将存储过程写入C#中 有需要时则动态插入到数据库 免得麻烦
有时程序在调用数据库的存储过程时,调用前需要检查存储过程是否存在, 存在就直接调用,不存在就创建存储过程,然后在调用
if exists( select 1 from sys.all_objects where [type]='p' and [name]='yourprocedurename') begin exec yourprocedurename end
在.net 中执行一段程序,检查数据库中有没有某一个存储过程,如果没有,就在数据中创建一个存储过程.操作代码如下:
public static string UP_GetRecordByPage = @" IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[UP_GetRecordByPage]') AND type in (N'P', N'PC')) BEGIN EXEC dbo.sp_executesql @statement = N' CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[UP_GetRecordByPage] @tblName varchar(255), -- 表名 @fldName varchar(255), -- 主键字段名 @PageSize int = 10, -- 页尺寸 @PageIndex int = 1, -- 页码 @IsReCount bit = 0, -- 返回记录总数, 非 0 值则返回 @OrderType bit = 0, -- 设置排序类型, 非 0 值则降序 @strWhere varchar(1000) = '''' -- 查询条件 (注意: 不要加 where) AS declare @strSQL varchar(6000) -- 主语句 declare @strTmp varchar(100) -- 临时变量(查询条件过长时可能会出错,可修改100为1000) declare @strOrder varchar(400) -- 排序类型 declare @strSQL2 varchar(6000) -- 主语句 if @OrderType != 0 begin set @strTmp = ''<(select min'' set @strOrder = '' order by ['' + @fldName +''] desc'' end else begin set @strTmp = ''>(select max'' set @strOrder = '' order by ['' + @fldName +''] asc'' end set @strSQL = ''select top '' + str(@PageSize) + '' * from ['' + @tblName + ''] where ['' + @fldName + '']'' + @strTmp + ''(['' + @fldName + '']) from (select top '' + str((@PageIndex-1)*@PageSize) + '' ['' + @fldName + ''] from ['' + @tblName + '']'' + @strOrder + '') as tblTmp)'' + @strOrder if @strWhere != '''' set @strSQL = ''select top '' + str(@PageSize) + '' * from ['' + @tblName + ''] where ['' + @fldName + '']'' + @strTmp + ''(['' + @fldName + '']) from (select top '' + str((@PageIndex-1)*@PageSize) + '' ['' + @fldName + ''] from ['' + @tblName + ''] where '' + @strWhere + '' '' + @strOrder + '') as tblTmp) and '' + @strWhere + '' '' + @strOrder if @PageIndex = 1 begin set @strTmp ='''' if @strWhere != '''' set @strTmp = '' where '' + @strWhere set @strSQL = ''select top '' + str(@PageSize) + '' * from ['' + @tblName + '']'' + @strTmp + '' '' + @strOrder end exec (@strSQL) if @IsReCount != 0 begin set @strSQL2 = ''select count(*) as Total from ['' + @tblName + '']''+'' where '' + @strWhere exec (@strSQL2) end ' END ";