


















  1 <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
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 10 }
 12 html {
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 25 }
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 30 }
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 57   table
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 85     button { /* 按钮美化 */
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 93     font-family: Microsoft YaHei; /* 设置字体 */
 94     color: white; /* 字体颜色 */
 95     font-size: 17px; /* 字体大小 */
 96 }
 97     button:hover { /* 鼠标移入按钮范围时改变颜色 */
 98     background: #5599FF;
 99 </style>
100 <%
101     String message = (String) session.getAttribute("message");
102     if (message != null) {
103 %>
104 <script type="text/javascript">
105     alert("<%=message%>");
106 </script>
107 <%
108     session.removeAttribute("message");
109     }
110 %>
111 <script type="text/javascript">
112     function sentence(form) {
113         var flag = true;
114         username = form.idusername.value;
115         password = form.password.value;
116         if (username == "") {
117             alert("username cant be null");
118             return false;
119         }
120         if (password == "") {
121             alert("password cant be null");
122             return false;
123         }
124         if (!username.match("[a-zA-Z0-9_]")) {
125             alert("用户id不能包含特殊字符!");
126             return false;
127         }
128         if (!password.match("[a-zA-Z0-9_]")) {
129             alert("密码只能包含数字字母下划线!");
130             return false;
131         }
132         return true;
133     }
134 </script>
135 </head>
136 <body>
137     <center>
138         <div id="mainwindow">
139             <div id="title">用户登录</div>
140             <div id="form">
142                 <form action="log" name="logf" id="logf" onsubmit="return sentence(logf)">
143                 <input type="text" placeholder="账号" class="de" name="username"><br>
144                 <input type="password" placeholder="密码" class="de" name="password"><br> 
145                 <input type="submit" value="Login"class="de" id="submit"><br>
146                     <div class="a">
147                         <a href="#">忘记密码</a>
148                     </div>
149                     <div class="a">
150                         <a href="#">注册账号</a>
151                     </div>
152                 </form>
153             </div>
154         </div>
155     </center>
156 </body>
159 </html>
 1 package p1;
 3 import java.io.IOException;
 4 import java.sql.Connection;
 5 import java.sql.ResultSet;
 6 import java.sql.SQLException;
 7 import java.sql.Statement;
 9 import javax.servlet.ServletException;
10 import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet;
11 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
12 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
13 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
14 @WebServlet("/log")
15 public class log extends HttpServlet {
16     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
17     public log() {
18         super();
19         // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
20     }
21     protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
22         String name=request.getParameter("username");
23         String pass=request.getParameter("password");
24         String usertype="";
25         int flag=0;
26         Link l=new Link();
27         try {
28             Connection con=l.lin("Class_Select");
29             Statement stmt=con.createStatement();
30             String s="select * from userr";
31             ResultSet rsst=stmt.executeQuery(s);
32             while(rsst.next()) {
33                 if((name.equals(rsst.getString("username")))&&(pass.equals(rsst.getString("password")))) {
34                     flag=1;
35                     usertype=rsst.getString(3);
36                     System.out.println(usertype);
37                 }
38             }
39             rsst.close();
40             stmt.close();
41             con.close();
43         } catch (SQLException e) {
44             // TODO Auto-generated catch block
45             e.printStackTrace();
46         }
47         if(flag==1) {
48             request.getSession().removeAttribute("usertype");
49             request.getSession().removeAttribute("userid");
50             request.getSession().setAttribute("usertype",usertype);
51             request.getSession().setAttribute("userid", name);
52             request.getRequestDispatcher("MainWindow.jsp").forward(request, response);
53         }
54         else{
55             request.getSession().setAttribute("message", "账号或密码错误!");
56             request.getRequestDispatcher("Login.jsp").forward(request, response);
57         }
59     }
60     protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
61         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
62         doGet(request, response);
63     }
65 }












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106     font-size: 17px; /* 字体大小 */
107 }
108     button:hover { /* 鼠标移入按钮范围时改变颜色 */
109     background: #5599FF;
111 </style>
112 </head>
113 <body onload="Onload()">
114     <div id="d1">学生信息管理系统</div>
115     <div id="left">
116     <%
117     String message = (String) session.getAttribute("message");
118     if (message != null) {
119 %>
120 <script type="text/javascript">
121     alert("<%=message%>");
122 </script>
123 <%
124     session.removeAttribute("message");
125     }
126 %>
127 <ul>
128     <li class="headd"><a href="#" onclick="fresh()">|REFESH|</a></li>
129     <%if(((String)session.getAttribute("usertype")).equals("root")){ %>
130     <li><a href="StudentIn.jsp">学生信息录入</a></li>
131     <li><a href="TeacherIn.jsp">教师信息录入</a></li>
132     <li><a href="AddUser.jsp">用户录入</a></li>
133     <li><a href="ShowStudent">学生信息</a></li>
134     <li><a href="ShowTeacher">教师信息</a></li>
135     <li><a href="ShowUser">用户信息</a></li>
136     <li><a href="AnalyseSum.jsp">统计学生信息</a></li>
137     <%}else if(((String)session.getAttribute("usertype")).equals("stu")){%>
138     <li><a href="ShowMySession?id=<%=session.getAttribute("userid")%>">我的信息</a></li>
139     <li><a href="Update.jsp">修改信息</a></li>
140     <li><a href="ShowClass">选课</a></li>
141     <li><a href="HaveSelected">已选课</a>
142     <%}else if(((String)session.getAttribute("usertype")).equals("tch")){ %>
143     <li><a href="ShowTeaSession?id=<%=session.getAttribute("userid")%>">我的信息</a></li>
144     <li><a href="AddClass.jsp">添加课程</a></li>
145     <li><a href="ShowTeaClas">自己的课程</a></li>
146     <%} %>    
147     <li><a href="UpdatePassword.jsp">修改密码</a></li>
148 </ul>
149 </div>
150 <div id="right">
151 <h1>学生信息管理系统</h1>
152 </div>
153 </body>
154 </html>















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 93             background: #F5FAFA;
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 96     button { /* 按钮美化 */
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102     cursor: pointer; /* 鼠标移入按钮范围时出现手势 */
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104     font-family: Microsoft YaHei; /* 设置字体 */
105     color: white; /* 字体颜色 */
106     font-size: 17px; /* 字体大小 */
107 }
108     button:hover { /* 鼠标移入按钮范围时改变颜色 */
109     background: #5599FF;
111 </style>
112     <%
113     String message = (String) session.getAttribute("message");
114     if (message != null) {
115 %>
116 <script type="text/javascript">
117     alert("<%=message%>");
118 </script>
119 <%
120     session.removeAttribute("message");
121     }
122 %>
125 </head>
126 <body onload="Onload()">
127     <div id="d1">学生管理系统</div>
128     <div id="left">
129 <ul>
130     <li class="headd"><a href="#" onclick="fresh()">|REFESH|</a></li>
131     <%if(((String)session.getAttribute("usertype")).equals("root")){ %>
132     <li><a href="StudentIn.jsp">学生信息录入</a></li>
133     <li><a href="TeacherIn.jsp">教师信息录入</a></li>
134     <li><a href="AddUser.jsp">用户录入</a></li>
135     <li><a href="ShowStudent">学生信息</a></li>
136     <li><a href="ShowTeacher">教师信息</a></li>
137     <li><a href="ShowUser">用户信息</a></li>
138     <li><a href="AnalyseSum.jsp">统计学生信息</a></li>
139     <%}else if(((String)session.getAttribute("usertype")).equals("stu")){%>
140     <li><a href="ShowMySession?id=<%=session.getAttribute("userid")%>">我的信息</a></li>
141     <li><a href="Update.jsp">修改信息</a></li>
142     <li><a href="ShowClass">选课</a></li>
143     <li><a href="HaveSelected">已选课</a>
144     <%}else if(((String)session.getAttribute("usertype")).equals("tch")){ %>
145     <li><a href="ShowTeaSession?id=<%=session.getAttribute("userid")%>">我的信息</a></li>
146     <li><a href="AddClass.jsp">添加课程</a></li>
147     <li><a href="ShowTeaClas">自己的课程</a></li>
148     <%} %>    
149     <li><a href="UpdatePassword.jsp">修改密码</a></li>
150 </ul>
151 </div>
152 <div id="right">
153 <form action="StudentIn">
154 <table>
155 <tr>
157 <td>姓名:</td><td><input type="text" name="name" id="name"></td>
158 </tr><tr>
159 <td>学号:</td><td><input type="text" name="id" id="id"></td>
160 </tr>
161 <tr>
162 <td>性别:</td><td><input type="text" name="sex" id="sex"></td>
163 </tr>
164 <tr>
165 <td>班级:</td><td><input type="text" name="clas" id="clas"></td></tr>
166 <tr>
167 <td>学院:</td><td><input type="text" name="yard" id="yard"></td></tr>
168 <tr>
169 <td>密码:</td><td><input type="text" name="password" id="password"></td></tr>
170 <tr><td colspan="2"><button type="submit" value="提 交">提交</button></td></tr>
171 </table>
172 </form>
173 </div>
174 </body>
175 </html>
 1 package p1;
 3 import java.io.IOException;
 4 import java.sql.Connection;
 5 import java.sql.SQLException;
 6 import java.sql.Statement;
 8 import javax.servlet.ServletException;
 9 import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet;
10 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
11 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
12 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
13 @WebServlet("/StudentIn")
14 public class StudentIn extends HttpServlet {
15     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
16     public StudentIn() {
17         super();
18         // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
19     }
20     protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
21         String name=request.getParameter("name");
22         String userid=request.getParameter("id");
23         int id=Integer.parseInt(userid);
24         String sex=request.getParameter("sex");
25         String clas=request.getParameter("clas");
26         String yard=request.getParameter("yard");
27         String password=request.getParameter("password");
28         Link l=new Link();
29         try {
30             Connection con=l.lin("Class_Select");
31             Statement stmt=con.createStatement();
32             String s="insert into User_Student values ('"+id+"','"+name+"','"+sex+"','"+clas+"','"+yard+"','"+id+"','"+password+"')";
33             stmt.executeUpdate(s);
34             String s2="insert into userr values ('"+id+"','"+password+"','stu')";
35             stmt.executeUpdate(s2);
36             stmt.close();
37             con.close();
38         } catch (SQLException e) {
39             e.printStackTrace();
40         }
41         request.getSession().setAttribute("message", "添加成功!");
42         request.getRequestDispatcher("StudentIn.jsp").forward(request, response);
43     }
44     protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
45         doGet(request, response);
46     }
48 }


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 37             padding: 0px 0px 0px 0em;
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 39             border-left: 20px solid pink;
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 43             color: #461737;
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 47             color: gray;
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 62         height:400px;
 63         width:1202px;
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 65         .btn{
 66         float:left;
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 68           table
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 72             border-collapse: collapse;
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 76         table td, table th
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 79             color: #666;
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 82         table thead th
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 91         table tr:nth-child(even)
 92         {
 93             background: #F5FAFA;
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 96     button { /* 按钮美化 */
 97     width: 270px; /* 宽度 */
 98     height: 40px; /* 高度 */
 99     border-width: 0px; /* 边框宽度 */
100     border-radius: 3px; /* 边框半径 */
101     background: #1E90FF; /* 背景颜色 */
102     cursor: pointer; /* 鼠标移入按钮范围时出现手势 */
103     outline: none; /* 不显示轮廓线 */
104     font-family: Microsoft YaHei; /* 设置字体 */
105     color: white; /* 字体颜色 */
106     font-size: 17px; /* 字体大小 */
107 }
108     button:hover { /* 鼠标移入按钮范围时改变颜色 */
109     background: #5599FF;
111 </style>
113     <%
114     String message = (String) session.getAttribute("message");
115     if (message != null) {
116 %>
117 <script type="text/javascript">
118     alert("<%=message%>");
119 </script>
120 <%
121     session.removeAttribute("message");
122     }
123 %>
126 </head>
127 <body onload="Onload()">
128     <div id="d1">学生管理系统</div>
129     <div id="left">
130 <ul>
131     <li class="headd"><a href="#" onclick="fresh()">|REFESH|</a></li>
132     <%if(((String)session.getAttribute("usertype")).equals("root")){ %>
133     <li><a href="StudentIn.jsp">学生信息录入</a></li>
134     <li><a href="TeacherIn.jsp">教师信息录入</a></li>
135     <li><a href="AddUser.jsp">用户录入</a></li>
136     <li><a href="ShowStudent">学生信息</a></li>
137     <li><a href="ShowTeacher">教师信息</a></li>
138     <li><a href="ShowUser">用户信息</a></li>
139     <li><a href="AnalyseSum.jsp">统计学生信息</a></li>
140     <%}else if(((String)session.getAttribute("usertype")).equals("stu")){%>
141     <li><a href="ShowMySession?id=<%=session.getAttribute("userid")%>">我的信息</a></li>
142     <li><a href="Update.jsp">修改信息</a></li>
143     <li><a href="ShowClass">选课</a></li>
144     <li><a href="HaveSelected">已选课</a>
145     <%}else if(((String)session.getAttribute("usertype")).equals("tch")){ %>
146     <li><a href="ShowTeaSession?id=<%=session.getAttribute("userid")%>">我的信息</a></li>
147     <li><a href="AddClass.jsp">添加课程</a></li>
148     <li><a href="ShowTeaClas">自己的课程</a></li>
149     <%} %>    
150     <li><a href="UpdatePassword.jsp">修改密码</a></li>
151 </ul>
152 </div>
153 <div id="right">
154 <form action="TeacherIn">
155 <table>
156 <tr>
158 <td>姓名:</td><td><input type="text" name="name" id="name"></td>
159 </tr><tr>
160 <td>工号:</td><td><input type="text" name="id" id="id"></td>
161 </tr>
162 <tr>
163 <td>性别:</td><td><input type="text" name="sex" id="sex"></td>
164 </tr>
165 <tr>
166 <td>学院:</td><td><input type="text" name="clas" id="clas"></td></tr>
167 <tr>
168 <td>职称:</td><td><input type="text" name="call" id="call"></td>
169 </tr>
170 <tr>
171 <td>密码:</td><td><input type="text" name="password" id="password"></td></tr>
172 <tr><td colspan="2"><button type="submit" value="提 交">提交</button></td></tr>
173 </table>
174 </form>
175 </div>
176 </body>
177 </html>
 1 package p1;
 3 import java.io.IOException;
 4 import java.sql.Connection;
 5 import java.sql.SQLException;
 6 import java.sql.Statement;
 8 import javax.servlet.ServletException;
 9 import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet;
10 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
11 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
12 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
13 @WebServlet("/TeacherIn")
14 public class TeacherIn extends HttpServlet {
15     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
16     public TeacherIn() {
17         super();
18         // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
19     }
20     protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
21         String name=request.getParameter("name");
22         String userid=request.getParameter("id");
23         int id=Integer.parseInt(userid);
24         String sex=request.getParameter("sex");
25         String call=request.getParameter("call");
26         String clas=request.getParameter("clas");
27         String password=request.getParameter("password");
28         Link l=new Link();
29         try {
30             Connection con=l.lin("Class_Select");
31             Statement stmt=con.createStatement();
32             String s="insert into User_Teacher values ("+id+",'"+name+"','"+sex+"','"+clas+"','"+call+"','"+password+"')";
33             System.out.println(s);
34             stmt.executeUpdate(s);
35             String s2="insert into userr values ('"+id+"','"+password+"','tch')";
36             stmt.executeUpdate(s2);
37             stmt.close();
38             con.close();
39         } catch (SQLException e) {
40             e.printStackTrace();
41         }
42         request.getSession().setAttribute("message", "添加成功!");
43         request.getRequestDispatcher("TeacherIn.jsp").forward(request, response);
44     }
45     protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
46         doGet(request, response);
47     }
49 }


