




Microsoft Visual Studio2019














#include "main.h"

#include "time.h"



Book:           AI for Game Developers

Authors:        David M. Bourg & Glenn Seemann

Example:        Chasing and evading in continuous environments, Chapter 2



// Global Variables:

int           FrameCounter = 0;

RigidBody2D       Craft1, Craft2;

Vector        Target;

#define       _TIMESTEP     0.001

#define       _TOL          1e-10

#define       _FWDTIME      10

#define       _THRUSTFACTOR 3

#define     _CHASESETUP     true

bool   Initialize(void)



    Craft1.fMass = 10;

    Craft1.fInertia = 10;

    Craft1.fInertiaInverse = 1/10;

    Craft1.vPosition.x = _WINWIDTH-60;

    Craft1.vPosition.y = _WINHEIGHT*0.8;

    Craft1.fWidth = 10;

    Craft1.fLength = 20;

    Craft1.fHeight = 5;

    Craft1.fOrientation = 135; 

    Craft1.CD.y = -0.12*Craft1.fLength;       Craft1.CD.x = 0.0f;         // coordinates of the body center of drag

    Craft1.CT.y = -0.50*Craft1.fLength;       Craft1.CT.x = 0.0f;         // coordinates of the propeller thrust vector

    Craft1.CPT.y = 0.5*Craft1.fLength;     Craft1.CPT.x = -0.5*Craft1.fWidth;   // coordinates of the port bow thruster

    Craft1.CST.y = 0.5*Craft1.fLength;     Craft1.CST.x = 0.5*Craft1.fWidth;   // coordinates of the starboard bow thruster

    Craft1.ProjectedArea = (Craft1.fLength + Craft1.fWidth) * Craft1.fHeight;

    Craft1.ThrustForce = _THRUSTFORCE*1;

    Craft2.fMass = 10;

    Craft2.fInertia = 10;

    Craft2.fInertiaInverse = 1/10;



       Craft2.vPosition.x = 40;

       Craft2.vPosition.y = _WINHEIGHT*0.8;

    } else {

       Craft2.vPosition.x = Craft1.vPosition.x - Craft1.fLength*8;

       Craft2.vPosition.y = Craft1.vPosition.y - Craft1.fLength*4;


    Craft2.fWidth = 10;

    Craft2.fLength = 20;

    Craft2.fHeight = 5;


       Craft2.fOrientation = -135;


       Craft2.fOrientation = 135;

    Craft2.CD.y = -0.12*Craft2.fLength;       Craft2.CD.x = 0.0f;         // coordinates of the body center of drag

    Craft2.CT.y = -0.50*Craft2.fLength;       Craft2.CT.x = 0.0f;         // coordinates of the propeller thrust vector

    Craft2.CPT.y = 0.5*Craft2.fLength;     Craft2.CPT.x = 0.5*Craft2.fWidth;   // coordinates of the port bow thruster

    Craft2.CST.y = 0.5*Craft2.fLength;     Craft2.CST.x = -0.5*Craft2.fWidth;   // coordinates of the starboard bow thruster

    Craft2.ProjectedArea = (Craft2.fLength + Craft2.fWidth) * Craft2.fHeight;

    Craft2.ThrustForce = _THRUSTFORCE*_THRUSTFACTOR;


    return true;


void   UpdateSimulation(void)


    double dt = _TIMESTEP;

    RECT   r;


    Craft1.SetThrusters(false, false);


    if (IsKeyDown(VK_UP))



    if (IsKeyDown(VK_DOWN))



    if (IsKeyDown(VK_RIGHT))

       Craft1.SetThrusters(true, false);

    if (IsKeyDown(VK_LEFT))

       Craft1.SetThrusters(false, true);

    // Do craft 2 AI

    Craft2.Fa.x = 0;

    Craft2.Fa.y = 0;

    Craft2.Pa.x = 0;

    Craft2.Pa.y = 0;



















    // update the simulation



    if(FrameCounter >= _RENDER_FRAME_COUNT)



