolean paramBoolean)
    Bitmap localBitmap = null;
      localBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(paramBitmap.getWidth(), paramBitmap.getHeight(), paramBitmap.getConfig());
      if (localBitmap.getConfig() == Bitmap.Config.RGB_565)
        MTDebug.Print("saturation bmpDst.getConfig() == Config.RGB_565");
      while (true)
        Canvas localCanvas = new Canvas(localBitmap);
        Paint localPaint = new Paint();
        ColorMatrix localColorMatrix = new ColorMatrix();
        localPaint.setColorFilter(new ColorMatrixColorFilter(localColorMatrix));
        localCanvas.drawBitmap(paramBitmap, 0.0F, 0.0F, localPaint);
        if (!paramBoolean)
        return localBitmap;
        if (localBitmap.getConfig() != Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888)
        MTDebug.Print("saturation bmpDst.getConfig() == Config.ARGB_8888");
    catch (Exception localException)
    return localBitmap;

  // ERROR //
  public static void savePic(String paramString, Bitmap paramBitmap, int paramInt)
    // Byte code:
    //   0: new 449    java/io/File
    //   3: dup
    //   4: aload_0
    //   5: invokespecial 450    java/io/File:<init>    (Ljava/lang/String;)V
    //   8: astore_3
    //   9: new 1032    java/io/BufferedOutputStream
    //   12: dup
    //   13: new 1034    java/io/FileOutputStream
    //   16: dup
    //   17: aload_3
    //   18: invokespecial 1035    java/io/FileOutputStream:<init>    (Ljava/io/File;)V
    //   21: invokespecial 1038    java/io/BufferedOutputStream:<init>    (Ljava/io/OutputStream;)V
    //   24: astore 4
    //   26: iload_2
    //   27: iconst_1
    //   28: if_icmpne +32 -> 60
    //   31: aload_1
    //   32: getstatic 1044    android/graphics/Bitmap$CompressFormat:JPEG    Landroid/graphics/Bitmap$CompressFormat;
    //   35: bipush 85
    //   37: aload 4
    //   39: invokevirtual 1048    android/graphics/Bitmap:compress    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap$CompressFormat;ILjava/io/OutputStream;)Z
    //   42: pop
    //   43: ldc_w 1050
    //   46: invokestatic 168    com/mt/mtxx/mtxx/MTDebug:Print    (Ljava/lang/String;)V
    //   49: aload 4
    //   51: invokevirtual 1053    java/io/BufferedOutputStream:flush    ()V
    //   54: aload 4
    //   56: invokevirtual 1054    java/io/BufferedOutputStream:close    ()V
    //   59: return
    //   60: iload_2
    //   61: iconst_2
    //   62: if_icmpne -13 -> 49
    //   65: aload_1
    //   66: getstatic 1057    android/graphics/Bitmap$CompressFormat:PNG    Landroid/graphics/Bitmap$CompressFormat;
    //   69: bipush 100
    //   71: aload 4
    //   73: invokevirtual 1048    android/graphics/Bitmap:compress    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap$CompressFormat;ILjava/io/OutputStream;)Z
    //   76: pop
    //   77: goto -28 -> 49
    //   80: astore 5
    //   82: aload 5
    //   84: invokevirtual 485    java/io/FileNotFoundException:printStackTrace    ()V
    //   87: return
    //   88: astore 7
    //   90: aload 7
    //   92: invokevirtual 408    java/io/IOException:printStackTrace    ()V
    //   95: return
    // Exception table:
    //   from    to    target    type
    //   9    26    80    java/io/FileNotFoundException
    //   31    49    80    java/io/FileNotFoundException
    //   49    59    80    java/io/FileNotFoundException
    //   65    77    80    java/io/FileNotFoundException
    //   90    95    80    java/io/FileNotFoundException
    //   49    59    88    java/io/IOException

