『嗨威说』数据结构 - 第四章学习内容小结
- 无论用户说什么,首先把对方说的话在一行中原样打印出来;
- 消除原文中多余空格:把相邻单词间的多个空格换成 1 个空格,把行首尾的空格全部删掉,把标点符号前面的空格删掉;
- 把原文中所有大写英文字母变成小写,除了 I;
- 把原文中所有独立的 I 和 me 换成 you;
- 把原文中所有的问号 ? 换成惊叹号 !;
- 把原文中所有独立的 can you 换成 I can —— 这里“独立”是指被空格或标点符号分隔开的单词;
- 在一行中输出替换后的句子作为 AI 的回答
6 Hello ? Good to chat with you can you speak Chinese? Really? Could you show me 5 What Is this prime? I,don 't know
Hello ? AI: hello! Good to chat with you AI: good to chat with you can you speak Chinese? AI: I can speak chinese! Really? AI: really! Could you show me 5 AI: could you show you 5 What Is this prime? I,don 't know AI: what Is this prime! you,don't know
1* 函数原型声明:
void deleteSymbolSpace(); void deleteSpace(); void bigToSmall(); void changePersonY(); void changePersonI(); void changeQ(); bool isIndenpend(char temp);
deleteSymbolSpace —— 删除符号前的空格
deleteSpace —— 删除多余空格
bigToSmall —— 将大写转小写
changePersonY —— 改变人称You
changePersonI —— 改变人称I me
changeQ —— 问号改为感叹号
isIndenpend —— 判断是否独立函数
2* 主函数框架构建:
int main() { scanf("%d",×); getchar(); while(times--) { memset(temp,0,sizeof(temp)); memset(tMark,0,sizeof(tMark)); cin.getline(temp,2000); puts(temp); changeQ(); bigToSmall(); deleteSpace(); changePersonY(); changePersonI(); deleteSpace(); deleteSymbolSpace(); printf("AI: "); puts(temp); } return 0; }
void deleteSymbolSpace() { memset(dealing,0,sizeof(dealing)); count = 0; for(int i = 0;i<strlen(temp);i++) { if(temp[i] == 32) { int flag = 0; if(temp[i+1]>=33 && temp[i+1]<=47) flag = 1; else if(temp[i+1]>=58 && temp[i+1]<=64) flag = 1; else if(temp[i+1]>=91 && temp[i+1]<=96) flag = 1; else if(temp[i+1]>=123 && temp[i+1]<=126) flag = 1; if(flag == 1) { dealing[count] = temp[i+1]; count++; i=i+1; } else { dealing[count] = temp[i]; count++; } } else { dealing[count] = temp[i]; count++; } } dealing[count] = '\0'; memset(temp,0,sizeof(temp)); strcpy(temp,dealing); }
4* deleteSpace函数的实现:
void deleteSpace() { int start = 0; int space = 0; memset(dealing,0,sizeof(dealing)); count = 0; for(int i = 0;i<strlen(temp);i++) { if(start == 0 && temp[i] == 32) continue; else if(start == 0 && temp[i] != 32) { start = 1; dealing[count] = temp[i]; count++; continue; } if(temp[i] == 32) { if(space == 1) continue; if(tMark[i] == 1) continue; space = 1; dealing[count] = 32; count++; } else { space = 0; dealing[count] = temp[i]; count++; } } if(dealing[count-1] == 32) dealing[count-1] = '\0'; else dealing[count] = '\0'; memset(temp,0,sizeof(temp)); strcpy(temp,dealing); }
5* bigToSmall函数的实现:
void bigToSmall()//实际上可以用tolower代替 { for(int i = 0;i<strlen(temp);i++) { if( temp[i] >= 65 && temp[i] <= 90) { if(temp[i] == 'I') continue; temp[i] = temp[i] + 32; } } }
6* changePersonY函数的实现:
