用户信息 '分时段统计'
<!-- 供管分时统计 --> <select id="selectPrmtimeday" resultType="com.piaomeng.b2bv5.stat.vo.HourStatisticsView" parameterType="Map"> Select t.logdate, t.HourData, t.salesid, COUNT(t.HourData) AS hourdatacount, COUNT(t.OrderCount) AS OrderCount, SUM(t.TicketCount) AS TicketCount, SUM(t.BuyPrice) AS BuyPrice from t_st_hourlist t where 1 = 1 <if test="beginDate != null and beginDate != '' and endDate != null and endDate != ''"> and to_char(t.logdate,'yyyy-mm-dd') between #{beginDate} and #{endDate} </if> <if test="salesid != null and salesid != ''"> and t.salesid = #{salesid} </if> group by t.HourData, t.logdate, t.salesid order by t.salesid </select> <select id="selectPrmtimedayTotalCount" resultType="com.piaomeng.b2bv5.stat.vo.HourStatisticsView" parameterType="Map"> Select sum(case when HourData = '00' then 1 else 0 end) as zero, sum(case when HourData = '01' then 1 else 0 end) as one, sum(case when HourData = '02' then 1 else 0 end) as two, sum(case when HourData = '03' then 1 else 0 end) as three, sum(case when HourData = '04' then 1 else 0 end) as four, sum(case when HourData = '05' then 1 else 0 end) as five, sum(case when HourData = '06' then 1 else 0 end) as six, sum(case when HourData = '07' then 1 else 0 end) as seven, sum(case when HourData = '08' then 1 else 0 end) as eight, sum(case when HourData = '09' then 1 else 0 end) as nine, sum(case when HourData = '10' then 1 else 0 end) as ten, sum(case when HourData = '11' then 1 else 0 end) as eleven, sum(case when HourData = '12' then 1 else 0 end) as twelve, sum(case when HourData = '13' then 1 else 0 end) as thirteen, sum(case when HourData = '14' then 1 else 0 end) as fourteen, sum(case when HourData = '15' then 1 else 0 end) as fifteen, sum(case when HourData = '16' then 1 else 0 end) as sixteen, sum(case when HourData = '17' then 1 else 0 end) as seventeen, sum(case when HourData = '18' then 1 else 0 end) as eighteen, sum(case when HourData = '19' then 1 else 0 end) as nineteen, sum(case when HourData = '20' then 1 else 0 end) as twenty, sum(case when HourData = '21' then 1 else 0 end) as twentyOne, sum(case when HourData = '22' then 1 else 0 end) as twentyTwo, sum(case when HourData = '23' then 1 else 0 end) as twentyThree, count(case when HourData = '00' then OrderCount end) as zerooc, count(case when HourData = '01' then OrderCount end) as oneoc, count(case when HourData = '02' then OrderCount end) as twooc, count(case when HourData = '03' then OrderCount end) as threeoc, count(case when HourData = '04' then OrderCount end) as fouroc, count(case when HourData = '05' then OrderCount end) as fiveoc, count(case when HourData = '06' then OrderCount end) as sixoc, count(case when HourData = '07' then OrderCount end) as sevenoc, count(case when HourData = '08' then OrderCount end) as eightoc, count(case when HourData = '09' then OrderCount end) as nineoc, count(case when HourData = '10' then OrderCount end) as tenoc, count(case when HourData = '11' then OrderCount end) as elevenoc, count(case when HourData = '12' then OrderCount end) as twelveoc, count(case when HourData = '13' then OrderCount end) as thirteenoc, count(case when HourData = '14' then OrderCount end) as fourteenoc, count(case when HourData = '15' then OrderCount end) as fifteenoc, count(case when HourData = '16' then OrderCount end) as sixteenoc, count(case when HourData = '17' then OrderCount end) as seventeenoc, count(case when HourData = '18' then OrderCount end) as eighteenoc, count(case when HourData = '19' then OrderCount end) as nineteenoc, count(case when HourData = '20' then OrderCount end) as twentyoc, count(case when HourData = '21' then OrderCount end) as twentyOneoc, count(case when HourData = '22' then OrderCount end) as twentyTwooc, count(case when HourData = '23' then OrderCount end) as twentyThreeoc, sum(case when HourData = '00' then TicketCount end) as zerotc, sum(case when HourData = '01' then TicketCount end) as onetc, sum(case when HourData = '02' then TicketCount end) as twotc, sum(case when HourData = '03' then TicketCount end) as threetc, sum(case when HourData = '04' then TicketCount end) as fourtc, sum(case when HourData = '05' then TicketCount end) as fivetc, sum(case when HourData = '06' then TicketCount end) as sixtc, sum(case when HourData = '07' then TicketCount end) as seventc, sum(case when HourData = '08' then TicketCount end) as eighttc, sum(case when HourData = '09' then TicketCount end) as ninetc, sum(case when HourData = '10' then TicketCount end) as