一种调试 线段树 / Treap / Splay / 左偏树 / LCT 等树形结构的技巧
如果我们需要观察程序运行过程中,某一个变量、某一个序列的变化情况,你可以在修改的地方打断点 debug,或者直接在需要的地方输出就行了。
- Windows 下命令行中,我们使用
比如,在某一目录下,使用 tree /A /F
+---.vscode | launch.json | +---blog-prettier | LICENSE | README.md | +---web server | | checkstatues.log | | client.html | | data.txt | | gen-key.py | | main_service.log | | script-obfsed.js | | test.html | | | \---fetch-new-url | | README.md | | | \---docs | test | \---test a.html b.html index.html script.js style.css
我们不妨来考虑简单的二叉树,例如线段树、Treap、Splay 等平衡树。
void output(int x, string pre) { cout << pre << "-" << x << ": " << tr[x].val << endl; if (!x) return; output(tr[x].son[1], pre + " |"); output(tr[x].son[0], pre + " |"); } void output() { output(root, ">"); }
这里先输出再 return
可能的输出:一棵不断插入的 Splay
>-1: 1 > |-0: 0 > |-0: 0 >-2: 1 > |-1: 1 > | |-0: 0 > | |-0: 0 > |-0: 0 >-3: 4 > |-0: 0 > |-1: 1 > | |-0: 0 > | |-2: 1 > | | |-0: 0 > | | |-0: 0 >-4: 5 > |-0: 0 > |-3: 4 > | |-0: 0 > | |-1: 1 > | | |-0: 0 > | | |-2: 1 > | | | |-0: 0 > | | | |-0: 0 >-5: 1 > |-3: 4 > | |-4: 5 > | | |-0: 0 > | | |-0: 0 > | |-2: 1 > | | |-1: 1 > | | | |-0: 0 > | | | |-0: 0 > | | |-0: 0 > |-0: 0 >-6: 4 > |-3: 4 > | |-4: 5 > | | |-0: 0 > | | |-0: 0 > | |-0: 0 > |-5: 1 > | |-1: 1 > | | |-0: 0 > | | |-2: 1 > | | | |-0: 0 > | | | |-0: 0 > | |-0: 0
void output(int x, string pre, bool firstSon) { cout << pre << (firstSon ? "+" : "\\") << "---" << x << ": " << tr[x].val << endl; if (!x) return; pre += firstSon ? "|" : " "; output(tr[x].son[1], pre + " ", true); output(tr[x].son[0], pre + " ", false); if (firstSon) cout << pre << endl; } void output() { output(root, "", false); }
多叉树就只能是 LCT 了吧,还有什么扭曲的树你必须要打印出来的?
我们加以改进,由于有了虚实链之分,我们在空节点不直接 return
vector<int> edge[N]; void output(int x, string pre, bool lastSon, bool real) { cout << pre << (!lastSon ? "+" : "\\") << "---"; if (x) cout << x << ": " << tr[x].val << endl; else cout << "null" << endl; pre += !lastSon ? (real ? "|" : "`") : " "; if (x && (tr[x].son[0] || tr[x].son[1] || edge[x].size())) { pushdown(x); output(tr[x].son[1], pre + " ", false, true); output(tr[x].son[0], pre + " ", edge[x].empty(), false); for (int y : edge[x]) output(y, pre + " ", y == edge[x].back(), false); } if (!lastSon) cout << pre << endl; } void output(int n) { for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) edge[i].clear(); for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) if (isRoot(i)) edge[tr[i].fa].emplace_back(i); cout << "==== LCT forest ====" << endl; for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) if (!tr[i].fa) output(i, "", true, false); cout << "====================" << endl; }