  1 <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
  2     pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
  3      <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix="c"%>
  4 <!DOCTYPE html>
  5 <html>
  6 <head>
  7 <meta charset="UTF-8">
  8 <title>Document</title>
  9 <style type="text/css">
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 11             text-align: center;
 12             padding-top: 40px;
 13             font-family: "微软雅黑";
 14             font-size: 40px;
 15             background-color: #DDDDDD;
 16             height: 100px;
 17         }
 18         div ul{
 19             vertical-align: top;
 20             list-style-type: none;
 21             margin: 0px;
 22             vertical-align: left;
 23             width: 200px;
 24             padding: 0px;
 25             border-top: 20px solid #F8A0E7;
 26             border-bottom :20px solid #F8A0E7;
 27         }
 28         .headd{
 29             font-family: "微软雅黑";
 30             lighting-color: red;
 31             font-size: 20px;
 32         }
 33         div li a{
 34             height: 80px;
 35             display: block;
 36             padding: 0px 0px 0px 0em;
 37             text-decoration: none;
 38             border-left: 20px solid pink;
 39         }
 40         div li a:link,div li a:visited{
 41             background-color: #F0F0F0;
 42             color: #461737;
 43         }
 44         div li a:hover{
 45             background-color: green;
 46             color: gray;
 47         }
 48         div li a:active{
 49             background-color: pink;
 50         }
 51         #left{
 52         float:left;
 53         }
 54         #right{
 55         height:400px;
 56         width:1100px;
 57         float:left;
 58         }
 59         #inp{
 60         float:left;
 61         height:400px;
 62         width:1202px;
 63         }
 64         .btn{
 65         float:left;
 66         }
 67           table
 68         {
 69             width:1100px;
 70             height:500px;
 71             border-collapse: collapse;
 72             margin: 0 auto;
 73             text-align: center;
 74         }
 75         table td, table th
 76         {
 77             border: 1px solid #cad9ea;
 78             color: #666;
 79             height: 30px;
 80         }
 81         table thead th
 82         {
 83             background-color: #CCE8EB;
 84             width: 100px;
 85         }
 86         table tr:nth-child(odd)
 87         {
 88             background: #fff;
 89         }
 90         table tr:nth-child(even)
 91         {
 92             background: #F5FAFA;
 93         }
 95     button { /* 按钮美化 */
 96     width: 270px; /* 宽度 */
 97     height: 40px; /* 高度 */
 98     border-width: 0px; /* 边框宽度 */
 99     border-radius: 3px; /* 边框半径 */
100     background: #1E90FF; /* 背景颜色 */
101     cursor: pointer; /* 鼠标移入按钮范围时出现手势 */
102     outline: none; /* 不显示轮廓线 */
103     font-family: Microsoft YaHei; /* 设置字体 */
104     color: white; /* 字体颜色 */
105     font-size: 17px; /* 字体大小 */
106 }
107     button:hover { /* 鼠标移入按钮范围时改变颜色 */
108     background: #5599FF;
110 #chk {
111     display: none;  /* 将原生的checkbox隐藏 */
112 }
114 /* label 模拟 “划动条” */
115 #chk + label {  
116     position: relative;
117     display: inline-block;
118     width: 60px;
119     height: 20px;
120     border-radius: 10px;
121     background-color: #bbb;    
122 }
124 /* “label::before伪元素 模拟 “划块” */
125 #sex + label:before {
126     content: '';
127     cursor: pointer;
128     position: absolute;
129     top: -5px;
130     left: 0;
131     z-index: 99;
132     width: 30px;
133     height: 30px;
134     border-radius: 50%;
135     background: #F7F4F4;
136     box-shadow: 0 3px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.05), 0 0px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.3);
137     -webkit-transition: all 0.1s ease-in;
138     transition: all 0.1s ease-in;
139 }
141 /* checkbox选中状态时,“划动条”的样式 */
142 #sex:checked + label {
143     background: #aabbfd;    
144 }
146 /* checkbox选中状态时,“划块”的样式 */
147 #sex:checked + label:before {
148     content: '';
149     position: absolute;
150     left: 30px;
151     background-color: #4ea5dd;    
152 </style>
153 <%
154     String message = (String) session.getAttribute("message");
155     if (message != null) {
156 %>
157 <script type="text/javascript">
158     alert("<%=message%>");
159 </script>
160 <%
161     session.removeAttribute("message");
162     }
163 %>
164 </head>
165 <body>
166     <div id="d1">学生信息管理系统</div>
167     <div id="left">
168 <ul>
169     <li class="headd"><a href="#" onclick="fresh()">|REFESH|</a></li>
170     <%if(((String)session.getAttribute("usertype")).equals("root")){ %>
171     <li><a href="StudentIn.jsp">学生信息录入</a></li>
172     <li><a href="TeacherIn.jsp">教师信息录入</a></li>
173     <li><a href="AddUser.jsp">用户录入</a></li>
174     <li><a href="ShowStudent">学生信息</a></li>
175     <li><a href="ShowTeacher">教师信息</a></li>
176     <li><a href="ShowUser">用户信息</a></li>
177     <li><a href="AnalyseSum.jsp">统计学生信息</a></li>
178     <%}else if(((String)session.getAttribute("usertype")).equals("stu")){%>
179     <li><a href="ShowMySession?id=<%=session.getAttribute("userid")%>">我的信息</a></li>
180     <li><a href="Update.jsp">修改信息</a></li>
181     <li><a href="ShowClass">选课</a></li>
182     <li><a href="HaveSelected">已选课</a>
183     <%}else if(((String)session.getAttribute("usertype")).equals("tch")){ %>
184     <li><a href="ShowTeaSession?id=<%=session.getAttribute("userid")%>">我的信息</a></li>
185     <li><a href="AddClass.jsp">添加课程</a></li>
186     <li><a href="ShowTeaClas">自己的课程</a></li>
187     <%} %>    
188     <li><a href="UpdatePassword.jsp">修改密码</a></li>
189 </ul>
190 </div>
191 <div id="right">
192 <form action="UserIn">
193 <table>
194 <tr>
195 <td>账号:</td><td><input type="text" name="username" id="username"></td></tr>
196 <tr><td>密码:</td><td><input type="text" name="password" id="password"></td></tr>
197 <tr><td>用户类型:</td><td><input type="text" name="usertype" id="usertype"></td></tr>
198 <tr><td colspan="2"><button type="submit" value="提 交">提交</button></td></tr>
199 </table>
200 </form>
201 </div>
202 </body>
203 </html>
 1 package p1;
 3 import java.io.IOException;
 4 import java.sql.Connection;
 5 import java.sql.ResultSet;
 6 import java.sql.SQLException;
 7 import java.sql.Statement;
 9 import javax.servlet.ServletException;
10 import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet;
11 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
12 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
13 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
15 @WebServlet("/UserIn")
16 public class UserIn extends HttpServlet {
17     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
18     public UserIn() {
19         super();
20     }
21     protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
22             throws ServletException, IOException {
23         String username=request.getParameter("username");
24         String password = request.getParameter("password");
25         String type=request.getParameter("usertype");
26         int flag = 0;
27         Link l = new Link();
28         try {
29             Connection con = l.lin("Class_Select");
30             Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
31             String s0 = "select * from userr";
32             ResultSet rsst = stmt.executeQuery(s0);
33             while(rsst.next()) {
34                 if(username.equals(rsst.getString("username"))) {
35                     flag=1;
36                 }
37             }
38             if(flag==0) {
39                 String s="insert into userr values('"+username+"','"+password+"','"+type+"')";
40                 stmt.executeUpdate(s);
41             }
42             stmt.close();
43             rsst.close();
44             con.close();
45         } catch (SQLException e) {
46             e.printStackTrace();
47         }
48         if(flag==0) {
49         request.getSession().setAttribute("message", "录入成功!");
50         }else {
51             request.getSession().setAttribute("message", "用户名已存在!请重新录入!");
52         }
54         request.getRequestDispatcher("AddUser.jsp").forward(request, response);
55         response.getWriter().append("Served at: ").append(request.getContextPath());
56     }
58     protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
59             throws ServletException, IOException {
60         doGet(request, response);
61     }
63 }




































 1 package p1;
 3 public class StudentBean {
 4 private String id,name,sex,yard,clas;
 5 public String getId() {
 6     return id;
 7 }
 9 public void setId(String id) {
10     this.id = id;
11 }
13 public String getName() {
14     return name;
15 }
17 public void setName(String name) {
18     this.name = name;
19 }
21 public String getSex() {
22     return sex;
23 }
25 public void setSex(String sex) {
26     this.sex = sex;
27 }
29 public String getYard() {
30     return yard;
31 }
33 public void setYard(String yard) {
34     this.yard = yard;
35 }
37 public String getClas() {
38     return clas;
39 }
41 public void setClas(String clas) {
42     this.clas = clas;
43 }
45 }
 1 package p1;
 3 import java.io.IOException;
 4 import java.sql.Connection;
 5 import java.sql.ResultSet;
 6 import java.sql.SQLException;
 7 import java.sql.Statement;
 8 import java.util.ArrayList;
10 import javax.servlet.ServletException;
11 import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet;
12 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
13 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
14 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
15 @WebServlet("/ShowStudent")
16 public class ShowStudent extends HttpServlet {
17     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
18     public ShowStudent() {
19         super();
20     }
21     protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
22         ArrayList<StudentBean> arr=new ArrayList<StudentBean>();
23         Link l=new Link();
24         try {
25             Connection con=l.lin("Class_Select");
26             Statement stmt=con.createStatement();
27             String s="select * from User_Student";
28             ResultSet rsst=stmt.executeQuery(s);
29             while(rsst.next()) {
30                 StudentBean ub=new StudentBean();
31                 ub.setId(rsst.getString(1));
32                 ub.setName(rsst.getString(2));
33                 ub.setSex(rsst.getString(3));
34                 ub.setYard(rsst.getString(4));
35                 ub.setClas(rsst.getString(5));
36                 arr.add(ub);
37             }
38         } catch (SQLException e) {
39             e.printStackTrace();
40         }
41         request.setAttribute("list", arr);
42         request.getRequestDispatcher("ShowStudent.jsp").forward(request, response);
43     }
44     protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
45         doGet(request, response);
46     }
48 }
  1 <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
  2     pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
  3 <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix="c"%>
  5 <!DOCTYPE html>
  6 <html>
  7 <head>
  8 <meta charset="UTF-8">
  9 <title>Document</title>
 10 <style type="text/css">
 11 #d1 {
 12     text-align: center;
 13     padding-top: 40px;
 14     font-family: "微软雅黑";
 15     font-size: 40px;
 16     background-color: #DDDDDD;
 17     height: 100px;
 18 }
 20 div ul {
 21     vertical-align: top;
 22     list-style-type: none;
 23     margin: 0px;
 24     vertical-align: left;
 25     width: 200px;
 26     padding: 0px;
 27     border-top: 20px solid #F8A0E7;
 28     border-bottom: 20px solid #F8A0E7;
 29 }
 31 .headd {
 32     font-family: "微软雅黑";
 33     lighting-color: red;
 34     font-size: 20px;
 35 }
 37 div li a {
 38     height: 80px;
 39     display: block;
 40     padding: 0px 0px 0px 0em;
 41     text-decoration: none;
 42     border-left: 20px solid pink;
 43 }
 45 div li a:link, div li a:visited {
 46     background-color: #F0F0F0;
 47     color: #461737;
 48 }
 50 div li a:hover {
 51     background-color: green;
 52     color: gray;
 53 }
 55 div li a:active {
 56     background-color: pink;
 57 }
 59 #left {
 60     float: left;
 61 }
 63 #right {
 64     height: 400px;
 65     width: 1100px;
 66     float: left;
 67 }
 69 #inp {
 70     float: left;
 71     height: 400px;
 72     width: 1202px;
 73 }
 75 .btn {
 76     float: left;
 77 }
 79 table {
 80     width: 1300px;
 81     height: 500px;
 82     border-collapse: collapse;
 83     margin: 0 auto;
 84     text-align: center;
 85 }
 87 table td, table th {
 88     border: 1px solid #cad9ea;
 89     color: #666;
 90     height: 30px;
 91 }
 93 table thead th {
 94     background-color: #CCE8EB;
 95     width: 100px;
 96 }
 98 table tr:nth-child(odd) {
 99     background: #fff;
100 }
102 table tr:nth-child(even) {
103     background: #F5FAFA;
104 }
106 button { /* 按钮美化 */
107     width: 170px; /* 宽度 */
108     height: 40px; /* 高度 */
109     border-width: 0px; /* 边框宽度 */
110     border-radius: 3px; /* 边框半径 */
111     background: #1E90FF; /* 背景颜色 */
112     cursor: pointer; /* 鼠标移入按钮范围时出现手势 */
113     outline: none; /* 不显示轮廓线 */
114     font-family: Microsoft YaHei; /* 设置字体 */
115     color: white; /* 字体颜色 */
116     font-size: 17px; /* 字体大小 */
117 }
119 button:hover { /* 鼠标移入按钮范围时改变颜色 */
120     background: #5599FF;
121 }
122 </style>
123 <%
124     String message = (String) session.getAttribute("message");
125     if (message != null) {
126 %>
127 <script type="text/javascript">
128     alert("<%=message%>");
129     </script>
130 <%
131     session.removeAttribute("message");
132     }
133 %>
134 <script type="text/javascript">
135 function Update(id){
136     window.location.href="ShowMySession?id="+id;
137 }
138 function Borrow(id){
139     var sen=confirm("确认删除?");
140     if(sen==true)
141     window.location.href="DeleteStudent?id="+id;
142 }
143 </script>
144 </head>
145 <body onload="Onload()">
146     <div id="d1">学生信息管理系统</div>
147     <div id="left">
148 <ul>
149     <li class="headd"><a href="#" onclick="fresh()">|REFESH|</a></li>
150     <%if(((String)session.getAttribute("usertype")).equals("root")){ %>
151     <li><a href="StudentIn.jsp">学生信息录入</a></li>
152     <li><a href="TeacherIn.jsp">教师信息录入</a></li>
153     <li><a href="AddUser.jsp">用户录入</a></li>
154     <li><a href="ShowStudent">学生信息</a></li>
155     <li><a href="ShowTeacher">教师信息</a></li>
156     <li><a href="ShowUser">用户信息</a></li>
157     <li><a href="AnalyseSum.jsp">统计学生信息</a></li>
158     <%}else if(((String)session.getAttribute("usertype")).equals("stu")){%>
159     <li><a href="ShowMySession?id=<%=session.getAttribute("userid")%>">我的信息</a></li>
160     <li><a href="Update.jsp">修改信息</a></li>
161     <li><a href="ShowClass">选课</a></li>
162     <li><a href="HaveSelected">已选课</a>
163     <%}else if(((String)session.getAttribute("usertype")).equals("tch")){ %>
164     <li><a href="ShowTeaSession?id=<%=session.getAttribute("userid")%>">我的信息</a></li>
165     <li><a href="AddClass.jsp">添加课程</a></li>
166     <li><a href="ShowTeaClas">自己的课程</a></li>
167     <%} %>    
168     <li><a href="UpdatePassword.jsp">修改密码</a></li>
169 </ul>
170     </div>
171     <div id="right">
172         <table>
173             <tr>
175                 <td>按姓名查找:</td>
176                 <form action="SearchByName">
177                 <td><input type="text" name="name"></td>
178                 <td><button>查询</button></td>
179                 </form>
180                 <td>按班级查找:</td>
181                 <form action="SearchByClas">
182                 <td><input type="text" name="clas"></td>
183                 <td><button>查询</button></td></form>
185             </tr>
186             <c:forEach items="${list}" var="list">
187                 <tr>
188                     <td>学院:${list.yard}</td>
189                     <td>班级:${list.clas}</td>
190                     <td>姓名:${list.name}</td>
191                     <td>性别:${list.sex}</td>
192                     <td>学号:${list.id}</td>
193                     <td><button onclick="Update(${list.id})">修改</button></td>
194                     <td><button onclick="Borrow(${list.id})">删除</button></td>
195                 </tr>
196             </c:forEach>
197         </table>
198     </div>
199 </body>
200 </html>


