
勤学似春起之苗,不见其增,日有所长; 辍学如磨刀之石,不见其损,日所有亏!


uClinux 2.6.21 on LPC22XX / LPC2468

uClinux 2.6.21 on LPC22XX / LPC2468

Download and Install the snapgear tool chain (gcc 3.4.4)

In the Embedded Artists wmware image, download the following tool chain:

In terminal do the following:

  • $su
  • Password: root
  • $cd /
  • $tar zxvf <downloadpath>/arm-linux-tools-20061213.tar.gz
  • $exit

Download the sources

Setup the sources

  • 1) Untar the uClinux snapshop and remove the kernels

tar -zxvf <downloadpath>/uClinux-dist-20070130.tar.gz rm -r uClinux-dist/linux-2.0.x rm -r uClinux-dist/linux-2.4.x rm -r uClinux-dist/linux-2.6.x

  • 2) Make a new linux-2.6.x kernel from scratch

tar -jxvf <downloadpath>/linux2.6.21.tar.bz2 gzip -dc <downloadpath>/linux-2.6.21-uc0-big.patch.gz | patch -p0 cat <downloadpath>/linux-2.6.21-uc0-lpc2468.diff|patch -p0 mv linux-2.6.21 uClinux-dist/linux-2.6.x

  • 3) Install the BSP for LPC2468

tar -zxvf <downloadpath>/uClinux-bsp-lpc2468.tar.gz

Compile the kernel using the default setup

NOTE: For Embedded Artists LPC2468 OEM Board users: - The image is located uClinux-dist/linux2.6.x/arch/arm/boot/Image - The romfs is located uClinux-dist/images/romfs.img

- image has to be loaded @a0008000 - romfs has to be loaded @a1800000

posted on 2009-01-23 23:35  Wu.Country@侠缘  阅读(1299)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报