根据作者的工具简介,“自动化进行资产探测及漏洞扫描|红蓝对抗 | 快速打点 | 适用黑客进行赏金活动、SRC活动、大规模攻击使用 | 护网”可以理解这是一个调用市面上常用的渗透工具,进行自动流程化的脚本工具。首先看一下作者调用的工具,masscan,Fscan,httpx,Finger,observer,xray,nuclei,都是一些常见的渗透工具。脚本工具的核心是调用这些工具,采用人工常规渗透方式,及信息收集+资产测绘+漏洞扫描,将其连贯起来做成自动化流程。
__ | cdn.py # 去除节点ip | const.py # cdn配置文件 | londly.py # 主程序 | README.md # 说明 |_ requirements.txt # 需要下载安装的pip的模块
#coding:utf-8 import os #可以用于操作系统交互,执行命令 import time #可以用于调用时间相关事件,如演示等等 import argparse #用于编写用户友好的命令行接口,可以定义程序命令行参数 import shutil #提供了更高级的文件和文件夹操作,如复制、删除、移动文件和文件夹等
def biaoti(): splash1 = """ __ __ __ | \ | \| \ | $$ ______ _______ ____| $$| $$ __ __ | $$ / \ | \ / $$| $$| \ | \ | $$ | $$$$$$\| $$$$$$$\| $$$$$$$| $$| $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ | $$| $$ | $$| $$ | $$| $$| $$ | $$ | $$____| $$__/ $$| $$ | $$| $$__| $$| $$| $$__/ $$ | $$ \$$ $$| $$ | $$ \$$ $$| $$ \$$ $$ \$$$$$$$$\$$$$$$ \$$ \$$ \$$$$$$$ \$$ _\$$$$$$$ | \__| $$ \$$ $$ \$$$$$$ """ print(splash1)
下面代码,定义一个函数args函数,设置解析命令行参数,我看这段代码主要是调用masscan端口扫描工具,执行masscan命令的自定义参数,设置三个参数分别是 -i 从文件中读取要扫描的目标列表,-p 扫描端口,-rate扫描速率。最后将解析命令行参数保存至变量args。
**description='Masscan2Httpx2Nuclei' ** 设置提示描述,会在界面展示。
add_argument 用于向ArgumentParser对象,添加命令行参数。
**required=True ** 是设置命令参数为必选项。
help='' 是设置帮助信息,提示作用。
**args = parser.parse_args() **用于解析命令行参数
def args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Masscan2Httpx2Nuclei') #help换行 parser.add_argument('-i', '--input', help='参考masscan -iL', required=True) parser.add_argument('-p', '--port',help='参考masscan -p', required=True) parser.add_argument('-rate','--rate', help='参考masscan速率rate', required=True) args = parser.parse_args() return args
def update(): splash00 = """ +----------------------------------+ | 正在更新nuclei&xray +----------------------------------+ """ print(splash00) os.system('./nuclei -update') os.system('./xray_linux_amd64 upgrade') splash03 = """ +----------------------------------+ | 检查完毕,解放双手!! +----------------------------------+ """ print(splash03)
第一 检查 -i ,input 参数指定的IP文件是否存在,不存在退出程序.
第二 检查 -p,port 的端口参数是否存在,不存在退出程序.
第三 检查-rate 的扫描速率参数是否存在,不存在退出程序.