 1 package p1;
 3 import java.io.IOException;
 4 import java.sql.Connection;
 5 import java.sql.ResultSet;
 6 import java.sql.SQLException;
 7 import java.sql.Statement;
 8 import java.util.ArrayList;
10 import javax.servlet.ServletException;
11 import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet;
12 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
13 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
14 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
15 @WebServlet("/ShowMySession")
16 public class ShowMySession extends HttpServlet {
17     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
18     public ShowMySession() {
19         super();
20     }
21     protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
22         ArrayList<StudentBean> arr=new ArrayList<StudentBean>();
23         String id=request.getParameter("id");
24         System.out.println(id);
25         Link l=new Link();
26         try {
27             Connection con=l.lin("Class_Select");
28             Statement stmt=con.createStatement();
29             String s="select * from User_Student where id='"+id+"'";
30             ResultSet rsst=stmt.executeQuery(s);
31             while(rsst.next()) {
32                 StudentBean ub=new StudentBean();
33                 ub.setId(rsst.getString(1));
34                 ub.setName(rsst.getString(2));
35                 ub.setSex(rsst.getString(3));
36                 ub.setYard(rsst.getString(4));
37                 ub.setClas(rsst.getString(5));
38                 arr.add(ub);
39             }
40         } catch (SQLException e) {
41             e.printStackTrace();
42         }
43         request.setAttribute("list", arr);
44         request.getRequestDispatcher("ShowMySession.jsp").forward(request, response);
45     }
46     protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
47         doGet(request, response);
48     }
50 }
  1 <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
  2     pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
  3 <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix="c"%>
  5 <!DOCTYPE html>
  6 <html>
  7 <head>
  8 <meta charset="UTF-8">
  9 <title>Document</title>
 10 <style type="text/css">
 11 #d1 {
 12     text-align: center;
 13     padding-top: 40px;
 14     font-family: "微软雅黑";
 15     font-size: 40px;
 16     background-color: #DDDDDD;
 17     height: 100px;
 18 }
 20 div ul {
 21     vertical-align: top;
 22     list-style-type: none;
 23     margin: 0px;
 24     vertical-align: left;
 25     width: 200px;
 26     padding: 0px;
 27     border-top: 20px solid #F8A0E7;
 28     border-bottom: 20px solid #F8A0E7;
 29 }
 31 .headd {
 32     font-family: "微软雅黑";
 33     lighting-color: red;
 34     font-size: 20px;
 35 }
 37 div li a {
 38     height: 80px;
 39     display: block;
 40     padding: 0px 0px 0px 0em;
 41     text-decoration: none;
 42     border-left: 20px solid pink;
 43 }
 45 div li a:link, div li a:visited {
 46     background-color: #F0F0F0;
 47     color: #461737;
 48 }
 50 div li a:hover {
 51     background-color: green;
 52     color: gray;
 53 }
 55 div li a:active {
 56     background-color: pink;
 57 }
 59 #left {
 60     float: left;
 61 }
 63 #right {
 64     height: 400px;
 65     width: 1100px;
 66     float: left;
 67 }
 69 #inp {
 70     float: left;
 71     height: 400px;
 72     width: 1202px;
 73 }
 75 .btn {
 76     float: left;
 77 }
 79 table {
 80     width: 1300px;
 81     height: 500px;
 82     border-collapse: collapse;
 83     margin: 0 auto;
 84     text-align: center;
 85 }
 87 table td, table th {
 88     border: 1px solid #cad9ea;
 89     color: #666;
 90     height: 30px;
 91 }
 93 table thead th {
 94     background-color: #CCE8EB;
 95     width: 100px;
 96 }
 98 table tr:nth-child(odd) {
 99     background: #fff;
100 }
102 table tr:nth-child(even) {
103     background: #F5FAFA;
104 }
106 button { /* 按钮美化 */
107     width: 270px; /* 宽度 */
108     height: 40px; /* 高度 */
109     border-width: 0px; /* 边框宽度 */
110     border-radius: 3px; /* 边框半径 */
111     background: #1E90FF; /* 背景颜色 */
112     cursor: pointer; /* 鼠标移入按钮范围时出现手势 */
113     outline: none; /* 不显示轮廓线 */
114     font-family: Microsoft YaHei; /* 设置字体 */
115     color: white; /* 字体颜色 */
116     font-size: 17px; /* 字体大小 */
117 }
119 button:hover { /* 鼠标移入按钮范围时改变颜色 */
120     background: #5599FF;
121 }
122 </style>
123 <%
124     String message = (String) session.getAttribute("message");
125     if (message != null) {
126 %>
127 <script type="text/javascript">
128     alert("<%=message%>");
129     </script>
130 <%
131     session.removeAttribute("message");
132     }
133 %>
134 <script type="text/javascript">
135 function UpdateYard(id){
136     var word=prompt("请输入修改后的结果:");
137     word=encodeURIComponent(word);
138     var sentence=confirm("是否确认修改!");
139     if(sentence==true)
140     window.location.href="UpdateStudent?id="+id+"&word="+word+"&type=yard";
141 }
142 function UpdateName(id){
143     var word=prompt("请输入修改后的结果:");
144     var sentence=confirm("是否确认修改!");
145     word=encodeURIComponent(word);
146     if(sentence==true)
147     window.location.href="UpdateStudent?id="+id+"&word="+word+"&type=name";
148 }
149 function UpdateSex(id){
150     var word=prompt("请输入修改后的结果:");
151     var sentence=confirm("是否确认修改!");
152     word=encodeURIComponent(word);
153     if(sentence==true)
154     window.location.href="UpdateStudent?id="+id+"&word="+word+"&type=sex";
155 }
156 function UpdateClas(id){
157     var word=prompt("请输入修改后的结果:");
158     var sentence=confirm("是否确认修改!");
159     word=encodeURIComponent(word);
160     if(sentence==true)
161     window.location.href="UpdateStudent?id="+id+"&word="+word+"&type=clas";
162 }
164 </script>
165 </head>
166 <body onload="Onload()">
167     <div id="d1">学生信息管理系统</div>
168     <div id="left">
169 <ul>
170     <li class="headd"><a href="#" onclick="fresh()">|REFESH|</a></li>
171     <%if(((String)session.getAttribute("usertype")).equals("root")){ %>
172     <li><a href="StudentIn.jsp">学生信息录入</a></li>
173     <li><a href="TeacherIn.jsp">教师信息录入</a></li>
174     <li><a href="AddUser.jsp">用户录入</a></li>
175     <li><a href="ShowStudent">学生信息</a></li>
176     <li><a href="ShowTeacher">教师信息</a></li>
177     <li><a href="ShowUser">用户信息</a></li>
178     <li><a href="AnalyseSum.jsp">统计学生信息</a></li>
179     <%}else if(((String)session.getAttribute("usertype")).equals("stu")){%>
180     <li><a href="ShowMySession?id=<%=session.getAttribute("userid")%>">我的信息</a></li>
181     <li><a href="ShowClass">选课</a></li>
182     <li><a href="HaveSelected">已选课</a>
183     <%}else if(((String)session.getAttribute("usertype")).equals("tch")){ %>
184     <li><a href="ShowTeaSession?id=<%=session.getAttribute("userid")%>">我的信息</a></li>
185     <li><a href="AddClass.jsp">添加课程</a></li>
186     <li><a href="ShowTeaClas">自己的课程</a></li>
187     <%} %>    
188     <li><a href="UpdatePassword.jsp">修改密码</a></li>
189 </ul>
190     </div>
191     <div id="right">
192         <table>
193             <c:forEach items="${list}" var="list">
194                 <tr>
195                     <td>学院:${list.yard}</td>
196                     <%if(session.getAttribute("usertype").equals("root")){ %>
197                     <td><button onclick="UpdateYard(${list.id})">修改</button></td><%} %>
198                 </tr><tr>
199                     <td>班级:${list.clas}</td>
200                     <%if(session.getAttribute("usertype").equals("root")){ %>
201                     <td><button onclick="UpdateClas(${list.id})">修改</button></td><%} %>
202                 </tr><tr>
203                     <td>姓名:${list.name}</td>
204                             <%if(session.getAttribute("usertype").equals("root")){ %>
205                     <td><button onclick="UpdateName(${list.id})">修改</button></td><%} %>
206                 </tr><tr>
207                     <td>性别:${list.sex}</td>
208                             <%if(session.getAttribute("usertype").equals("root")){ %>
209                     <td><button onclick="UpdateSex(${list.id})">修改</button></td><%} %>
210                 </tr><tr>
211                     <td>学号:${list.id}</td>
212                 </tr>
213             </c:forEach>
214         </table>
215     </div>
216 </body>
217 </html>
 1 package p1;
 3 import java.io.IOException;
 4 import java.sql.Connection;
 5 import java.sql.SQLException;
 6 import java.sql.Statement;
 8 import javax.servlet.ServletException;
 9 import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet;
10 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
11 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
12 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
13 @WebServlet("/UpdateStudent")
14 public class UpdateStudent extends HttpServlet {
15     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
16     public UpdateStudent() {
17         super();
18     }
19     protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
20         String type=request.getParameter("type");
21         String word=request.getParameter("word");
22         String id=request.getParameter("id");
23         Link l=new Link();
24         try {
25             Connection con=l.lin("Class_Select");
26             Statement stmt=con.createStatement();
27             String s="update User_Student set "+type+"='"+word+"' where id='"+id+"'";
28             stmt.executeUpdate(s);
29             stmt.close();
30             con.close();
31         } catch (SQLException e) {
32             e.printStackTrace();
33         }
34         request.getSession().setAttribute("message", "修改成功!");
35         request.getRequestDispatcher("ShowStudent").forward(request, response);
36     }
37     protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
38         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
39         doGet(request, response);
40     }
42 }


 1 package p1;
 3 import java.io.IOException;
 4 import java.sql.Connection;
 5 import java.sql.SQLException;
 6 import java.sql.Statement;
 8 import javax.servlet.ServletException;
 9 import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet;
10 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
11 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
12 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
13 @WebServlet("/DeleteStudent")
14 public class DeleteStudent extends HttpServlet {
15     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
16     public DeleteStudent() {
17         super();
18     }
19     protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
20         String id=request.getParameter("id");
21         Link l=new Link();
22         try {
23             Connection con=l.lin("Class_Select");
24             Statement stmt=con.createStatement();
25             String s="delete User_Student where id='"+id+"'";
26             stmt.executeUpdate(s);
27         } catch (SQLException e) {
28             e.printStackTrace();
29         }
30         request.getSession().setAttribute("message", "删除成功!");
31         request.getRequestDispatcher("ShowStudent").forward(request, response);
32     }
34     protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
35         doGet(request, response);
36     }
38 }


 1 package p1;
 3 import java.io.IOException;
 4 import java.sql.Connection;
 5 import java.sql.ResultSet;
 6 import java.sql.SQLException;
 7 import java.sql.Statement;
 8 import java.util.ArrayList;
10 import javax.servlet.ServletException;
11 import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet;
12 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
13 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
14 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
15 @WebServlet("/SearchByName")
16 public class SearchByName extends HttpServlet {
17     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
18     public SearchByName() {
19         super();
20     }
21     protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
22         String name=request.getParameter("name");
23         ArrayList<StudentBean> list=new ArrayList<>();
24         int flag=0;
25         System.out.println(name);
26         if(name!=""&&name!=null) {
27             Link l=new Link();
28             try {
29                 Connection con=l.lin("Class_Select");
30                 Statement stmt=con.createStatement();
31                 ResultSet rsst=stmt.executeQuery("select * from User_Student where name='"+name+"'");
32                 while(rsst.next()) {
33                     StudentBean st=new StudentBean();
34                     st.setId(rsst.getString(1));
35                     st.setName(rsst.getString(2));
36                     st.setSex(rsst.getString(3));
37                     st.setYard(rsst.getString(4));
38                     st.setClas(rsst.getString(5));
39                     list.add(st);
40                     flag=1;
41                 }
42             } catch (SQLException e) {
43                 // TODO Auto-generated catch block
44                 e.printStackTrace();
45             }
47     }
48         if(flag==0) {
49             System.out.println(1111111);
50             request.getSession().setAttribute("message", "查无此人!");
51             request.getRequestDispatcher("ShowStudent").forward(request,response);
52         }else {
53             request.getSession().setAttribute("list", list);
54     request.getRequestDispatcher("ShowStudent.jsp").forward(request,response);
55         }
56     }
57     protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
58         doGet(request, response);
59     }
61 }
 1 package p1;
 3 import java.io.IOException;
 4 import java.sql.Connection;
 5 import java.sql.ResultSet;
 6 import java.sql.SQLException;
 7 import java.sql.Statement;
 8 import java.util.ArrayList;
10 import javax.servlet.ServletException;
11 import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet;
12 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
13 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
14 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
15 @WebServlet("/SearchByClas")
16 public class SearchByClas extends HttpServlet {
17     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
18     public SearchByClas() {
19         super();
20     }
21     protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
22         String clas=request.getParameter("clas");
23         ArrayList<StudentBean> list=new ArrayList<>();
24         int flag=0;
25         if(clas!=""&&clas!=null) {
26             Link l=new Link();
27             try {
28                 Connection con=l.lin("Class_Select");
29                 Statement stmt=con.createStatement();
30                 ResultSet rsst=stmt.executeQuery("select * from User_Student where clas='"+clas+"'");
31                 while(rsst.next()) {
32                     StudentBean st=new StudentBean();
33                     st.setId(rsst.getString(1));
34                     st.setName(rsst.getString(2));
35                     st.setSex(rsst.getString(3));
36                     st.setYard(rsst.getString(4));
37                     st.setClas(rsst.getString(5));
38                     list.add(st);
39                     flag=1;
40                 }
41             } catch (SQLException e) {
42                 // TODO Auto-generated catch block
43                 e.printStackTrace();
44             }
46     }
47         if(flag==0) {
48             System.out.println(1111111);
49             request.getSession().setAttribute("message", "查无此班!");
50             request.getRequestDispatcher("ShowStudent").forward(request,response);
51         }else {
52             request.getSession().setAttribute("list", list);
53             System.out.println(1);
54             request.getRequestDispatcher("ShowStudent.jsp").forward(request,response);
55         }
56     }
57     protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
58         doGet(request, response);
59     }
61 }