void output(int x, string pre, bool firstSon) { cout << pre << (firstSon ? "+" : "\\") << "---" << x << ": " << tr[x].val << endl; if (!x) return; pre += firstSon ? "|" : " "; output(tr[x].son[1], pre + " ", true); output(tr[x].son[0], pre + " ", false); if (firstSon) cout << pre << endl; } void output() { output(root, "", false); }
多叉树 LCT
vector<int> edge[N]; void output(int x, string pre, bool lastSon, bool real) { cout << pre << (!lastSon ? "+" : "\\") << "---"; if (x) cout << x << ": " << tr[x].val << endl; else cout << "null" << endl; pre += !lastSon ? (real ? "|" : "`") : " "; if (x && (tr[x].son[0] || tr[x].son[1] || edge[x].size())) { pushdown(x); output(tr[x].son[1], pre + " ", false, true); output(tr[x].son[0], pre + " ", edge[x].empty(), false); for (int y : edge[x]) output(y, pre + " ", y == edge[x].back(), false); } if (!lastSon) cout << pre << endl; } void output(int n) { for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) edge[i].clear(); for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) if (isRoot(i)) edge[tr[i].fa].emplace_back(i); cout << "==== LCT forest ====" << endl; for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) if (!tr[i].fa) output(i, "", true, false); cout << "====================" << endl; }
可能的输出:一棵不断插入的 Splay
\---1: 1 +---0: 0 \---0: 0 \---2: 1 +---1: 1 | +---0: 0 | \---0: 0 | \---0: 0 \---3: 4 +---0: 0 \---1: 1 +---0: 0 \---2: 1 +---0: 0 \---0: 0 \---4: 5 +---0: 0 \---3: 4 +---0: 0 \---1: 1 +---0: 0 \---2: 1 +---0: 0 \---0: 0 \---5: 1 +---3: 4 | +---4: 5 | | +---0: 0 | | \---0: 0 | | | \---2: 1 | +---1: 1 | | +---0: 0 | | \---0: 0 | | | \---0: 0 | \---0: 0 \---6: 4 +---3: 4 | +---4: 5 | | +---0: 0 | | \---0: 0 | | | \---0: 0 | \---5: 1 +---1: 1 | +---0: 0 | \---2: 1 | +---0: 0 | \---0: 0 | \---0: 0
可能的输出:一棵带有左右边界的不断插入的 Treap
\---2: inf +---0: 0 \---1: -inf +---3: 1 | +---0: 0 | \---0: 0 | \---0: 0 \---2: inf +---0: 0 \---1: -inf +---3: 1 | +---0: 0 | \---0: 0 | \---0: 0 \---2: inf +---0: 0 \---1: -inf +---3: 1 | +---4: 4 | | +---0: 0 | | \---0: 0 | | | \---0: 0 | \---0: 0 \---2: inf +---0: 0 \---1: -inf +---3: 1 | +---5: 5 | | +---0: 0 | | \---4: 4 | | +---0: 0 | | \---0: 0 | | | \---0: 0 | \---0: 0 \---2: inf +---0: 0 \---1: -inf +---3: 1 | +---5: 5 | | +---0: 0 | | \---4: 4 | | +---0: 0 | | \---0: 0 | | | \---0: 0 | \---0: 0 \---2: inf +---0: 0 \---1: -inf +---3: 1 | +---5: 5 | | +---0: 0 | | \---4: 4 | | +---0: 0 | | \---0: 0 | | | \---0: 0 | \---0: 0
可能的输出:一棵不断插入的无旋 Treap
