Snippet Editor代码段管理器

Feb 5th: 
NEW Screencast: Snippet Editor Tips and Tricks

NEW RELEASE includes support for VS 2010

Project Description
The Snippet Editor allows for easy management and creation of code snippets for Visual Studio.

This is the Snippet Editor, formely known as the VB Snippet Editor as linked to from the MSDN VB site.

Features include:
  • Complete snippet file management
  • basic syntax coloring
  • replacement highlighting
  • drag and drop file organisation

The Snippet Editor is a stand-alone exe suitable for all versions
of Visual Studio 2005, 2008 and 2010 including the Express editions:


The left hand pane provides for snippet collection management. 
You can select which of your product collection to edit, filter the 
collection based on a search phrase, add and remove snippets, 
add existing folders, remove folders from the collection and 
move snippets around by simple drag and drop.


The code editor provide basic syntax highlighting, and snippet 
replacement highlighting, navigation, editing, adding and deleting.
Resize the code editor pane, collapse or expand the Properties, 
Imports or References panes, and your layout is remembered for
next time you use the editor.


Enjoy :)

Last edited Feb 16 at 9:42 PM by BillMcC, version 8
posted @ 2012-09-12 12:21  C#老头子  Views(392)  Comments(0Edit  收藏  举报