void changePersonY() { for(int i = 0;i<strlen(temp);i++) { int flag = -1; if(i != 0 && !isIndenpend(temp[i-1])) continue; if(temp[i] == 'c' && temp[i+1] == 'a' && temp[i+2] == 'n') flag = 3; else if(temp[i] == 'c' && temp[i+1] == 'o' && temp[i+2] == 'u' && temp[i+3] == 'l' && temp[i+4] == 'd') flag = 5; if(flag != -1) { int mark = 0; if(temp[i+flag]>=32 && temp[i+flag]<=47) mark = 1; else if(temp[i+flag]>=58 && temp[i+flag]<=64) mark = 1; else if(temp[i+flag]>=91 && temp[i+flag]<=96) mark = 1; else if(temp[i+flag]>=123 && temp[i+flag]<=126) mark = 1; if(mark == 1) { if(temp[i+flag+mark] == 'y' && temp[i+flag+mark+1] == 'o' && temp[i+flag+mark+2] == 'u') { if(temp[i+flag+mark+3] != '\0' && !isIndenpend(temp[i+flag+mark+3])) continue; temp[i] = 'I'; tMark[i] = 1; temp[i+1] = temp[i+flag]; if(flag == 3) { temp[i+2] = 'c'; temp[i+3] = 'a'; temp[i+4] = 'n'; } else if(flag == 5) { temp[i+2] = 'c'; temp[i+3] = 'o'; temp[i+4] = 'u'; temp[i+5] = 'l'; temp[i+6] = 'd'; } temp[i +flag+2] = ' '; temp[i +flag+3] = ' '; tMark[i +flag+2] = tMark[i +flag+3] = 1; i = i +flag+3; } } } } }
7* changePersonI函数的实现:
void changePersonI() { memset(dealing,0,sizeof(dealing)); count = 0; for(int i = 0;i<strlen(temp);i++) { if(temp[i] == 'I' && isIndenpend(temp[i+1]) && tMark[i] == 0) { if(i != 0 && !isIndenpend(temp[i-1])) { dealing[count] = temp[i]; count++; continue; } dealing[count] = 'y'; dealing[count+1] = 'o'; dealing[count+2] = 'u'; count += 3; } else if(temp[i] == 'm' && temp[i+1] == 'e' && isIndenpend(temp[i+2])) { if(i != 0 && !isIndenpend(temp[i-1])) { dealing[count] = temp[i]; count++; continue; } dealing[count] = 'y'; dealing[count+1] = 'o'; dealing[count+2] = 'u'; count += 3; i = i + 1; } else { dealing[count] = temp[i]; count++; } } dealing[count] = '\0'; memset(temp,0,sizeof(temp)); strcpy(temp,dealing); }
8* changeQ的函数实现:
void changeQ() { for(int i = 0;i<strlen(temp);i++) if(temp[i] == '?') temp[i] = '!'; }
9* isIndenpend函数的实现:
bool isIndenpend(char temp) { int mark = 0; if(temp>=32 && temp<=64) mark = 1; else if(temp>=91 && temp<=96) mark = 1; else if(temp>=123 && temp<=126) mark = 1; else if(temp == '\0') mark = 1; return mark; }
#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include<iostream> using namespace std; //------------------------ void deleteSymbolSpace(); void deleteSpace(); void bigToSmall(); void changePersonY(); void changePersonI(); void changeQ(); bool isIndenpend(char temp); //------------------------ int times; char dealing[2001]; int count; char temp[2001]; int tMark[2001]; int main() { scanf("%d",×); getchar(); while(times--) { memset(temp,0,sizeof(temp)); memset(tMark,0,sizeof(tMark)); cin.getline(temp,2000); puts(temp); changeQ(); bigToSmall(); deleteSpace(); changePersonY(); changePersonI(); deleteSpace(); deleteSymbolSpace(); printf("AI: "); puts(temp); } return 0; } void deleteSymbolSpace() { memset(dealing,0,sizeof(dealing)); count = 0; for(int i = 0;i<strlen(temp);i++) { if(temp[i] == 32) { int flag = 0; if(temp[i+1]>=33 && temp[i+1]<=47) flag = 1; else if(temp[i+1]>=58 && temp[i+1]<=64) flag = 1; else if(temp[i+1]>=91 && temp[i+1]<=96) flag = 1; else if(temp[i+1]>=123 && temp[i+1]<=126) flag = 1; if(flag == 1) { dealing[count] = temp[i+1]; count++; i=i+1; } else { dealing[count] = temp[i]; count++; } } else { dealing[count] = temp[i]; count++; } } dealing[count] = '\0'; memset(temp,0,sizeof(temp)); strcpy(temp,dealing); } void deleteSpace() { int start = 0; int space = 0; memset(dealing,0,sizeof(dealing)); count = 0; for(int i = 0;i<strlen(temp);i++) { if(start == 0 && temp[i] == 32) continue; else if(start == 0 && temp[i] != 32) { start = 1; dealing[count] = temp[i]; count++; continue; } if(temp[i] == 32) { if(space == 1) continue; if(tMark[i] == 1) continue; space = 1; dealing[count] = 32; count++; } else { space = 0; dealing[count] = temp[i]; count++; } } if(dealing[count-1] == 32) dealing[count-1] = '\0'; else dealing[count] = '\0'; memset(temp,0,sizeof(temp)); strcpy(temp,dealing); } void bigToSmall()//实际上可以用tolower代替 { for(int i = 0;i<strlen(temp);i++) { if( temp[i] >= 65 && temp[i] <= 90) { if(temp[i] == 'I') continue; temp[i] = temp[i] + 32; } } } void changePersonY() { for(int i = 0;i<strlen(temp);i++) { int flag = -1; if(i != 0 && !isIndenpend(temp[i-1])) continue; if(temp[i] == 'c' && temp[i+1] == 'a' && temp[i+2] == 'n') flag = 3; else if(temp[i] == 'c' && temp[i+1] == 'o' && temp[i+2] == 'u' && temp[i+3] == 'l' && temp[i+4] == 'd') flag = 5; if(flag != -1) { int mark = 0; if(temp[i+flag]>=32 && temp[i+flag]<=47) mark = 1; else if(temp[i+flag]>=58 && temp[i+flag]<=64) mark = 1; else if(temp[i+flag]>=91 && temp[i+flag]<=96) mark = 1; else if(temp[i+flag]>=123 && temp[i+flag]<=126) mark = 1; if(mark == 1) { if(temp[i+flag+mark] == 'y' && temp[i+flag+mark+1] == 'o' && temp[i+flag+mark+2] == 'u') { if(temp[i+flag+mark+3] != '\0' && !isIndenpend(temp[i+flag+mark+3])) continue; temp[i] = 'I'; tMark[i] = 1; temp[i+1] = temp[i+flag]; if(flag == 3) { temp[i+2] = 'c'; temp[i+3] = 'a'; temp[i+4] = 'n'; } else if(flag == 5) { temp[i+2] = 'c'; temp[i+3] = 'o'; temp[i+4] = 'u'; temp[i+5] = 'l'; temp[i+6] = 'd'; } temp[i +flag+2] = ' '; temp[i +flag+3] = ' '; tMark[i +flag+2] = tMark[i +flag+3] = 1; i = i +flag+3; } } } } } void changePersonI() { memset(dealing,0,sizeof(dealing)); count = 0; for(int i = 0;i<strlen(temp);i++) { if(temp[i] == 'I' && isIndenpend(temp[i+1]) && tMark[i] == 0) { if(i != 0 && !isIndenpend(temp[i-1])) { dealing[count] = temp[i]; count++; continue; } dealing[count] = 'y'; dealing[count+1] = 'o'; dealing[count+2] = 'u'; count += 3; } else if(temp[i] == 'm' && temp[i+1] == 'e' && isIndenpend(temp[i+2])) { if(i != 0 && !isIndenpend(temp[i-1])) { dealing[count] = temp[i]; count++; continue; } dealing[count] = 'y'; dealing[count+1] = 'o'; dealing[count+2] = 'u'; count += 3; i = i + 1; } else { dealing[count] = temp[i]; count++; } } dealing[count] = '\0'; memset(temp,0,sizeof(temp)); strcpy(temp,dealing); } void changeQ() { for(int i = 0;i<strlen(temp);i++) if(temp[i] == '?') temp[i] = '!'; } bool isIndenpend(char temp) { int mark = 0; if(temp>=32 && temp<=64) mark = 1; else if(temp>=91 && temp<=96) mark = 1; else if(temp>=123 && temp<=126) mark = 1; else if(temp == '\0') mark = 1; return mark; }

int KMP(char* str,char* pat) { int i,j,k; memset(fail,-1,sizeof(fail)); for(i = 1;pat[i];++i) { for(k = fail[i-1];k>=0 && pat[i] != pat[k+1];k = fail[k]); if(pat[k+1] == pat[i]) fail[i] = k + 1; } i = j = 0; while(str[i] && pat[j]) { if(pat[j] == str[i]) ++i,++j; else if(j == 0) ++i; else j = fail[j-1] + 1; } if(pat[j]) return 0; else return i-j+1; }