Problem Y: Understanding Used Sailboat Prices

Like many luxury goods, sailboats vary in value as they age and as market conditions change. The attached “2023_MCM_Problem_Y_Boats.xlsx” file includes data on approximately 3500 sailboats from 36 to 56 feet long advertised for sale in Europe, the Caribbean, and the USA in December 2020. A boating enthusiast provided these data to COMAP. Like most real-world data sets, it may have missing data or other issues that require some data cleaning prior to analysis. The Excel file includes two tabs, one for monohulled sailboats and one for catamarans. In each tab, columns are labeled Make, Variant, Length (in feet), Geographic Region, Country/Region/State, Listing Price (in US dollars), and Year (of manufacture). For a given make, variant, and year, there are many other sources beyond the provided Excel file that may provide detailed descriptions of the features of a particular sailboat. You may supplement the data set provided with any additional data you choose; however, you must include the data in “2023_MCM_Problem_Y_Boats.xlsx” in your modeling. Be sure to fully identify and document the source of any supplemental data used. Sailboats are frequently sold through brokers. In a desire to better understand the sailboat market, one sailboat broker in Hong Kong (SAR), China has commissioned your team to prepare a report on the pricing of used sailboats. The broker would like you to: • Develop a mathematical model that explains the listing price of each of the sailboats in the provided spreadsheet. Include any predictors you consider useful. You may draw on other sources to understand additional features of a given sailboat (such as beam, draft, displacement, rigging, sail area, hull materials, engine hours, sleeping capacity, headroom, electronics, etc.) and for economic data by year and region. Identify and describe all sources of data used. Include a discussion of the precision of your estimate for each sailboat variant’s price. • Use your model to explain the effect, if any, of region on listing prices. Discuss whether any regional effect is consistent across all sailboat variants. Address the practical and statistical significance of any regional effects noted. | ©2023 by COMAP, Inc. | | | | • Discuss how your modeling of the given geographic regions can be useful in the Hong Kong (SAR) market. Choose an informative subset of sailboats, split between monohulls and catamarans, from the provided spreadsheet. Find comparable listing price data for that subset from the Hong Kong (SAR) market. Model what the regional effect of Hong Kong (SAR) would be, if there is one, on each of the sailboat prices for the sailboats in your subset. Is the effect the same for both catamarans and monohull sailboats? • Identify and discuss any other interesting and informative inferences or conclusions your team draws from the data. • Prepare a one- to two-page report for the Hong Kong (SAR) sailboat broker. Include a few well-chosen graphics to help the broker understand your conclusions. Your PDF solution of no more than 25 total pages should include: • One-page Summary Sheet that clearly describes your approach to the problem and your most important conclusions from your analysis in the context of the problem. • Table of Contents. • Your complete solution. • One- to two-page report to the broker. • Reference List. Note: The MCM Contest has a 25-page limit. All aspects of your submission count toward the 25-page limit (Summary Sheet, Table of Contents, Report, One- to Two-Page Report to the Broker, Reference List, and any Appendices). You must cite the sources for your ideas, data, images, and any other materials used in your report.


Attachment Data File. 2023_MCM_Problem_Y_Boats.xlsx Monohulled Sailboats Catamarans


Data File Entry Descriptions Make: The name of the manufacturer of the boat. Variant: The name identifying the particular model of the boat. Length (ft): The length of the boat in feet. Geographic Region: The geographic region of the boat’s location (Caribbean, Europe, USA). Country/Region/State: The specific country/region/state of the boat’s location. Listing Price (USD): The advertised price to purchase the boat in U.S. Dollars. Year: The year the boat was manufactured.


Glossary Beam: The width of a boat at its widest point. Broker: A specialist who serves sellers and/or buyers as a representative for the sale or purchase of property. For this problem, the property is a sailboat. | ©2023 by COMAP, Inc. | | | | Catamarans: A multi-hulled watercraft featuring two parallel hulls of equal size. Displacement: The weight of the volume of water displaced by a boat. Draft: The minimum depth of water required to float a boat without touching the bottom. Engine Hours: The number of hours the boat’s engine(s) have run since new. Headroom: The height available to stand up in the cabin. Hull: The main body or shell of a ship or other vessel, including the bottom, sides, and deck. Hull Materials: The materials of which a boat’s hull is made. Materials used include fiberglass, steel, wood, and composites. Listing Price: The price asked by the seller. The boat may sell for a different price. Make: The manufacturer of the sailboat. Monohull Sailboats: Sailboats that have only one hull usually centered around a heavy keel (the center blade). Rigging: The system of ropes, cables and pulleys that support and control the sails, steering and other systems of a boat. Sail Area: The total surface area of the sails of a boat when fully raised. Variant: The name identifying a particular model of sailboat. For example, “Sun Odyssey 54 DS.