tentc, sum(case when HourData = '11' then TicketCount end) as eleventc, sum(case when HourData = '12' then TicketCount end) as twelvetc, sum(case when HourData = '13' then TicketCount end) as thirteentc, sum(case when HourData = '14' then TicketCount end) as fourteentc, sum(case when HourData = '15' then TicketCount end) as fifteentc, sum(case when HourData = '16' then TicketCount end) as sixteentc, sum(case when HourData = '17' then TicketCount end) as seventeentc, sum(case when HourData = '18' then TicketCount end) as eighteentc, sum(case when HourData = '19' then TicketCount end) as nineteentc, sum(case when HourData = '20' then TicketCount end) as twentytc, sum(case when HourData = '21' then TicketCount end) as twentyOnetc, sum(case when HourData = '22' then TicketCount end) as twentyTwotc, sum(case when HourData = '23' then TicketCount end) as twentyThreetc, sum(case when HourData = '00' then BuyPrice end) as zerobp, sum(case when HourData = '01' then BuyPrice end) as onebp, sum(case when HourData = '02' then BuyPrice end) as twobp, sum(case when HourData = '03' then BuyPrice end) as threebp, sum(case when HourData = '04' then BuyPrice end) as fourbp, sum(case when HourData = '05' then BuyPrice end) as fivebp, sum(case when HourData = '06' then BuyPrice end) as sixbp, sum(case when HourData = '07' then BuyPrice end) as sevenbp, sum(case when HourData = '08' then BuyPrice end) as eightbp, sum(case when HourData = '09' then BuyPrice end) as ninebp, sum(case when HourData = '10' then BuyPrice end) as tenbp, sum(case when HourData = '11' then BuyPrice end) as elevenbp, sum(case when HourData = '12' then BuyPrice end) as twelvebp, sum(case when HourData = '13' then BuyPrice end) as thirteenbp, sum(case when HourData = '14' then BuyPrice end) as fourteenbp, sum(case when HourData = '15' then BuyPrice end) as fifteenbp, sum(case when HourData = '16' then BuyPrice end) as sixteenbp, sum(case when HourData = '17' then BuyPrice end) as seventeenbp, sum(case when HourData = '18' then BuyPrice end) as eighteenbp, sum(case when HourData = '19' then BuyPrice end) as nineteenbp, sum(case when HourData = '20' then BuyPrice end) as twentybp, sum(case when HourData = '21' then BuyPrice end) as twentyOnebp, sum(case when HourData = '22' then BuyPrice end) as twentyTwobp, sum(case when HourData = '23' then BuyPrice end) as twentyThreebp, SUM(OrderCount)as OrderCount,SUM(TicketCount)as TicketCount,SUM(BuyPrice) as BuyPrice from t_st_hourlist t where 1 = 1 <if test="beginDate != null and beginDate != '' and endDate != null and endDate != ''"> and to_char(t.logdate,'yyyy-mm-dd') between #{beginDate} and #{endDate} </if> <if test="salesid != null and salesid != ''"> and t.salesid = #{salesid} </if> </select>
java code:
/********************************** 供管分时统计******************************/ @RequestMapping("/skipPrmtimedayIndex") @AuthPassport(auth="/statistics/skipPrmtimedayIndex", check=false) public String skipPrmtimedayIndex(Map<String,Object> map){ map.put("beginDate", sdf.format(new Date())); map.put("endDate", sdf.format(new Date())); map.put("salesid", ""); return "/jsp/stat/prmtimeday"; } @RequestMapping("/selectPrmtimeday") @AuthPassport(auth="/statistics/selectPrmtimeday", check=false) public String selectPrmtimeday(Map<String,Object> map, Pagination page, HttpServletRequest request, String beginDate, String endDate, String salesid){ map.put("beginDate", beginDate); map.put("endDate", endDate); map.put("salesid", salesid); List<HourStatisticsView> datas = statisticsService.selectPrmtimeday(map); if (datas.size() > 0 && datas != null) { for (HourStatisticsView hsv : datas) { hsv.setSalesid(UserCache.getUserId(hsv.getSalesid()));// 供管名称转换; } } HourStatisticsView totalCount = statisticsService.selectPrmtimedayTotalCount(map); map.put("datas", datas); map.put("hsv", totalCount); map.put("Date", new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy年MM月dd日 E\r\n一年中的第 D 天, 第 w 个星期\r\n一月中第 W 个星期")); return "/jsp/stat/prmtimeday"; }
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 ${Date.format(item.logdate) }
一天中的第 ${item.hourdata } 个小时
当前供管: ${item.salesid }"> <td>${item.salesid }</td> <c:if test="${item.hourdata == '00' }"><td><label title="单数:${item.ordercount }
票数:${item.ticketcount }
金额:${item.buyprice }">${item.hourdatacount }</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${item.hourdata != '00' }"><td><label title="单数:-
金额:-">-</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${item.hourdata == '01' }"><td><label title="单数:${item.ordercount }
