表 名:数据库触发器所在的表。
for each row:对表的每一行触发器执行一次。如果没有这一选项,则只对整个表执行一次。
create or replace trigger UpdateEleHealthCard before insert ON hisapplicationform --after insert or update on hisapplicationform --after insert on hisapplicationform for each row DECLARE elehealthcardValue varchar2(100); idwhere varchar2(100); BEGIN --错误赋值方式 --select new.HEALTHCARD into elehealthcard from dual; -- select new.ID into idwhere from dual; -- dbms_output.put_line('elehealthcard=='|| elehealthcard); -- dbms_output.put_line('idwhere=='|| idwhere); --方式一 :new.elehealthcard := :new.HEALTHCARD; dbms_output.put_line('电子健康卡号:'|| :new.elehealthcard); --方式二 赋值方式 /* elehealthcardValue:=:new.HEALTHCARD; idwhere:=:new.ID; dbms_output.put_line('elehealthcard=='||elehealthcardValue); dbms_output.put_line('id=='||idwhere); --数据变更 update hisapplicationform set elehealthcard=elehealthcardValue where id=idwhere;*/ END;
create or replace trigger INS_QS_QueueBusiness before insert on QS_QUEUEBUSINESS for each row declare nextid number; begin if :new.id is null or :new.id=0 then select SEQUENCE_BUSINESS.NEXTVAL into nextid from dual; :new.id := nextid; end if; end INS_QS_QueueBusiness;
create or replace trigger INS_QS_US_Type after insert or update on us_Type for each row declare --完成提交登记数据的同时,产生排队叫号队列数据 sBUSINESSID varchar2(5); iQUEUEID integer; iOldQueueID integer; sPATNAME varchar2(50); iPATID integer; iSTUDYID integer; sHISID varchar2(50); dENROLDATE date; icount integer; sClinsitPat varchar2(20); sPartOfCheck varchar2(100); sPhotoNo varchar2(50); iTotalFee FLOAT; sSex varchar2(20); sAge varchar2(20); sLodgeSection varchar2(20); sLodgeDoctor varchar2(20); dBirth date; sSTATUS varchar2(10); iSortno integer;--2009-10-13增加过号 oldDate date; newDate date; imaxID number; iEndNo number; dayhr number; xflag number; begin select count(*) into icount from qs_queue; if icount=0 then return; end if; --队列当前最大号初始化 select trunc(LASTINITDATE) into oldDate from QS_QUEUE where rownum=1; --上次登记日期,即系统日期的前一天 select trunc(sysdate) into newDate from dual; --数据库系统日期 iSTUDYID := :new.ID; iQUEUEID := :new.ustype; --iPATID := :new.Patientid; sSTATUS := '已登记'; --检查号 --select to_date(enroldate,'yyyy-mm-dd'), cliisinpat,partofcheck, -- into dENROLDATE,sClinsitPat,sPartOfCheck from us_studies where studyid= iStudyid; --登记日期 --select name,HisID into sPATNAME,sHISID from us_patient where patientid= iPATID;--患者姓名、HISID select a.name,a.HisID, a.patientid, b.cliisinpat,b.partofcheck,b.photono, a.sex,to_date(a.birthdate,'yyyy-mm-dd'), b.age||b.ageunit as age,b.lodgesection,b.lodgedoctor, b.totalfee,to_date(b.enroldate,'yyyy-mm-dd') into sPATNAME,sHISID,iPATID, sClinsitPat, sPartOfCheck,sPhotoNo, sSex,dBirth,sAge,sLodgeSection,sLodgeDoctor,iTotalFee,dENROLDATE from us_patient a ,us_studies b where a.patientid= b.patientid and b.studyid= iSTUDYID;--患者姓名、HISID if newDate>oldDate then--删除两天前的数据 begin if dEnrolDate = newDate then --如果登记日期等于系统日期时,修改上次登记日期和最大队列号 begin select MAXBUSIID2 into imaxID from QS_QUEUE where QUEUEID = :new.ustype; if imaxID > 0 then begin update qs_queue set maxbusiid = MAXBUSIID2; update qs_queue set MAXBUSIID2 = MAXBUSIID3; update qs_queue set MAXBUSIID3 = STARTNO,LASTINITDATE=newDate,flag=0; --比较日期,初始化各队列的信息 end; end if; delete from QS_QUEUEBUSINESS where trunc(enroldate) <= trunc(newDate); --删除两天前的数据 end; end if; end; end if; /* --add by yzl...