leetcode 007 Reverse Integer

9. Palindrome Number


Total Accepted: 119423 Total Submissions: 378311 Difficulty: Easy

Determine whether an integer is a palindrome. Do this without extra space.

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package com.archer;
 * @author Archer
 * 题意:高位换低位 低位换高位
 * 题解: java int 32位  -2147483648----2147483648
 * 	   考虑溢出的问题,可能原数不会溢出,但是转职后会溢出 如测试数据中的1534236469
public class Solution {
	public int reverse(int x) {
		long ans=0;		//flag 0表示负数,1表示整数
		while(x != 0){
			ans = ans*10 + x%10;
			x /= 10;
			if(ans >= 2147483647 || ans <= -2147483647){
				return 0;
		return (int)ans;



posted on 2016-04-19 19:56  ArcherCheng  阅读(139)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报