 1 package p1;
 3 public class TeacherBean {
 4     private String sex,name,yard,call,id;
 5     public String getId() {
 6         return id;
 7     }
 8     public void setId(String id) {
 9         this.id = id;
10     }
11     public String getSex() {
12         return sex;
13     }
14     public void setSex(String sex) {
15         this.sex = sex;
16     }
17     public String getName() {
18         return name;
19     }
20     public void setName(String name) {
21         this.name = name;
22     }
23     public String getYard() {
24         return yard;
25     }
26     public void setYard(String yard) {
27         this.yard = yard;
28     }
29     public String getCall() {
30         return call;
31     }
32     public void setCall(String call) {
33         this.call = call;
34     }
35 }
 1 package p1;
 3 import java.io.IOException;
 4 import java.sql.Connection;
 5 import java.sql.ResultSet;
 6 import java.sql.SQLException;
 7 import java.sql.Statement;
 8 import java.util.ArrayList;
10 import javax.servlet.ServletException;
11 import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet;
12 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
13 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
14 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
15 @WebServlet("/ShowTeacher")
16 public class ShowTeacher extends HttpServlet {
17     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
18     public ShowTeacher() {
19         super();
20     }
21     protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
22         ArrayList<TeacherBean> arr=new ArrayList<TeacherBean>();
23         Link l=new Link();
24         try {
25             Connection con=l.lin("Class_Select");
26             Statement stmt=con.createStatement();
27             String s="select * from User_Teacher";
28             ResultSet rsst=stmt.executeQuery(s);
29             while(rsst.next()) {
30                 TeacherBean ub=new TeacherBean();
31                 ub.setId(rsst.getString(1));
32                 ub.setName(rsst.getString(2));
33                 ub.setSex(rsst.getString(3));
34                 ub.setYard(rsst.getString(4));
35                 ub.setCall(rsst.getString(5));
36                 arr.add(ub);
37             }
38         } catch (SQLException e) {
39             e.printStackTrace();
40         }
41         request.setAttribute("list", arr);
42         request.getRequestDispatcher("ShowTeacher.jsp").forward(request, response);
43     }
44     protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
45         doGet(request, response);
46     }
48 }
  1 <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
  2     pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
  3 <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix="c"%>
  5 <!DOCTYPE html>
  6 <html>
  7 <head>
  8 <meta charset="UTF-8">
  9 <title>Document</title>
 10 <style type="text/css">
 11 #d1 {
 12     text-align: center;
 13     padding-top: 40px;
 14     font-family: "微软雅黑";
 15     font-size: 40px;
 16     background-color: #DDDDDD;
 17     height: 100px;
 18 }
 20 div ul {
 21     vertical-align: top;
 22     list-style-type: none;
 23     margin: 0px;
 24     vertical-align: left;
 25     width: 200px;
 26     padding: 0px;
 27     border-top: 20px solid #F8A0E7;
 28     border-bottom: 20px solid #F8A0E7;
 29 }
 31 .headd {
 32     font-family: "微软雅黑";
 33     lighting-color: red;
 34     font-size: 20px;
 35 }
 37 div li a {
 38     height: 80px;
 39     display: block;
 40     padding: 0px 0px 0px 0em;
 41     text-decoration: none;
 42     border-left: 20px solid pink;
 43 }
 45 div li a:link, div li a:visited {
 46     background-color: #F0F0F0;
 47     color: #461737;
 48 }
 50 div li a:hover {
 51     background-color: green;
 52     color: gray;
 53 }
 55 div li a:active {
 56     background-color: pink;
 57 }
 59 #left {
 60     float: left;
 61 }
 63 #right {
 64     height: 400px;
 65     width: 1100px;
 66     float: left;
 67 }
 69 #inp {
 70     float: left;
 71     height: 400px;
 72     width: 1202px;
 73 }
 75 .btn {
 76     float: left;
 77 }
 79 table {
 80     width: 1300px;
 81     height: 500px;
 82     border-collapse: collapse;
 83     margin: 0 auto;
 84     text-align: center;
 85 }
 87 table td, table th {
 88     border: 1px solid #cad9ea;
 89     color: #666;
 90     height: 30px;
 91 }
 93 table thead th {
 94     background-color: #CCE8EB;
 95     width: 100px;
 96 }
 98 table tr:nth-child(odd) {
 99     background: #fff;
100 }
102 table tr:nth-child(even) {
103     background: #F5FAFA;
104 }
106 button { /* 按钮美化 */
107     width: 170px; /* 宽度 */
108     height: 40px; /* 高度 */
109     border-width: 0px; /* 边框宽度 */
110     border-radius: 3px; /* 边框半径 */
111     background: #1E90FF; /* 背景颜色 */
112     cursor: pointer; /* 鼠标移入按钮范围时出现手势 */
113     outline: none; /* 不显示轮廓线 */
114     font-family: Microsoft YaHei; /* 设置字体 */
115     color: white; /* 字体颜色 */
116     font-size: 17px; /* 字体大小 */
117 }
119 button:hover { /* 鼠标移入按钮范围时改变颜色 */
120     background: #5599FF;
121 }
122 </style>
123 <%
124     String message = (String) session.getAttribute("message");
125     if (message != null) {
126 %>
127 <script type="text/javascript">
128     alert("<%=message%>");
129     </script>
130 <%
131     session.removeAttribute("message");
132     }
133 %>
134 <script type="text/javascript">
135 function Update(id){
136     window.location.href="ShowTeaSession?id="+id;
137 }
138 function Borrow(id){
139     var sen=confirm("确认删除?");
140     if(sen==true)
141     window.location.href="DeleteTeacher?id="+id;
142 }
143 </script>
144 </head>
145 <body onload="Onload()">
146     <div id="d1">学生信息管理系统</div>
147     <div id="left">
148 <ul>
149     <li class="headd"><a href="#" onclick="fresh()">|REFESH|</a></li>
150     <%if(((String)session.getAttribute("usertype")).equals("root")){ %>
151     <li><a href="StudentIn.jsp">学生信息录入</a></li>
152     <li><a href="TeacherIn.jsp">教师信息录入</a></li>
153     <li><a href="AddUser.jsp">用户录入</a></li>
154     <li><a href="ShowStudent">学生信息</a></li>
155     <li><a href="ShowTeacher">教师信息</a></li>
156     <li><a href="ShowUser">用户信息</a></li>
157     <li><a href="AnalyseSum.jsp">统计学生信息</a></li>
158     <%}else if(((String)session.getAttribute("usertype")).equals("stu")){%>
159     <li><a href="ShowMySession?id=<%=session.getAttribute("userid")%>">我的信息</a></li>
160     <li><a href="Update.jsp">修改信息</a></li>
161     <li><a href="ShowClass">选课</a></li>
162     <li><a href="HaveSelected">已选课</a>
163     <%}else if(((String)session.getAttribute("usertype")).equals("tch")){ %>
164     <li><a href="ShowTeaSession?id=<%=session.getAttribute("userid")%>">我的信息</a></li>
165     <li><a href="AddClass.jsp">添加课程</a></li>
166     <li><a href="ShowTeaClas">自己的课程</a></li>
167     <%} %>    
168     <li><a href="UpdatePassword.jsp">修改密码</a></li>
169 </ul>
170     </div>
171     <div id="right">
172         <table>
173             <tr>
175                 <td>按姓名查找:</td>
176                 <form action="SearchTeaByName">
177                 <td><input type="text" name="name"></td>
178                 <td><button>查询</button></td>
179                 </form>
180                 <td>按学院查找:</td>
181                 <form action="SearchTeaByClas">
182                 <td><input type="text" name="clas"></td>
183                 <td><button>查询</button></td></form>
185             </tr>
186             <c:forEach items="${list}" var="list">
187                 <tr>    
188                     <td>姓名:${list.name}</td>
189                     <td>性别:${list.sex}</td>
190                     <td>工号:${list.id}</td>
191                     <td>学院:${list.yard}</td>
192                     <td>职称:${list.call}</td>
193                     <td><button onclick="Update(${list.id})">修改</button></td>
194                     <td><button onclick="Borrow(${list.id})">删除</button></td>
195                 </tr>
196             </c:forEach>
197         </table>
198     </div>
199 </body>
200 </html>


 1 package p1;
 3 import java.io.IOException;
 4 import java.sql.Connection;
 5 import java.sql.ResultSet;
 6 import java.sql.SQLException;
 7 import java.sql.Statement;
 8 import java.util.ArrayList;
10 import javax.servlet.ServletException;
11 import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet;
12 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
13 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
14 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
15 @WebServlet("/ShowTeaSession")
16 public class ShowTeaSession extends HttpServlet {
17     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
18     public ShowTeaSession() {
19         super();
20     }
21     protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
22         Link l=new Link();
23         String id=request.getParameter("id");
24         ArrayList<TeacherBean> list=new ArrayList<TeacherBean>();
25         try {
26             Connection con=l.lin("Class_Select");
27             Statement stmt=con.createStatement();
28             String s="select * from User_Teacher where id="+id;
29             ResultSet rsst=stmt.executeQuery(s);
30             while(rsst.next()) {
31                 TeacherBean bk=new TeacherBean();
32                 bk.setId(rsst.getString("id"));
33                 bk.setName(rsst.getString("name"));
34                 bk.setSex(rsst.getString("sex"));
35                 bk.setYard(rsst.getString("yard"));
36                 bk.setCall(rsst.getString("call"));
37                 list.add(bk);
38             }
39             stmt.close();
40             rsst.close();
41             con.close();
42         } catch (SQLException e) {
43             // TODO Auto-generated catch block
44             e.printStackTrace();
45         }
46         request.setAttribute("list", list);
47         request.getRequestDispatcher("TeaShowMySession.jsp").forward(request, response);
48     }
49     protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
50         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
51         doGet(request, response);
52     }
54 }
  1 <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
  2     pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
  3 <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix="c"%>
  5 <!DOCTYPE html>
  6 <html>
  7 <head>
  8 <meta charset="UTF-8">
  9 <title>Document</title>
 10 <style type="text/css">
 11 #d1 {
 12     text-align: center;
 13     padding-top: 40px;
 14     font-family: "微软雅黑";
 15     font-size: 40px;
 16     background-color: #DDDDDD;
 17     height: 100px;
 18 }
 20 div ul {
 21     vertical-align: top;
 22     list-style-type: none;
 23     margin: 0px;
 24     vertical-align: left;
 25     width: 200px;
 26     padding: 0px;
 27     border-top: 20px solid #F8A0E7;
 28     border-bottom: 20px solid #F8A0E7;
 29 }
 31 .headd {
 32     font-family: "微软雅黑";
 33     lighting-color: red;
 34     font-size: 20px;
 35 }
 37 div li a {
 38     height: 80px;
 39     display: block;
 40     padding: 0px 0px 0px 0em;
 41     text-decoration: none;
 42     border-left: 20px solid pink;
 43 }
 45 div li a:link, div li a:visited {
 46     background-color: #F0F0F0;
 47     color: #461737;
 48 }
 50 div li a:hover {
 51     background-color: green;
 52     color: gray;
 53 }
 55 div li a:active {
 56     background-color: pink;
 57 }
 59 #left {
 60     float: left;
 61 }
 63 #right {
 64     height: 400px;
 65     width: 1100px;
 66     float: left;
 67 }
 69 #inp {
 70     float: left;
 71     height: 400px;
 72     width: 1202px;
 73 }
 75 .btn {
 76     float: left;
 77 }
 79 table {
 80     width: 1300px;
 81     height: 500px;
 82     border-collapse: collapse;
 83     margin: 0 auto;
 84     text-align: center;
 85 }
 87 table td, table th {
 88     border: 1px solid #cad9ea;
 89     color: #666;
 90     height: 30px;
 91 }
 93 table thead th {
 94     background-color: #CCE8EB;
 95     width: 100px;
 96 }
 98 table tr:nth-child(odd) {
 99     background: #fff;
100 }
102 table tr:nth-child(even) {
103     background: #F5FAFA;
104 }
106 button { /* 按钮美化 */
107     width: 270px; /* 宽度 */
108     height: 40px; /* 高度 */
109     border-width: 0px; /* 边框宽度 */
110     border-radius: 3px; /* 边框半径 */
111     background: #1E90FF; /* 背景颜色 */
112     cursor: pointer; /* 鼠标移入按钮范围时出现手势 */
113     outline: none; /* 不显示轮廓线 */
114     font-family: Microsoft YaHei; /* 设置字体 */
115     color: white; /* 字体颜色 */
116     font-size: 17px; /* 字体大小 */
117 }
119 button:hover { /* 鼠标移入按钮范围时改变颜色 */
120     background: #5599FF;
121 }
122 </style>
123 <%
124     String message = (String) session.getAttribute("message");
125     if (message != null) {
126 %>
127 <script type="text/javascript">
128     alert("<%=message%>");
129     </script>
130 <%
131     session.removeAttribute("message");
132     }
133 %>
134 <script type="text/javascript">
135 function UpdateYard(id){
136     var word=prompt("请输入修改后的结果:");
137     word=encodeURIComponent(word);
138     var sentence=confirm("是否确认修改!");
139     if(sentence==true)
140     window.location.href="UpdateStudent?id="+id+"&word="+word+"&type=yard";
141 }
142 function UpdateName(id){
143     var word=prompt("请输入修改后的结果:");
144     var sentence=confirm("是否确认修改!");
145     word=encodeURIComponent(word);
146     if(sentence==true)
147     window.location.href="UpdateStudent?id="+id+"&word="+word+"&type=name";
148 }
149 function UpdateSex(id){
150     var word=prompt("请输入修改后的结果:");
151     var sentence=confirm("是否确认修改!");
152     word=encodeURIComponent(word);
153     if(sentence==true)
154     window.location.href="UpdateStudent?id="+id+"&word="+word+"&type=sex";
155 }
156 function UpdateClas(id){
157     var word=prompt("请输入修改后的结果:");
158     var sentence=confirm("是否确认修改!");
159     word=encodeURIComponent(word);
160     if(sentence==true)
161     window.location.href="UpdateStudent?id="+id+"&word="+word+"&type=clas";
162 }
164 </script>
165 </head>
166 <body onload="Onload()">
167     <div id="d1">学生信息管理系统</div>
168     <div id="left">
169 <ul>
170     <li class="headd"><a href="#" onclick="fresh()">|REFESH|</a></li>
171     <%if(((String)session.getAttribute("usertype")).equals("root")){ %>
172     <li><a href="StudentIn.jsp">学生信息录入</a></li>
173     <li><a href="TeacherIn.jsp">教师信息录入</a></li>
174     <li><a href="AddUser.jsp">用户录入</a></li>
175     <li><a href="ShowStudent">学生信息</a></li>
176     <li><a href="ShowTeacher">教师信息</a></li>
177     <li><a href="ShowUser">用户信息</a></li>
178     <li><a href="AnalyseSum.jsp">统计学生信息</a></li>
179     <%}else if(((String)session.getAttribute("usertype")).equals("stu")){%>
180     <li><a href="ShowMySession?id=<%=session.getAttribute("userid")%>">我的信息</a></li>
181     <li><a href="Update.jsp">修改信息</a></li>
182     <li><a href="ShowClass">选课</a></li>
183     <li><a href="HaveSelected">已选课</a>
184     <%}else if(((String)session.getAttribute("usertype")).equals("tch")){ %>
185     <li><a href="ShowTeaSession?id=<%=session.getAttribute("userid")%>">我的信息</a></li>
186     <li><a href="AddClass.jsp">添加课程</a></li>
187     <li><a href="ShowTeaClas">自己的课程</a></li>
188     <%} %>    
189     <li><a href="UpdatePassword.jsp">修改密码</a></li>
190 </ul>
191     </div>
192     <div id="right">
193         <table>
194             <c:forEach items="${list}" var="list">
195                 <tr>
196                     <td>工号:${list.id}</td>
197                 </tr>
198                 <tr>
199                     <td>姓名:${list.name}</td>
200                 </tr>
201                 <tr>
202                     <td>性别:${list.sex}</td>
203                 </tr>
204                 <tr>
205                     <td>学院:${list.yard}</td>
206                 </tr><tr>
207                     <td>职称:${list.call}</td>
208                 </tr>
209             </c:forEach>
210         </table>
211     </div>
212 </body>
213 </html>