\---1: 1 +---0: 0 \---0: 0 \---1: 1 +---0: 0 \---2: 1 +---0: 0 \---0: 0 \---3: 4 +---0: 0 \---1: 1 +---0: 0 \---2: 1 +---0: 0 \---0: 0 \---3: 4 +---4: 5 | +---0: 0 | \---0: 0 | \---1: 1 +---0: 0 \---2: 1 +---0: 0 \---0: 0 \---5: 1 +---3: 4 | +---4: 5 | | +---0: 0 | | \---0: 0 | | | \---1: 1 | +---0: 0 | \---2: 1 | +---0: 0 | \---0: 0 | \---0: 0 \---5: 1 +---6: 4 | +---3: 4 | | +---4: 5 | | | +---0: 0 | | | \---0: 0 | | | | | \---0: 0 | | | \---1: 1 | +---0: 0 | \---2: 1 | +---0: 0 | \---0: 0 | \---0: 0
\---[1, 5]: 1 +---[1, 3]: 0 \---[4, 5]: 1 +---[4, 4]: 0 \---[5, 5]: 1 \---[1, 5]: 6 +---[1, 3]: 0 \---[4, 5]: 6 +---[4, 4]: 0 \---[5, 5]: 6 \---[1, 5]: 10 +---[1, 3]: 0 \---[4, 5]: 10 +---[4, 4]: 4 \---[5, 5]: 6 \---[1, 5]: 12 +---[1, 3]: 2 | +---[1, 2]: 0 | \---[3, 3]: 2 | \---[4, 5]: 10 +---[4, 4]: 4 \---[5, 5]: 6 \---[1, 5]: 15 +---[1, 3]: 5 | +---[1, 2]: 3 (with lazy = 3) | | +---[1, 1]: 0 | | \---[2, 2]: 0 | | | \---[3, 3]: 2 | \---[4, 5]: 10 +---[4, 4]: 4 \---[5, 5]: 6 \---[1, 5]: 15 +---[1, 3]: 5 | +---[1, 2]: 3 (with lazy = 3) | | +---[1, 1]: 0 | | \---[2, 2]: 0 | | | \---[3, 3]: 2 | \---[4, 5]: 10 +---[4, 4]: 4 \---[5, 5]: 6 \---[1, 5]: 19 +---[1, 3]: 5 | +---[1, 2]: 3 (with lazy = 3) | | +---[1, 1]: 0 | | \---[2, 2]: 0 | | | \---[3, 3]: 2 | \---[4, 5]: 14 +---[4, 4]: 6 \---[5, 5]: 8 \---[1, 5]: 19 +---[1, 3]: 5 | +---[1, 2]: 3 (with lazy = 3) | | +---[1, 1]: 0 | | \---[2, 2]: 0 | | | \---[3, 3]: 2 | \---[4, 5]: 14 +---[4, 4]: 6 \---[5, 5]: 8 \---[1, 5]: 24 (with lazy = 1) +---[1, 3]: 5 | +---[1, 2]: 3 (with lazy = 3) | | +---[1, 1]: 0 | | \---[2, 2]: 0 | | | \---[3, 3]: 2 | \---[4, 5]: 14 +---[4, 4]: 6 \---[5, 5]: 8 \---[1, 5]: 24 (with lazy = 1) +---[1, 3]: 5 | +---[1, 2]: 3 (with lazy = 3) | | +---[1, 1]: 0 | | \---[2, 2]: 0 | | | \---[3, 3]: 2 | \---[4, 5]: 14 +---[4, 4]: 6 \---[5, 5]: 8
==== 左偏树 1 ==== \---5: <4, 2> +---3: <4, 3> | +---4: <5, 2> | | +---0: <0, 0> | | \---7: <9, 4> | | +---0: <0, 0> | | \---0: <0, 0> | | | \---0: <0, 0> | \---0: <0, 0> ==== 左偏树 2 ==== \---1: <3, 3> +---6: <8, 4> | +---0: <0, 0> | \---2: <9, 3> | +---0: <0, 0> | \---0: <0, 0> | \---0: <0, 0> ==== 左偏树 1 ==== \---5: <4, 2> +---3: <4, 3> | +---4: <5, 2> | | +---0: <0, 0> | | \---7: <9, 4> | | +---0: <0, 0> | | \---0: <0, 0> | | | \---0: <0, 0> | \---1: <5, 3> +---6: <8, 4> | +---0: <0, 0> | \---2: <9, 3> | +---0: <0, 0> | \---0: <0, 0> | \---0: <0, 0> ==== 左偏树 1 ==== \---3: <4, 3> +---4: <5, 2> | +---0: <0, 0> | \---7: <9, 4> | +---0: <0, 0> | \---0: <0, 0> | \---1: <5, 3> +---6: <8, 4> | +---0: <0, 0> | \---2: <9, 3> | +---0: <0, 0> | \---0: <0, 0> | \---0: <0, 0> ==== 左偏树 1 ==== \---4: <5, 2> +---1: <5, 3> | +---6: <10, 4> | | +---0: <0, 0> | | \---2: <9, 3> | | +---0: <0, 0> | | \---0: <0, 0> | | | \---7: <11, 4> | +---0: <0, 0> | \---0: <0, 0> | \---0: <0, 0> ==== 左偏树 1 ==== \---1: <5, 3> +---6: <10, 4> | +---0: <0, 0> | \---2: <9, 3> | +---0: <0, 0> | \---0: <0, 0> | \---7: <11, 4> +---0: <0, 0> \---0: <0, 0> ==== 左偏树 1 ==== \---6: <10, 4> +---2: <11, 3> | +---0: <0, 0> | \---7: <11, 4> | +---0: <0, 0> | \---0: <0, 0> | \---0: <0, 0> ==== 左偏树 1 ==== \---2: <11, 3> +---0: <0, 0> \---7: <11, 4> +---0: <0, 0> \---0: <0, 0> ==== 左偏树 1 ==== \---7: <11, 4> +---0: <0, 0> \---0: <0, 0> ==== 左偏树 1 ==== \---0: <0, 0>
可能的输出:Link Cut Tree
==== LCT forest ==== \---1: 114 \---2: 514 \---3: 19 \---4: 19 \---5: 810 ==================== link 1 and 2 success ==== LCT forest ==== \---2: 514 +---null | +---null ` \---1: 114 \---3: 19 \---4: 19 \---5: 810 ==================== cut 1 and 2 success ==== LCT forest ==== \---1: 114 \---2: 514 \---3: 19 \---4: 19 \---5: 810 ==================== link 1 and 2 success ==== LCT forest ==== \---2: 514 +---null | +---null ` \---1: 114 \---3: 19 \---4: 19 \---5: 810 ==================== link 2 and 3 success ==== LCT forest ==== \---3: 19 +---null | +---null ` \---2: 514 +---null | +---null ` \---1: 114 \---4: 19 \---5: 810 ==================== cut 1 and 3 failed ==== LCT forest ==== \---1: 114 +---2: 514 | +---3: 19 | | | \---null | \---null \---4: 19 \---5: 810 ==================== link 1 and 3 failed ==== LCT forest ==== \---1: 114 +---3: 19 | +---null | | | \---2: 514 | \---null \---4: 19 \---5: 810 ==================== link 4 and 5 success ==== LCT forest ==== \---1: 114 +---3: 19 | +---null | | | \---2: 514 | \---null \---5: 810 +---null | +---null ` \---4: 19 ==================== link 2 and 5 success ==== LCT forest ==== \---5: 810 +---null | +---null ` +---2: 514 ` +---1: 114 ` | ` +---null ` ` ` \---3: 19 ` \---4: 19 ==================== modify value 5 to 233333 success ==== LCT forest ==== \---5: 233333 +---null | +---null ` +---2: 514 ` +---1: 114 ` | ` +---null ` ` ` \---3: 19 ` \---4: 19 ==================== access 3 success ==== LCT forest ==== \---5: 233333 +---2: 514 | +---3: 19 | | | +---null | ` | \---1: 114 | +---null ` \---4: 19 ==================== split 2 ~ 4 success ==== LCT forest ==== \---4: 19 +---null | \---5: 233333 +---null | \---2: 514 +---null | +---null ` +---1: 114 ` \---3: 19 ==================== split 2 ~ 5 success ==== LCT forest ==== \---5: 233333 +---null | +---2: 514 ` +---null ` | ` +---null ` ` ` +---1: 114 ` ` ` \---3: 19 ` \---4: 19 ====================
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