- put_char 函数(每次只打印一个字符)是各种打印函数的核心
1.1 功能说明
- put_char 函数的处理流程
- 备份寄存器现场;
- 获取光标坐标值,光标坐标值是下一个可打印字符的位置;
- 为了在光标处打印字符,需要读取光标坐标寄存器,获取光标坐标值。
- 获取待打印的字符;
- 判断字符是否为控制字符:
- 若是回车符、换行符、退格符三种控制字符之一,则进入相应的处理流程;
- 否则,其余字符都被粗暴地认为是可见字符,进入输出流程处理;
- 判断是否需要滚屏;
- 更新光标坐标值,使其指向下一个打印字符的位置;
- 恢复寄存器现场,退出;
1.2 原理说明
- put_char 的打印原理是直接写显存;
- 在 32 位保护模式下对内存的操作是“段基址(选择子):段内偏移量”,因此需要使用到视频段选择子,我们使用段寄存器 gs 来存储视频段选择子。
- 显卡操作只用到了CRT Controller Registers 分组中的寄存器;
- CRT controller 寄存器组的 Address Register 的端口地址默认为0x03D4,Data Register 的端口地址0x03D5。
- 计算机工程师把数据结构中数组的知识用到了硬件中。他们把每一个寄存器分组视为一个寄存器数组,提供一个寄存器用于指定数组下标,再提供一个寄存器用于对索引所指向的数组元素(也就是寄存器)进行输入输出操作。这样用这两个寄存器就能够定位寄存器数组中的任何寄存器。
- 这两个寄存器就是各组中的 Address Register 和 Data Register。
- Address Register 作为数组的索引(下标);
- Data Register 作为寄存器数组中该索引对应的寄存器,它相当于所对应的寄存器的窗口,往此窗口读写的数据都作用在索引所对应的寄存器上;
- 对这类分组的寄存器操作方法是先在 Address Register 中指定寄存器的索引值,用来确定所操作的寄存器是哪个,然后在Data Register 寄存器中对所索引的寄存器进行读写操作;
TI_GDT equ 0
RPL0 equ 0
SELECTOR_VIDEO equ (0x0003<<3) + TI_GDT + RPL0 ;create SELECTOR_VIDEO.
section .data
put_int_buffer dq 0 ;this buffer is used to translate int to char
[bits 32]
section .text
;The function's behavior:write one char from stack to the address where the cursor point.
global put_char ;extern document can invoke this function.
pushad ;pushad:push all double.Back the environment of all "double byte registers" in 32 mode(totlally have numbers of 8).
mov gs, ax ;we can't push number to fragment register directly.
;-----------get the cursor's address--------
;first: get the high 8bit.
mov dx, 0x03d4
mov al, 0x0e ;Cursor Location High Register
out dx, al ;designate offset of register group.
mov dx, 0x03d5
in al, dx
mov ah, al
;second: get the low 8bit.
mov dx, 0x03d4
mov al, 0x0f ;Cursor Location Low Register
out dx, al
mov dx, 0x03d5
in al, dx
;store cursor's address to register of bx.
mov bx, ax
;get the string we want to print.
mov ecx, [esp + 36] ;pushad us 4 × 8 = 32byte,the return address use 4byte,so the string's address is under esp + 36.
cmp cl, 0xd ;Carriage Return's ASCLL is 0xd
jz .is_carriage_return
cmp cl, 0xa ;Line feed's ASCLL is 0xa
jz .is_line_feed
cmp cl, 0x8 ;backspace's ASCLL is 0x8
jz .is_backspace
jmp .put_other
dec bx ;bx - 1,and the bx is cursor's value.
shl bx, 1 ;make the cursor's value to real address in video memory.
mov byte [gs:bx], 0x20 ;0x20:the ASCLL of space.
inc bx ;bx + 1 ;bx(real address) is point to the char's attribute
mov byte [gs:bx], 0x07 ;black background and white font color.
shr bx, 1 ;make the real address in video memory to cursor's value,and forget the remainder.
jmp .set_cursor
shl bx, 1
mov byte [gs:bx], cl
inc bx
mov byte [gs:bx], 0x07
shr bx, 1
inc bx
cmp bx, 2000 ;if cursor's val < 2000,it indicate that the address is not the end of video memory.
jl .set_cursor
xor dx, dx
mov ax, bx
mov si, 80
div si
sub bx, dx
add bx, 80
cmp bx, 2000
jl .set_cursor
;_____________Pay attention : this code is not achieving Scroll!________________________________________
mov dx, 0x03d4
mov al, 0x0e
out dx, al
mov dx, 0x03d5
mov al, bh
out dx, al
mov dx, 0x03d4
mov al, 0x0f
out dx, al
mov dx, 0x03d5
mov al, bl
out dx, al
popad ;is the otherside of pushad
ret ;return from put_char function.
global put_str
push ebx
push ecx
xor ecx, ecx
mov ebx, [esp + 12] ;why is 12?:one return address,two register.
mov cl, [ebx]
cmp cl, 0
jz .str_over
push ecx
call put_char
add esp, 4
inc ebx
jmp .goon
pop ecx
pop ebx
;The bochs's memory is Little Endian.
;we want to print char in screen by Big Endian(human's habit)like 15,0xfc0 and so on.
;so, we need two step;
;First step: make each int number to it's ASCLL.
;Second step: print each int number's ASCLL.
global put_int
mov ebp, esp
mov eax, [ebp+4*9] ;get the int number to eax,and 4*9 is means that one call's return address and eight register.
mov edx, eax
mov edi, 7
mov ecx, 8
mov ebx, put_int_buffer ;ebx is pointing to buffer address.
and edx, 0x0000000F ;only remian the int number's low 8bit.
cmp edx, 9
jg .is_A2F ;"A2F" is "A to F".
add edx, '0' ;Make int number to ASCLL
jmp .store
sub edx, 10
add edx, 'A' ;Make int number to ASCLL(Hex)
mov [ebx+edi], dl
dec edi
shr eax, 4
mov edx, eax
loop .16based_4bits
inc edi
cmp edi, 8
je .full0
mov cl, [put_int_buffer+edi]
inc edi
cmp cl, '0'
je .skip_prefix_0
dec edi
jmp .put_each_num
mov cl, '0'
;the program in below(on .full0) is created by myself,because i think, when all int number is '0',and at that time,the edi also is 8,we can not use this commend `mov cl,[put_int_buffer+edi]`,the cl register store some data that we don't know,it is so dangerous.
push ecx
call put_char
add esp, 4
push ecx
call put_char
add esp, 4
inc edi
mov cl, [put_int_buffer+edi]
cmp edi, 8
jl .put_each_num
#include "print.h"
void main(void) {
put_str("I am kernel\n");
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