票数:${item.ticketcount }
金额:${item.buyprice }">${item.hourdatacount }</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${item.hourdata != '01' }"><td><label title="单数:-
金额:-">-</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${item.hourdata == '02' }"><td><label title="单数:${item.ordercount }
票数:${item.ticketcount }
金额:${item.buyprice }">${item.hourdatacount }</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${item.hourdata != '02' }"><td><label title="单数:-
金额:-">-</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${item.hourdata == '03' }"><td><label title="单数:${item.ordercount }
票数:${item.ticketcount }
金额:${item.buyprice }">${item.hourdatacount }</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${item.hourdata != '03' }"><td><label title="单数:-
金额:-">-</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${item.hourdata == '04' }"><td><label title="单数:${item.ordercount }
票数:${item.ticketcount }
金额:${item.buyprice }">${item.hourdatacount }</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${item.hourdata != '04' }"><td><label title="单数:-
金额:-">-</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${item.hourdata == '05' }"><td><label title="单数:${item.ordercount }
票数:${item.ticketcount }
金额:${item.buyprice }">${item.hourdatacount }</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${item.hourdata != '05' }"><td><label title="单数:-
金额:-">-</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${item.hourdata == '06' }"><td><label title="单数:${item.ordercount }
票数:${item.ticketcount }
金额:${item.buyprice }">${item.hourdatacount }</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${item.hourdata != '06' }"><td><label title="单数:-
金额:-">-</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${item.hourdata == '07' }"><td><label title="单数:${item.ordercount }
票数:${item.ticketcount }
金额:${item.buyprice }">${item.hourdatacount }</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${item.hourdata != '07' }"><td><label title="单数:-
金额:-">-</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${item.hourdata == '08' }"><td><label title="单数:${item.ordercount }
票数:${item.ticketcount }
金额:${item.buyprice }">${item.hourdatacount }</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${item.hourdata != '08' }"><td><label title="单数:-
金额:-">-</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${item.hourdata == '09' }"><td><label title="单数:${item.ordercount }
票数:${item.ticketcount }
金额:${item.buyprice }">${item.hourdatacount }</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${item.hourdata != '09' }"><td><label title="单数:-
金额:-">-</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${item.hourdata == '10' }"><td><label title="单数:${item.ordercount }
票数:${item.ticketcount }
金额:${item.buyprice }">${item.hourdatacount }</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${item.hourdata != '10' }"><td><label title="单数:-
金额:-">-</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${item.hourdata == '11' }"><td><label title="单数:${item.ordercount }
票数:${item.ticketcount }
金额:${item.buyprice }">${item.hourdatacount }</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${item.hourdata != '11' }"><td><label title="单数:-
金额:-">-</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${item.hourdata == '12' }"><td><label title="单数:${item.ordercount }
票数:${item.ticketcount }
金额:${item.buyprice }">${item.hourdatacount }</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${item.hourdata != '12' }"><td><label title="单数:-
金额:-">-</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${item.hourdata == '13' }"><td><label title="单数:${item.ordercount }
票数:${item.ticketcount }
金额:${item.buyprice }">${item.hourdatacount }</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${item.hourdata != '13' }"><td><label title="单数:-
金额:-">-</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${item.hourdata == '14' }"><td><label title="单数:${item.ordercount }
票数:${item.ticketcount }
金额:${item.buyprice }">${item.hourdatacount }</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${item.hourdata != '14' }"><td><label title="单数:-
金额:-">-</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${item.hourdata == '15' }"><td><label title="单数:${item.ordercount }
票数:${item.ticketcount }
金额:${item.buyprice }">${item.hourdatacount }</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${item.hourdata != '15' }"><td><label title="单数:-
金额:-">-</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${item.hourdata == '16' }"><td><label title="单数:${item.ordercount }