和许多奢侈品一样,帆船的价值也会随着年代和市场条件的变化而变化。所附的 “2023_MCM_Problem_Y_Boats.xlsx”文件包括 2020 年 12 月在欧洲、加勒比地区和美国销售的 约 3500 艘 36 至 56 英尺长的帆船的数据。一名划船爱好者向 COMAP 提供了这些数据。像大多 数现实世界的数据集一样,它可能有缺失的数据或其他问题,需要在分析之前进行一些数据清 理。 Excel 文件包括两个选项卡,一个用于单体帆船 ,另一个用于双体船 。在每个选项卡中,列被 标记为制 造 、变 体 、长度(英尺)、地理区域、国家/地区/州、标 价 (美元)和年份(制造)。 对于给定的制造、变体和年份,除了提供的 E xcel 文件之外,还有许多其他来源可以提供特定帆 船特征的详细描述。你可以用你选择的任何额外数据来补充所提供的数据集;但是,你必须在建 模中包含“2023_MCM_Problem_Y_Boats.xlsx”中的数据。一定要完全识别并记录所使用的任何 补充数据的来源。 帆船经常通过经纪人出售。 为了更好地了解帆船市场,中国香港(SAR)的一位帆船经纪人委托您 的团队准备一份关于二手帆船定价的报告。该经纪人希望您: |©2023 by COMA P, Inc. | www.c om a p.c om | www.m ath m odels.o rg | info@ c om a p.c om | • 用你的模型解释地区对上市价格的影响(如果有的话)。讨论是否所有帆船变体的区域效 应是一致的。说明所注意到的任何区域影响的实际和统计意义。 开发一个数学模型,解释提供的电子表格中每艘帆船的挂牌价格。包括任何你认为有 用的预测因素。您可以利用其他来源来了解给定帆船的其他特征(如横 梁 、吃 水 、排 水 量 、索 具 、帆 面积、船 体材料、发 动机小时数、睡眠容量、净 空 、电子设备等)以及按年 份和地区划分的经济数据。识别和描述所使用的所有数据来源。包括对每个帆船变种 价格估计精度的讨论。 • 有道文档翻译 •讨论你对给定地理区域的建模如何在香港(SAR)市场上发挥作用。从提供的电子表格中选 择一个信息丰富的帆船子集,分为单船体和双体船。从香港(SAR)市场找到该子集的可 比上市价格数据。建模香港(特区)对子集中帆船的每艘帆船价格的区域影响(如果有的话)。 双体帆船和单体帆船的影响是一样的吗? •识别并讨论你的团队从数据中得出的任何其他有趣和有信息的推论或结论。 •为香港(SAR)帆船经纪人准备一到两页的报告。包括一些精心挑选的图表,以帮助经纪 人理解你的结论。


总页数不超过 25 页的 PDF 解决方案应包括: •一页总结表,清楚地描述你解决问题的方法,以及在问题的背景下分析得出的最重要的 结论。 •目录。 •您的完整解决方案。 •给经纪人一到两页的报告。 •参考清单。 注意:MCM 大赛的篇幅限制为 25 页。你提交的所有内容都计入 25 页的限制(汇总表、目录、 报告、给经纪人的一到两页报告、参考名单和任何附录)。你必须引用你的想法、数据、图像 和报告中使用的任何其他材料的来源。


附 件 数 据文件。 2023_MCM_Problem_Y_Boats.xlsxMo nohulled Sailboats 双 体船 数 据文件条目描述 Make:船的制造商名称。 变 体 :标识特定型号的船名。 长 度 (英 尺):以英尺为单位的船的长度。 地理区域:船所在的地理区域(加勒比海、欧洲、美国)。 国 家 /地 区/州:船只所在的具体国家/地区/州。挂牌价格 (USD):以美元标价购买该 船的广告价格。年 份 :船的制造年份。


术语表 横 梁 :船最宽处的宽度。 经纪人:作为房产买卖代表为卖方和/或买方提供服务的专家。对于这个问题,房产就是一艘帆船。 双 体船 :一种多体船,有两个大小相等的平行船体。排水量 :一艘船排水量的重量。 吃水:使船在不触底的情况下浮起来所需要的最小水深。发动机 小时数:自新船以来,船舶发 动机运行的小时数。净 空 高度:在船舱中可以站立的高度。 船 体 :船或其他船只的主体或外壳,包括底部、侧面和甲板。船 壳 材料:制作船壳的材料。所用的 材料包括玻璃纤维、钢、木材和复合材料。 挂 牌 价格:卖方要求的价格。这艘船可能会以不同的价格出售。制造商:帆船的制造 商。 单体帆船:只有一个船体的帆船,通常以一个沉重的龙骨(中心桨叶)为中心。 索 具 :由绳索、缆索和滑轮组成的系统,用来支撑和控制帆船的帆、舵和其他系统。 帆面积:一艘船的帆完全扬起时的总表面积。 变 体 :表示某一特定型号帆船的名称。例如,“Sun Odyssey 54 DS”

posted @ 2023-03-31 06:30  攻城狮小Liu  阅读(152)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报