What's new in this version:
- New version of the CCI reflection engine.
- New presentation style and document model code named “VSORCAS”. Please see http://blogs.msdn.com/sandcastle/archive/2007/06/17/introducing-a-new-document-model-design-code-named-vsorcas.aspx.
- New ResolveReferenceLinks2 component replacing the existing ResolveReferenceLinks component.
- Added 2 new executables under production tools folder. They are SegregateByAssembly.exe and AggregateByNamespace.exe. These are used for building componentized assembly level HxS or CHM. I will blog more details about these in the coming weeks.
- Configure MrefBuilder to get dependencies from GAC. Please see changes to MrefBuilder.config file for details.
- Moved several common files to Presentation\shared folder.
- Support for recursively reading file. Please see changes to configuration files below for details.
- Added build.proj under Examples/Sandcastle folder. This Msbuild project file will generate chm/Hxs build from test.cs. Usage details below.