


在modelSIM中建立Project,添加模块源文件(功能模块和DUT定义)、Testbench文件(tb)、和Simulation Config文件。


#***    do_sim.tcl Script

#***    Compile the Module in the Order
vlog complex_mult.v
vlog tb_complex_mult.v

#***    Launch the Simulation Engine(VSIM)
#*** Search the Library: verilog
#*** Incremental Mode, without Optimization
#*** Verbose the Process
vsim -L verilog -novopt work.tb_complex_mult -vopt_verbose 

#***    Add the Waveforms
#***    Append Each Signal in the Group Tail
#***    Decimal -> Signed, Unsigned -> Itself

#***    Clock and Reset
add wave -position end -radix binary    -height    10    -format logic         sim:/tb_complex_mult/rst_n
add wave -position end -radix binary    -height    10    -format logic         sim:/tb_complex_mult/clk
#***    Input Signal: RealA, ImagA, RealB, ImagB
add wave -position end -radix decimal    -height    80    -format analog-step    -min -512    -max 511    sim:/tb_complex_mult/a_real
add wave -position end -radix decimal    -height    80    -format analog-step    -min -512    -max 511    sim:/tb_complex_mult/a_imag
add wave -position end -radix decimal    -height    80    -format analog-step    -min -512    -max 511    sim:/tb_complex_mult/b_real
add wave -position end -radix decimal    -height    80    -format analog-step    -min -512    -max 511    sim:/tb_complex_mult/b_imag
#***    Input Value Control Counter
add wave -position end -radix unsigned    -height    80    -format analog-step    -min 0        -max 255    sim:/tb_complex_mult/cnt
#***    Output Result
add wave -position end -radix decimal    -height 80    -format analog-step -min -524288    -max 524287    sim:/tb_complex_mult/dout

#***    Run the Simulation
run 100ms

#***    View Zoom ???
view wave

#***    Stop the Simulation
puts "Simulation Done, Press Anything and Press Enter to Terminate Sim."
set foo_01 [gets stdin]
# puts &foo_01

quit -sim


do do_sim.tcl




1、modelSIM的工程中,仿真设定需要取消设计优化(Enable Optimization),否则工作区的Objects窗口可能没有对应的模块和信号来观测:

2、如果需要ipcore仿真库,需要在Search Libraries中添加库文件,并且在modelsim.ini添加库的路径:


posted @ 2021-04-26 16:25  ygpygp1234  阅读(437)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报