摘要:haneWIN NFS ServerThe following options are supported:-name:<sharename>assigns a name to the exported path as an alternate name for mounting.-alldirsallows the host(s) to mount at any point within the filesystem.-umask:<mask>set the umask for group and world permissions on the filesystem
摘要:An Introduction to the Linux-based AssignmentsNote: Please use the class discussion board (you can find it on yourblackboard) as a communication and Q&A tool. Should you still need to send an e-mail inquiry, address it to the TA (Li Lu: llu at cs ...) and cc the instructor.A few words about QEMU
摘要:Booting Linux with U-Boot on QEMUARMPosted on 2010/04/1277In recent months I played with QEMU emulation of anARM Versatile Platform Board, making it runbare metal programs, theU-Bootboot-loader and aLinux kernelcomplete with aBusybox-based file system. I tried to put everything together to emulate a
摘要:U-BootThe U-Boot utility is a multi-platform, open-source, universal boot-loader with comprehensive support for loading and managing boot images, such as the Linux kernel.This book explains how to use U-Boot in a STLinux context. Introduction To U-BootUsing U-BootInstalling U-Boot On The HostInstal.
摘要:1、Suse12可以使用的最高版本为crosstool-ng-1.13.0,再高的版本会有编译错误信息2、编译时,选择arm-cotex-a8的模板,以及unknow-gnulinux-uclibc的uclibc配置选项,会报:[ERROR] Static linking impossible on the host system 'i686-build pc-linux-gnu'在配置菜单中,将c++的静态链接去掉下 3、编译时,报LD_LIBRARY_PATH环境变量已经被设置;unset一下就可以了;整体来, 比从suse10上一个一个的升级组件来编译要方便的多!