Problem Z: The Future of the Olympics


The International Olympic Committee (IOC) is facing a decreasing number of bids to host the Olympics – both Summer and Winter Games[1]. In the past, hosting the Olympics was highly competitive and prestigious. More recently, however, host cities/nations have experienced a variety of short- and long-term negative impacts. To address these issues, innovative problemsolvers are considering various options and strategies. For example, perhaps the Summer and Winter Games should each have a permanent location. Another idea is to split the Olympic sports into four (instead of two) groups and hold four smaller Olympic Games (e.g., Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall). This system might somewhat relieve the burden of hosting such a large event.



COMAP’s Interdisciplinary Committee on Modern Games (ICMG) is interested in exploring creative options, strategies, and policies to ensure the Olympics are successful and continue to bring the world together through sport. Your task is to make recommendations in support of the ICMG’s work. The ICMG recommends building metrics for the impacts of hosting the games from various points of view: economic, land use, human satisfaction (athletes and spectators), travel, opportunity for future improvements, host city/nation prestige, and other criteria your team identifies. Consider the feasibility, timeline to implement, and impact of potential strategies on your metrics. Write a one-page memorandum to the IOC describing your strategy and policy recommendations. Your PDF solution of no more than 25 total pages should include: • One-page Summary Sheet that clearly describes your approach to the problem and your most important conclusions from your analysis in the context of the problem. • Table of Contents. • Your complete solution. • One-page memorandum. • Reference List. Note: The ICM Contest has a 25-page limit. All aspects of your submission count toward the 25- page limit (Summary Sheet, Table of Contents, Report, One-page memorandum, Reference List, and any Appendices). You must cite the sources for your ideas, images, and any other materials used in your report.



背 景

国际奥委会(IOC)正面临着夏季奥运会和冬季奥运会申办数量的减少[1]。在过去,举办奥运会 的竞争非常激烈,声望也很高。然而,最近,主办城市/国家经历了各种短期和长期的负面影 响。为了解决这些问题,创新的问题解决者正在考虑各种选择和策略。例如,也许夏季奥运 会和冬季奥运会都应该有一个固定的地点。另一种想法是将奥林匹克运动分为四个(而不是两 个)组,并举办四个较小的奥运会(例如,冬季、春季、夏季和秋季)。这样的制度可能会在一 定程度上减轻举办如此大型赛事的负担。


要 求

COMAP 的现代奥运会跨学科 委员会(ICMG)热衷于探索创造性 的选择、战略和政策,以确保奥运 会成功举办,并继续通过体育将世界团结在一起。你们的任务是提出建议,支持 ICMG 的工作。 ICMG 建议从各个角度建立主办奥运会影响的指标:经济、土地使用、人们的满意度(运动员和观 众)、旅行、未来改善的机会、主办城市/国家的声望,以及你的团队确定的其他标准。考虑可 行性、实施的时间线,以及潜在战略对你的指标的影响。向国际奥委会提交一份一页的备忘录, 描述你的战略和政策建议。 不超过 25 页的 PDF 解决方案应包括: •一页总结表,清楚地描述你解决问题的方法,以及你在问题的背景下分析得出的最重要 的结论。 •目录。 •您的完整解决方案。 •一页备忘录。 •参考名单。 注:ICM 大赛的篇幅限制为 25 页。你提交的所有内容都计入 25 页的限制(摘要表、目录、报告、 一页备忘录、参考文献清单和任何附录)。你必须为你的观点、图片和报告中使用的任何其他材 料注明出处。

posted @ 2023-03-31 06:26  攻城狮小Liu  阅读(30)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报