intent 使用(2)

前面提到建立intent 的方式的含义,这里记录下intent的作用,activity之间的值传递

     当程序中需要调用一个外部功能(命令,类)来得到想要的结果时,可以用 startActivityForResult(Intent, int) 。 其中intent是想要做的事情,int 是request_code; intent中的功能执行结束时,需要返回一个resultCode,当然也可以附加更多的参数(intent.putExtra())。 
     然后再在该类中重载  onActivityResult(int, int, Intent) 函数来处理返回结果。
Sometimes you want to get a result back from an activity when it ends. For example, you may start an activity that lets the user pick a person in a list of contacts; when it ends, it returns the person that was selected. To do this, you call the startActivityForResult(Intent, int) version with a second integer parameter identifying the call. The result will come back through your onActivityResult(int, int, Intent) method.
public class MyActivity extends Activity {

     static final int PICK_CONTACT_REQUEST = 0;

     protected boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {
         if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER) {
             // When the user center presses, let them pick a contact.
                 new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK,
                 new Uri("content://contacts")),
            return true;
         return false;

     protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode,
             Intent data) {
         if (requestCode == PICK_CONTACT_REQUEST) {
             if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
                 // A contact was picked.  Here we will just display it
                 // to the user.
                 startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, data));
posted @ 2015-06-24 10:22  EverSince  阅读(181)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报