如果所有逻辑判断正常, 函数会返回原始的 args 对象
def check_args(args): if not os.path.exists(args.input): print('ip文件不存在') exit() if not args.port: print('请输入端口参数') exit() if not args.rate: print('请输入扫描速率(例:-rate 2000)') exit() return args
def masscan2httpx2nuclei(args): args = check_args(args) input_file = args.input port = args.port rate = args.rate os.system('masscan -iL ' + input_file + ' -p' + port + ' -oL masscan.txt --rate ' + rate)
这段代码更好理解了,使用python3命令调用cdn.py ,具体我们看下面的cdn.py代码分析,最后会处理好IP
def cdn(): os.system('python3 cdn.py list.txt')
接下来我们分析masscan2httpx2nuclei_main函数:看函数名我们就知道,这个是工具处理函数,首先循环检查masscan.txt是否存在,不存在延时1秒继续检查,然后继续检查,当masscan.txt的大小为0,说明没有扫描到任何开放的端口,因此打印提示信息并退出程序 ,如果不为空则打开masscan.txt 文件并逐行读取。跳过以 # 开头的行(通常是注释或标题)。对于以 open 开头的行(表示扫描到的开放端口),提取端口号和相应的IP地址,并写入到 masscanconvert.txt 文件中 ,如果这个txt存在, 使用 httpx扫描masscanconvert.txt的结果,保存httpxresult.txt中,然后删除文件。
def masscan2httpx2nuclei_main(): while True: if os.path.exists("masscan.txt"): break else: time.sleep(1) if os.path.getsize("masscan.txt") == 0: splash3 = """ +----------------------------------+ | 无端口开放,程序已退出! +----------------------------------+ """ print(splash3) exit() else : splash4 = """ +----------------------------------------+ | Masscan扫描结果解析并调用httpx +----------------------------------------+ """ print(splash4) masscanfile = open("masscan.txt", "r") masscanfile.seek(0) for line in masscanfile: if line.startswith("#"): continue if line.startswith("open"): line = line.split(" ") with open("masscanconvert.txt", "a") as f: f.write(line[3]+":"+line[2]+"\n") f.close() masscanfile.close() if os.path.exists("masscan.txt"): os.system('./httpx -l masscanconvert.txt -nc -o httpxresult.txt') os.remove("masscan.txt") splash2 = """ +----------------------------------+ | Httpx is done ! +----------------------------------+ """ print(splash2) else: splash5 = """ +----------------------------------+ | 未发现解析后的masscan端口结果 +----------------------------------+ """ print(splash5) exit()
def observer(): os.system('./observer -f masscanconvert.txt -c observer.txt')
使用Finger 指纹识别工具扫描,并处理其输出,将输出文件移动到当前工作目录
def Finger(): path=os.getcwd() os.system('python3 Finger/Finger.py -f ' + path + r"/masscanconvert.txt") files = path + r"/Finger/output/" b = os.listdir(files) new = path for f in b: shutil.move(files + f, new)
使用fscan工具扫描ip.txt 保存
def fscan(): os.system('./fscan64 -hf ip.txt -o fscan.txt')
def nu(): if os.path.exists("httpxresult.txt"): os.system('./nuclei -l httpxresult.txt -s medium,high,critical -o nucleiresult.txt') os.system('./xray_linux_amd64 webscan -url-file httpxresult.txt --html-output xray.html') os.remove("httpxresult.txt") os.remove("masscanconvert.txt") else: print("扫描结果未发现http协议") exit() if os.path.exists("nucleiresult.txt"): splash6 = """ +----------------------------------+ | 扫描完成,请查看nucleiresult.txt +----------------------------------+ """ print(splash6) else: splash7 = """ +----------------------------------+ | nuclei未发现中高危漏洞 +----------------------------------+ """ print(splash7) if os.path.exists("xray.html"): splash8 = """ +----------------------------------+ | 扫描完成,请查看xray.html +----------------------------------+ """ print(splash8) else: splash9 = """ +----------------------------------+ | xray未发现漏洞 +----------------------------------+ """ print(splash9) exit()
def main(): biaoti() # logo函数 update() # 检查更新 cdn() # 使用cdn函数 masscan2httpx2nuclei(args()) # masscan函数扫描指定的文件 masscan2httpx2nuclei_main() # httpx处理解析 observer() Finger() fscan() nu() if __name__ == '__main__': main() exit()