同一天且分上下午( 13点以后约的从1开始 )..begin */ select to_number(to_char(sysdate,'hh24') ) into dayhr from dual; select flag into xflag from qs_queue where rownum=1; if (newDate=oldDate) and (dayhr>=13) and (xflag=0) then begin select MAXBUSIID2 into imaxID from QS_QUEUE where QUEUEID = :new.ustype; if imaxID > 0 then begin update qs_queue set maxbusiid = MAXBUSIID2; update qs_queue set MAXBUSIID2 = MAXBUSIID3; update qs_queue set MAXBUSIID3 = STARTNO,flag=1; --比较日期,初始化各队列的信息 end; end if; delete from QS_QUEUEBUSINESS where trunc(enroldate) <= trunc(newDate); --删除两天前的数据 end; end if; /* --add by yzl...同一天且分上下午( 12点以后约的从1开始 ).. end */ --队列号为0时,退出 if :new.ustype = 0 then return; end if; --登记时,首先判断登记日期是不是数据库系统日期,如果是,则取MAXBUSIID为最大队列号, --如果比数据库日期大一天,则取MAXBUSIID2,如果大两天,取MAXBUSIID3 if dENROLDATE = newDate then begin select MAXBUSIID2 ,ENDNO into imaxID,iEndNo from QS_QUEUE where QUEUEID = :new.ustype; if imaxId = -1 then update qs_queue set maxbusiid2 = startno, maxbusiid3 = startno ; end if; select MAXBUSIID +1,ENDNO into imaxID,iEndNo from QS_QUEUE where QUEUEID = :new.ustype; --登记日期 = 数据库系统日期 end; elsif dENROLDATE = newDate + 1 then begin select MAXBUSIID2 +1,ENDNO into imaxID,iEndNo from QS_QUEUE where QUEUEID = :new.ustype;--登记日期 = 数据库系统日期+1 end; elsif dENROLDATE = newDate + 2 then select MAXBUSIID3 +1,ENDNO into imaxID,iEndNo from QS_QUEUE where QUEUEID = :new.ustype;--登记日期 = 数据库系统日期+2 else return; end if; --如果当前排队号大于最大排序号,退出 if imaxId <>0 and imaxID > iEndNo then return; end if; if inserting then begin --获得当前队列最大号,并更新队列表中最大值 if dENROLDATE = newDate then begin select MAXBUSIID into sBUSINESSID from QS_QUEUE where QUEUEID=:new.ustype; update QS_QUEUE set MAXBUSIID = MAXBUSIID +1 where QUEUEID = :new.ustype; end; elsif dENROLDATE = newDate + 1 then begin select MAXBUSIID2 into sBUSINESSID from QS_QUEUE where QUEUEID=:new.ustype; update QS_QUEUE set MAXBUSIID2 = MAXBUSIID2 +1 where QUEUEID = :new.ustype; end; elsif dENROLDATE = newDate + 2 then begin select MAXBUSIID3 into sBUSINESSID from QS_QUEUE where QUEUEID=:new.ustype; update QS_QUEUE set MAXBUSIID3 = MAXBUSIID3 +1 where QUEUEID = :new.ustype; end; end if; --数据插入叫号业务表 select to_date(enroldate || ' ' || enroltime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') into dENROLDATE from us_studies where studyid= iStudyid; --登记时间 insert into QS_QUEUEBUSINESS (BUSINESSID,QUEUEID,PATNAME,PATID,STUDYID,HISID,ENROLDATE,STATUS, Sortno,CLINSINPAT,partofcheck ,Photono,Sex,Age,Totalfee,Lodgesection, Lodgedoctor,Birthdate) values(sBUSINESSID,iQUEUEID, sPATNAME,iPATID,iSTUDYID,sHISID,dENROLDATE,sSTATUS,sBUSINESSID,sClinsitPat,sPartOfCheck ,sPhotono,sSex,sAge,iTotalfee,sLodgesection,slodgeDoctor,dBirth); end; elsif updating then begin --获得当前患者的旧的队列号 select queueid into iOldQueueID from QS_QUEUEBUSINESS where studyid = :old.id; --如果更改了队列,则重新生成排队号 if iQueueid <> iOldQueueID then begin if dENROLDATE = newDate then begin select MAXBUSIID into sBUSINESSID from QS_QUEUE where QUEUEID=:new.ustype; update QS_QUEUE set MAXBUSIID = MAXBUSIID +1 where QUEUEID = :new.ustype; end; elsif dENROLDATE = newDate + 1 then begin select MAXBUSIID2 into sBUSINESSID from QS_QUEUE where QUEUEID=:new.ustype; update QS_QUEUE set MAXBUSIID2 = MAXBUSIID2 +1 where QUEUEID = :new.ustype; end; elsif dENROLDATE = newDate + 2 then begin select MAXBUSIID3 into sBUSINESSID from QS_QUEUE where QUEUEID=:new.ustype; update QS_QUEUE set MAXBUSIID3 = MAXBUSIID3 +1 where QUEUEID = :new.ustype; end; end if; end; else begin select businessid into sBusinessId from qs_queuebusiness where studyid =:old.id; select Sortno into iSortno from qs_queuebusiness where studyid =:old.id;--2009-10-13增加过号 end; end if; select name,HisID into sPATNAME,sHISID from us_patient where patientid= :new.Patientid;--患者姓名、HISID update QS_QUEUEBUSINESS set BUSINESSID=sBUSINESSID,SortNo=sBUSINESSID, QUEUEID = :new.ustype, PATNAME = sPATNAME where STUDYID = :old.id; end; end if; end INS_QS_US_Type;