[创建型模式系列]Chain of Responsibility Pattern 责任链模式

1 Chain of Responsibility Concepts 责任链基础
        Chain of Responsibility is a kind of behaviour pattern for object. In the COR pattern, many objects which are referenced to next form a responsibility chain. and the  client request can be transfered on the chain until it has been processed. The requester who send s out the request will not know and does not need to know who will process his request. that makes it possible to re-allocate the tasks to process specific request without modifying the client codes.

2 some samples in real life现实生活中的责任链模式
  1)Transfering flower while rataplaning击鼓传花
        It's an old and tranditional game in China. Many people just sit down as a circle. then one people is given a flower. while rataplan begins, the follower is transfering from himself to his neighbour without break, this process continues only if the rataplan is going on; when the rataplan stops, the people who is catching the flower will get punished to drinking. haha , is it interesting?
        这是中国一个古老和好玩的游戏了。若干人坐成一圈,然后一个人开始拿着一朵花。鼓声响起,花开始不间断传递给其邻居。当鼓声停止时,手上执花者将接受惩罚--喝酒 :)

    2)Getting Approval level by level逐级审批
    In real life, different official position has different rights and responsibilties. for instance,President keeps catch with  VicePresident; VicePresident keeps catch with Managers; Managers from respectice groups keeps catch with normal staffs. when a staff has a request, he will send out it to his corresponding boss.  and then the request will b

e transfered on the responsiility chain.
        在现实生活中,不同的办公室职位都有着不同的权限和责任。例如,董事长管理副董事长,副董事长管理若干经理;相应的经理管理各自部门的员工。如果某个员工有某个请求需要审批,那么他会把请求递交给其上司,然后该请求开始在责任链上开始处理。 如果其经理能够处理,那么经理处理。如果不行,该请求传递给Vice President. 如果VicePresnent不能处理,则传递给President. 不同级别的人都有其相应的处理方法。

3. Chain of Responsibility Diagram and Code inplementation
     part I: class hirarchy diagram

     part II: implementation codes:

  public abstract class Approver
private string _name;
protected  Approver _successor;
abstract public void ProcessRequest(ClientRequest clientRequest);
public Approver(string name)
= name;

public void SetSuccessor(Approver successor)
= successor;

public string Name
return _name;



public class Director : Approver
public Director(string name)

public override void ProcessRequest(ClientRequest clientRequest)
if (clientRequest.Amount < 2500.0)
"your request has been processed by Director {0}, you can buy {1} {2} with the price {3}",
                                        Name, clientRequest.Number, clientRequest.ProductName, clientRequest.Number);


public class VicePresident : Approver
public VicePresident(string name)

public override void ProcessRequest(ClientRequest clientRequest)
if (clientRequest.Amount < 5000.00)
"your request has been processed by VicePresident {0}, you can buy {1} {2} with the price {3}",
                                        Name, clientRequest.Number, clientRequest.ProductName, clientRequest.Number);



public class President : Approver
public President(string name)

public override void ProcessRequest(ClientRequest clientRequest)
if (clientRequest.Amount < 10000.00)
"your request has been processed by President {0}, you can buy {1} {2} with the price {3}",
                                        Name, clientRequest.Number, clientRequest.ProductName, clientRequest.Number);
"your request amout is {0}, we need to hold a excuting meeting to detemine", clientRequest.Amount);



public class ClientRequest
private int _number;
private double _amount;
private string _productName;

public ClientRequest(int number, int amount, string productName)
= number;
= amount;
= productName;

public int Number
return _number;


public double Amount
return _amount;


public string ProductName
return _productName;



class Program
static void Main(string[] args)

            President Herengang 
= new President("He Ren Gang");
            VicePresident Guliqun 
= new VicePresident("Gu Li Qun");
            Director Guqunjie 
= new Director("Gu Qun Jie");

            ClientRequest request 
= new ClientRequest(1009999" Hasee Laptop");




posted on 2008-05-07 11:35  飞天舞者  阅读(382)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报


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