原文地址: 如何提问 教学中使用博客园来提交作业取得了良好的教学效果(参考「使用博客园进行学习」),我把课程答疑也转到了博客园小组,在开课期间,我的课程小组一直排名第一,学生问答、互答的频率、质量都有了大幅的提高。使用博客园小组相比QQ群,微信群答疑的好处是问答不会很快被冲掉。 大家可以看看《信息安 阅读全文
both black-box and white-box testing have weaknesses. White-box Testing does not typically find faults relating to missing functionality (referred to 阅读全文
abstract: Research has produced many approaches to automatically locate, explain, and repair software bugs. But do these approaches relate to the way 阅读全文
abstract: testers use model-based testing to design abstract tests from models of the system's behavior. Testers instantiate the abstract tests into c 阅读全文
The field of data mining has become accustomed to specifying constraints on patterns of interest. A large number of systems and techniques has been de 阅读全文
abstract: We introduce in this paper an itemset mining approach to tackle the fault localization problem, which is one of the most difficult processes 阅读全文