

defining graphics' vertex' format:
struct vertextType
    Vertex(float x, float y, float z)
        _x = x;  _y = y;  _z = z;
    float _x, _y, _z;
    static const DWORD FVF;
const DWORD Vertex::FVF = D3DFVF_XYZ;

define vertexbuffer:
IDirect3DVertexBuffer9* vertexbuffer = NULL;

if needed, define indicesbuffer: (indicesbuffer is the array of the key of vertexbuffer above):
IDirect3DIndexBuffer9*  indicesbuffer = NULL;

'bout setup:
//get a Device by "IDirect3DDevice9* Device";
void setup()
Device->CreateVertexBuffer(/*length*/numbers * sizeof(vertexType), /*vertex format*/FVF, ..., vertexbuffer, ...);
Device->CreateIndexBuffer(numbers * sizeof(WORD), ..., indicesbuffer, ...);
//build vertex and indices ;
vertexType* vertexPointer;
WORD* indicesPointer;

initial ;
vertexbuffer->Lock(..., (void**)&vertexPointer, 0);
vertexPointer[n] = ......;
indicesbuffer->Lock(..., (void**)&indicesPointer, 0);
indicesPointer[n] = ......;
// arrange 投影;

'bout display:
void display()
//render one thing
///////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////
//////'bout a object's rendering and displaying,it's a section for every one or one group of object. 
////// !BEGIN! //////     

//arrange 变换

D3DXMatrixTranslation(&matrix, ...);
//or D3DXMatrixRotationX/Y/Z(& matrix, ...);
//or ......
//action! transform

Device->SetTransform(D3DST_WORLD/D3DST_PROJECTION, &matrix);

//go into rendering core!
Device->BeginScene();      //draw data preparing begin!
//set graphics' data

/*if draw with another data, you need define and   arrange another vertexbuffer*/
/*  before "setup" you need vertexType* vertexbufferAnother. */
/*  and in "setup" you also need 'Device->Create...; vertexbufferAnother->Lock()...->Unlock();......' */

Device->SetStreamSource(0, vertexbuffer, 0, sizeof(vertexType));     

//Device->SetIndices(indicesbuffer);      //if the painting need indices undered line is needed!OR not!
//Device->DrawPrimitive(......);      //draw with vertexes just!
Device->DrawIndexPrimitive(IMAGE_TYPE, ......);      //draw with indices!

Device->EndScene();      //draw data preparing end!

////// !END! //////
////// 'bout a object's rendering and displaying,it's a section for every one or one group of object. 
///////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////

'bout the WinMain():
void WinMain(......)
if(InitD3D(......))      //init D3D and WM and ......
if(!setup())      //exec setup
/* use message loop section defined very very ago.and get your 'display()' func into it. */
/* then your 'display' func and other 'communication' func would looppy effect.*/



posted on 2013-04-14 14:37  shizuka  阅读(105)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
