RIA means Rich Internet Application. Compared to traditional web page, it can supply much more various, enriching, interactive user experiences. There're several RIA on (the) market nowdays, such as Adobe Flash, Sun JavaFx, Microsoft Silverlight. Flash has appeared many years ago. It's installed on almost every PC and occupies the largest market share. Silverlight was born much later. But it has very advanced design and a tough background – Microsoft. I believe Silverlight will get more and more support and be more and more popular.

Overall, RIA will be along with html page for a long time. While undoubtedly, people will do more and more things on (the) web. The future will belong to RIA. Even One day their desktops are web pages. Then RIA's time arrives. 


RIA意思是富互联网应用程序。它可以提供远比起传统的网页,更丰富、多样、有交互性的用户体验。如今市场上有多种RIA,比如Adobe Flash、Sun JavaFx、 Microsoft Silverlight。Flash已经出现许多年了,几乎每台PC都安装了它,并且占据最大的市场份额。Silverlight出现要晚得多,不过它有非常先进的设计理念,非常坚强的后台-微软。我相信Silverlight将获得越来越多的支持并且越来越流行。


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