
What is Endpoint
    Every service is associated with an address that defines where the service is. a binding that defines how to communicate with the service, and a contract that defines what the service does.and they are abbreviated as ABC. That is to say, the endpoint is the fusion(融合) of the address, contract, and binding
    every service must expose at least one business endpoint and each endpoint has exactly one contract. all endpoints on a service have unique address, and a a single service can expose multiple endpint.  we can configure endpoints either administratively ussing a config file or programmatically.

Administratively Endpoint configuration
     a) a sample about config the endpoints administratively through config file
            <service name="myservice">
                 you can also specify the relative address of the endpoint,
                 the two former endpoints specified the absolute address all
in this config file, we have exposed two endpoints in one WCF service.

Binding configuration
    we can use the config file to customize the binding used by the endpint. To that end, add the bindingConfiguration tag to the endpoint section, and name a customized section in the bindings section of the config file. the following demostrations using this technique to enable transaction propagation(繁殖,传送)

        <service name="myservice">

posted on 2008-04-17 10:07  飞天舞者  阅读(384)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报


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