【Azure】Azure 命令行接口 (CLI)

Azure CLI


  • azure login
az login                                        # open brewser to login
az login -u <username> -p <password>            # usename and password login
az login --tenant <tenant>                      # use different tenant login
  • switch tenant
az account list --output table                  # list accounts as table
az account set --subscription "Wilson"          # switch others subscriptions    


  • vm list

List details of Virtual Machines

az vm list --output table                       # list virtual machines as table 
az vm list --output table -d                    # list virtual machines details as table
az vm list -g ResourceGroup --output table      # list virtual machines of ResourceGroup as table
  • vm create

Create an Azure Virtual Machine

az vm create -n vm_name -g resource_group --image UbuntuLTS                 # Create a default Ubuntu VM
az vm create -n vm_name -g resource_group --image my_image                  # Create a VM from a custom managed image
az vm create -n vm_name -g resource_group --image centos --count 3          # Create multiple VMs(vm_name1, vm_name2, vm_name3)
  • az vm restart

Restart a VM.

az vm restart -n vm_name -g resource_group                                  # Restart a VM
az vm restart --ids $(az vm list -g resource_group --query "[].id" -o tsv)  # Restart all VMs in a resource group
  • az vm update

Update the properties of a VM.

az vm update -n vm_name -g resource_group --set tags.tagName=tag_name       # Add or update a tag
az vm update -n vm_name -g resource_group --remove tags.tagName             # Remove a tag
  • az vm resize

Update a VM's size.

az vm resize -n vm_name -g resource_group --size Standard_DS3_v2            # Resize a VM
az vm resize --size Standard_DS3_v2 --ids $(az vm list -g resource_group --query "[].id" -o tsv)    # Resize all VMs in a resource group
  • az vm start

Start a stopped VM

az vm start -n vm_name -g resource_group                                    # Start a stopped VM.
az vm start --ids $(az vm list -g resource_group --query "[].id" -o tsv)    # Start all VMs in a resource group
  • az vm stop

Power off (stop) a running VM.

az vm stop -n vm_name -g resource_group                                     # Power off (stop) a running VM
az vm stop -n vm_name -g resource_group --skip-shutdown                     # Power off a running VM without shutting down.
az vm stop --ids $(az vm list -g resource_group --query "[].id" -o tsv)     # Power off VMs in a resource group
  • az vm delete

Delete a VM.

az vm delete -n vm_name -g resource_group --yes                             # Delete a VM without a prompt for confirmation
az vm delete --ids $(az vm list -g resource_group --query "[].id" -o tsv)   # Delete all VMs in a resource group

az webapp

  • az webapp browse

Open a web app in a browser.

az webapp browse -n app_name -g resource_group                               # Open a web app in a browser
  • az webapp create

Create a web app.

az webapp create -n app_name -g resource_group -p plan                                              # Create a web app with the default configuration.
az webapp create -n app_name -g resource_group -p plan --runtime "java|11|Java SE|8"                # Create a web app with a java|11|Java SE|8 runtime using '|' delimiter
az webapp create -n app_name -g resource_group -p plan -i image_name -s username -w password        # Create a web app with an image from a private DockerHub registry.
az webapp create -n app_name -g resource_group -p plan -i myregistry.azurecr.io/docker-image:tag    # Create a web app with an image from a private Azure Container Registry.
  • az webapp list

List web apps.

az webapp list --query "[?state=='Running']"                                                        # List all running web apps.
az webapp list --query "[].{hostName: defaultHostName, state: state}"                               # List default host name and state for all web apps.
  • az webapp show

Get the details of a web app.

az webapp show -n app_name -g resource_group                                                        # Get the details of a web app. (autogenerated)
az webapp show -n app_name -g resource_group --output table                                         # List the details of table format
  • az webapp ssh

SSH into a web app. (Only Linux App Service Plans supported)

az webapp ssh -n app_name -g resource_group                                                         # ssh into a web app
  • az webapp start

Start a web app.

az webapp start -n app_name -g resource_group                                                       # Start a web app. (autogenerated)
  • az webapp stop

Stop a web app.

az webapp stop -n app_name -g resource_group                                                        # Stop a web app. (autogenerated)
  • az webapp update

Update a web app.

az webapp update -n app_name -g resource_group --set tags.tagName=tagValue                          # Update the tags of a web app.
az webapp update --https-only true -n app_name -g resource_group                                    # Update a web app. (autogenerated)
  • az webapp delete

Delete a web app.

az webapp delete -n app_name -g resource_group                                                      # Delete a web app. (autogenerated)



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