       // update the display



       DrawCraft(Craft1, RGB(0,0,255));

       DrawCraft(Craft2, RGB(255,0,0));

       RECT   r;


       r.left = (int) (Target.x-3); = (int) (Target.y-3);

       r.right = (int) (Target.x+3);

       r.bottom = (int) (Target.y+3);

       DrawEllipse(&r, 1, RGB(0,255,0));


       FrameCounter = 0;

    } else


    if(Craft1.vPosition.x > _WINWIDTH) Craft1.vPosition.x = 0;

    if(Craft1.vPosition.x < 0) Craft1.vPosition.x = _WINWIDTH;

    if(Craft1.vPosition.y > _WINHEIGHT) Craft1.vPosition.y = 0;

    if(Craft1.vPosition.y < 0) Craft1.vPosition.y = _WINHEIGHT;

    if(Craft2.vPosition.x > _WINWIDTH) Craft2.vPosition.x = 0;

    if(Craft2.vPosition.x < 0) Craft2.vPosition.x = _WINWIDTH;

    if(Craft2.vPosition.y > _WINHEIGHT) Craft2.vPosition.y = 0;

    if(Craft2.vPosition.y < 0) Craft2.vPosition.y = _WINHEIGHT;


void   DrawCraft(RigidBody2D    craft, COLORREF clr)


    Vector vList[5];

    double wd, lg;

    int    i;

    Vector v1;

    wd = craft.fWidth;

    lg = craft.fLength;

    vList[0].y = lg/2;   vList[0].x = wd/2;

    vList[1].y = -lg/2;  vList[1].x = wd/2;

    vList[2].y = -lg/2;  vList[2].x = -wd/2;

    vList[3].y = lg/2;   vList[3].x = -wd/2;

    vList[4].y = lg/2*1.5; vList[4].x = 0;

    for(i=0; i<5; i++)


       v1 = VRotate2D(craft.fOrientation, vList[i]);

       vList[i] = v1 + craft.vPosition;         


    DrawLine(vList[0].x, vList[0].y, vList[1].x, vList[1].y, 2, clr);

    DrawLine(vList[1].x, vList[1].y, vList[2].x, vList[2].y, 2, clr);

    DrawLine(vList[2].x, vList[2].y, vList[3].x, vList[3].y, 2, clr);

    DrawLine(vList[3].x, vList[3].y, vList[4].x, vList[4].y, 2, clr);

    DrawLine(vList[4].x, vList[4].y, vList[0].x, vList[0].y, 2, clr);



       Vector v, u;

       double f = 5;

        // Show velocity vectors in green

       DrawLine(craft.vPosition.x, craft.vPosition.y, craft.vPosition.x+craft.vVelocity.x, craft.vPosition.y+craft.vVelocity.y, 3, RGB(0,255,0));


       // Show force vectors in black

       // thrust vector

       v.x = 0;

       v.y = craft.ThrustForce*f;

       v = VRotate2D(craft.fOrientation, v);

       u.x = craft.CT.x;

       u.y = craft.CT.y;

       u = VRotate2D(craft.fOrientation, u);

       DrawLine(craft.vPosition.x+u.x, craft.vPosition.y+u.y, craft.vPosition.x + u.x + v.x, craft.vPosition.y + u.y + v.y, 1, RGB(0,0,0));

       // port steering force

       v.x = craft.PThrust.x*f;

       v.y = craft.PThrust.y*f;

       v = VRotate2D(craft.fOrientation, v);

       u.x = craft.CPT.x;

       u.y = craft.CPT.y;

       u = VRotate2D(craft.fOrientation, u);

       DrawLine(craft.vPosition.x+u.x, craft.vPosition.y+u.y, craft.vPosition.x + u.x + v.x, craft.vPosition.y + u.y + v.y, 1, RGB(0,0,0));

       // stbd steering force

       v.x = craft.SThrust.x*f;

       v.y = craft.SThrust.y*f;

       v = VRotate2D(craft.fOrientation, v);

       u.x = craft.CST.x;

       u.y = craft.CST.y;

       u = VRotate2D(craft.fOrientation, u);

