[翻译] NimbusKit

注意:NimbusKit 是Github上iOS部分开源库排名前20中的一员。



Nimbus is a toolkit for experienced iOS software designers. It provides well-documented, modular components that solve a number of common iOS software requirements. This includes: a rich text label with hyperlinksa web view controllera simple approach to table modelsradio groups, and table actionsstandardized interapp communication, and powerful debugging tools, amongst many other features.

Nimbus是一个工具套件,提供给有经验的iOS软件设计人员。它提供完整的文档,组件模块化,用来解决iOS软件开发中经常会碰到的一些问题。这包括了:能超链接的富文本;webView控制器;table model的简单实现,二选一选择框,以及table响应;标准的应用内部关联,好用的debug工具以及其他的一些特性。


Attributed Label - Labels with links? Done. Rich text labels? Done


Badge - Create notification badges with ease


Interapp - Standardize your inter-application communication


Launcher - Launch your users into your app with ease


Network Image - Paired with AFNetworking these high-speed network image views kick ass


Photo Albums - Build powerful, high-performance photo albums


Web Controller - Web controllers have never been so easy to add to your iPhone and iPad apps





posted @ 2014-05-11 08:48  YouXianMing  阅读(650)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报