关于cdn.py 简单描述一些自己的看法,通读了代码后,发现逻辑不清晰,这倒可以理解,但是我不理解为什么会有涉及到域名方面的相关的code,而且在调试cdn.py 代码发现真的不好用,cdn.py 有很大几率是作者调用他人的脚本工具,不像是作者独自开发的,为什么说这个逻辑不清晰是有理由的,代码主体顺序还得靠猜,可读性较差。下面是全文代码,可以看一下。
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import dns.resolver import requests import ipaddress import geoip2.database import socket import sys import re from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor,wait, ALL_COMPLETED from const import all_CNAME,cdns,ASNS def matched(obj,list): #print(obj) for i in list: if i in obj: return True return False def getCNAMES(domain): cnames = [] cname = getCNAME(domain) if cname is not None: cnames.append(cname) while(cname != None): cname = getCNAME(cname) if cname is not None: cnames.append(cname) return cnames def getCNAME(domain): try: answer = dns.resolver.resolve(domain,'CNAME') except: return None cname = [_.to_text() for _ in answer][0] return cname def checkIP(ip): try: for cdn in cdns: if ipaddress.ip_address(ip) in ipaddress.ip_network(cdn): return True return False except: return False def getIP(domain): try: addr = socket.getaddrinfo(domain,None) except: return None return str(addr[0][4][0]) def checkASN(ip): try: with geoip2.database.Reader('GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb') as reader: response = reader.asn(ip) for i in ASNS: if response.autonomous_system_number == int(i): return True except: return False return False def wFile(file,str): try: f = open(file,'a') f.write(str) f.write('\n') finally: f.close() def check(data): if not re.search(r'\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+', data): ip = getIP(data) else: ip = data if ip is None: return cdnip = checkIP(ip) if cdnip == True: print(data+": CDN") wFile('cdn.txt',data) return cdnasn = checkASN(ip) if cdnasn == True: print(data+": CDN") wFile('cdn.txt',data) return if not re.search(r'\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+', data): cnames = getCNAMES(data) match = False for i in cnames: match = matched(i,all_CNAME) if match == True: break if match == True: print(data+": CDN") wFile('cdn.txt',data) return print(data+": notCDN") wFile('ip.txt',data) #wFile('../ip.txt',ip) return if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) != 2: print("error command -h for help") exit() if sys.argv[1] == '-h': print("") print("checkCDN.py list.txt") print("") exit() dataList = [] try: f = open(sys.argv[1]) for text in f.readlines(): data = text.strip('\n') dataList.append(data) finally: f.close() with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=100) as pool: all_task = [pool.submit(check,data) for data in dataList] wait(all_task, return_when=ALL_COMPLETED)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import dns.resolver # Dns 查询模块 import requests import ipaddress # IP处理模块 import geoip2.database # MaxMind的GeoIP2库的一部分,用于基于IP地址进行地理位置查询 import socket import sys import re # 正则模块 from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor,wait, ALL_COMPLETED # 并发 from const import all_CNAME,cdns,ASNS # 从const.py 中调用 all_CNAME,cdns,ASNS
首先这部分是做个逻辑判断,调用argv函数判断,-h输出 工具使用然后退出程序
if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) != 2: print("error command -h for help") exit() if sys.argv[1] == '-h': print("") print("checkCDN.py list.txt") print("") exit()