 1 package p1;
 3 import java.io.IOException;
 4 import java.sql.Connection;
 5 import java.sql.SQLException;
 6 import java.sql.Statement;
 8 import javax.servlet.ServletException;
 9 import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet;
10 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
11 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
12 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
13 @WebServlet("/DeleteTeacher")
14 public class DeleteTeacher extends HttpServlet {
15     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
16     public DeleteTeacher() {
17         super();
18     }
19     protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
20         String id=request.getParameter("id");
21         Link l=new Link();
22         try {
23             Connection con=l.lin("Class_Select");
24             Statement stmt=con.createStatement();
25             String s="delete User_Teacher where id='"+id+"'";
26             stmt.executeUpdate(s);
27         } catch (SQLException e) {
28             e.printStackTrace();
29         }
30         request.getSession().setAttribute("message", "删除成功!");
31         request.getRequestDispatcher("ShowTeacher").forward(request, response);
32     }
34     protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
35         doGet(request, response);
36     }
38 }


 1 package p1;
 3 import java.io.IOException;
 4 import java.sql.Connection;
 5 import java.sql.ResultSet;
 6 import java.sql.SQLException;
 7 import java.sql.Statement;
 8 import java.util.ArrayList;
10 import javax.servlet.ServletException;
11 import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet;
12 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
13 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
14 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
15 @WebServlet("/SearchTeaByName")
16 public class SearchTeaByName extends HttpServlet {
17     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
18     public SearchTeaByName() {
19         super();
20     }
21     protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
22         String name=request.getParameter("name");
23         ArrayList<TeacherBean> list=new ArrayList<>();
24         int flag=0;
25         System.out.println(name);
26         if(name!=""&&name!=null) {
27             Link l=new Link();
28             try {
29                 Connection con=l.lin("Class_Select");
30                 Statement stmt=con.createStatement();
31                 ResultSet rsst=stmt.executeQuery("select * from User_Teacher where name='"+name+"'");
32                 while(rsst.next()) {
33                     TeacherBean st=new TeacherBean();
34                     st.setId(rsst.getString(1));
35                     st.setName(rsst.getString(2));
36                     st.setSex(rsst.getString(3));
37                     st.setYard(rsst.getString(4));
38                     st.setCall(rsst.getString(5));
39                     list.add(st);
40                     flag=1;
41                 }
42             } catch (SQLException e) {
43                 // TODO Auto-generated catch block
44                 e.printStackTrace();
45             }
47     }
48         if(flag==0) {
49             System.out.println(1111111);
50             request.getSession().setAttribute("message", "查无此人!");
51             request.getRequestDispatcher("ShowTeacher").forward(request,response);
52         }else {
53             request.getSession().setAttribute("list", list);
54             System.out.println(1);
55             request.getRequestDispatcher("ShowTeacher.jsp").forward(request,response);
56         }
57     }
58     protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
59         doGet(request, response);
60     }
62 }
 1 package p1;
 3 import java.io.IOException;
 4 import java.sql.Connection;
 5 import java.sql.ResultSet;
 6 import java.sql.SQLException;
 7 import java.sql.Statement;
 8 import java.util.ArrayList;
10 import javax.servlet.ServletException;
11 import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet;
12 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
13 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
14 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
15 @WebServlet("/SearchTeaByClas")
16 public class SearchTeaByClas extends HttpServlet {
17     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
18     public SearchTeaByClas() {
19         super();
20     }
21     protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
22         String clas=request.getParameter("clas");
23         ArrayList<TeacherBean> list=new ArrayList<>();
24         int flag=0;
25         if(clas!=""&&clas!=null) {
26             Link l=new Link();
27             try {
28                 Connection con=l.lin("Class_Select");
29                 Statement stmt=con.createStatement();
30                 ResultSet rsst=stmt.executeQuery("select * from User_Teacher where yard='"+clas+"'");
31                 while(rsst.next()) {
32                     TeacherBean st=new TeacherBean();
33                     st.setId(rsst.getString(1));
34                     st.setName(rsst.getString(2));
35                     st.setSex(rsst.getString(3));
36                     st.setYard(rsst.getString(4));
37                     st.setCall(rsst.getString(5));
38                     list.add(st);
39                     flag=1;
40                 }
41             } catch (SQLException e) {
42                 // TODO Auto-generated catch block
43                 e.printStackTrace();
44             }
46     }
47         if(flag==0) {
48             System.out.println(1111111);
49             request.getSession().setAttribute("message", "查无此系!");
50             request.getRequestDispatcher("ShowTeacher").forward(request,response);
51         }else {
52             request.getSession().setAttribute("list", list);
53             System.out.println(1);
54             request.getRequestDispatcher("ShowTeacher.jsp").forward(request,response);
55         }
56     }
57     protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
58         doGet(request, response);
59     }
61 }









 1 package p1;
 3 import java.io.IOException;
 4 import java.sql.Connection;
 5 import java.sql.ResultSet;
 6 import java.sql.SQLException;
 7 import java.sql.Statement;
 8 import java.util.ArrayList;
10 import javax.servlet.ServletException;
11 import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet;
12 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
13 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
14 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
15 @WebServlet("/ShowUser")
16 public class ShowUser extends HttpServlet {
17     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
18     public ShowUser() {
19         super();
20     }
21     protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
22         ArrayList<UserBean> arr=new ArrayList<UserBean>();
23         Link l=new Link();
24         try {
25             Connection con=l.lin("Class_Select");
26             Statement stmt=con.createStatement();
27             String s="select * from userr";
28             ResultSet rsst=stmt.executeQuery(s);
29             while(rsst.next()) {
30                 UserBean ub=new UserBean();
31                 ub.setUsername(rsst.getString(1));
32                 ub.setPassword(rsst.getString(2));
33                 ub.setType(rsst.getString(3));
34                 arr.add(ub);
35             }
36         } catch (SQLException e) {
37             e.printStackTrace();
38         }
39         request.setAttribute("list", arr);
40         request.getRequestDispatcher("ShowUser.jsp").forward(request, response);
41     }
42     protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
43         doGet(request, response);
44     }
46 }
  1 <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
  2     pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
  3 <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix="c"%>
  5 <!DOCTYPE html>
  6 <html>
  7 <head>
  8 <meta charset="UTF-8">
  9 <title>Document</title>
 10 <style type="text/css">
 11 #d1 {
 12     text-align: center;
 13     padding-top: 40px;
 14     font-family: "微软雅黑";
 15     font-size: 40px;
 16     background-color: #DDDDDD;
 17     height: 100px;
 18 }
 20 div ul {
 21     vertical-align: top;
 22     list-style-type: none;
 23     margin: 0px;
 24     vertical-align: left;
 25     width: 200px;
 26     padding: 0px;
 27     border-top: 20px solid #F8A0E7;
 28     border-bottom: 20px solid #F8A0E7;
 29 }
 31 .headd {
 32     font-family: "微软雅黑";
 33     lighting-color: red;
 34     font-size: 20px;
 35 }
 37 div li a {
 38     height: 80px;
 39     display: block;
 40     padding: 0px 0px 0px 0em;
 41     text-decoration: none;
 42     border-left: 20px solid pink;
 43 }
 45 div li a:link, div li a:visited {
 46     background-color: #F0F0F0;
 47     color: #461737;
 48 }
 50 div li a:hover {
 51     background-color: green;
 52     color: gray;
 53 }
 55 div li a:active {
 56     background-color: pink;
 57 }
 59 #left {
 60     float: left;
 61 }
 63 #right {
 64     height: 400px;
 65     width: 1100px;
 66     float: left;
 67 }
 69 #inp {
 70     float: left;
 71     height: 400px;
 72     width: 1202px;
 73 }
 75 .btn {
 76     float: left;
 77 }
 79 table {
 80     width: 1100px;
 81     height: 500px;
 82     border-collapse: collapse;
 83     margin: 0 auto;
 84     text-align: center;
 85 }
 87 table td, table th {
 88     border: 1px solid #cad9ea;
 89     color: #666;
 90     height: 30px;
 91 }
 93 table thead th {
 94     background-color: #CCE8EB;
 95     width: 100px;
 96 }
 98 table tr:nth-child(odd) {
 99     background: #fff;
100 }
102 table tr:nth-child(even) {
103     background: #F5FAFA;
104 }
106 button { /* 按钮美化 */
107     width: 270px; /* 宽度 */
108     height: 40px; /* 高度 */
109     border-width: 0px; /* 边框宽度 */
110     border-radius: 3px; /* 边框半径 */
111     background: #1E90FF; /* 背景颜色 */
112     cursor: pointer; /* 鼠标移入按钮范围时出现手势 */
113     outline: none; /* 不显示轮廓线 */
114     font-family: Microsoft YaHei; /* 设置字体 */
115     color: white; /* 字体颜色 */
116     font-size: 17px; /* 字体大小 */
117 }
119 button:hover { /* 鼠标移入按钮范围时改变颜色 */
120     background: #5599FF;
121 }
122 </style>
123 <%
124     String message = (String) session.getAttribute("message");
125     if (message != null) {
126 %>
127 <script type="text/javascript">
128     alert("<%=message%>");
129     </script>
130 <%
131     session.removeAttribute("message");
132     }
133 %>
134 <script type="text/javascript">
135 function Borrow(id){
136     window.location.href="DeleteUser?id="+id;
137 }
139 </script>
140 </head>
141 <body onload="Onload()">
142     <div id="d1">学生信息管理系统</div>
143     <div id="left">
144 <ul>
145     <li class="headd"><a href="#" onclick="fresh()">|REFESH|</a></li>
146     <%if(((String)session.getAttribute("usertype")).equals("root")){ %>
147     <li><a href="StudentIn.jsp">学生信息录入</a></li>
148     <li><a href="TeacherIn.jsp">教师信息录入</a></li>
149     <li><a href="AddUser.jsp">用户录入</a></li>
150     <li><a href="ShowStudent">学生信息</a></li>
151     <li><a href="ShowTeacher">教师信息</a></li>
152     <li><a href="ShowUser">用户信息</a></li>
153     <li><a href="AnalyseSum.jsp">统计学生信息</a></li>
154     <%}else if(((String)session.getAttribute("usertype")).equals("stu")){%>
155     <li><a href="ShowMySession?id=<%=session.getAttribute("userid")%>">我的信息</a></li>
156     <li><a href="Update.jsp">修改信息</a></li>
157     <li><a href="ShowClass">选课</a></li>
158     <li><a href="HaveSelected">已选课</a>
159     <%}else if(((String)session.getAttribute("usertype")).equals("tch")){ %>
160     <li><a href="ShowTeaSession?id=<%=session.getAttribute("userid")%>">我的信息</a></li>
161     <li><a href="AddClass.jsp">添加课程</a></li>
162     <li><a href="ShowTeaClas">自己的课程</a></li>
163     <%} %>    
164     <li><a href="UpdatePassword.jsp">修改密码</a></li>
165 </ul>
166     </div>
167     <div id="right">
168         <table>
169             <c:forEach items="${list}" var="list">
170                 <tr>
171                     <td>账号:${list.username}</td>
172                     <td>密码: ${list.password}</td>
173                     <td>账号类型:${list.type}</td>
174                     <c:if test="${list.username!='root'}">
175                     <td><button onclick="Borrow(${list.username})">删除</button></td></c:if>
176                     </tr>
177             </c:forEach>
178         </table>
179     </div>
180 </body>
181 </html>
 1 package p1;
 3 import java.io.IOException;
 4 import java.sql.Connection;
 5 import java.sql.SQLException;
 6 import java.sql.Statement;
 8 import javax.servlet.ServletException;
 9 import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet;
10 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
11 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
12 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
13 @WebServlet("/DeleteUser")
14 public class DeleteUser extends HttpServlet {
15     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
16     public DeleteUser() {
17         super();
18     }
19     protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
20         String username=request.getParameter("id");
21         Link l=new Link();
22         try {
23             Connection con=l.lin("Class_Select");
24             Statement stmt=con.createStatement();
25             String s="delete userr where username='"+username+"'";
26             stmt.executeUpdate(s);
27         } catch (SQLException e) {
28             e.printStackTrace();
29         }
30         request.getSession().setAttribute("message", "删除成功!");
31         request.getRequestDispatcher("ShowUser").forward(request, response);
32     }
34     protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
35         doGet(request, response);
36     }
38 }