  // ERROR //
  public static void savePic2(String paramString, Bitmap paramBitmap, int paramInt)
    // Byte code:
    //   0: new 449    java/io/File
    //   3: dup
    //   4: aload_0
    //   5: invokespecial 450    java/io/File:<init>    (Ljava/lang/String;)V
    //   8: astore_3
    //   9: new 1034    java/io/FileOutputStream
    //   12: dup
    //   13: aload_3
    //   14: invokespecial 1035    java/io/FileOutputStream:<init>    (Ljava/io/File;)V
    //   17: astore 4
    //   19: iload_2
    //   20: iconst_1
    //   21: if_icmpne +41 -> 62
    //   24: aload_1
    //   25: getstatic 256    com/mt/mtxx/mtxx/MyData:mConfig    Landroid/graphics/Bitmap$Config;
    //   28: iconst_1
    //   29: invokevirtual 247    android/graphics/Bitmap:copy    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap$Config;Z)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
    //   32: astore 9
    //   34: aload_1
    //   35: invokevirtual 265    android/graphics/Bitmap:recycle    ()V
    //   38: aload 9
    //   40: getstatic 1044    android/graphics/Bitmap$CompressFormat:JPEG    Landroid/graphics/Bitmap$CompressFormat;
    //   43: bipush 85
    //   45: aload 4
    //   47: invokevirtual 1048    android/graphics/Bitmap:compress    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap$CompressFormat;ILjava/io/OutputStream;)Z
    //   50: pop
    //   51: aload 4
    //   53: invokevirtual 1059    java/io/FileOutputStream:flush    ()V
    //   56: aload 4
    //   58: invokevirtual 1060    java/io/FileOutputStream:close    ()V
    //   61: return
    //   62: iload_2
    //   63: iconst_2
    //   64: if_icmpne -13 -> 51
    //   67: aload_1
    //   68: getstatic 1057    android/graphics/Bitmap$CompressFormat:PNG    Landroid/graphics/Bitmap$CompressFormat;
    //   71: bipush 100
    //   73: aload 4
    //   75: invokevirtual 1048    android/graphics/Bitmap:compress    (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap$CompressFormat;ILjava/io/OutputStream;)Z
    //   78: pop
    //   79: goto -28 -> 51
    //   82: astore 5
    //   84: aload 5
    //   86: astore 6
    //   88: aload 6
    //   90: invokevirtual 485    java/io/FileNotFoundException:printStackTrace    ()V
    //   93: return
    //   94: astore 8
    //   96: aload 8
    //   98: invokevirtual 408    java/io/IOException:printStackTrace    ()V
    //   101: return
    //   102: astore 11
    //   104: aload 11
    //   106: astore 6
    //   108: goto -20 -> 88
    // Exception table:
    //   from    to    target    type
    //   24    51    82    java/io/FileNotFoundException
    //   51    61    82    java/io/FileNotFoundException
    //   67    79    82    java/io/FileNotFoundException
    //   96    101    82    java/io/FileNotFoundException
    //   51    61    94    java/io/IOException
    //   9    19    102    java/io/FileNotFoundException

  public static void savePicHigh(String paramString, Bitmap paramBitmap, int paramInt)

  public static Bitmap scale(Bitmap paramBitmap, float paramFloat, boolean paramBoolean)
    Object localObject = null;
      new Matrix().postScale(paramFloat, paramFloat);
      boolean bool = paramFloat < 1.0F;
      localObject = null;
      if (!bool)
        localObject = paramBitmap.copy(MyData.mConfig, true);
        MTDebug.Print("FittingWindow copy");
      while (paramBoolean)
        return localObject;
        Bitmap localBitmap = createScaledBitmap(paramBitmap, (int)(paramFloat * paramBitmap.getWidth()), (int)(paramFloat * paramBitmap.getHeight()), paramBitmap.getConfig());
        localObject = localBitmap;
    catch (Exception localException)
    return (Bitmap)localObject;

  public static Bitmap test(Bitmap paramBitmap)
    while (true)
        byte[] arrayOfByte = bitmap2ByteARGB(paramBitmap);
        int i = 0;
        int j = 0;
        if (i >= paramBitmap.getHeight())
          return bytesARGB2Bimap(arrayOfByte, paramBitmap.getWidth(), paramBitmap.getHeight());
          if (k < paramBitmap.getWidth())
          arrayOfByte[(j + 0)] = 0;
          arrayOfByte[(j + 1)] = 0;
          j += 4;
      catch (Exception localException)
        return null;
      int k = 0;

  public static Bitmap toARGB(Bitmap paramBitmap)
    Bitmap localBitmap = null;
      localBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(paramBitmap.getWidth(), paramBitmap.getHeight(), paramBitmap.getConfig());
      Canvas localCanvas = new Canvas(localBitmap);
      Paint localPaint = new Paint();
      localCanvas.drawBitmap(paramBitmap, 0.0F, 0.0F, localPaint);
      return localBitmap;
    catch (Exception localException)
    return localBitmap;


  public native void AutoWhiteBalance(byte[] paramArrayOfByte, int paramInt1, int paramInt2);




  public native void StyleLomoB(int[] paramArrayOfInt, int paramInt1, int paramInt2);



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