dataList = [] try: f = open(sys.argv[1]) for text in f.readlines(): data = text.strip('\n') dataList.append(data) finally: f.close() with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=100) as pool: all_task = [pool.submit(check,data) for data in dataList] wait(all_task, return_when=ALL_COMPLETED)
getCNAME 函数:接收domain文件参数,并尝试获取该域名的 CNAME 记录。
getCNAMES函数:是获取给定域名的所有 CNAME 记录。与之前的 getCNAME 函数不同,getCNAMES 函数会递归地查询每个 CNAME 记录。
def matched(obj,list): #print(obj) for i in list: if i in obj: return True return False def getCNAMES(domain): cnames = [] cname = getCNAME(domain) if cname is not None: cnames.append(cname) while(cname != None): cname = getCNAME(cname) if cname is not None: cnames.append(cname) return cnames def getCNAME(domain): try: answer = dns.resolver.resolve(domain,'CNAME') except: return None cname = [_.to_text() for _ in answer][0] return cname def checkIP(ip): try: for cdn in cdns: if ipaddress.ip_address(ip) in ipaddress.ip_network(cdn): return True return False except: return False def getIP(domain): try: addr = socket.getaddrinfo(domain,None) except: return None return str(addr[0][4][0]) def checkASN(ip): try: with geoip2.database.Reader('GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb') as reader: response = reader.asn(ip) for i in ASNS: if response.autonomous_system_number == int(i): return True except: return False return False def wFile(file,str): try: f = open(file,'a') f.write(str) f.write('\n') finally: f.close()
check函数:是主函数,首先使用正则处理接收的数据,它接收一个字符串(可能是域名或IP地址)作为输入,然后调用checkIP函数处理IP检查这个字符串是否属于CDN。如果属于CDN,它将打印出这个字符串,并将其写入cdn.txt文件,然后将输出页面print(data+": notCDN") 展示的data变量保存的IP保存至ip.txt
def check(data): if not re.search(r'\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+', data): ip = getIP(data) else: ip = data if ip is None: return cdnip = checkIP(ip) if cdnip == True: print(data+": CDN") wFile('cdn.txt',data) return cdnasn = checkASN(ip) if cdnasn == True: print(data+": CDN") wFile('cdn.txt',data) return if not re.search(r'\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+', data): cnames = getCNAMES(data) match = False for i in cnames: match = matched(i,all_CNAME) if match == True: break if match == True: print(data+": CDN") wFile('cdn.txt',data) return print(data+": notCDN") wFile('ip.txt',data) #wFile('../ip.txt',ip) return
这里有个问题:它不会判断domain,私下尝试将子域名放入ip列表,然后会将子域名和ip放入ip.txt,实验尝试masscan扫描ip.txt ,会发生报错导致程序运行失败
all_CNAME 列表 定义CDN节点域名
all_CNAME = [ "cdn-cdn.net", "fwdns.net", "bitgravity.com", "21okglb.cn", "kxcdn", "fastwebcdn.com", "cachefly.net", "simplecdn.net", "tbcache.com", "footprint.net", "cloudflare.net", "51cdn.com", "google.", "bluehatnetwork.com", "hadns.net", "incapdns", "skyparkcdn", "akamai", "hwcdn", "cdn77.org", "aicdn.com", "akamaitechnologies.com", "fastly", "fpbns", "cdn77.net", "zenedge.net", "akadns.net", "customcdn.com", "fastly.net", "lswcdn", "googleusercontent.com", "mncdn.com", "21speedcdn.com", "hiberniacdn.com", "mirror-image.net", "anankecdn.com.br", "cncssr.chinacache.net", "hichina.net", "insnw.net", "jiashule.com", "llnwd", "cdn.dnsv1.com", "bitgravity", "mwcloudcdn.com", "amazonaws.com", "systemcdn.net", "wscdns.com", "cdnvideo", "ccgslb", "fpbns.net", "dnsv1", "360wzb.com", "inscname.net", "ytcdn.net", "21vokglb.cn", "aliyuncs.com", "cdntip", "netdna-ssl.com", "att-dsa.net", "tcdn.qq.com", "netdna", "ccgslb.com.cn", "netdna.com", "l.doubleclick.net", "chinaidns.net", "turbobytes-cdn.com", "instacontent.net", "speedcdns", "clients.turbobytes.net", "akamai-staging.net", "fastcdn.cn", "wscloudcdn", "gslb.taobao.com", "hichina.com", "fastcache.com", "cachecn.com", "verygslb.com", "cdnzz.net", "fwcdn.com", "kunlunca.com", "cdn.cloudflare.net", "customcdn.cn", "vo.llnwd.net", "swiftserve.com", "lldns.net", "afxcdn.net", "ourwebpic.com", "edgekey", "ucloud.cn", "cdn20.com", "swiftcdn1.com", "cdn77", "azioncdn.net", "akamaized.net", "cdnvideo.ru", "incapdns.net", "tlgslb.com", "kunlun.com", "cloudflare.com", "anankecdn", "cdnudns.com", "footprint", "txnetworks.cn", "akamai.com", "cdnsun.net", "wpc.", "qiniudns.com", "okglb.com", "cloudflare", "ngenix", "cloudfront", "belugacdn.com", "edgecast", "cdnsun.net.", "alicdn.com", "cdn.telefonica.com", "lxdns.com", "internapcdn.net", "ewcache.com", "llnwd.net", "c3cdn.net", "chinacache.net", "21vianet.com.cn", "qingcdn.com", "yunjiasu-cdn", "cdn.ngenix.net", "skyparkcdn.net", "ccgslb.com", "adn.", "presscdn", "panthercdn.com", "edgecastcdn.net", "ay1.b.yahoo.com", "alicloudsec.com", "cachefly", "kunlunar.com", "bdydns.com", "cloudfront.net", "acadn.com", "cap-mii.net", "gslb.tbcache.com", "awsdns", "cdn.bitgravity.com", "cdnify.io", "kxcdn.com", "00cdn.com", "cdnetworks.net", "fastweb.com", "googlesyndication.", "akamaitech.net", "presscdn.com", "cdnetworks", "cdntip.com", "cdnify", "hacdn.net", "azureedge.net", "alicloudlayer.com", "internapcdn", "speedcdns.com", "cdnsun", "cdngc.net", "gccdn.net", "fastlylb.net", "cdnnetworks.com", "mwcloudcdn", "21cvcdn.com", "ccgslb.net", "azioncdn", "wac.", "unicache.com", "vo.msecnd.net", "stackpathdns.com", "lswcdn.net", "dnspao.com", "akamai.net", "azureedge", "aodianyun.com", "dnion.com", "wscloudcdn.com", "ourwebcdn.net", "netdna-cdn.com", "chinacache", "c3cache.net", "aliyun-inc.com", "sprycdn.com", "hwcdn.net", "yimg.", "telefonica", "aqb.so", "alikunlun.com", "chinanetcenter.com", "cloudcdn.net", "xgslb.net", "gccdn.cn", "globalcdn.cn", "lxcdn.com", "rncdn1.com", "youtube.", "txcdn.cn", "edgesuite.net", "okcdn.com", "akamaiedge.net" ]
cdns列表 定义节点IP的区间
cdns = [ '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' ]
ASNS 列表 定义
ASNS = [ '10576', '10762', '11748', '131099', '132601', '133496', '134409', '135295', '136764', '137187', '13777', '13890', '14103', '14520', '17132', '199251', '200013', '200325', '200856', '201263', '202294', '203075', '203139', '204248', '204286', '204545', '206227', '206734', '206848', '206986', '207158', '208559', '209403', '21030', '21257', '23327', '23393', '23637', '23794', '24997', '26492', '268843', '28709', '29264', '30282', '30637', '328126', '36408', '38107', '397192', '40366', '43303', '44907', '46071', '46177', '47542', '49287', '49689', '51286', '55082', '55254', '56636', '57363', '58127', '59730', '59776', '60068', '60626', '60922', '61107', '61159', '62026', '62229', '63062', '64232', '8868', '9053', '55770', '49846', '49249', '48163', '45700', '43639', '39836', '393560', '393234', '36183', '35994', '35993', '35204', '34850', '34164', '33905', '32787', '31377', '31110', '31109', '31108', '31107', '30675', '24319', '23903', '23455', '23454', '22207', '21399', '21357', '21342', '20940', '20189', '18717', '18680', '17334', '16702', '16625', '12222', '209101', '201585', '135429', '395747', '394536', '209242', '203898', '202623', '14789', '133877', '13335', '132892', '21859', '6185', '47823', '30148' ]
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