  1 <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
  2     pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
  3 <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix="c"%>
  5 <!DOCTYPE html>
  6 <html>
  7 <head>
  8 <meta charset="UTF-8">
  9 <title>Document</title>
 10 <style type="text/css">
 11 #d1 {
 12     text-align: center;
 13     padding-top: 40px;
 14     font-family: "微软雅黑";
 15     font-size: 40px;
 16     background-color: #DDDDDD;
 17     height: 100px;
 18 }
 20 div ul {
 21     vertical-align: top;
 22     list-style-type: none;
 23     margin: 0px;
 24     vertical-align: left;
 25     width: 200px;
 26     padding: 0px;
 27     border-top: 20px solid #F8A0E7;
 28     border-bottom: 20px solid #F8A0E7;
 29 }
 31 .headd {
 32     font-family: "微软雅黑";
 33     lighting-color: red;
 34     font-size: 20px;
 35 }
 37 div li a {
 38     height: 80px;
 39     display: block;
 40     padding: 0px 0px 0px 0em;
 41     text-decoration: none;
 42     border-left: 20px solid pink;
 43 }
 45 div li a:link, div li a:visited {
 46     background-color: #F0F0F0;
 47     color: #461737;
 48 }
 50 div li a:hover {
 51     background-color: green;
 52     color: gray;
 53 }
 55 div li a:active {
 56     background-color: pink;
 57 }
 59 #left {
 60     float: left;
 61 }
 63 #right {
 64     height: 400px;
 65     width: 1100px;
 66     float: left;
 67 }
 69 #inp {
 70     float: left;
 71     height: 400px;
 72     width: 1202px;
 73 }
 75 .btn {
 76     float: left;
 77 }
 79 table {
 80     width: 1300px;
 81     height: 500px;
 82     border-collapse: collapse;
 83     margin: 0 auto;
 84     text-align: center;
 85 }
 87 table td, table th {
 88     border: 1px solid #cad9ea;
 89     color: #666;
 90     height: 30px;
 91 }
 93 table thead th {
 94     background-color: #CCE8EB;
 95     width: 100px;
 96 }
 98 table tr:nth-child(odd) {
 99     background: #fff;
100 }
102 table tr:nth-child(even) {
103     background: #F5FAFA;
104 }
106 button { /* 按钮美化 */
107     width: 270px; /* 宽度 */
108     height: 40px; /* 高度 */
109     border-width: 0px; /* 边框宽度 */
110     border-radius: 3px; /* 边框半径 */
111     background: #1E90FF; /* 背景颜色 */
112     cursor: pointer; /* 鼠标移入按钮范围时出现手势 */
113     outline: none; /* 不显示轮廓线 */
114     font-family: Microsoft YaHei; /* 设置字体 */
115     color: white; /* 字体颜色 */
116     font-size: 17px; /* 字体大小 */
117 }
119 button:hover { /* 鼠标移入按钮范围时改变颜色 */
120     background: #5599FF;
121 }
122 </style>
123 <%
124     String message = (String) session.getAttribute("message");
125     if (message != null) {
126 %>
127 <script type="text/javascript">
128     alert("<%=message%>");
129     </script>
130 <%
131     session.removeAttribute("message");
132     }
133 %>
134 <script type="text/javascript">
135 function Borrow(id){
136     window.location.href="DeleteStudent?id="+id;
137 }
138 </script>
139 </head>
140 <body onload="Onload()">
141     <div id="d1">学生信息管理系统</div>
142     <div id="left">
143 <ul>
144     <li class="headd"><a href="#" onclick="fresh()">|REFESH|</a></li>
145     <%if(((String)session.getAttribute("usertype")).equals("root")){ %>
146     <li><a href="StudentIn.jsp">学生信息录入</a></li>
147     <li><a href="TeacherIn.jsp">教师信息录入</a></li>
148     <li><a href="AddUser.jsp">用户录入</a></li>
149     <li><a href="ShowStudent">学生信息</a></li>
150     <li><a href="ShowTeacher">教师信息</a></li>
151     <li><a href="ShowUser">用户信息</a></li>
152     <li><a href="AnalyseSum.jsp">统计学生信息</a></li>
153     <%}else if(((String)session.getAttribute("usertype")).equals("stu")){%>
154     <li><a href="ShowMySession?id=<%=session.getAttribute("userid")%>">我的信息</a></li>
155     <li><a href="Update.jsp">修改信息</a></li>
156     <li><a href="ShowClass">选课</a></li>
157     <li><a href="HaveSelected">已选课</a>
158     <%}else if(((String)session.getAttribute("usertype")).equals("tch")){ %>
159     <li><a href="ShowTeaSession?id=<%=session.getAttribute("userid")%>">我的信息</a></li>
160     <li><a href="AddClass.jsp">添加课程</a></li>
161     <li><a href="ShowTeaClas">自己的课程</a></li>
162     <%} %>    
163     <li><a href="UpdatePassword.jsp">修改密码</a></li>
164 </ul>
165     </div>
166     <div id="right">
167     <form action="AnalyseServal">
168         <table>
169                 <tr><td colspan="2">综合筛选</td></tr>
170                 <tr>
171                 <td>学院:</td>
172                 <td><input type="text" name="yard"></td>
173                 </tr><tr>
174                 <td>班级:</td>
175                 <td><input type="text" name="clas"></td>
176                 </tr>
177                 <tr>
178                 <td>性别:</td>
179                 <td><input type="radio" name="sex" id="sex" value="男">&nbsp &nbsp<input type="radio" name="sex" id="sex" value="女"></td>
180                 </tr>
181                 <tr>
182                 <td>姓名:</td>
183                 <td colspan="0.5"><input type="text" name="name"></td><td conspan="0.5"><input type="radio" name="type" id="type" value="精确">精确&nbsp &nbsp<input type="radio" name="type" id="type" value="模糊">模糊</td>
184                 </tr>
185                 <tr><td colspan="3"><button type="submit">查询</button></td></tr>
186         </table>
187     </form>
188     </div>
189 </body>
190 </html>


  1 package p1;
  3 import java.io.IOException;
  4 import java.sql.Connection;
  5 import java.sql.ResultSet;
  6 import java.sql.SQLException;
  7 import java.sql.Statement;
  8 import java.util.ArrayList;
 10 import javax.servlet.ServletException;
 11 import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet;
 12 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
 13 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
 14 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
 16 @WebServlet("/AnalyseServal")
 17 public class AnalyseServal extends HttpServlet {
 18     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
 20     public AnalyseServal() {
 21         super();
 22     }
 24     protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
 25             throws ServletException, IOException {
 26         String name = request.getParameter("name");
 27         String yard = request.getParameter("yard");
 28         String clas = request.getParameter("clas");
 29         String[] sexx = request.getParameterValues("sex");
 30         String[] typee = request.getParameterValues("type");
 31         String sex = null;
 32         String type = null;
 33         int number = 0;
 34         ArrayList<StudentBean> list = new ArrayList<StudentBean>();
 35         if (sexx != null) {
 36             for (int i = 0; i < sexx.length; i++) {
 38                 if (sexx[i] != null)
 39                     sex = sexx[i];
 40             }
 41         }
 42         if (typee != null) {
 43             for (int i = 0; i < typee.length; i++) {
 45                 if (typee[i] != null)
 46                     type = typee[i];
 48             }
 49         }
 51         String s = "";
 52         if (name == null && yard == null && clas == null && sex == null) {
 53             s = "select * from User_Student";
 54         } else {
 55             s = "select * from User_Student where";
 56             if (name != null && name != "") {
 57                 if (type != null) {
 58                     if (type.equals("精确"))
 59                         s += (" name='" + name + "'");
 60                     else
 61                         s += (" name like '%" + name + "%'");
 62                 } else
 63                     s += (" name like '%" + name + "%'");
 65                 if (yard != null && yard != "") {
 66                     s += (" and yard like'%" + yard + "%'");
 67                 }
 68                 if (clas != null && clas != "") {
 69                     s += (" and clas like'%" + clas + "%'");
 70                 }
 71                 if (sex != null && sex != "") {
 72                     s += (" and sex='" + sex + "'");
 73                 }
 74             } else {
 75                 if (yard != null && yard != "") {
 76                     s += (" yard like'%" + yard + "%'");
 77                     if (clas != null && clas != "") {
 78                         s += (" and clas like'%" + clas + "%'");
 79                     }
 80                     if (sex != null && sex != "") {
 81                         s += (" and sex='" + sex + "'");
 82                     }
 83                 } else {
 84                     if (clas != null && clas != "") {
 85                         s += (" clas like'%" + clas + "%'");
 86                         if (sex != null && sex != "") {
 87                             s += (" and sex='" + sex + "'");
 88                         }
 89                     } else {
 90                         if (sex != null && sex != "") {
 91                             s += (" sex='" + sex + "'");
 92                         }
 93                     }
 94                 }
 95             }
 96         }
 97         Link l = new Link();
 98         try {
 99             System.out.println(s);
100             Connection con = l.lin("Class_Select");
101             Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
102             ResultSet rsst = stmt.executeQuery(s);
103             while (rsst.next()) {
104                 StudentBean sb = new StudentBean();
105                 sb.setId(rsst.getString(1));
106                 sb.setName(rsst.getString(2));
107                 sb.setSex(rsst.getString(3));
108                 sb.setYard(rsst.getString(4));
109                 sb.setClas(rsst.getString(5));
110                 list.add(sb);
111                 number++;
112             }
113         } catch (SQLException e) {
114             // TODO Auto-generated catch block
115             e.printStackTrace();
116         }
117         request.getSession().setAttribute("list", list);
118         request.getSession().setAttribute("number", number);
119         request.getRequestDispatcher("AnalyseResult.jsp").forward(request, response);
120     }
122     protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
123             throws ServletException, IOException {
124         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
125         doGet(request, response);
126     }
128 }


  1 <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
  2     pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
  3 <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix="c"%>
  5 <!DOCTYPE html>
  6 <html>
  7 <head>
  8 <meta charset="UTF-8">
  9 <title>Document</title>
 10 <style type="text/css">
 11 #d1 {
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 13     padding-top: 40px;
 14     font-family: "微软雅黑";
 15     font-size: 40px;
 16     background-color: #DDDDDD;
 17     height: 100px;
 18 }
 20 div ul {
 21     vertical-align: top;
 22     list-style-type: none;
 23     margin: 0px;
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 25     width: 200px;
 26     padding: 0px;
 27     border-top: 20px solid #F8A0E7;
 28     border-bottom: 20px solid #F8A0E7;
 29 }
 31 .headd {
 32     font-family: "微软雅黑";
 33     lighting-color: red;
 34     font-size: 20px;
 35 }
 37 div li a {
 38     height: 80px;
 39     display: block;
 40     padding: 0px 0px 0px 0em;
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 42     border-left: 20px solid pink;
 43 }
 45 div li a:link, div li a:visited {
 46     background-color: #F0F0F0;
 47     color: #461737;
 48 }
 50 div li a:hover {
 51     background-color: green;
 52     color: gray;
 53 }
 55 div li a:active {
 56     background-color: pink;
 57 }
 59 #left {
 60     float: left;
 61 }
 63 #right {
 64     height: 400px;
 65     width: 1100px;
 66     float: left;
 67 }
 69 #inp {
 70     float: left;
 71     height: 400px;
 72     width: 1202px;
 73 }
 75 .btn {
 76     float: left;
 77 }
 79 table {
 80     width: 1300px;
 81     height: 500px;
 82     border-collapse: collapse;
 83     margin: 0 auto;
 84     text-align: center;
 85 }
 87 table td, table th {
 88     border: 1px solid #cad9ea;
 89     color: #666;
 90     height: 30px;
 91 }
 93 table thead th {
 94     background-color: #CCE8EB;
 95     width: 100px;
 96 }
 98 table tr:nth-child(odd) {
 99     background: #fff;
100 }
102 table tr:nth-child(even) {
103     background: #F5FAFA;
104 }
106 button { /* 按钮美化 */
107     width: 270px; /* 宽度 */
108     height: 40px; /* 高度 */
109     border-width: 0px; /* 边框宽度 */
110     border-radius: 3px; /* 边框半径 */
111     background: #1E90FF; /* 背景颜色 */
112     cursor: pointer; /* 鼠标移入按钮范围时出现手势 */
113     outline: none; /* 不显示轮廓线 */
114     font-family: Microsoft YaHei; /* 设置字体 */
115     color: white; /* 字体颜色 */
116     font-size: 17px; /* 字体大小 */
117 }
119 button:hover { /* 鼠标移入按钮范围时改变颜色 */
120     background: #5599FF;
121 }
122 </style>
123 <%
124     String message = (String) session.getAttribute("message");
125     if (message != null) {
126 %>
127 <script type="text/javascript">
128     alert("<%=message%>");
129     </script>
130 <%
131     session.removeAttribute("message");
132     }
133 %>
134 <script type="text/javascript">
135 function Borrow(id){
136     window.location.href="DeleteStudent?id="+id;
137 }
138 </script>
139 </head>
140 <body onload="Onload()">
141     <div id="d1">学生信息管理系统</div>
142     <div id="left">
143 <ul>
144     <li class="headd"><a href="#" onclick="fresh()">|REFESH|</a></li>
145     <%if(((String)session.getAttribute("usertype")).equals("root")){ %>
146     <li><a href="StudentIn.jsp">学生信息录入</a></li>
147     <li><a href="TeacherIn.jsp">教师信息录入</a></li>
148     <li><a href="AddUser.jsp">用户录入</a></li>
149     <li><a href="ShowStudent">学生信息</a></li>
150     <li><a href="ShowTeacher">教师信息</a></li>
151     <li><a href="ShowUser">用户信息</a></li>
152     <li><a href="AnalyseSum.jsp">统计学生信息</a></li>
153     <%}else if(((String)session.getAttribute("usertype")).equals("stu")){%>
154     <li><a href="ShowMySession?id=<%=session.getAttribute("userid")%>">我的信息</a></li>
155     <li><a href="Update.jsp">修改信息</a></li>
156     <li><a href="ShowClass">选课</a></li>
157     <li><a href="HaveSelected">已选课</a>
158     <%}else if(((String)session.getAttribute("usertype")).equals("tch")){ %>
159     <li><a href="ShowTeaSession?id=<%=session.getAttribute("userid")%>">我的信息</a></li>
160     <li><a href="AddClass.jsp">添加课程</a></li>
161     <li><a href="ShowTeaClas">自己的课程</a></li>
162     <%} %>    
163     <li><a href="UpdatePassword.jsp">修改密码</a></li>
164 </ul>
165     </div>
166     <div id="right">
167         <table>
168             <tr><td colspan="5">查询结果:</td><td colspan="3">${number}</td></tr>
169     <c:forEach items="${list}" var="list">
170                 <tr>
171                     <td>学院:${list.yard}</td>
172                     <td>班级:${list.clas}</td>
173                     <td>姓名:${list.name}</td>
174                     <td>性别:${list.sex}</td>
175                     <td>学号:${list.id}</td>
176                     <td colspan="2"><button onclick="Borrow(${list.id})">删除</button></td>
177                 </tr>
178             </c:forEach>
179         </table>
180     </div>
181 </body>
182 </html>