       DrawLine(craft.vPosition.x+u.x, craft.vPosition.y+u.y, craft.vPosition.x + u.x + v.x, craft.vPosition.y + u.y + v.y, 1, RGB(0,0,0));

       // applied force

       v.x = craft.Fa.x*f;

       v.y = craft.Fa.y*f;

       v = VRotate2D(craft.fOrientation, v);

       u.x = craft.Pa.x;

       u.y = craft.Pa.y;

       u = VRotate2D(craft.fOrientation, u);

       DrawLine(craft.vPosition.x+u.x, craft.vPosition.y+u.y, craft.vPosition.x + u.x + v.x, craft.vPosition.y + u.y + v.y, 1, RGB(0,0,0));



void   DoCraft2Chase(void)


    Vector u, v;

    bool   p = false;

    bool   s = false;


    u = VRotate2D(-Craft2.fOrientation, (Craft1.vPosition - Craft2.vPosition));


    Target = Craft1.vPosition;

    if(u.x < -_TOL)

       p = true;

    else if(u.x > _TOL)

       s = true;




void   DoCraft2Evade(void)


    Vector u, v;

    bool   p = false;

    bool   s = false;


    u = VRotate2D(-Craft2.fOrientation, (Craft1.vPosition - Craft2.vPosition));


    if(u.x > 0)

       p = true;

    else if(u.x < 0)

       s = true;


    Target = Craft2.vPosition;


void   DoCraft2Intercept(void)


    Vector u1, u2, u;

    Vector s1, s2;

    Vector  Vr;

    double t1, t2;

    Vector s1unit, s2unit;

    bool   p = false;

    bool   s = false;

    Vr = Craft1.vVelocity - Craft2.vVelocity;

    s2 = GetVelocityIntersection() - Craft2.vPosition;

    s2unit = s2;


    u2 = VRotate2D(-Craft2.fOrientation, s2);

    t2 = s2.Magnitude()/(Vr * s2unit);


    s1 = Craft1.vPosition - Craft2.vPosition;

    s1unit = s1;


    u1 = VRotate2D(-Craft2.fOrientation, s1);

    t1 = s1.Magnitude()/(Vr * s1unit);

    if(t1 < 0.0)


       u = u2;

       Target = s2 + Craft2.vPosition;

    } else if(t2 < 0.0) {

       u = u1;

       Target = s1 + Craft2.vPosition;

    } else if(t2 < t1)


       u = u2;

       Target = s2 + Craft2.vPosition;

    } else {

       u = u1;

       Target = s1 + Craft2.vPosition;



    if(u.x < -_TOL)

       p = true;

    else if(u.x > _TOL)

       s = true;



void   DoCraft2InterceptAlt(void)


    Vector u;

    Vector s1, s2, s12;

    bool   p = false;

    bool   s = false;

    double tClose;   

    Vector Vr12;

    double vr;


    // turn around if we get ahead of the prey...

    s12 = Craft1.vPosition - Craft2.vPosition;

    u = VRotate2D(-Craft2.fOrientation, s12);

    if(u.y < -_TOL)


       //if(GetRandomNumber(0, 10, true) < 5)

           p = true;


       //  s = true;


       Target = Craft2.vPosition;



    Vr12 = Craft1.vVelocity-Craft2.vVelocity; // closing velocity

    s12 = Craft1.vPosition - Craft2.vPosition; // range to close

    tClose = s12.Magnitude() / Vr12.Magnitude(); // time to close

    s1 = Craft1.vPosition + (Craft1.vVelocity * tClose);

    Target = s1;

    s2 = s1 - Craft2.vPosition;

    u = VRotate2D(-Craft2.fOrientation, s2); 


    if(u.x < -_TOL)

       p = true;

    else if(u.x > _TOL)

       s = true;




void   DoAttractCraft2(void)


    // Apply Lenard-Jones potential force to Craft2

    Vector r = Craft2.vPosition - Craft1.vPosition;

    Vector  u = r;


    double  U, A, B, n, m, d;

