Curriculum Vitae

Xiong Rui 

(熊锐;Pinyin: Xióng Ruì; IPA:ɕiʊŋ ɻe̞ɪ̯) [?]

Personal information 

First Name: Rui

Last Name: Xiong [?]

Nationality: Chinese






1997: Born in Nanjing Jiangsu China 

2003-2009: Confucius Primary School

2009-2012: Zhonghua Middle School

2012-2015: Jinling High School

2015-2019: Shandong University Taishan College Department of Mathematics [?]

2019-2021: Saint Petersburg State University Department of Mathematics and Computer Science


2016 fall: student interviewer in the selection of Taishan College

2017 fall: teaching assistant of Elementary Number Theory (for freshmen) 

2018 spring: teaching assistant of Advanced Algebra (for freshmen) 

2019 spring: student interviewer (captain) in the selection of Taishan College

2019 spring: teaching assistant of Advanced Algebra (for freshmen) 

2022 Spring: research assistant of Si'an Nie, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academic of Science.


[1] 熊锐. 用二次函数的两根表达式规避韦达定理[J]. 中学生数学:高中版, 2015(5):9-10. [?]

[2] 刘守民 熊锐. 集合论、拓扑与代数初步. ISBN 9787302541646

[3] ?? 

[4] ??

[5] ??

[6] ??


  [1] 关于群行列式理论. (my bachelor thesis, in Chinese) 

  [2] On the structure of submodule of finitely generated module over PID. (withdrawn) 

  [3] Kernel-Cokernel Sequence for Composition and its Applications.  (preprint) 

  [4] Direct proof of Mckay Correspondence and the representations of finite subgroups of $\operatorname{SO}(4)$ (preprint)

  [5] A short proof of Spectral Sequences of Filtered Complexes. (preprint)

  [6] Schur Polynomials through Lindström Gessel Viennot Lemma. (preprint)

  [7] A bijection proof of the Capelli's identity. (preprint)

  [8] Comodule Structures, Equivariant Hopf Structures, and Generalized Schubert Polynomials. (preprint)

  [9] Puzzle Model for Bumpless Pipe Dream. (preprint)

[10] Computations of the Comodule Structures of the Chow rings of Flag Varieties (preprint)

[11] A Geometric Realization of Symmetric Pairs of Type AIII (preprint)

[12] (joint with Tao Gui) Equivariant log-concavity and equivariant Kähler packages (preprint)

[13] (joint with Neil J.Y. Fan and Peter L. Guo) Pieri and Murnaghan--Nakayama type Rules for Chern classes of Schubert Cells (preprint)


[1] Overview of Representation theory

[2] Cohomology of Flag Manifolds [1] [2]

[3] Topology and Geometry Seminar

[4] Cluster Algebras in Representation Theory


Representation theory; Combinatorics; LaTeX. 

Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academic of Science

posted @ 2019-10-02 03:56  XiongRui  阅读(3111)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报