 1 package p1;
 3 import java.io.IOException;
 4 import java.sql.Connection;
 5 import java.sql.ResultSet;
 6 import java.sql.SQLException;
 7 import java.sql.Statement;
 8 import java.util.ArrayList;
10 import javax.servlet.ServletException;
11 import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet;
12 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
13 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
14 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
15 @WebServlet("/ShowTeaSession")
16 public class ShowTeaSession extends HttpServlet {
17     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
18     public ShowTeaSession() {
19         super();
20     }
21     protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
22         Link l=new Link();
23         String id=request.getParameter("id");
24         ArrayList<TeacherBean> list=new ArrayList<TeacherBean>();
25         try {
26             Connection con=l.lin("Class_Select");
27             Statement stmt=con.createStatement();
28             String s="select * from User_Teacher where id="+id;
29             ResultSet rsst=stmt.executeQuery(s);
30             while(rsst.next()) {
31                 TeacherBean bk=new TeacherBean();
32                 bk.setId(rsst.getString("id"));
33                 bk.setName(rsst.getString("name"));
34                 bk.setSex(rsst.getString("sex"));
35                 bk.setYard(rsst.getString("yard"));
36                 bk.setCall(rsst.getString("call"));
37                 list.add(bk);
38             }
39             stmt.close();
40             rsst.close();
41             con.close();
42         } catch (SQLException e) {
43             // TODO Auto-generated catch block
44             e.printStackTrace();
45         }
46         request.setAttribute("list", list);
47         request.getRequestDispatcher("TeaShowMySession.jsp").forward(request, response);
48     }
49     protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
50         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
51         doGet(request, response);
52     }
54 }
  1 <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
  2     pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
  3 <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix="c"%>
  5 <!DOCTYPE html>
  6 <html>
  7 <head>
  8 <meta charset="UTF-8">
  9 <title>Document</title>
 10 <style type="text/css">
 11 #d1 {
 12     text-align: center;
 13     padding-top: 40px;
 14     font-family: "微软雅黑";
 15     font-size: 40px;
 16     background-color: #DDDDDD;
 17     height: 100px;
 18 }
 20 div ul {
 21     vertical-align: top;
 22     list-style-type: none;
 23     margin: 0px;
 24     vertical-align: left;
 25     width: 200px;
 26     padding: 0px;
 27     border-top: 20px solid #F8A0E7;
 28     border-bottom: 20px solid #F8A0E7;
 29 }
 31 .headd {
 32     font-family: "微软雅黑";
 33     lighting-color: red;
 34     font-size: 20px;
 35 }
 37 div li a {
 38     height: 80px;
 39     display: block;
 40     padding: 0px 0px 0px 0em;
 41     text-decoration: none;
 42     border-left: 20px solid pink;
 43 }
 45 div li a:link, div li a:visited {
 46     background-color: #F0F0F0;
 47     color: #461737;
 48 }
 50 div li a:hover {
 51     background-color: green;
 52     color: gray;
 53 }
 55 div li a:active {
 56     background-color: pink;
 57 }
 59 #left {
 60     float: left;
 61 }
 63 #right {
 64     height: 400px;
 65     width: 1100px;
 66     float: left;
 67 }
 69 #inp {
 70     float: left;
 71     height: 400px;
 72     width: 1202px;
 73 }
 75 .btn {
 76     float: left;
 77 }
 79 table {
 80     width: 1300px;
 81     height: 500px;
 82     border-collapse: collapse;
 83     margin: 0 auto;
 84     text-align: center;
 85 }
 87 table td, table th {
 88     border: 1px solid #cad9ea;
 89     color: #666;
 90     height: 30px;
 91 }
 93 table thead th {
 94     background-color: #CCE8EB;
 95     width: 100px;
 96 }
 98 table tr:nth-child(odd) {
 99     background: #fff;
100 }
102 table tr:nth-child(even) {
103     background: #F5FAFA;
104 }
106 button { /* 按钮美化 */
107     width: 270px; /* 宽度 */
108     height: 40px; /* 高度 */
109     border-width: 0px; /* 边框宽度 */
110     border-radius: 3px; /* 边框半径 */
111     background: #1E90FF; /* 背景颜色 */
112     cursor: pointer; /* 鼠标移入按钮范围时出现手势 */
113     outline: none; /* 不显示轮廓线 */
114     font-family: Microsoft YaHei; /* 设置字体 */
115     color: white; /* 字体颜色 */
116     font-size: 17px; /* 字体大小 */
117 }
119 button:hover { /* 鼠标移入按钮范围时改变颜色 */
120     background: #5599FF;
121 }
122 </style>
123 <%
124     String message = (String) session.getAttribute("message");
125     if (message != null) {
126 %>
127 <script type="text/javascript">
128     alert("<%=message%>");
129     </script>
130 <%
131     session.removeAttribute("message");
132     }
133 %>
134 <script type="text/javascript">
135 function UpdateYard(id){
136     var word=prompt("请输入修改后的结果:");
137     word=encodeURIComponent(word);
138     var sentence=confirm("是否确认修改!");
139     if(sentence==true)
140     window.location.href="UpdateStudent?id="+id+"&word="+word+"&type=yard";
141 }
142 function UpdateName(id){
143     var word=prompt("请输入修改后的结果:");
144     var sentence=confirm("是否确认修改!");
145     word=encodeURIComponent(word);
146     if(sentence==true)
147     window.location.href="UpdateStudent?id="+id+"&word="+word+"&type=name";
148 }
149 function UpdateSex(id){
150     var word=prompt("请输入修改后的结果:");
151     var sentence=confirm("是否确认修改!");
152     word=encodeURIComponent(word);
153     if(sentence==true)
154     window.location.href="UpdateStudent?id="+id+"&word="+word+"&type=sex";
155 }
156 function UpdateClas(id){
157     var word=prompt("请输入修改后的结果:");
158     var sentence=confirm("是否确认修改!");
159     word=encodeURIComponent(word);
160     if(sentence==true)
161     window.location.href="UpdateStudent?id="+id+"&word="+word+"&type=clas";
162 }
164 </script>
165 </head>
166 <body onload="Onload()">
167     <div id="d1">学生信息管理系统</div>
168     <div id="left">
169 <ul>
170     <li class="headd"><a href="#" onclick="fresh()">|REFESH|</a></li>
171     <%if(((String)session.getAttribute("usertype")).equals("root")){ %>
172     <li><a href="StudentIn.jsp">学生信息录入</a></li>
173     <li><a href="TeacherIn.jsp">教师信息录入</a></li>
174     <li><a href="AddUser.jsp">用户录入</a></li>
175     <li><a href="ShowStudent">学生信息</a></li>
176     <li><a href="ShowTeacher">教师信息</a></li>
177     <li><a href="ShowUser">用户信息</a></li>
178     <li><a href="AnalyseSum.jsp">统计学生信息</a></li>
179     <%}else if(((String)session.getAttribute("usertype")).equals("stu")){%>
180     <li><a href="ShowMySession?id=<%=session.getAttribute("userid")%>">我的信息</a></li>
181     <li><a href="Update.jsp">修改信息</a></li>
182     <li><a href="ShowClass">选课</a></li>
183     <li><a href="HaveSelected">已选课</a>
184     <%}else if(((String)session.getAttribute("usertype")).equals("tch")){ %>
185     <li><a href="ShowTeaSession?id=<%=session.getAttribute("userid")%>">我的信息</a></li>
186     <li><a href="AddClass.jsp">添加课程</a></li>
187     <li><a href="ShowTeaClas">自己的课程</a></li>
188     <%} %>    
189     <li><a href="UpdatePassword.jsp">修改密码</a></li>
190 </ul>
191     </div>
192     <div id="right">
193         <table>
194             <c:forEach items="${list}" var="list">
195                 <tr>
196                     <td>工号:${list.id}</td>
197                 </tr>
198                 <tr>
199                     <td>姓名:${list.name}</td>
200                 </tr>
201                 <tr>
202                     <td>性别:${list.sex}</td>
203                 </tr>
204                 <tr>
205                     <td>学院:${list.yard}</td>
206                 </tr><tr>
207                     <td>职称:${list.call}</td>
208                 </tr>
209             </c:forEach>
210         </table>
211     </div>
212 </body>
213 </html>






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 95     button { /* 按钮美化 */
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104     color: white; /* 字体颜色 */
105     font-size: 17px; /* 字体大小 */
106 }
107     button:hover { /* 鼠标移入按钮范围时改变颜色 */
108     background: #5599FF;
109     .headd{
110             font-family: "微软雅黑";
111             lighting-color: red;
112             font-size: 20px;
113         }
114         div li a{
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122             background-color: #F0F0F0;
123             color: #461737;
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142         float:left;
143         height:400px;
144         width:1202px;
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146         .btn{
147         float:left;
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149 </style>
150 <%String message=(String)session.getAttribute("message");
151 if(message!=null){%>
152     <script type="text/javascript">
153     alert("<%=message%>");
154     </script>
155 <% session.removeAttribute("message");}
157 %>
160 <script type="text/javascript">
161 function Out(){
162     var title=document.getElementById("title").value;
163     if(title=="") {
164         alert("标题不能为空!!!");
165         return false;
166     }
167     var text=encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById("inp").value);
168     var s="SaveAritical?text="+text+"&type=Document&title="+encodeURIComponent(title);
169     window.location.href=s;
170 }
171 function Save(){
172     var title=document.getElementById("title").value;
173     if(title=="") {
174         alert("标题不能为空!!!");
175         return false;
176     }
177     var text=encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById("inp").value);
178     var s="OutAritical?text="+text+"&type=Document&title="+encodeURIComponent(title);
179     window.location.href=s;
180 }
183 </script>
184 </head>
185 <body onload="Onload()">
186     <div id="d1">图书管理系统</div>
187     <div id="left">
188 <ul>
189     <li class="headd"><a href="#" onclick="fresh()">|REFESH|</a></li>
190     <%if(((String)session.getAttribute("usertype")).equals("root")){ %>
191     <li><a href="StudentIn.jsp">学生信息录入</a></li>
192     <li><a href="TeacherIn.jsp">教师信息录入</a></li>
193     <li><a href="AddUser.jsp">用户录入</a></li>
194     <li><a href="ShowStudent">学生信息</a></li>
195     <li><a href="ShowTeacher">教师信息</a></li>
196     <li><a href="ShowUser">用户信息</a></li>
197     <li><a href="AnalyseSum.jsp">统计学生信息</a></li>
198     <%}else if(((String)session.getAttribute("usertype")).equals("stu")){%>
199     <li><a href="ShowMySession?id=<%=session.getAttribute("userid")%>">我的信息</a></li>
200     <li><a href="Update.jsp">修改信息</a></li>
201     <li><a href="ShowClass">选课</a></li>
202     <li><a href="HaveSelected">已选课</a>
203     <%}else if(((String)session.getAttribute("usertype")).equals("tch")){ %>
204     <li><a href="ShowTeaSession?id=<%=session.getAttribute("userid")%>">我的信息</a></li>
205     <li><a href="AddClass.jsp">添加课程</a></li>
206     <li><a href="ShowTeaClas">自己的课程</a></li>
207     <%} %>    
208     <li><a href="UpdatePassword.jsp">修改密码</a></li>
209 </ul>
210 </div>
211 <div id="right">
212 <form action="AddClass">
213 <table>
214 <tr>
215 <td>课程名称:</td><td><input type="text" name="name" id="name"></td>
216 </tr>
217 <tr>
218 <td>课程容量:</td><td><input type="text" name="number" id="number"></td></tr>
219 <tr>
220 <td colspan="2"><button type="submit" value="提 交">提交</button></td></tr>
221 </table>
222 </form>
223 </div>
224 </body>
225 </html>
 1 package p1;
 3 import java.io.IOException;
 4 import java.sql.Connection;
 5 import java.sql.ResultSet;
 6 import java.sql.SQLException;
 7 import java.sql.Statement;
 9 import javax.servlet.ServletException;
10 import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet;
11 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
12 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
13 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
14 @WebServlet("/AddClass")
15 public class AddClass extends HttpServlet {
16     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
17     public AddClass() {
18         super();
19         // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
20     }
21     protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
22         String name=request.getParameter("name");
23         String number=request.getParameter("number");
24         String teacherid=(String)request.getSession().getAttribute("userid");
25         Link l=new Link();
26         try {
27             Connection con=l.lin("Class_Select");
28             Statement stmt=con.createStatement();
29             String s="select * from Clas";
30             ResultSet rsst=stmt.executeQuery(s);
31             int num=2020001;
32             while(rsst.next()) {
33                 num=Integer.parseInt(rsst.getString("id"))+1;
34             }
35             rsst.close();
36             s="insert into Clas values ('"+num+"','"+name+"','"+number+"','"+teacherid+"',null,0)";
37             System.out.println(s);
38             stmt.executeUpdate(s);
39             stmt.close();
40             con.close();
41         } catch (SQLException e) {
42             e.printStackTrace();
43         }
44         request.getSession().setAttribute("message", "添加成功!");
45         request.getRequestDispatcher("AddClass.jsp").forward(request, response);
46     }
47     protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
48         doGet(request, response);
49     }
51 }






















 1 package p1;
 3 public class ClasBean {
 4 private String id;
 5 private String name;
 6 private String number;
 7 private String nownumber;
 8 private String teacher;
10 public String getId() {
11     return id;
12 }
13 public void setId(String id) {
14     this.id = id;
15 }
16 public String getTeacher() {
17     return teacher;
18 }
19 public void setTeacher(String teacher) {
20     this.teacher = teacher;
21 }
22 public String getName() {
23     return name;
24 }
25 public void setName(String name) {
26     this.name = name;
27 }
28 public String getNumber() {
29     return number;
30 }
31 public String getNownumber() {
32     return nownumber;
33 }
34 public void setNumber(String number) {
35     this.number = number;
36 }
37 public void setNownumber(String nownumber) {
38     this.nownumber = nownumber;
39 }
41 }