    A = 2000;

    B = 4000;

    n = 2;

    m = 3;

    d = r.Magnitude()/Craft2.fLength;

    U = -A/pow(d, n) + B/pow(d, m);


    Craft2.Fa = VRotate2D( -Craft2.fOrientation, U * u);


    Craft2.Pa.x = 0;

    Craft2.Pa.y = Craft2.fLength / 2;

    Target = Craft1.vPosition;



Vector GetVelocityIntersection(void)


    double s, t, num, denom;

    Vector a,b,c,d;

    a = Craft1.vPosition;

    b = a+Craft1.vVelocity;

    c = Craft2.vPosition;

    d = c+Craft2.vVelocity;

    denom = a.x * (d.y-c.y) +

           b.x * (c.y-d.y) +

           d.x * (b.y-a.y) +

           c.x * (a.y-b.y);

    if(denom == 0)

       return Vector(a.x, a.y, 0);

    num =  a.x * (d.y-c.y) +

           c.x * (a.y-d.y) +

           d.x * (c.y-a.y);

    s = num/denom;

    num =  -( a.x * (c.y-b.y) +

              b.x * (a.y-c.y) +

              c.x * (b.y-a.y) );

    t = num/denom;

    if( (s >= 0) && (t >= 0) )

       return Vector(a.x+s*(b.x-a.x), a.y+s*(b.y-a.y),0);


       return Vector(a.x, a.y, 0);


int GetRandomNumber(int min, int max, bool seed)


    int number;   


       srand( (unsigned)time( NULL ) );


    number = (((abs(rand())%(max-min+1))+min));   



       number = max;


       number = min;


    return number;


void   DoCraft2ModulateThrust(void)


    Vector r = Craft1.vPosition - Craft2.vPosition;

    double dmax = Craft2.fLength * 10;

   if((Craft2.PThrust.Magnitude() > 0) || (Craft2.SThrust.Magnitude() > 0)) // turning


       if(r.Magnitude() > dmax)

           Craft2.ThrustForce = _MAXTHRUST;


           Craft2.ThrustForce = r.Magnitude() / dmax * _MAXTHRUST;

    } else {     

       // todo: check how close we are to target and adjust speed to stay with it

       Craft2.ThrustForce = _MAXTHRUST;



// RigidBody2D.cpp

#include "RigidBody2D.h"






void       RigidBody2D::CalcLoads(void)


       Vector   Fb;                       // stores the sum of forces

       Vector   Mb;                     // stores the sum of moments

       Vector   Thrust;                // thrust vector


       // reset forces and moments:

       vForces.x = 0.0f;

       vForces.y = 0.0f;

       vForces.z = 0.0f; // always zero in 2D

       vMoment.x = 0.0f;     // always zero in 2D

       vMoment.y = 0.0f;     // always zero in 2D

       vMoment.z = 0.0f;

       Fb.x = 0.0f; 

       Fb.y = 0.0f; 

       Fb.z = 0.0f; 

       Mb.x = 0.0f;

       Mb.y = 0.0f;

       Mb.z = 0.0f;

       // Define the thrust vector, which acts through the craft's CG

       Thrust.x = 0.0f;

       Thrust.y = 1.0f;

       Thrust.z = 0.0f;  // zero in 2D

       Thrust *= ThrustForce;


       // Calculate forces and moments in body space:

       Vector   vLocalVelocity;

       float      fLocalSpeed;

       Vector   vDragVector;     

       float      tmp;

       Vector   vResultant; 

       Vector   vtmp;   

       // Calculate the aerodynamic drag force:

              // Calculate local velocity:

              // The local velocity includes the velocity due to linear motion of the craft,

              // plus the velocity at each element due to the rotation of the craft.

              vtmp = vAngularVelocity^CD; // rotational part

              vLocalVelocity = vVelocityBody + vtmp;

              // Calculate local air speed

              fLocalSpeed = vLocalVelocity.Magnitude();

              // Find the direction in which drag will act.

