
勤学似春起之苗,不见其增,日有所长; 辍学如磨刀之石,不见其损,日所有亏!


Effective C# 第五章:和Framework一起工作(译)

Effective C# 第五章:和Framework一起工作
Chapter 5. Working with the Framework

我的同事,也是我的朋友Martin Shoemaker研究一个很严肃的问题,那就是:“我必须写这样的.Net代码吗?” 答案是,也希望是:不。你应该使用你手头上有的,也是你会用的工具来帮助你写代码。




Chapter 5. Working with the Framework
My friend and colleague Martin Shoemaker runs a great roundtable called "Do I Have to Write That .NET Code?" The answer is, hopefully, no. You should use all the tools at your disposal to avoid writing code that already exists and that you can use.

The .NET Framework is a rich class library. The more you learn about the framework, the less code you need to write yourself. The framework library will do more of the work for you. This chapter shows you some common techniques to get the most out of the .NET Framework. Other items help you choose the best option when multiple choices are available in the framework. You can write your classes and algorithms to utilize what's already there instead of fighting against it. The items in this chapter reflect the algorithms and classes that developers seem intent on building for themselves when they could easily use the .NET Framework. Sometimes it's because the framework isn't exactly what you need. In those cases, I show you how to extend the core functionality. Sometimes, it's because they don't understand how the core works. Sometimes, it's because they are overly concerned with performance.

Even with all the tools available in the framework, too many developers would rather create their own wheels. Don't write that codeespecially if someone else already did.


posted on 2007-03-26 19:36  Wu.Country@侠缘  阅读(581)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报