票数:${item.ticketcount }
金额:${item.buyprice }">${item.hourdatacount }</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${item.hourdata != '16' }"><td><label title="单数:-
金额:-">-</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${item.hourdata == '17' }"><td><label title="单数:${item.ordercount }
票数:${item.ticketcount }
金额:${item.buyprice }">${item.hourdatacount }</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${item.hourdata != '17' }"><td><label title="单数:-
金额:-">-</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${item.hourdata == '18' }"><td><label title="单数:${item.ordercount }
票数:${item.ticketcount }
金额:${item.buyprice }">${item.hourdatacount }</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${item.hourdata != '18' }"><td><label title="单数:-
金额:-">-</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${item.hourdata == '19' }"><td><label title="单数:${item.ordercount }
票数:${item.ticketcount }
金额:${item.buyprice }">${item.hourdatacount }</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${item.hourdata != '19' }"><td><label title="单数:-
金额:-">-</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${item.hourdata == '20' }"><td><label title="单数:${item.ordercount }
票数:${item.ticketcount }
金额:${item.buyprice }">${item.hourdatacount }</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${item.hourdata != '20' }"><td><label title="单数:-
金额:-">-</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${item.hourdata == '21' }"><td><label title="单数:${item.ordercount }
票数:${item.ticketcount }
金额:${item.buyprice }">${item.hourdatacount }</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${item.hourdata != '21' }"><td><label title="单数:-
金额:-">-</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${item.hourdata == '22' }"><td><label title="单数:${item.ordercount }
票数:${item.ticketcount }
金额:${item.buyprice }">${item.hourdatacount }</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${item.hourdata != '22' }"><td><label title="单数:-
金额:-">-</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${item.hourdata == '23' }"><td><label title="单数:${item.ordercount }
票数:${item.ticketcount }
金额:${item.buyprice }">${item.hourdatacount }</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${item.hourdata != '23' }"><td><label title="单数:-
金额:-">-</label></td></c:if> </tr> </c:forEach> <tr> <td>汇总</td> <c:if test="${hsv.zero != 0 }"><td><label title="单数:${hsv.zerooc }
票数:${hsv.zerotc }
金额:${hsv.zerobp }">${hsv.zero }</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${hsv.zero == 0 }"><td><label title="单数:-
金额:-">-</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${hsv.one != 0 }"><td><label title="单数:${hsv.oneoc }
票数:${hsv.onetc }
金额:${hsv.onebp }">${hsv.one }</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${hsv.one == 0 }"><td><label title="单数:-
金额:-">-</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${hsv.two != 0 }"><td><label title="单数:${hsv.twooc }
票数:${hsv.twotc }
金额:${hsv.twobp }">${hsv.two }</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${hsv.two == 0 }"><td><label title="单数:-
金额:-">-</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${hsv.three != 0 }"><td><label title="单数:${hsv.threeoc }
票数:${hsv.threetc }
金额:${hsv.threebp }">${hsv.three }</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${hsv.three == 0 }"><td><label title="单数:-
金额:-">-</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${hsv.four != 0 }"><td><label title="单数:${hsv.fouroc }
票数:${hsv.fourtc }
金额:${hsv.fourbp }">${hsv.four }</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${hsv.four == 0 }"><td><label title="单数:-
金额:-">-</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${hsv.five != 0 }"><td><label title="单数:${hsv.fiveoc }
票数:${hsv.fivetc }
金额:${hsv.fivebp }">${hsv.five }</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${hsv.five == 0 }"><td><label title="单数:-
金额:-">-</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${hsv.six != 0 }"><td><label title="单数:${hsv.sixoc }
票数:${hsv.sixtc }
金额:${hsv.sixbp }">${hsv.six }</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${hsv.six == 0 }"><td><label title="单数:-
金额:-">-</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${hsv.seven != 0 }"><td><label title="单数:${hsv.sevenoc }
票数:${hsv.seventc }
金额:${hsv.sevenbp }">${hsv.seven }</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${hsv.seven == 0 }"><td><label title="单数:-