 1 package p1;
 3 import java.io.IOException;
 4 import java.sql.Connection;
 5 import java.sql.ResultSet;
 6 import java.sql.SQLException;
 7 import java.sql.Statement;
 8 import java.util.ArrayList;
10 import javax.servlet.ServletException;
11 import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet;
12 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
13 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
14 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
15 @WebServlet("/ShowClass")
16 public class ShowClass extends HttpServlet {
17     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
18     public ShowClass() {
19         super();
20     }
21     protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
22         Link l=new Link();
23         String id=(String)request.getSession().getAttribute("userid");
24         ArrayList<ClasBean> list=new ArrayList<ClasBean>();
25         try {
26             Connection con=l.lin("Class_Select");
27             Statement stmt=con.createStatement();
28             String s="select * from Clas";
29             ResultSet rsst=stmt.executeQuery(s);
30             while(rsst.next()) {
31                 ClasBean bk=new ClasBean();
32                 bk.setId(rsst.getString("id"));
33                 bk.setName(rsst.getString("name"));
34                 bk.setNumber(rsst.getString("number"));
35                 bk.setNownumber(rsst.getString("nownumber"));
36                 bk.setTeacher(rsst.getString("teacher"));
37                 System.out.println();
38                 list.add(bk);
39             }
40             stmt.close();
41             con.close();
42         } catch (SQLException e) {
43             // TODO Auto-generated catch block
44             e.printStackTrace();
45         }
46         request.setAttribute("list", list);
47         request.getRequestDispatcher("SelectClass.jsp").forward(request, response);
48     }
49     protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
50         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
51         doGet(request, response);
52     }
54 }
  1 <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
  2     pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
  3      <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix="c"%>
  4 <!DOCTYPE html>
  5 <html>
  6 <head>
  7 <meta charset="UTF-8">
  8 <title>Document</title>
  9 <style type="text/css">
 11         #d1{
 12             text-align: center;
 13             padding-top: 40px;
 14             font-family: "微软雅黑";
 15             font-size: 40px;
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 17             height: 100px;
 18         }
 19         div ul{
 20             vertical-align: top;
 21             list-style-type: none;
 22             margin: 0px;
 23             vertical-align: left;
 24             width: 200px;
 25             padding: 0px;
 26             border-top: 20px solid #F8A0E7;
 27             border-bottom :20px solid #F8A0E7;
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 30             font-family: "微软雅黑";
 31             lighting-color: red;
 32             font-size: 20px;
 33         }
 34         div li a{
 35             height: 80px;
 36             display: block;
 37             padding: 0px 0px 0px 0em;
 38             text-decoration: none;
 39             border-left: 20px solid pink;
 40         }
 41         div li a:link,div li a:visited{
 42             background-color: #F0F0F0;
 43             color: #461737;
 44         }
 45         div li a:hover{
 46             background-color: green;
 47             color: gray;
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 49         div li a:active{
 50             background-color: pink;
 51         }
 52         #left{
 53         float:left;
 54         }
 55         #right{
 56         height:400px;
 57         width:1100px;
 58         float:left;
 59         }
 60         #inp{
 61         float:left;
 62         height:400px;
 63         width:1202px;
 64         }
 65         .btn{
 66         float:left;
 67         }
 68           table
 69         {
 70             width:1100px;
 71             height:500px;
 72             border-collapse: collapse;
 73             margin: 0 auto;
 74             text-align: center;
 75         }
 76         table td, table th
 77         {
 78             border: 1px solid #cad9ea;
 79             color: #666;
 80             height: 30px;
 81         }
 82         table thead th
 83         {
 84             background-color: #CCE8EB;
 85             width: 100px;
 86         }
 87         table tr:nth-child(odd)
 88         {
 89             background: #fff;
 90         }
 91         table tr:nth-child(even)
 92         {
 93             background: #F5FAFA;
 94         }
 96     button { /* 按钮美化 */
 97     width: 270px; /* 宽度 */
 98     height: 40px; /* 高度 */
 99     border-width: 0px; /* 边框宽度 */
100     border-radius: 3px; /* 边框半径 */
101     background: #1E90FF; /* 背景颜色 */
102     cursor: pointer; /* 鼠标移入按钮范围时出现手势 */
103     outline: none; /* 不显示轮廓线 */
104     font-family: Microsoft YaHei; /* 设置字体 */
105     color: white; /* 字体颜色 */
106     font-size: 17px; /* 字体大小 */
107 }
108     button:hover { /* 鼠标移入按钮范围时改变颜色 */
109     background: #5599FF;
111 </style>
112 <%
113     String message = (String) session.getAttribute("message");
114     if (message != null) {
115 %>
116 <script type="text/javascript">
117     alert("<%=message%>");
118 </script>
119 <%
120     session.removeAttribute("message");
121     }
122 %>
123 <script>
124 function ForDetail(id){
125     window.location.href="ShowStudent?id="+id;
126 }
128 function ShowTeacher(id){
129     window.location.href="ShowTeacher?id="+id;
130 }
131 function Borrow(id){
132     window.location.href="SelectClass?id="+id;
133 }
135 </script>
136 </head>
137 <body onload="Onload()">
138     <div id="d1">选课系统</div>
139     <div id="left">
140 <ul>
141     <li class="headd"><a href="#" onclick="fresh()">|REFESH|</a></li>
142     <%if(((String)session.getAttribute("usertype")).equals("root")){ %>
143     <li><a href="StudentIn.jsp">学生信息录入</a></li>
144     <li><a href="TeacherIn.jsp">教师信息录入</a></li>
145     <li><a href="AddUser.jsp">用户录入</a></li>
146     <li><a href="ShowStudent">学生信息</a></li>
147     <li><a href="ShowTeacher">教师信息</a></li>
148     <li><a href="ShowUser">用户信息</a></li>
149     <li><a href="AnalyseSum.jsp">统计学生信息</a></li>
150     <%}else if(((String)session.getAttribute("usertype")).equals("stu")){%>
151     <li><a href="ShowMySession?id=<%=session.getAttribute("userid")%>">我的信息</a></li>
152     <li><a href="ShowClass">选课</a></li>
153     <li><a href="HaveSelected">已选课</a>
154     <%}else if(((String)session.getAttribute("usertype")).equals("tch")){ %>
155     <li><a href="ShowTeaSession?id=<%=session.getAttribute("userid")%>">我的信息</a></li>
156     <li><a href="AddClass.jsp">添加课程</a></li>
157     <li><a href="ShowTeaClas">自己的课程</a></li>
158     <%} %>    
159     <li><a href="UpdatePassword.jsp">修改密码</a></li>
160 </ul>
161 </div>
162 <div id="right">
163 <table>
164 <c:forEach items="${list}" var="list">
165 <tr>
166 <td>课程编号:${list.id}</td>
167 <td>课程名称:${list.name}</td>
168 <td onclick="ShowTeacher(${list.teacher})">任课教师:${list.teacher}</td>
169 <td>选课人数:${list.nownumber}</td>
170 <td>课程容量: ${list.number}</td>
171 <td><button onclick="Borrow(${list.id})">选课</button></td>
172 </c:forEach>
173 </table>
174 </div>
175 </body>
176 </html>


 1 package p1;
 3 import java.io.IOException;
 4 import java.sql.Connection;
 5 import java.sql.ResultSet;
 6 import java.sql.SQLException;
 7 import java.sql.Statement;
 9 import javax.servlet.ServletException;
10 import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet;
11 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
12 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
13 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
14 @WebServlet("/SelectClass")
15 public class SelectClass extends HttpServlet {
16     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
17     public SelectClass() {
18         super();
19     }
20     protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
21         String id=request.getParameter("id");
22         String userid=(String)request.getSession().getAttribute("userid");
23         Link l=new Link();
24         try {
25             Connection con=l.lin("Class_Select");
26             Statement stmt=con.createStatement();
27             String s="update Clas set asker=asker+'_'+'"+userid+"' where id='"+id+"'";
28             System.out.println(s);
29             stmt.executeUpdate(s);
30             Statement stmt2=con.createStatement();
31             String s2="update Clas set nownumber=nownumber+1 where id='"+id+"'";
32             stmt2.executeUpdate(s2);
33             stmt2.close();
34             stmt.close();
35             con.close();
36         } catch (SQLException e) {
37             // TODO Auto-generated catch block
38             e.printStackTrace();
39         }
40         request.getSession().setAttribute("message", "选课成功!");
41         request.getRequestDispatcher("ShowClass").forward(request, response);
42     }
43     protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
44         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
45         doGet(request, response);
46     }
48 }









 1 package p1;
 3 import java.io.IOException;
 4 import java.sql.Connection;
 5 import java.sql.ResultSet;
 6 import java.sql.SQLException;
 7 import java.sql.Statement;
 8 import java.util.ArrayList;
10 import javax.servlet.ServletException;
11 import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet;
12 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
13 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
14 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
15 @WebServlet("/HaveSelected")
16 public class HaveSelected extends HttpServlet {
17     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
18     public HaveSelected() {
19         super();
20     }
21     protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
22         String id=(String)request.getSession().getAttribute("userid");
23         ArrayList<ClasBean> list=new ArrayList<>();
24         Link l=new Link();
25         try {
26             Connection con=l.lin("Class_Select");
27             Statement stmt=con.createStatement();
28             String s="select * from Clas";
29             ResultSet rsst=stmt.executeQuery(s);
30             while(rsst.next()) {
31                 String asker=rsst.getString("asker");
32                 String[] ask=asker.split("_");
33                 for(int i=0;i<ask.length;i++) {
34                     if(ask[i].equals(id)) {
35                     ClasBean cl=new ClasBean();
36                     cl.setId(rsst.getString("id"));
37                     cl.setName(rsst.getString("name"));
38                     cl.setNumber(rsst.getString("number"));
39                     cl.setNownumber(rsst.getString("nownumber"));
40                     cl.setTeacher(rsst.getString("teacher"));
41                     list.add(cl);
42                     }
43                 }
45             }
46             rsst.close();
47             stmt.close();
48             con.close();
49         } catch (SQLException e) {
50             // TODO Auto-generated catch block
51             e.printStackTrace();
52         }
53         request.setAttribute("list", list);
54         request.getRequestDispatcher("HavenSelect.jsp").forward(request, response);
55     }
56     protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
57         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
58         doGet(request, response);
59     }
61 }
  1 <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
  2     pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
  3      <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix="c"%>
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  6 <head>
  7 <meta charset="UTF-8">
  8 <title>Document</title>
  9 <style type="text/css">
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 14             font-family: "微软雅黑";
 15             font-size: 40px;
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 17             height: 100px;
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 19         div ul{
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 21             list-style-type: none;
 22             margin: 0px;
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 24             width: 200px;
 25             padding: 0px;
 26             border-top: 20px solid #F8A0E7;
 27             border-bottom :20px solid #F8A0E7;
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 30             font-family: "微软雅黑";
 31             lighting-color: red;
 32             font-size: 20px;
 33         }
 34         div li a{
 35             height: 80px;
 36             display: block;
 37             padding: 0px 0px 0px 0em;
 38             text-decoration: none;
 39             border-left: 20px solid pink;
 40         }
 41         div li a:link,div li a:visited{
 42             background-color: #F0F0F0;
 43             color: #461737;
 44         }
 45         div li a:hover{
 46             background-color: green;
 47             color: gray;
 48         }
 49         div li a:active{
 50             background-color: pink;
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 52         #left{
 53         float:left;
 54         }
 55         #right{
 56         height:400px;
 57         width:1100px;
 58         float:left;
 59         }
 60         #inp{
 61         float:left;
 62         height:400px;
 63         width:1202px;
 64         }
 65         .btn{
 66         float:left;
 67         }
 68           table
 69         {
 70             width:1100px;
 71             height:500px;
 72             border-collapse: collapse;
 73             margin: 0 auto;
 74             text-align: center;
 75         }
 76         table td, table th
 77         {
 78             border: 1px solid #cad9ea;
 79             color: #666;
 80             height: 30px;
 81         }
 82         table thead th
 83         {
 84             background-color: #CCE8EB;
 85             width: 100px;
 86         }
 87         table tr:nth-child(odd)
 88         {
 89             background: #fff;
 90         }
 91         table tr:nth-child(even)
 92         {
 93             background: #F5FAFA;
 94         }
 96     button { /* 按钮美化 */
 97     width: 270px; /* 宽度 */
 98     height: 40px; /* 高度 */
 99     border-width: 0px; /* 边框宽度 */
100     border-radius: 3px; /* 边框半径 */
101     background: #1E90FF; /* 背景颜色 */
102     cursor: pointer; /* 鼠标移入按钮范围时出现手势 */
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105     color: white; /* 字体颜色 */
106     font-size: 17px; /* 字体大小 */
107 }
108     button:hover { /* 鼠标移入按钮范围时改变颜色 */
109     background: #5599FF;
111 </style>
112 <script>
113 function ForDetail(id){
114     window.location.href="ShowStudent?id="+id;
115 }
117 function Borrow(id){
118     var sentence=confirm("是否确认删除该选课?");
119     if(sentence==true)
120     window.location.href="DeleteMyClass?id="+id;
121 }
124 </script>
125 </head>
126 <body onload="Onload()">
127     <div id="d1">选课系统</div>
128     <div id="left">
129 <ul>
130     <li class="headd"><a href="#" onclick="fresh()">|REFESH|</a></li>
131     <%if(((String)session.getAttribute("usertype")).equals("root")){ %>
132     <li><a href="StudentIn.jsp">学生信息录入</a></li>
133     <li><a href="TeacherIn.jsp">教师信息录入</a></li>
134     <li><a href="AddUser.jsp">用户录入</a></li>
135     <li><a href="ShowStudent">学生信息</a></li>
136     <li><a href="ShowTeacher">教师信息</a></li>
137     <li><a href="ShowUser">用户信息</a></li>
138     <li><a href="AnalyseSum.jsp">统计学生信息</a></li>
139     <%}else if(((String)session.getAttribute("usertype")).equals("stu")){%>
140     <li><a href="ShowMySession?id=<%=session.getAttribute("userid")%>">我的信息</a></li>
141     <li><a href="ShowClass">选课</a></li>
142     <li><a href="HaveSelected">已选课</a>
143     <%}else if(((String)session.getAttribute("usertype")).equals("tch")){ %>
144     <li><a href="ShowTeaSession?id=<%=session.getAttribute("userid")%>">我的信息</a></li>
145     <li><a href="AddClass.jsp">添加课程</a></li>
146     <li><a href="ShowTeaClas">自己的课程</a></li>
147     <%} %>    
148     <li><a href="UpdatePassword.jsp">修改密码</a></li>
149 </ul>
150 </div>
151 <div id="right">
152 <table>
153 <c:forEach items="${list}" var="list">
154 <tr>
155 <td>课程编号:${list.id}</td>
156 <td onclick="ForDetail(${list.id})">课程名称:${list.name}</td>
157 <td>选课人数:${list.nownumber}</td>
158 <td>课程容量: ${list.number}</td>
159 <td><button onclick="Borrow(${list.id})">删除课程</button></td>
160 </c:forEach>
161 </table>
162 </div>
163 </body>
164 </html>
 1 package p1;
 3 import java.io.IOException;
 4 import java.sql.Connection;
 5 import java.sql.ResultSet;
 6 import java.sql.SQLException;
 7 import java.sql.Statement;
 9 import javax.servlet.ServletException;
10 import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet;
11 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
12 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
13 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
14 @WebServlet("/DeleteMyClass")
15 public class DeleteMyClass extends HttpServlet {
16     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
17     public DeleteMyClass() {
18         super();
19     }
20     protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
21         String id=request.getParameter("id");
22         String userid=(String)request.getSession().getAttribute("userid");
23         Link l=new Link();
24         try {
25             Connection con=l.lin("Class_Select");
26             Statement stmt=con.createStatement();
27             String s="select * from Clas where id='"+id+"'";
28             ResultSet rsst=stmt.executeQuery(s);
29             rsst.next();
30             String asker=rsst.getString("asker");
31             String ask="_".replaceAll(asker,userid);
32             rsst.close();
33             s="update Clas set asker='"+ask+"',nownumber=nownumber-1 where id='"+id+"'";
34             stmt.executeUpdate(s);
35             stmt.close();
36             con.close();
37         } catch (SQLException e) {
38             // TODO Auto-generated catch block
39             e.printStackTrace();
40         }
41         request.getSession().setAttribute("message", "删除成功!");
42         request.getRequestDispatcher("HaveSelected").forward(request, response);
43     }
44     protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
45         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
46         doGet(request, response);
47     }
49 }
posted @ 2020-01-14 17:36  XiaoGao128  阅读(1071)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报