


1.Installing Torch


git clone https://github.com/torch/distro.git ~/torch --recursive
cd ~/torch; bash install-deps;

The first script installs the basic package dependencies that LuaJIT and Torch require. 
The second script installs LuaJIT, LuaRocks,
and then uses LuaRocks (the lua package manager) to install core packages like torch, nn and paths, as well as a few other packages #
# On Linux with bash
source ~/.bashrc
# On Linux with zsh
source ~/.zshrc
# On OSX or in Linux with none of the above.
source ~/.profile

The script adds torch to your PATH variable. You just have to source it once to refresh your env variables. The installation script will detect what is your current shell and modify the path in the correct configuration file.
$ luarocks install image
$ luarocks list

New packages can be installed using Luarocks from the command-line:


  >>>th  使用该命令启动torch

     使用os.exit()退出touch 或者CTRL + C

  当测试的时候, 想引入lena的图像就会出错。解决办法:sudo apt-get install ipython-notebook


    >require "image" 
    >i = image.lena() 

  If you want to display images with th, you should use other display utilities such as gfx.go
Or, you can use qlua.





      cpu + gpu 环境,运行:

   th -i eval.lua

      出现unknown Torch class <torch.CudaTensor>

      用: th -i eval.lua --cuda


 - movie_lines.txt
    - contains the actual text of each utterance
    - fields:
        - lineID    
        - characterID (who uttered this phrase)
        - movieID
        - character name
        - text of the utterance
- movie_conversations.txt
    - the structure of the conversations
    - fields
        - characterID of the first character involved in the conversation
        - characterID of the second character involved in the conversation
        - movieID of the movie in which the conversation occurred
        - list of the utterances that make the conversation, in chronological
            order: ['lineID1','lineID2',É,'lineIDN']
            has to be matched with movie_lines.txt to reconstruct the actual content


posted on 2015-11-01 19:11  雨钝风轻  阅读(533)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报