金额:-">-</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${hsv.eight != 0 }"><td><label title="单数:${hsv.eightoc }
票数:${hsv.eighttc }
金额:${hsv.eightbp }">${hsv.eight }</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${hsv.eight == 0 }"><td><label title="单数:-
金额:-">-</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${hsv.nine != 0 }"><td><label title="单数:${hsv.nineoc }
票数:${hsv.ninetc }
金额:${hsv.ninebp }">${hsv.nine }</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${hsv.nine == 0 }"><td><label title="单数:-
金额:-">-</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${hsv.ten != 0 }"><td><label title="单数:${hsv.tenoc }
票数:${hsv.tentc }
金额:${hsv.tenbp }">${hsv.ten }</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${hsv.ten == 0 }"><td><label title="单数:-
金额:-">-</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${hsv.eleven != 0 }"><td><label title="单数:${hsv.elevenoc }
票数:${hsv.eleventc }
金额:${hsv.elevenbp }">${hsv.eleven }</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${hsv.eleven == 0 }"><td><label title="单数:-
金额:-">-</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${hsv.twelve != 0 }"><td><label title="单数:${hsv.twelveoc }
票数:${hsv.twelvetc }
金额:${hsv.twelvebp }">${hsv.twelve }</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${hsv.twelve == 0 }"><td><label title="单数:-
金额:-">-</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${hsv.thirteen != 0 }"><td><label title="单数:${hsv.thirteenoc }
票数:${hsv.thirteentc }
金额:${hsv.thirteenbp }">${hsv.thirteen }</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${hsv.thirteen == 0 }"><td><label title="单数:-
金额:-">-</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${hsv.fourteen != 0 }"><td><label title="单数:${hsv.fourteenoc }
票数:${hsv.fourteentc }
金额:${hsv.fourteenbp }">${hsv.fourteen }</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${hsv.fourteen == 0 }"><td><label title="单数:-
金额:-">-</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${hsv.fifteen != 0 }"><td><label title="单数:${hsv.fifteenoc }
票数:${hsv.fifteentc }
金额:${hsv.fifteenbp }">${hsv.fifteen }</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${hsv.fifteen == 0 }"><td><label title="单数:-
金额:-">-</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${hsv.sixteen != 0 }"><td><label title="单数:${hsv.sixteenoc }
票数:${hsv.sixteentc }
金额:${hsv.sixteenbp }">${hsv.sixteen }</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${hsv.sixteen == 0 }"><td><label title="单数:-
金额:-">-</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${hsv.seventeen != 0 }"><td><label title="单数:${hsv.seventeenoc }
票数:${hsv.seventeentc }
金额:${hsv.seventeenbp }">${hsv.seventeen }</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${hsv.seventeen == 0 }"><td><label title="单数:-
金额:-">-</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${hsv.eighteen != 0 }"><td><label title="单数:${hsv.eighteenoc }
票数:${hsv.eighteentc }
金额:${hsv.eighteenbp }">${hsv.eighteen }</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${hsv.eighteen == 0 }"><td><label title="单数:-
金额:-">-</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${hsv.nineteen != 0 }"><td><label title="单数:${hsv.nineteenoc }
票数:${hsv.nineteentc }
金额:${hsv.nineteenbp }">${hsv.nineteen }</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${hsv.nineteen == 0 }"><td><label title="单数:-
金额:-">-</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${hsv.twenty != 0 }"><td><label title="单数:${hsv.twentyoc }
票数:${hsv.twentytc }
金额:${hsv.twentybp }">${hsv.twenty }</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${hsv.twenty == 0 }"><td><label title="单数:-
金额:-">-</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${hsv.twentyOne != 0 }"><td><label title="单数:${hsv.twentyOneoc }
票数:${hsv.twentyOnetc }
金额:${hsv.twentyOnebp }">${hsv.twentyOne }</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${hsv.twentyOne == 0 }"><td><label title="单数:-
金额:-">-</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${hsv.twentyTwo != 0 }"><td><label title="单数:${hsv.twentyTwooc }
票数:${hsv.twentyTwotc }
金额:${hsv.twentyTwobp }">${hsv.twentyTwo }</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${hsv.twentyTwo == 0 }"><td><label title="单数:-
金额:-">-</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${hsv.twentyThree != 0 }"><td><label title="单数:${hsv.twentyThreeoc }
票数:${hsv.twentyThreetc }
金额:${hsv.twentyThreebp }">${hsv.twentyThree }</label></td></c:if> <c:if test="${hsv.twentyThree == 0 }"><td><label title="单数:-
金额:-">-</label></td></c:if> </tr> </c:if> </table> </body> </html>