              // Drag always acts inline with the relative velocity but in the opposing direction

              if(fLocalSpeed > tol)



                     vDragVector = -vLocalVelocity;          

                     // Determine the resultant force on the element.

                     double f;

                     if((Thrust * vLocalVelocity)/(Thrust.Magnitude() * vLocalVelocity.Magnitude()) > 0)

                            f = 2;    


                            f = 1;

                     tmp = 0.5f * rho * fLocalSpeed*fLocalSpeed * ProjectedArea * f;            

                     vResultant = vDragVector * _LINEARDRAGCOEFFICIENT * tmp; // simulate fuselage drag

                     // Keep a running total of these resultant forces (total force)

                     Fb += vResultant;


                     // Calculate the moment about the CG of this element's force

                     // and keep a running total of these moments (total moment)

                     vtmp = CD^vResultant;

                     Mb += vtmp;


              // Calculate the Port & Starboard bow thruster forces:

              // Keep a running total of these resultant forces (total force)

              Fb += 3*PThrust;


              // Calculate the moment about the CG of this element's force

              // and keep a running total of these moments (total moment)

              vtmp = CPT^PThrust;

              Mb += vtmp;

              // Keep a running total of these resultant forces (total force)

              Fb += 3*SThrust;

              // Calculate the moment about the CG of this element's force

              // and keep a running total of these moments (total moment)

              vtmp = CST^SThrust;            

              Mb += vtmp;

              // do other applied forces here

              Fb += Fa;

              vtmp = Pa ^ Fa;

              Mb += vtmp;

              // Calculate rotational drag

              if(vAngularVelocity.Magnitude() > tol)


                     vtmp.x = 0;

                     vtmp.y = 0;

                     tmp = 0.5f * rho * vAngularVelocity.z*vAngularVelocity.z * ProjectedArea;

                     if(vAngularVelocity.z > 0.0)

                            vtmp.z = -_ANGULARDRAGCOEFFICIENT * tmp;          


                            vtmp.z = _ANGULARDRAGCOEFFICIENT * tmp;            

                     Mb += vtmp;


       // Now add the propulsion thrust

       Fb += Thrust; // no moment since line of action is through CG

       // Convert forces from model space to earth space

       vForces = VRotate2D(fOrientation, Fb);

       vMoment += Mb;     


void       RigidBody2D::UpdateBodyEuler(double dt)


              Vector a;

              Vector dv;

              Vector ds;

              float  aa;

              float  dav;

              float  dr;


              // Calculate forces and moments:



              // Integrate linear equation of motion:

              a = vForces / fMass;


              dv = a * dt;

              vVelocity += dv;

              ds = vVelocity * dt;

              vPosition += ds;

              // Integrate angular equation of motion:

              aa = vMoment.z / fInertia;

              dav = aa * dt;


              vAngularVelocity.z += dav;


              dr = RadiansToDegrees(vAngularVelocity.z * dt);

              fOrientation += dr;


              // Misc. calculations:

              fSpeed = vVelocity.Magnitude();         

              vVelocityBody = VRotate2D(-fOrientation, vVelocity); 


void       RigidBody2D::SetThrusters(bool p, bool s)


       PThrust.x = 0;

       PThrust.y = 0;

       SThrust.x = 0;

       SThrust.y = 0;



              PThrust.x = -_STEERINGFORCE;


              SThrust.x = _STEERINGFORCE;


Vector   VRotate2D( float angle, Vector u)


       float      x,y;

       x = u.x * cos(DegreesToRadians(-angle)) + u.y * sin(DegreesToRadians(-angle));

       y = -u.x * sin(DegreesToRadians(-angle)) + u.y * cos(DegreesToRadians(-angle));

       return Vector( x, y, 0);


void       RigidBody2D::ModulateThrust(bool up)


       double   dT = up ? _DTHRUST:-_DTHRUST;

       ThrustForce += dT;

       if(ThrustForce > _MAXTHRUST) ThrustForce = _MAXTHRUST;

       if(ThrustForce < _MINTHRUST) ThrustForce = _MINTHRUST;


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