[翻译] ObjectAL for iPhone and Mac(持续更新)
ObjectAL for iPhone and Mac
Mac and iOS Audio, minus the headache.
Mac 和 iOS 的的音频框架,真心让人蛋疼。
So you want to add audio to your app. Usually your audio needs are something like:
- Play, Pause, Stop, Loop
- Volume, Pitch, Pan, Mute
- Maybe some "power user" stuff, such as preloading and session control
- 播放,暂停,停止,循环
- 调节音量,??,??,渐变消音
- 也许还有些更强大的功能,比如预加载和会话控制
But you want more than that.
- You want it to be intuitive and easy.
- You want to get up and running fast.
- But most of all, you want it to JUST BLOODY WORK!
- 用起来直白点以及傻瓜点
- 代码能写的快一点
- 快让那货见鬼去吧,哥受够了
ObjectAL removes the pain.
ObjectAL 就是让你脱离苦海的救星。
ObjectAL shields you from the nastiness of audio programming on iOS and Mac.
ObjectAL 让你从那冗杂的音频代码中解放出来,利用空闲去品茶。
- It knows how to manage audio sessions.
- It knows OpenAL and AVAudioPlayer.
- It knows what bugs are in which OS version, and how to work around them.
- It knows how to navigate the arcane APIs and perform the right incantations.
- 它知道怎么管理音频会话。
- 它知道 OpenAL 和 AVAudioPlayer。
- 它知道 哪个OS 版本有什么bug,以及怎么处理他们。
- 他知道怎么驾驭那些令人抓狂给外星人用的API,让它们看起来能让人用。
ObjectAL layers all that craziness away, giving you a clean, object oriented, Objective-C interface that justworks.
ObjectAL 将那癫狂一扫而空,给你清新的、明确的API, 这就是它要干的事情。
With ObjectAL, the simple is easy, and the complex is possible.
使用 ObjectAL,想不简单都困难,想困难都是不可能的。
Find Out More
Homepage: http://kstenerud.github.com/ObjectAL-for-iPhone
Github: http://github.com/kstenerud/ObjectAL-for-iPhone
Documentation: ObjectAL.pdf (in the repository) or http://kstenerud.github.com/ObjectAL-for-iPhone/documentation
Community: http://groups.google.com/group/objectal-for-iphone
Download: http://kstenerud.github.com/ObjectAL-for-iPhone/downloads.html